

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8767
#15651 Posted: 23:28:33 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

Most of the users you mention make sex jokes. ._.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15652 Posted: 00:15:05 31/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar

Quote: Trix Master 100
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

Are they serious? Do they think rape is a joke? It's not. Make sure they get expelled. Them bastards need a good ass whippin'.

Sometimes I wish I can hug you through this computer screen.

They're the kind of kids who don't listen in lessons and think they can do anything because they have a dick.
Screw the computer screen XD *hugs anyway* thank you :)

Pretty soon they'll be named Dick-less. *hugs back*

Quote: somePerson
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

Most of the users you mention make sex jokes. ._.

We make sex jokes for fun and not meant for serious crap. That and we make Sex jokes, but not Rape jokes. Major difference.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#15653 Posted: 00:16:35 31/01/2014
Quote: somePerson
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

Most of the users you mention make sex jokes. ._.

Do I?

@Jaggedstar- Report them ASAP.
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#15654 Posted: 00:17:07 31/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

I'm a little surprised you didn't report them immediately.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#15655 Posted: 01:00:12 31/01/2014
I was brushing my teeth, and I noticed I have one more molar on the left side of my mouth than my right. Is that bad?
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15656 Posted: 01:03:21 31/01/2014
Quote: ShadowMewX
I was brushing my teeth, and I noticed I have one more molar on the left side of my mouth than my right. Is that bad?

No. Perhaps you other right molar will grow in. Later though.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15657 Posted: 01:46:16 31/01/2014

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15658 Posted: 01:48:48 31/01/2014
... Ugh, I hate writing poetry. I hope this is good enough to turn in for credit... Ugh, I'm pretty sure it's horrible. I don't have the guts to show it to my mom for judgement. Might as well hope for the best..
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#15659 Posted: 02:53:46 31/01/2014
Quote: hardcoreignitor

Isn't he French? =_="
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#15660 Posted: 02:57:29 31/01/2014
Thanks Dad... Every time it seems like things will get better, you begin a lonely rant of how living is such a waste... And claim you don't belong anywhere, that you have no place in this world. ._. Really now?
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#15661 Posted: 02:57:40 31/01/2014
A woman died in the metro this morning.
It was interesting though, as she didn't jump onto the rails or something, her scarf got stuck on the escalator, followed by her hair, and it appears she had a panic attack and died.
Luckly it was in a station I didn't know existed.
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#15662 Posted: 02:57:52 31/01/2014
Sometimes I hate the person this has made me, but sometimes I don't mind it. I suppose this is who I am now, so I shouldn't bother with who I was...
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15663 Posted: 03:13:57 31/01/2014
Quote: HIR
Quote: hardcoreignitor

Isn't he French? =_="

Canada's Secpnd Language is French smilie

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#15664 Posted: 03:14:59 31/01/2014
My Mother used to say to me when I would piss her off "Carol you made that bed, now go sleep in it" Damn Mom, you were so right! God how I wish you were here. Mom I made my bed and I will sleep in it. Mom I miss you and I love you so much. I'm gonna see you someday and I will get that *hug* ^.^
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15665 Posted: 03:23:21 31/01/2014
TOM-Clever smilie
sP-Those are harmless jokes. The stuff those boys were saying, though, was not.
Ninpire-I was too scared.

I've told my aunt about everything and she's going to their parents about it.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15666 Posted: 03:27:46 31/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
TOM-Clever smilie
sP-Those are harmless jokes. The stuff those boys were saying, though, was not.
Ninpire-I was too scared.

I've told my aunt about everything and she's going to their parents about it.

Amen! smilie

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15667 Posted: 03:42:24 31/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
TOM-Clever XD
sP-Those are harmless jokes. The stuff those boys were saying, though, was not.
Ninpire-I was too scared.

I've told my aunt about everything and she's going to their parents about it.

Make sure she threatens them with a Lawyer.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7403
#15668 Posted: 04:06:01 31/01/2014
When I don't have a boyfriend, I want a boyfriend.
And when I have a boyfriend, I don't want a boyfriend.
Is that weird? :/
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6139
#15669 Posted: 05:30:16 31/01/2014
I have the best husband ever! *hugs DC* Thank you so much for the Shiny Chandelure. I feel like I owe you so much since you keep giving me these random shinies, though I don't really have any Pokemon to give you in X. D: Stupid Bank, come out sooner so I can shower DC in Pokemon. Otherwise I will buy him gift cards and he doesn't like it when I give him money....

I love you, DragonCamo! Thank you so much, I owe you big time! <3
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15670 Posted: 06:50:15 31/01/2014
Quote: Spyro-Gamer
When I don't have a boyfriend, I want a boyfriend.
And when I have a boyfriend, I don't want a boyfriend.
Is that weird? :/

Nah... I had that twice, nothing wrong with. Probs you are not realy satisfied about the boyfriend you have?

Trust me, as soon as you found one you cant rant about you'll see this situation dissapearing.
Alas I hate long-distance...Amerika and The Netherlands are too far from each other...
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15671 Posted: 13:05:58 31/01/2014
Quote: Seiki
I have the best husband ever! *hugs DC* Thank you so much for the Shiny Chandelure. I feel like I owe you so much since you keep giving me these random shinies, though I don't really have any Pokemon to give you in X. D: Stupid Bank, come out sooner so I can shower DC in Pokemon. Otherwise I will buy him gift cards and he doesn't like it when I give him money....

I love you, DragonCamo! Thank you so much, I owe you big time! <3

N'awwwww so sweet!
This is what true love looks like, OBAMA

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#15672 Posted: 19:51:57 31/01/2014
I'm very worried about my track career. I've fallen behind and I never participated in any meet this PSAL year. At first it was orders but now it's because of my laziness and lack of effort... I want to keep running but I hate asking so often when practice is because I feel like a misinformed fool. And I'm worried about the result of my final exam in trig. I feel like I failed.
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#15673 Posted: 20:06:12 31/01/2014
Well it just happens to be my luck that I got an outdated graphic card on my new computer and that the new computer ordered (family computer which I'm using right now.) didn't work. I'll be going to the store today to get another new PC.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#15674 Posted: 22:49:01 31/01/2014
So much I want to say. But fear blocks me. When I finally get enough courage to say's sad how 2 words can make me feel so many emotions.
Him: like who in particula

Me: um...

Him: just say it. you know i wont say anything or think differently of you

Me: You.....

Him: oh ok
and i dont think anything different of you

I told him...I guess on one hand I feel...relieved? He knows, don't have to carry that burden anymore.
So many thoughts and situations are buzzing around in my head right now. Most all are bad, at least for me.
I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now.
In that confused emotion fueled moment, I might have said something I didn't and shouldn't have said.
He was there for me the whole time this was happening...I should be thanking him.

Gay 4 GARcher
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#15675 Posted: 22:54:13 31/01/2014
Quote: DragonCamo
So much I want to say. But fear blocks me. When I finally get enough courage to say's sad how 2 words can make me feel so many emotions.
Him: like who in particula

Me: um...

Him: just say it. you know i wont say anything or think differently of you

Me: You.....

Him: oh ok
and i dont think anything different of you

I told him...I guess on one hand I feel...relieved? He knows, don't have to carry that burden anymore.
So many thoughts and situations are buzzing around in my head right now. Most all are bad, at least for me.
I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now.
In that confused emotion fueled moment, I might have said something I didn't and shouldn't have said.
He was there for me the whole time this was happening...I should be thanking him.


Aww, don't worry, in the long run, you'll get him. *pats on shoulder* If you love something, let it go, if it comes back, it's yours.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15676 Posted: 23:45:17 31/01/2014
I think if I was told sooner. I might have put more consideration into my choice of such a b-day party. But no. Always told at the last second for me.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#15677 Posted: 01:04:59 01/02/2014
I saw what you did there..being curious I did look it up..OMG NOOOOOO! smilie
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15678 Posted: 01:07:25 01/02/2014
there's so much in this head of mine
but fear blocks it IRL
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15679 Posted: 01:32:21 01/02/2014
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!
My life is complete.
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#15680 Posted: 02:16:22 01/02/2014
Oh hey MF! IDK if your post was legitimate, but if so, I'm sorry you had to go through that pain ;~;
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15681 Posted: 02:21:38 01/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

Going to be honest here.

Why would you ever want to return to a website that made you want to kill yourself? I mean, I know there were IRL things as well, but if this was a contributing factor it seems really foolish to return to it.
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#15682 Posted: 02:29:38 01/02/2014
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

Going to be honest here.

Why would you ever want to return to a website that made you want to kill yourself? I mean, I know there were IRL things as well, but if this was a contributing factor it seems really foolish to return to it.

I think I might have a crush on you.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15683 Posted: 02:33:32 01/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

*Throws confetti*

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Starfire Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5317
#15684 Posted: 02:34:18 01/02/2014
Good grief! D:<
Television really needs to stop with the stupid make-up commercials smilie
When I look at a girl, I want to see the girl!
Not the stupid make-up smilie
My Dragon Art & Stuff
PSN: Starfire--Dragon
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15685 Posted: 02:35:44 01/02/2014
Quote: Starfire Dragon
Good grief! D:<
Television really needs to stop with the stupid make-up commercials smilie
When I look at a girl, I want to see the girl!
Not the stupid make-up smilie

I am sick of seeing ladies that look like oranges.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10478
#15686 Posted: 02:40:21 01/02/2014
I personally think that there are no such things as facts. There are only things that seem to happen at most probable times. This rule applies to every aspect of our everyday lives and beyond. One plus one is two but who is the one who determines those terms? A straight angle is 180 degrees but who is to determine those values in the most primordial levels? Even though I believe that every one of us can affect our own fates and destinies, there are some probable occurrences we cannot take out of count. We are allowed to take the risks and their ramifications because we are humans. Mistakes make us who we are. As long as we live day-by-day trying to be the best what we can, we will have no problems whatsoever.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15687 Posted: 02:40:54 01/02/2014
Quote: Project_Unnamed
I personally think that there are no such things as facts. There are only things that seem to happen at most probable times. This rule applies to every aspect of our everyday lives and beyond. One plus one is two but who is the one who determines those terms? A straight angle is 180 degrees but who is to determine those values in the most primordial levels? Even though I believe that every one of us can affect our own fates and destinies, there are some probable occurrences we cannot take out of count. We are allowed to take the risks and their ramifications because we are humans. Mistakes make us who we are. As long as we live day-by-day trying to be the best what we can, we will have no problems whatsoever.

I like cheese

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#15688 Posted: 02:41:47 01/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

that is total bull**** wow
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15689 Posted: 02:44:20 01/02/2014
Quote: arceustheprime
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

that is total bull**** wow

Like your mom?

Dun mess wif mai fwiend *pouty face*

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15690 Posted: 02:45:02 01/02/2014
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: arceustheprime
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

that is total bull**** wow

Like your mom?

Dun mess wif mai fwiend *pouty face*

whoa where the f did that come from
self professed austGAYlian
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#15691 Posted: 02:47:14 01/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

[User Posted Image]

it reeks
Starfire Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5317
#15692 Posted: 02:53:03 01/02/2014
Quote: Spyrobaro


Quote: Starfire Dragon
Good grief! D:<
Television really needs to stop with the stupid make-up commercials smilie
When I look at a girl, I want to see the girl!
Not the stupid make-up :

sometimes girls like to wear makeup and you can't change it

and besides, commercials are deeper than that. visual artists sometimes actually go in to the video and make the girls thinner and remove any blemishes and stuff. that's way worse than something that a girl could choose to wear.

I don't mind a girl wearing a little makeup, but when they over use it I have a problem with it. Especially the eye shadow, I've seen some girls walking around that looked like they had two black eyes. I've also seen one or two that looked like raccoons. What are they going to do, rob someone smilie
And don't get me started on the stupid spray-on tans.
My Dragon Art & Stuff
PSN: Starfire--Dragon
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15693 Posted: 02:55:10 01/02/2014
Quote: Starfire Dragon
Quote: Spyrobaro


Quote: Starfire Dragon
Good grief! D:<
Television really needs to stop with the stupid make-up commercials >:(
When I look at a girl, I want to see the girl!
Not the stupid make-up :

sometimes girls like to wear makeup and you can't change it

and besides, commercials are deeper than that. visual artists sometimes actually go in to the video and make the girls thinner and remove any blemishes and stuff. that's way worse than something that a girl could choose to wear.

I don't mind a girl wearing a little makeup, but when they over use it I have a problem with it. Especially the eye shadow, I've seen some girls walking around that looked like they had two black eyes. I've also seen one or two that looked like raccoons. What are they going to do, rob someone XD
And don't get me started on the stupid spray-on tans.

girls can where whatever the **** amount of makeup they want, and it isn't your place to tell them what to do with themselves.
self professed austGAYlian
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15694 Posted: 02:56:47 01/02/2014
Quote: Starfire Dragon
Quote: Spyrobaro


Quote: Starfire Dragon
Good grief! D:<
Television really needs to stop with the stupid make-up commercials smilie
When I look at a girl, I want to see the girl!
Not the stupid make-up :

sometimes girls like to wear makeup and you can't change it

and besides, commercials are deeper than that. visual artists sometimes actually go in to the video and make the girls thinner and remove any blemishes and stuff. that's way worse than something that a girl could choose to wear.

I don't mind a girl wearing a little makeup, but when they over use it I have a problem with it. Especially the eye shadow, I've seen some girls walking around that looked like they had two black eyes. I've also seen one or two that looked like raccoons. What are they going to do, rob someone smilie
And don't get me started on the stupid spray-on tans.


hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#15695 Posted: 02:58:29 01/02/2014
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: arceustheprime
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

that is total bull**** wow

Like your mom?

Dun mess wif mai fwiend *pouty face*

u havin a gigl m8?
Starfire Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5317
#15696 Posted: 03:06:55 01/02/2014
Quote: ReshiramForever
Quote: Starfire Dragon
Quote: Spyrobaro


sometimes girls like to wear makeup and you can't change it

and besides, commercials are deeper than that. visual artists sometimes actually go in to the video and make the girls thinner and remove any blemishes and stuff. that's way worse than something that a girl could choose to wear.

I don't mind a girl wearing a little makeup, but when they over use it I have a problem with it. Especially the eye shadow, I've seen some girls walking around that looked like they had two black eyes. I've also seen one or two that looked like raccoons. What are they going to do, rob someone smilie
And don't get me started on the stupid spray-on tans.

girls can where whatever the **** amount of makeup they want, and it isn't your place to tell them what to do with themselves.

True and I'm not trying to.
I guess its the fact that I can't find any logic in wearing so much.
To me its just pointless smilie
My Dragon Art & Stuff
PSN: Starfire--Dragon
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#15697 Posted: 03:09:05 01/02/2014
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: arceustheprime
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

that is total bull**** wow

Like your mom?

Dun mess wif mai fwiend *pouty face*

are you stuck in 2008
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#15698 Posted: 03:55:23 01/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
Hi guys. I am back. *looks at replies*

OMG. I feel so loved. Hugs for everybody!!!!!!! Ahhhh yes i know im in horrible condition, but I didnt know you guys cared so much...*sniffling* Im kind of okay now and my brother is surprised as well. Sorry if my writing is sloppy i dont have full use of my body yet. Thanks EVERYBODY for all the support omg! Im speechless really, i dont know what to say, other than that, Im back!

Yeah! I'm so glad you're feeling better. If you ever need some1 to talk to, or just to rant at, you can talk to me.
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