darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Next stinking wave
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Yellow Sparx
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#1 Posted: 23:56:23 30/01/2014 | Topic Creator
When's it coming out already? Good grief. Takes these idiots forever to release these things.
Emerald Sparx
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#2 Posted: 00:00:19 31/01/2014
the next wave will be out by 3/1/15
Blue Sparx
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#3 Posted: 00:13:18 31/01/2014
Platinum Sparx
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#4 Posted: 00:51:07 31/01/2014
3/1/15.. He's just kidding around.
Or he typed it wrong, then he's just lying.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
Gold Sparx
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#5 Posted: 01:10:37 31/01/2014
No evidence = Total BS...
Need accurate & evident release info on Skylanders Imaginators... |
Yellow Sparx
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#6 Posted: 01:35:03 31/01/2014
Quote: Himewad
They've actually done great to date. We've had a two-three week lull....not a big deal. There's only nine left, not including variants...pretty good considering shelf space as to remain "justifiable" for retailers for the next nine months. I however, am feeling anxious for some more landers. So on that point alone I understand your plight. Quote: lordexodus
Well...duh. This was a vent thread and an ask to see if anyone had the 411. I think it's obvious that there's exactly NO information out there...and when we do know about it it will be within a few days of a release. My .02--we'll have something released in a timeframe not to exceed 30 days between now and when it's all done. We'll have "something" new monthly as a given.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 03:44:08 31/01/2014 by GhostRoaster
Emerald Sparx
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#7 Posted: 03:11:07 31/01/2014
inb4 everything just leaks out for the rest of the year and there's no new "wave".
I'd expect something around March or April. Easter is a bit later this year, the 20th I believe. Usually that's around the time when we see new stuff come out. Whether it be a special figure or a new wave. I don't really expect anything before that.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic? Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15] |
Emerald Sparx
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#8 Posted: 06:12:02 31/01/2014
Quote: Himewad
Likes a franchise. Calls its creators "idiots".
bye |
Blue Sparx
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#9 Posted: 08:33:14 31/01/2014
Quote: Himewad
Well on the bright side, you have less to hunt for in the meantime. And you have more time to accumulate monies to buy future figs. So it's not a total loss. Also, relax. I want to know about the new waves too, but getting angry isn't going to make them come faster. If anything, it'll just give you heartburn. You could try doing something constructive while you wait. Say, repaint a fig you have in any manner you wish, or make fanart and silly captions. There's loads you can do to distract yourself if you wish.
SF 13 SF, 19 reg, 5 LC, TT, FF, JBB Got: extra Cynders, 1 Lgd Trigger Happy. WE WON THE SUPERBOWL!! WOOHOO!! |
Arc of Archives
Yellow Sparx
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#10 Posted: 09:22:31 31/01/2014
Disclaimer: I am not trying to make it out in this post like every American fan waiting for new waves is a whining brat or something. Those of you sitting around who only want one or two favourites and not much else, just sitting down not saying anything waiting for the two Skylanders leaked months ago who you thought looked cool, you guys are real champs. But there are people who need to get it in their heads that it's impossible for Activision to magically speed this up super fast and they HAVE been making a gradual improvement with these releases, not just sitting on their bums. All of those people are who this post is directed towards. Also, I don't mean to "blame" said people, but they need to be patient... Seriously, and be grateful for the things that have improved.
At least Wave 3 in America wasn't broken into Adventure/Battle Pack, THEN SWAP Force/LightCore a month later, THEN [presumably] Cores/Reposes weeks later. Now THAT'S stretching out releases! We still don't have Quickdraw or even Legendary Night Shift, which the US had access to a month/months ago, for the record. I'm just sayin', be glad you aren't living here, and into this franchise, simeltainously. ;P I understand how waiting for new 'landers is annoying- but stop making it out like every three-week gap is the longest wait ever, people. The releases in the US are much faster than they ever were in SA or Giants, and you're given way more than the international countries. For the first time, you even got the game before any other countries- how much do you need!? By the way, I'll just leave this quote here. It's from Crash Mania Forums, regarding Activision's neglect of Crash Bandicoot, but I think some of you may be thinking this way subconsciously. ![]() This post might seem hypocritical coming from me who loves to criticise everything in SF, but imagine all the times I could have criticised other things about the franchise I haven't. And notice that I have been trying to make more "positive" posts as well. ![]() No matter how quickly Activision releases these, there will always be some issue... If they bring them out all at once people will "get bored of the game too fast" because they'll have played all the characters and have nothing left to do, and if they don't, people will complain that "they can't use their favourite characters". Seriously, everyone like that, just put a sock in it. There are games besides Skylanders and other hobbies you can enjoy when there aren't new Skylanders out. If you're bored of waiting for Skylanders, maybe stop thinking about it and play other games? ![]() ![]() It's perfectly fine to criticise things, but that doesn't mean just ignoring everything that IS good and just looking for things that you can whinge about. People have ALWAYS been complaining about this system and now that Acti is actually improved upon the US release system, I don't see many people praising that. Imagine what a massive task it must be to actually manufacture and get all those toys- I don't think that's quite as simple to fix as some people make it out to be,
My new account. |
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 09:53:39 31/01/2014 by Arc of Archives
Baron Sharpfin
Green Sparx
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#11 Posted: 17:04:35 31/01/2014
^ Well said I find the waiting exciting anyway, it wouldn't BE exciting if Activision spoiled us
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Yellow Sparx
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#12 Posted: 17:08:18 31/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: newkill
Yes, yes I do. On both counts. One being true doesn't cause the other to be untrue. I've been railing on these nimrods and stretching out the releases of figures ever since SSA. I want the figs, and I want them when the game is released. Quote: TheLurk
I don't need time to accumulate "monies" to buy the figs. I'm an adult with a job. I can afford them any time I want. I also don't need to relax. I'm not angry - I'm just pointing out my frustration with the suits that have made consistent decisions to spread out the release of these figures year after year. And I'm not going to paint figures or whatever else you mentioned. I have better things to do with my free time.
Sunny Castanets
Gold Sparx
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#13 Posted: 17:11:02 31/01/2014
Still waiting on Wave 3 here in the UK, but it is definitely frustrating to have to wait!
joeiscool Yellow Sparx Gems: 1873 |
#14 Posted: 17:11:42 31/01/2014
I heard Gamestop was expecting them on February 33rd.
-joeiscool |
Emerald Sparx
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#15 Posted: 17:12:43 31/01/2014
No one needs Wave 4 yet I mean really Wave 3 just came and out and it isn't even fully released.
5.7. |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#16 Posted: 17:16:25 31/01/2014
Yeah... it seems like Wave 3 *just* came out (could be because I just got SWI a short while ago)...
Gold Sparx
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#17 Posted: 17:22:08 31/01/2014
This came up when we were awaiting wave 3 and I'll say the same thing without going into too much detail. I think the spreading out of releases is both smart for Activision, the retail stores and customers all around. It continues to keep the game fresh and people coming into the stores and continued income for Activision all year long. If everything was released at once, there would be a lot bought at once, then quickly die off. Without the hype of new releases, players would get bored (especially if they got everything in the first days) and just give up on the game. It also helps with store space and distribution as it would be difficult to find the space and distribute them all at once. It would be a nightmare for the stores and distribution to release them all at once. As for the customers, they don't have to worry about getting them all at once or figure out which ones to buy, when. Just because you're rich and have a lot of spare money doesn't mean everyone else does. In fact, most people (I would say over 80-90% and I'm low balling it...it's probably more like 95%) do not have the income to go buy everything at once. Especially when the target audience is kids. Spreading them out the way they do is smart to spread the customer's money out, too. There's a reason they have a release in October and a couple of waves for the first couple of months. It's a popular Christmas gift. After Christmas, they release another wave to attract those kids with Christmas money. After that it usually becomes closer to Easter so parents can put Skylanders in their Easter baskets. It usually dies down after that as they gear up for the next game release. So stop complaining. The suits are actually smarter than you. Just because you're impatient doesn't mean someone else is an idiot because they don't follow what you want.
Look at most toy lines (at least figures with lots of different items to be released). They don't release them all at once. They spread them out every few months. |
Blue Sparx
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#18 Posted: 17:41:08 31/01/2014
Quote: obidawsn
I agree with your comments about spacing them out. My only gripe I have is the order they do it in. I say in the first 2 maybe 3 waves you should release all the new figures. Then after that is done release the variants and reposes. When they start showing the game and getting you hyped for it they show all the new characters, but you can't get them all till right before the next new game comes out. That doesn't make sense to me. If they want to release them in the way they are they shouldn't show the new characters till right before they release them. That way the kids and even adults can get that initial hype they had when they saw the videos leading up to the game throughout the releases of the figures. Every child has there favorites and normally its the newer ones that they haven't seen before. So I think to help parents with Christmas and holidays they should make those available first. The collector and the ones that want all the figures are still gonna buy the rest of them as they come out throughout the last few waves. Just my thoughts on it. I don't mind waiting but I'm also not gonna go back and replay the whole game in late August or September because I finally got the last new character that came for the game. |
Platinum Sparx
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#19 Posted: 18:03:19 31/01/2014
Easter is a time where video games/toys are very popular. I expect to see something by then.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
Emerald Sparx
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#20 Posted: 18:29:22 31/01/2014
I am happy using the time to get all my old level 15 figures to level 20. There are a lot of them to do.
Blue Sparx
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#21 Posted: 18:34:02 31/01/2014
To me I am glad for the wait these things get expensive when you want to buy the whole next wave at once like my kids and I do, gives them and me time to re coupe the money.
Yellow Sparx
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#22 Posted: 18:54:08 31/01/2014
I think another reason Activision would rather spread out there releases is to spread their profit out over 12 months instead of just one. This helps with budgeting and looks better for investors.
To me, I don't mind the spread releases, exclusives, or order in which they release figures. I just wish that they had solid release dates with plenty of quantities for customers. That's not all on Activision though, as they don't control the retailers. I wouldn't be surprised if manufacturing effects release quantities as well. Which brings up the extra costs of releasing all figures at once. |
Green Sparx
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#23 Posted: 19:22:41 31/01/2014
You also have to think in this time period between Waves is good for the company and impulse buyers. Waiting for the next wave, they see a Skylander that they would perhaps pass by if they had the option of all at once. But they grab it now, and when the next Wave hits, they get the one they want as well. Not great on our wallets at time, but hey that's business lol.
Tumblr Blog about the Skylanders TCG I am creating: http://skylandertcg.tumblr.com 2/24 is Stealth Elf week! |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#24 Posted: 20:10:52 31/01/2014
Spreading out the waves is smart, both for us and them. It spreads out our purchases and allows people to find figures in a wave before having even more stuff to find. Not everyone tracks them down when they first come out. By the time the next one rolls around, you usually see most of the previous wave regularly - it is happening now, they have many of the last wave on shelves regularly around here - I saw several pegs of the new swappers the last time I went to TRU (and they hadn't just arrived, I asked).
For Activision, it gives them time to build up anticipation and lengthen the franchise excitement leading up to the next game. Now, if I were to express a preference for change I would prefer they at least give rough timeframes of when a new Wave would be out and what is in it. The only thing we have to go on now is impressions from previous years and early heads up from retail employees. Of course, that would backfire too - as soon as they said something, people would be in retailers hounding them about figures. People never read the press release, and make assumptions. It would cause headaches. An employee at TRU was telling me he got hounded by a customer because they didn't have green Gil Grunt in yet and he was in their advertisement - and this was in November. The ad clearly stated when he was due out, but no that didn't stop people from demanding the retailer live up to their lack of reading. |
Gold Sparx
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#25 Posted: 21:21:13 31/01/2014
I don't agree that all the new figures should be release early. It's the new figures that bring hour and entice customers to come back. Most people really don't care about variants and reposes. Even me, who's someone who gets the benefits of having the new repose and like variants, don't really have the interest in wasting my money on all of them. My son got a Super Gulp Pop Fizz after Christmas because his cousin got it for Christmas. She said she already had it, but I almost bet that he just had a S1 Pop Fizz and didn't really get the difference. That's probably typical of the majority of people (especially kids) who play Skylanders. And for the collectors, they want to stagger those releases as well for the same reasons.
Green Sparx
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#26 Posted: 22:46:47 31/01/2014
In the US:
Wave 1- October Wave 2- October Wave 3- December/January For Wave 4, I predict it will arrive in the US March/April.
"Home is a pin...humanity...cattle." |
Emerald Sparx
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#27 Posted: 23:21:04 31/01/2014
Quote: Matteomax
Ya i was joking around, it was late and I was tired. ![]() |
Gold Sparx
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#28 Posted: 14:11:35 01/02/2014
Quote: Matteomax
I agree, if not a wave than definitley Springtime Trigger Happy.
SSA: 37/37. SG: 61/62. SSF: 73/75 STT: 42/78 Have left this forum, who knows if I'll come back... A believer of Jesus Christ |
Blue Sparx
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#29 Posted: 04:43:44 02/02/2014
Yeah springtime trigger happy! Now I wonder if they'll try putting him in a special box like they did with Lgd LC Chill?
SF 13 SF, 19 reg, 5 LC, TT, FF, JBB Got: extra Cynders, 1 Lgd Trigger Happy. WE WON THE SUPERBOWL!! WOOHOO!! |
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