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Help... Yes this is about Trap Team [CLOSED]
Cooltonium Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#1 Posted: 13:13:46 30/04/2014 | Topic Creator
So I don't know what to do should I get Trap Team for a Wii or a PS3?

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Rattlebuckler Gold Sparx Gems: 2298
#2 Posted: 13:15:40 30/04/2014
do you care about graphics
We’re 106 miles from Chicago we got a full tank of gas a half a pack of cigarettes it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses hit it -blues brothers
Cooltonium Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#3 Posted: 13:16:59 30/04/2014 | Topic Creator
buy dangerous woman on itunes
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:20:34 30/04/2014 by Cooltonium
Rattlebuckler Gold Sparx Gems: 2298
#4 Posted: 13:20:25 30/04/2014
graphics wise ps3 but gameplay wise wii
We’re 106 miles from Chicago we got a full tank of gas a half a pack of cigarettes it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses hit it -blues brothers
Cooltonium Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#5 Posted: 13:21:41 30/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Which one is more important? Gameplay or graphics?
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Rattlebuckler Gold Sparx Gems: 2298
#6 Posted: 13:22:34 30/04/2014
to me game play i dont give a hoot a bout graphics so really game play
We’re 106 miles from Chicago we got a full tank of gas a half a pack of cigarettes it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses hit it -blues brothers
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#7 Posted: 13:23:21 30/04/2014
I think PS3, definitely, better graphics (really better), and the better processing will mean less lag and possibly more game content. And SF's Wii version is infamous. I'd say PS3 is a clear winner, love the Wii though I do.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Cooltonium Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#8 Posted: 13:24:59 30/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Cuz I got the Wii for SF but the graphics where a little erp erp :/
buy dangerous woman on itunes
Rattlebuckler Gold Sparx Gems: 2298
#9 Posted: 13:26:08 30/04/2014
wii is the clear winner take away the graphics you got really good game play
We’re 106 miles from Chicago we got a full tank of gas a half a pack of cigarettes it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses hit it -blues brothers
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#10 Posted: 13:26:11 30/04/2014
Wii, if yojr are an easy guy
Ps3, if aaaal you care for is graphics.
Cooltonium Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#11 Posted: 13:29:32 30/04/2014 | Topic Creator
So really your all pretty much leaning towards Wii am I right or am I right
buy dangerous woman on itunes
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#12 Posted: 13:36:03 30/04/2014
I think is way too soon, to decide.
The Wii version for Swap Force, had a lot of bugs, was very laggy, sometimes, lacked some contents and also required some long chargings between the two halves of a level, beside of the bad graphics.
But, this time, TfB is taking care again of the Wii version, instead of Beenox, so, we'll have to wait and see...
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#13 Posted: 13:40:58 30/04/2014
It's not too soon.

It's not even a thought.

You have a stronger system. You have a system with better online options.
Comparatively, you have a system that is actually two generations old instead of one (it's just a Gamecube), barely able to keep up, poor online options, and the lsat version was super glitchy because - frankly no one cared.

Go PS3.
- Unreall
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#14 Posted: 13:55:06 30/04/2014
I love the Wii and played SSA and SG on it, but SF on I've used PS3. I'm not looking back. This thread won't help you make your decision as it's a personal preference. Be glad you still have options. Not sure we'll get that in #5.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Sboy13 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3355
#15 Posted: 13:58:49 30/04/2014
Even though we dont actually know anything about how these versions will perform yet, basing on the last game I would go with PS3 as well. Better graphics, possibly more content, (If they treat the Wii version the same way as last time) better performance. Honestly, all three games on the Wii lagged at times...
Purple dragon.
mantez Emerald Sparx Gems: 3167
#16 Posted: 14:17:41 30/04/2014
Why would the gameplay be any different on the wii compared to PS3? It's the same game. Get it on the PS3, Wii is dead time to move on.
Gullible is not in the dictionary.
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#17 Posted: 14:26:45 30/04/2014
Quote: mantez
Why would the gameplay be any different on the wii compared to PS3? It's the same game. Get it on the PS3, Wii is dead time to move on.

Exactly my thought. Why in the world is that guy saying Wii for "gameplay"?? Is he trying to sabotage the OP?!
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defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#18 Posted: 14:49:00 30/04/2014
Let me put it this way - I'm glad the Wii version isn't holding the game back anymore as of Swap Force. Jumping to a more advanced lead platform made a HUGE difference in the graphics this year. Whether you like the "tone" or not, no one can deny the graphics are significantly more complex and detailed in Swap Force. I have a feeling that going forward they will feel less and less inclined to make sure the Wii version stays in parity.

PS3 version, no question whatsoever.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#19 Posted: 15:47:10 30/04/2014
The gameplay is the same for Wii/PS3 in every game I've tried on both systems (SSA and Giants), except for the occasional Wiimote flick, and the turrets use the Wiimote pointing mechanic if I remember correctly.
As for graphics, I'm going to borrow a few pics from Dark52's thread for this one:

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

In my personal opinion, the PS3 version wins by a landslide.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#20 Posted: 17:00:11 30/04/2014
Get Ps3, the Wii version is horrible graphics wise and gameplay wise (the wii version of swap force had less stuff like less elemental gates, more glitches and stuff) if you are smart, go with the ps3
what even is this site anymore lmao
Pyrofer Gold Sparx Gems: 2495
#21 Posted: 17:04:59 30/04/2014
Look for a WiiU bargain pack and snap it up. It's a great system and the games are fun.
Get Trap Team on the Wii U.
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#22 Posted: 17:45:34 30/04/2014
Quote: Pyrofer
Look for a WiiU bargain pack and snap it up. It's a great system and the games are fun.
Get Trap Team on the Wii U.

That's something I need to look into. Right now I've got a 360, a PS3, a WiiU and a XBOne. I was planning on getting it on the XBOne, but I wonder what they'll do with the Wii Pad...
- Unreall
Pyrofer Gold Sparx Gems: 2495
#23 Posted: 17:57:32 30/04/2014
if you have an XBone I would say get STT on that, it's probably slightly better graphically.
I am not sure they will do much with the pad, they didn't on Swap Force did they?
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#24 Posted: 00:35:22 01/05/2014
If, in this game, the Wii version isn't full of glitches, go for the Wii version imo.
DragonDog Ripto Gems: 1798
#25 Posted: 00:45:25 01/05/2014
It is clearly to early to decide. Who knows? Maybe by October Toy's for Bob will get some better graphics for the Wii... I have a Wii so I'm just gonna stick to that. Meh... I can live if the graphics are terrible. I don't see why so many people are freaking out about it.
willster8 Gold Sparx Gems: 2383
#26 Posted: 01:34:28 01/05/2014
I used a Wii for the past three games, I honestly wish I would've had a different system. The graphics were terrible and there were multiple things missing from the Wii game that were in the other system versions. Luckily, I got an Xbox360 for Christmas, I will definitely be getting Trap Team for the Xbox.
SkylandersGamer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1434
#27 Posted: 04:16:51 01/05/2014
Graphics aren't everything people

Get the PS3 version it probably will be better
Pyrofer Gold Sparx Gems: 2495
#28 Posted: 08:49:40 01/05/2014
Please can somebody explain exactly WHAT is better about the Wii version than 360 or ANY of the games?

as far as I can see SSA/Giants is the exact same game with same gameplay but worse graphics...

What is it you think makes it better?
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#29 Posted: 17:19:18 01/05/2014
Ditching the Wii is going to have them moving on to online play. Don't buy the Wii version. Upgrade to a Wii U which plays all the Wii games and be done with it already.

Buy the Wii U version and let's get more games for that system already.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#30 Posted: 17:23:28 01/05/2014
Quote: Pyrofer
Please can somebody explain exactly WHAT is better about the Wii version than 360 or ANY of the games?

as far as I can see SSA/Giants is the exact same game with same gameplay but worse graphics...

What is it you think makes it better?

Just folks trying to validate an old paper weight.

Don't buy the Wii Version. Honestly, the practical options are PS4, XBone, and Wii U. You have 5 months to find a deal.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
shadowfox Platinum Sparx Gems: 5084
#31 Posted: 17:27:25 01/05/2014
Nintendo is stopping support of the wii's wifi this month sooooo lack of patches if the wii messes up could be sketch.
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#32 Posted: 17:31:08 01/05/2014
Quote: Earth-Dragon
Quote: Pyrofer
Please can somebody explain exactly WHAT is better about the Wii version than 360 or ANY of the games?

as far as I can see SSA/Giants is the exact same game with same gameplay but worse graphics...

What is it you think makes it better?

Just folks trying to validate an old paper weight.

Don't buy the Wii Version. Honestly, the practical options are PS4, XBone, and Wii U. You have 5 months to find a deal.

Agree to the nth degree.

I actually got my Wii U because my Wii died.

But with all the package deals at this point, I fully expect a packaged Trap Team Wii U for like $250. You can trade in your Wii and some games and cut the price to like $175 or $200, if you've got some of the big First party titles that are finally going to get a proper Wii U release like Mario Kart and Smash Bros, you can trade those in too and drop the price to like $125 or $150. So subtract the cost ($75) of the game and you'll be getting a brand new more future proof system for roughly $75 bucks. All the old accessories will still work too, so you won't be spending 'more' than the cost of the console either.

And some call me stuck up for comments like this on other forums, but it's how I really feel.

If you are going to get into a game/series like Skylanders, where you are giving away money for on disc content - then you can't complain about spending $75-$100 to play it on a Wii U instead.
- Unreall
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5662
#33 Posted: 22:29:23 01/05/2014
Quote: shadowfox
Nintendo is stopping support of the wii's wifi this month sooooo lack of patches if the wii messes up could be sketch.

There aren't even patches on Wii.
words. letters. filler.
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#34 Posted: 00:14:10 09/05/2014
Like the other versions ever got patched~
what even is this site anymore lmao
Jt23 Red Sparx Gems: 13
#35 Posted: 15:35:38 04/03/2015
PS3 because PS3 has better graphics
Skylanders Trap team is a good game!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#36 Posted: 15:48:51 04/03/2015
Graphics don't make the game.
Do go for PS3,though,Wii version is glitched as heck.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:49:02 04/03/2015 by Bifrost
Greeble Emerald Sparx Gems: 4384
#37 Posted: 16:13:35 04/03/2015
Quote: Kevin16
Get Ps3, the Wii version is horrible graphics wise and gameplay wise (the wii version of swap force had less stuff like less elemental gates, more glitches and stuff) if you are smart, go with the ps3

It's the same game whichever system you get it on, so where you you get that there was less content?

The only real difference is the graphics, but if you don't care about that, go with the Wii.
^ You all know it's true
darkchylde28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2175
#38 Posted: 16:42:58 04/03/2015
Quote: Greeble
Quote: Kevin16
Get Ps3, the Wii version is horrible graphics wise and gameplay wise (the wii version of swap force had less stuff like less elemental gates, more glitches and stuff) if you are smart, go with the ps3

It's the same game whichever system you get it on, so where you you get that there was less content?

The only real difference is the graphics, but if you don't care about that, go with the Wii.

Activison/Toys For Bob/Vicarious Visions have consistently had to cut content out of the last two Skylanders games to get them to work on the Wii. As I have consistently chosen the PS3 (over my Wii, 360, etc.), I can't recall specifically what's missing, but there was a huge round of complaints when Swap Force came out about it and some mentions last year about the same thing happening in Trap Team.

The Wii has hardware equivalent (roughly) the the PS2, which is 15 years old today. The PS3/360/PS4/XBONE are all incredibly overpowered in comparison and since the Wii stopped being the main development platform after Giants, it really just can't handle the newer games. If there's a choice between the Wii version and any other full version of the game, skip the Wii. You'll be avoiding glitches, missing content and all sort of other problems that the other games haven't had.

In regard to patches? The only reason none of the Skylanders games have received any significant patches has had to do with the fact that the Wii can't receive or process patches. Activision/Toys For Bob wanted to keep all of the platforms equal, so no patches were released for any other consoles thanks to the Wii's technical limitations. While the Wii was a good system for its time, it's time to retire it and move on. If you love the platform, get a Wii U. Time to move into the future.

SSA: Complete, SG: Complete, SSF: Complete, STT: Complete (Save Yawn Traps), SSC: Complete (To Date) + Various Chase/Promotional Variants
bgnome Green Sparx Gems: 346
#39 Posted: 18:02:34 04/03/2015
Quote: darkchylde28
While the Wii was a good system for its time, it's time to retire it and move on. If you love the platform, get a Wii U. Time to move into the previous generation.


Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#40 Posted: 18:09:02 04/03/2015
I don't see a Nintendo Wii U And Everyone Else. So technically it's still the same gen.
(What I need is never what I want)
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#41 Posted: 18:29:13 04/03/2015
Quote: bgnome
Quote: darkchylde28
While the Wii was a good system for its time, it's time to retire it and move on. If you love the platform, get a Wii U. Time to move into the previous generation.



Nintendo has decided to release systems that are in between generations. They used to not always be the first in a console generation, and instead released a better system. But they gave that up years ago, it seems. Now they release a less powerful system than current generation, but instead focus on different play and cheaper consoles for kids and families to buy. But, officially, the original Wii was part of the PS3/XBox360 generation (Wii-2006, PS3-2006, Xbox 360-2005) and the Wii U was part of the current generation (releasing only one year before PS4/XBoxOne).
darkchylde28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2175
#42 Posted: 18:42:57 04/03/2015
Quote: bgnome
Quote: darkchylde28
While the Wii was a good system for its time, it's time to retire it and move on. If you love the platform, get a Wii U. Time to move into the previous generation.



Nope. The Wii was released alongside the PS3 and Xbox 360 and the Wii U launched relatively right before the PS4 and Xbox One, making it Nintendo's current generation system and, technically, the future from the Wii. Until Nintendo replaces the Wii U (which they did not do with "The New 3DS"), it will remain current gen for Nintendo fans/users.

Quote: obidawsn
Nintendo has decided to release systems that are in between generations. They used to not always be the first in a console generation, and instead released a better system. But they gave that up years ago, it seems. Now they release a less powerful system than current generation, but instead focus on different play and cheaper consoles for kids and families to buy. But, officially, the original Wii was part of the PS3/XBox360 generation (Wii-2006, PS3-2006, Xbox 360-2005) and the Wii U was part of the current generation (releasing only one year before PS4/XBoxOne).


SSA: Complete, SG: Complete, SSF: Complete, STT: Complete (Save Yawn Traps), SSC: Complete (To Date) + Various Chase/Promotional Variants
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#43 Posted: 19:57:55 04/03/2015
Quote: Jt23
PS3 because PS3 has better graphics

Did you really have to bump a 10 month old topic?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#44 Posted: 20:15:56 04/03/2015
Necroing topics seems to be just fine here if the person is adding *something* to the topic - haven't bothered with reporting that for a while.
(What I need is never what I want)
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
#45 Posted: 20:37:24 04/03/2015
Get none of those two, get the WiiU or even get the Tablet version
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#46 Posted: 21:14:13 04/03/2015
Yeahhhh... If these are your only options..

Go Ps3..
darkchylde28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2175
#47 Posted: 22:03:04 04/03/2015
Quote: Badwolfmichael
Yeahhhh... If these are your only options..

Go Ps3..

Amen. Is it bad that the only use my Wii has anymore is as a backup GameCube in case mine finally dies? lol!

SSA: Complete, SG: Complete, SSF: Complete, STT: Complete (Save Yawn Traps), SSC: Complete (To Date) + Various Chase/Promotional Variants
Eternal Harvest Green Sparx Gems: 356
#48 Posted: 00:47:48 05/03/2015
ps3 version the wii version has been glitchy if I'm correct, I play on 360, but the ps3 should be around the same, and no problems for 360 for me
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#49 Posted: 01:20:47 05/03/2015
Don't bump dead topics.

It's against the rules, people.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
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