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All-Purpose LittleBigPlanet 3 [CLOSED]
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#1 Posted: 12:01:28 12/06/2014 | Topic Creator
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LittleBigPlanet 3 E3 2014 Trailer

LitteBigPlanet 3 is another installment in the LittleBigPlanet franchise that is heading to Playstation 3 and PlayStation 4 this November! In development by Sumo Digital ltd, X Dev Europe, the latest adventure for Sackboy was first revealed at Sony's Press Conference at E3 2014 on June 9th!


LittleBigPlanet 3 E3 2014 Demo

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Oddsock, is one adorable shaped sock who moves about using four legs like a pet dog. The adorable smile on his face hides more than just an adorable feeling as this awesome, ride-able creature can bounce up and over walls as well as travel at a quick speed which can power things up!

Toggle (Big and Small)

Any size is just as good as anything else, and Toggle is the best way to show-off that any size matters! With this awesome fellow, you can toggle between small toggle who is a light-weight creature that can also walk on waterand big toggle who is a heavy-weight, can move heavy objects out of the way, and will send you to the bottom of the water! Toggle is such an awesome word, as its meaning can have a powerful tune behind it, and that neat gimmick is that it can toggle between any other character while playing a level!


What's that in the air, is it a bird? Is it a plane? Oh wait, its actually a bird! A fellow bird named Swoop that feels the air while it glides around to unreachable places helping to grasp those hard-obtaining prize bubbles and can carry other players up in the air majestically to land them somewhere else!


Of course, no game will be a LittleBigPlanet game with the one and only, Sackboy! Sackboy is back once again and with some neat abilities! Sackboy will be climbing his way on walls which you can see in the footage above, as well as having many power-ups to his grasp!

What's really cool is that a creator can choose which characters they want to have in their own level, whether it can be all of them or just only one of them! All of these characters are also playable and are customization-friendly as well!

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The Magic of Layers!

As introduced in the beginning of the 3d demo. Sackboy can now interchange more smoothly between layers with the addition of "creative layers for increased depth in the game world so Sackboy and friends can now jump in and out of the screen right before your eyes, climb up stairs, skate down slides and zip-line on a puffy sponge"!

These additional layers (which makes it 16!) wields the player unimaginable amount of control as going out out in the far or close to the near will allow creativity to form very 3D-esque creations! There are also layer specific bounce pads that bounce you to a certain layer and certain portals to teleport you! Not to mention the power of sliding to get to one layer to another in a wonderful use of Z axis capability which can bring a true platforming experience!

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Incredible Power-Ups!

If there has to be a time where LittleBigPlanet has to shine, it would have to be the additions of the power-ups! Now, what this a real deal is that we can now make our own power-ups thanks to one of the tools, the power-up creator!

How it works is that you can stick a 3D mesh onto's sackboy's hand and mess around with it by adding logic to it!

Now here is the best part. Sackboy can have more than one power-up at a time! You may ask how is this possible? Thank the wonderful and handy feature of the sack-pocket! Now this useful piece acts like an inventory where you can store power-ups! So if you want to make an RPG per say, the player will now have more awesome abilties than ever, and you, the creator, can make those powers!

Other than creating your own power-ups, there are a ton of ones already available to use such as the Pumpinator which blasts a strong gust of wind to move things and can also suck in almost anything that comes in its path! A couple more that was in the trailer was a tennis racket (my guess is custom made), a paint brush, and a torch!

List of power-ups:

Blink Ball
Hook Hat

(Over 60 new tools in the game!)

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Now LittleBigPlanet 3 will be backwards compatible and you will be able to play levels from the first and second LittleBigPlanet game in LittleBigPlanet 3! These levels are looking better than ever. The team picks section will look strong and more vibrant as all games will share the same server meaning a wonderful mix of developer-favorite levels!

However, you can not use the new characters in the old levels, but this does assure the logic will be somewhat similar and who knows about the levels with the 3D layer glitch already, they could transfer over with the glitch in tact!

If you play LittleBigPlanet 3 on the PS3, you will be able to play levels that are created on PlayStation 4. (And vice-versa, of course.)

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Ha! HA, sage ich.
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 11:59:09 15/06/2014 by CountMoneyBone
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#2 Posted: 12:17:12 12/06/2014
They all look FRICKIN adorable, I am pumped!

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Dyno-Mite Ripto Gems: 92
#3 Posted: 12:48:56 12/06/2014
What's the purpose of a PS3 release?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#4 Posted: 13:03:54 12/06/2014
Quote: Dyno-Mite
What's the purpose of a PS3 release?

For those who want to experience the new tools and mechanics, but can't afford a PS4 or don't want one.

Anyway, this was the most exciting thing at Sony's E3 for me, and it's one of the only titles coming this year. I'll be picking up the PS4 version for sure.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#5 Posted: 13:06:15 12/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Dyno-Mite
What's the purpose of a PS3 release?

sony support their gaming consoles for 10+ years. also the ps3 ain't no old wii, it can be compared to the wiiu power-wise. so if you dont have a ps4 to play this game, you can do it on the ps3 too now, its just awesome smilie
Ha! HA, sage ich.
InsomDog Platinum Sparx Gems: 6974
#6 Posted: 20:19:01 12/06/2014
They made this for the PS3 originally, didn't they? Then decided to upgrade the visuals and release it on PS4. Not that I have a problem with this, I love LittleBigPlanet and this entry looks awesome. I just feel as though the project could have been more ambitious, making good use of the PS4's hardware and creating something epic.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#7 Posted: 20:57:33 12/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: InsomDog
They made this for the PS3 originally, didn't they? Then decided to upgrade the visuals and release it on PS4. Not that I have a problem with this, I love LittleBigPlanet and this entry looks awesome. I just feel as though the project could have been more ambitious, making good use of the PS4's hardware and creating something epic.

lbp4 thats when you will get a version only for the ps4. and that probably with happen 3-4 years from lbp3 release. its like the ps4 is raiding on the ps3 tail now days, a lot of games get two versions like lbp3.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#8 Posted: 04:29:04 13/06/2014
I'm so excited for this game! I am really looking forward to Oddsock, because he looks like a mini whale. :-)
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:29:48 13/06/2014 by Hot Dog 542
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#9 Posted: 14:38:19 13/06/2014 | Topic Creator
I been watching presentation again and i notice few things that people may miss. Sackpocket allows you to make sackboy spawn with powerup.
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This seams to look like you have more sets of animations you can use in cinematic:
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Now this one interesting.... you can rotate character in diffrent angle so you can make him look somewhere in background or diffrent angle:
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You can also see diffrent sackboy animation on him puting his hand on chin like thinking. Also you seem o able to do that during gameoplay as you can see on tennis level, also look at crowd + i captured mounted oddsock
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Ha! HA, sage ich.
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#10 Posted: 18:43:19 13/06/2014
I don't mean to complain or sound like a whiny hater, but I really do wish the "copy level" option will be removed.. Please.

This. So much. There were too many duplicated levels if one wanted to go on to the 'cool levels' option or whatever it's called. .-.
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#11 Posted: 11:12:13 14/06/2014 | Topic Creator
some more awesome news smilie

Stephen Fry returns for LittleBigPlanet 3. Who can forget the lovely words uttered by narrator Stephen Fry. The games just wouldn’t feel the same without British actor and comedian. Fans of the series should be pleased to know the man himself will reprise his role in the third outing.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:50:18 14/06/2014 by CountMoneyBone
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#12 Posted: 12:03:59 15/06/2014 | Topic Creator
more news...

Little Big Planet 3 NEW GAMEPLAY @ E3 2014!!

Esmeralda talks to Jonathan Christian, the lead designer of LittleBigPlanet 3, about what fans can expect from the three new characters and gameplay additions in the LBP universe.

Ha! HA, sage ich.
Dyno-Mite Ripto Gems: 92
#13 Posted: 01:32:00 16/06/2014
I'm dissapointed with no PSVita version.
sky-dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3206
#14 Posted: 09:44:52 16/06/2014
Hope they Don't keep pushing the release of the game like they did with lbp2
"ryuujin no ken wo kurae!"
InsomDog Platinum Sparx Gems: 6974
#15 Posted: 11:35:16 16/06/2014
Quote: Dyno-Mite
I'm dissapointed with no PSVita version.

Hopefully, a LBPV 2 will be made in the future.
Dyno-Mite Ripto Gems: 92
#16 Posted: 13:47:31 16/06/2014
Quote: InsomDog
Quote: Dyno-Mite
I'm dissapointed with no PSVita version.

Hopefully, a LBPV 2 will be made in the future.

As long as we see Tearaway 2 and Gravity Rush 2 first, I'd be all for that.
goldenrushducks Yellow Sparx Gems: 1572
#17 Posted: 14:50:25 28/06/2014
ah yes. i remember.
i got every game, i can't wait for this.
i even bought the collectors edition for the ps3 2 years ago.
what? I'm not poor.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#18 Posted: 09:52:34 17/08/2014 | Topic Creator
some new info.....

New layer tools

Powerup Creator

New Character Customisation

Touchpad used in create mode
Ha! HA, sage ich.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#19 Posted: 09:55:44 17/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Trailer - Create mode & Sharing features
Ha! HA, sage ich.
MetallicDragon Red Sparx Gems: 47
#20 Posted: 16:47:59 18/08/2014
Wait, it's coming for the PS3 as well? Yay! At e3 they only had a PS4 announcement so I quit paying attention since a PS4 is a long ways out of my reach. But I get to play it after all! smilie
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#21 Posted: 17:14:55 18/08/2014
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