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The Definitive Skylanders PvP Tier List: Swap Force Edition [STICKY]
GhostRoaster24 Blue Sparx Gems: 942
#251 Posted: 16:52:05 05/01/2014
Zian, why do you feel the new characters should be in a separate list? Wouldn't that take away from the fact we were trying to make one (balanced) tier list for all characters? Please do explain.
Tumblr: hunter-alex
samuraituretsky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1430
#252 Posted: 18:41:33 05/01/2014
I really wish there was online PvP so we didn't have all these players testing in a vacuum.
smilie smilie smilie smilie
scratchking22 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#253 Posted: 23:49:18 05/01/2014
We should wipe the slate clean and add everybody in an order, as it could be confusing to re-order these well. Also, I think we should add an X Tier for the really overpowered characters, like Roller Brawl, Terrafin, Star Strike, Bumble Blast, etc., and keep all the midly overpowered characters (Drobot, Double Trouble, Eyebrawl, etc.) in the S Tier. There are about 272 paths not counting the swapped (like Fire Buckler, Trap Bomb, Spy Blade, etc.) combos. Also, making the tiers harder to get higher in would fit the overpowered nature of the new characters and how they fare against the older ones.
I think our #1 priority should be the new characters, seeing as they will be the most used and they are the stars of this game. I also approve the notion of Grilla Drilla/Double Punches/Banana Turrents as B Tier and Zoo Lou/Bucking Boar for A Tier.
~ Clinton/Kaine 2016 ~
scratchking22 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#254 Posted: 00:00:09 06/01/2014
Quote: samuraituretsky

Nice to hear more confirmation of what I felt would be the case. Not enough people playing Roller Brawl and even fewer playing her like they should, imo. Are you using mostly / all Bullrush spam? I think Shadow Skater Roller Brawl using Bullrush spam has to be either A or S. I personally don't see how Star Strike could be S tier. Maybe it's my personal playstyle, but Star Strike feels more like B tier to me personally.

As for the tier list... I see why you guys want to re-rank all the older guys, but don't you think that's sort of hindering progress for completion of the list? Most the old ones are changed so much that the old tier list applies only loosely. Fewer people are playing the old characters right now. It might go faster to start a new tier list with the new characters and then add in the old characters to the new list over time.

Spamming Bullrush to keep close to them, sometimes using the melee to rack up damage and the wheel thingies to hurt them if they try to escape, which is really hard to due when you are linked with the Curse link and the crazy range and homing of the Bullrush. Each match with her lasted in between 5-30 seconds per stock life. Her battle with Bumble Blast was a struggle, she won with only 32 health, and to be honest it was a tossup the first time (the second time she won with 3 stock left).

Star Strike is S tier because she can spam powerful projectiles while reflecting potentially more powerful projectiles at the sender. Characters who rely on their ranged attacks to rack up damage (Flameslinger, Zoo Lou, Drobot, for example) are basically through when they have to face her because their main attack is rendered useless. Plus, she has her (albeit weak) starfall attack to deal with melee opponents and her spin can rack up a lot of damage fast.

I agree with your last paragraph, our primary focus should be the blue based characters, particularly the debuting ones. The progress is going really slow and the newer characters will probably lose most of their time in the spotlight if we continue at this pace, I mean we only have one of Star Strike's paths and all of Rattle Shake's for Swap Force.

I want to note that smilie/Bucking Boar beat smilie/Stinger, smilie/Sythe, and smilie/Captain Crustacean but fell to smilie/Cosmic Reflector and smilie/Super Shooter.
~ Clinton/Kaine 2016 ~
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#255 Posted: 17:15:24 06/01/2014
Hey there, i'm new here. Could'nt find any presentation thread so i'll just start posting here since it's the reason i registered smilie

I make some matches with a friend and my girlfriend at least once a week, so i'll say what i can get out of them

Blast Zone - Ignition/Whatever
I refer particularly to his top half, wich is absolutely not below A tier. I still have to test him properly as the matches we made with him were pretty "unfair" as Blast was still missing the soul gem and the other swappers still missed some upgrades too. Nevertheless, Any combination of Wash Buckler, Hoot Loop, Grilla Drilla and Magna Charge was pretty helpless against him, the fire bombs damage racks up incredibly quickly, once Blast finds himsel higher then you, he can relentlessly spam them and they just keep raining down, he felt very strong even without the triple bomb upgrade. i Also just recently discovered that his fire wall ignites a plethora of other projectiles (derp), making them do increased damage and, in some cases, two hits for a total of more then double its original damage, and that also includes Shake's flying dentures, Buckler's Ink and, most importantly, Drilla's coconuts/bananas. Next i'm gonna test Blast Drilla - Ignition/Banana, since that sounds like a very very powerful combo on paper.

Ninjini - Ancient Djinn Magic
She is still very powerful and, imho, superior to the Blade path this time. The bottle now moves faster and ninjini has increased armor while inside of it, wich is a very nice thing for a giant, bottle rockets rack up nice damage. her Soul gem works differently from Giants now: first, it stunned regular skylanders like it does with regular enemies but did'nt do absolutely anything against Giants. Now, it no longer stuns in PvP but does some damage overtime. The damage is little, but the Mist itself can knock the enemy out of pretty much anything he's about to do: it knocked Drill Seargent out of his Bulldozer charge, Super Spinner Flashwing out of her spin, Eye Brawl and Slam Bam both on brawlers paths) out of their combo finishers, it actually REPELLED Wrecking Ball's - Ultimate Spinner Disco Ball, the list goes on... She is deadly against melee characters due to her Increased armor in the bottle, Soul gem + Bottle Rockets + Djinn Explosion damage stacking up and her blades still do nice damage when needed
She could beat Stealth Elf - Pook Blade Saint, Tree Rex - Treefolk charger, Slam Bam - Blizzard Brawlr, Flameslinger - Pyromancer and had a close fight with Eye Brawl - Eye Brawler, though she ultimately lost due to Eye Brawl being overall bulkier with both his armor increased and powered up punches

Flameslinger - Pyromancer
oh boy... this little guy seems seriously nerfed this time. He feels a lot slower while running, he STILL can't decently control himself while using his Wow Pow (so, no super fast Supernovas) and most of all, his Volley Shot is slower to come down and is not spammable any more, you have to wait until one volley lands before you can throw out another one. I still don't think he's B-tier material, but i should test him more, 'cause during the few games i made with him, he felt pretty toned down: his arrows damage racks up pretty slowly, especially against character with high armor, and with Volley Shot being Slower (ence more avoidable) that'll be your primary mean of doing damage. yeah, flame trail do damage too, but characters have more health now, so it's defenitely something, but not THAT much. The saddest part is that Drawing a Supernova to hit the enemy is very risky now: even NINJINI can chase him up chopping him with her blades while he tries to get away with his Wow Pow. You're not much of a speedser when you can get caught up by a giant, eh?
Again, i can't say for sure he's not A tier worthy, i'll need to test him more because i only used him against Ninjini (bottle path) and Drill Sergeant (Megadozer) and he lost both times: vs Ninjini, every time i attempted a Supernova, she could catch up with me and go berserk with her blades, Arrrows were'nt enough to damage her properly. Vs Drill Seargent, his Hit&Run style works better than Flamelingers, his Blaster/Rockets/Drill damage racked up faster then mine, also due to his superior armor.
I'll test his Marksman path as well, maybe his arrows are powerful that way...
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:28:04 06/01/2014 by Serenade
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#256 Posted: 17:16:46 06/01/2014
Flashwing - Super Spinner
Holy clogs, this gal is a monster now, defenitely A-tier.
Her spin can reflect a huge amount of things now, it's more controllable, it's faster, adds more armor to flashwing already sky high defence and racks up damage pretty fast once she is close. Also, her shards, while not that powerful, knocks enemy back a little and have a very long reach, so it's a very good tool in many situation. Down to the matches. I cover them in details as they were pretty interesting

Vs. Drill Sergeant (Megadozer): Flashwing could reflect both his Missles and Blaster, while Sergeant's dozer can't stop her shards, so his only means of dealing damage is rushing in, but when he does, Flashwing has the upper hand eventually. The blaster is, in fact, counterproductive, as its shots get reflected back at Serge at any time, so using it only means dealing damage to youself. The dozer knocks flashwing out of the spin, but she can still attack back once Serge is in. When far away, Flashwing could harass the robot with shards and Lighthouse, when close, it's a battle of who dies/gets to the teleporter first. Flashwing's armor allowed her to survive more and ultimately won
Flashwing won, she had more options

Vs. Flameslinger (Pyromancer): This was a tag game, but Flashwing's improved speed on the spin allowed her to chase him pretty well, while still being invulnerable to those arrows thanks to the reflect upgrade. When i'm on a distance, like with drill sergeant, i could hit him with my shards and the best he could attempt was a volley shot, that was promply avoided. Supernova did some damage when he catched her, but he always got hit several times by her spin in return, and all in all, the damage Flashwing could deal racked up faster thanks, again, to her increased armor when she spins.
Flashwing won. You're too slow

Vs. Ninjini (Bottle): This time Flashwing lost. She could reflect Ninjini's Orbs and avoid her bottle rockts, but her spin gets interrupted by both Ninjini's Blades and Soul Gem, leaving her open to big damage. This did't seem like a bad matchup anyway, it felt pretty balanced. It becomes more of a zoning match for both Skylanders, they both attack from distance with shards and orbs until someone gets too close and starts the offence
Flashwing lost, but felt pretty even

Vs. Hex (Bone Crafter): two words. Crystal Lighthouse. While spinning, Flashwing could easily avoid the Skull Rain while being invulnerable to both Hex's orbs and Skull Buddy's spits thanks to her reflector upgrade. When she barricates with a bone wall and starts conjure up the Skull Rain, Flashwing has two optinos: spamming charged Shards, wich pierce her wall and hit her, or use the Lighthouse, which completely bipasses the wall and hit Hex a nice amount of times due to her slow speed. This REALLY felt like Hex had no way to win once Flashwing knew what to do. I'm pretty sure she can defeat Zook using this same strategy, but since i don't have him, i can just assume smilie
Flashwing won, Hex was out of options

Vs. Chop Chop (Undead defender): This was unfair to Flashwing, the shield bash is too much even for her as it kicks her out of her spin damaging her, and it can reflect back her shards too. Only safe ways she had to do damage were her spinning beam upgrade, wich is a pretty random beam that rarely hit, and with the Lighthouse, wich leaves her open to chop chops blade
Flashwing lost, that Shield is too much

Vs. Rattle Shake (Deputy Snake - Bone Heder): ok, this matchup is broken the other way around, Flashwing can reflect EVERYTHING Rattle can shoot at her, she just has to spam her spin, get on him and it's done. Both Snakes and Poison shots get deflected, and Deputy Snake's shots as well. And i don't mean just "deflected" i really mean "REFLECTED". A lot of times i dashed towards him and the Deputy was spitting, the spit bounced over to rattle Shake slowing HIM down, at that point it was just unfair. Only thing rattle can do is charge up his Bone Snakes, but they take time and are just not anough to knock Flashwing away, who only has to spam that spin and it makes the snake look like a C tier
Flashwing won, it felt just wrong

Vs. Double Trouble (Channeler): Flashwing can't reflect any of Double Trouble's attacks, so this time it was (almost) an even matchup, a bit in favor of Double Trouble. Double's Doubles are very important, since they slow her down if she tries to charge him, and Eldricht Beam just keeps her at bay enough to rack up nice damage. once she's in, Double can use the Magic Armageddon to shake her off him since it does'nt get interrupted by the spin. Flashwing has to use her shards wisely in this matchup and start spinning on him only at mid. distance. Boh Skylanders have to use all their resources in this battle
Flashwing lost, it felt right

I don't think she's S tier because Melee heavy characters give her trouble, but she can rally flip a broken character upside down and is incredibly complete overall: she has huge armor, she has a close up option, she has a long range option and she has a mid-range/barrier piercing option

Hope that helped anyway, as a first topic, and sorry for the grammar and typos that probably aren't the best. I'm Italian smilie
This fryday i'm doing more matches, i'm probably focusing on the swappers
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 17:29:59 06/01/2014 by Serenade
scratchking22 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#257 Posted: 17:29:28 06/01/2014
Welcome to the forums! I have agree about Flashwing. She can just hide in a corner and heal if she is low on health. The wall crystals can control the stage and she's almost beaten Bumble Blast.
~ Clinton/Kaine 2016 ~
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#258 Posted: 19:09:07 06/01/2014
Thanks, man
but i was actually talking about Flashwing on the spin path, she can only heal when she's on the other path. however, she can't reflect prejectiles when she's on Super Shards, and that is actually what makes her so powerful against A and S tiers.
The Shards path is going to be incredibly inferior i think, mostly because you can run and heal, of course, but if you don't have any proper means to attack the opponent, you're going down eventually. Super Spinner's reflector upgrade gives her an incredibly powerful defensive-offensive capability
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:09:52 06/01/2014 by Serenade
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#259 Posted: 20:06:15 06/01/2014
I absolutely agree with Serenade on Blast Zone. Mine doesn't have his soul gem either, and on the Ignition path, even throwing just one bomb at a time, he is a force to be reckoned with. I find that he has some trouble against Magna, but can easily dominate Wash, Hoot, Night and Free's combos.
scratchking22 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#260 Posted: 20:14:08 06/01/2014
Quote: Serenade
Thanks, man
but i was actually talking about Flashwing on the spin path, she can only heal when she's on the other path. however, she can't reflect prejectiles when she's on Super Shards, and that is actually what makes her so powerful against A and S tiers.
The Shards path is going to be incredibly inferior i think, mostly because you can run and heal, of course, but if you don't have any proper means to attack the opponent, you're going down eventually. Super Spinner's reflector upgrade gives her an incredibly powerful defensive-offensive capability

I prefer the Super Spinner path also, but on the shooter path she heals health 50-300% faster than Stealth Elf. Either way, both paths deserve an A or S tier spot.
~ Clinton/Kaine 2016 ~
samuraituretsky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1430
#261 Posted: 21:14:48 06/01/2014
Yeah, Flashwing has always been a favorite of mine and Super Spinner has been my preferred path for her even back in Giants. I'm a fan of the defense and mobility it provides. It's important to remember when you're attacking with the spin you need to be hitting the primary attack every 1-2 seconds or so to get the ray of light attack thing that goes out during the spin. It adds DPS. In Swap Force, this means you need to use the shoulder button for the spin so you can hit primary attack while spinning.
smilie smilie smilie smilie
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2541
#262 Posted: 21:23:36 11/01/2014
OK, Did Some testing on Free Ranger Storm Focus/ Lightning Nova. Fought Rattle Shake and Bumble blast, Destroyed Rattle Shake, Almost beat Bumble. I'd give him an A/S considering fast, powerful melee+ Gale Slash/ Lightning For Long range and Tornado for speed. Tough guy.
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
Zian Green Sparx Gems: 171
#263 Posted: 04:10:01 12/01/2014
That is because the large majority of swap force characters are s tier or a tier and are very overpowered
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#264 Posted: 12:52:12 12/01/2014
Quote: zap18
OK, Did Some testing on Free Ranger Storm Focus/ Lightning Nova. Fought Rattle Shake and Bumble blast, Destroyed Rattle Shake, Almost beat Bumble. I'd give him an A/S considering fast, powerful melee+ Gale Slash/ Lightning For Long range and Tornado for speed. Tough guy.

is the Lightning Nova path better than the other one? the Wild Tornado deals 60 damage and i think it's very good
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zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2541
#265 Posted: 14:35:38 12/01/2014
Quote: voodude
Quote: zap18
OK, Did Some testing on Free Ranger Storm Focus/ Lightning Nova. Fought Rattle Shake and Bumble blast, Destroyed Rattle Shake, Almost beat Bumble. I'd give him an A/S considering fast, powerful melee+ Gale Slash/ Lightning For Long range and Tornado for speed. Tough guy.

is the Lightning Nova path better than the other one? the Wild Tornado deals 60 damage and i think it's very good

That, I'm not sure of yet. I havent fully upgraded the damage on that one. It's pretty good when you're being attacked up close, and you try and get away. The tornado seems like a little more powerful Gale Slash.
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#266 Posted: 18:36:14 12/01/2014
You know... I've been thinking more and more and just think the tier lining needs to be totally revamped. We've had these tiers for the lady two games but I think with 80 Skylanders now and multiple versions of most of them, adding a new 7th tier would be a good idea.

My suggestions would be something like this-

G-Tier: God-Tier for the most broken of all characters(basically the equivalent of S-Tier now).
S-Tier: Very good competitive characters(like a gap between what A and S is now).
A-Tier: Solid competitive characters(basically what A-Tier is now, just a little weaker).
B-Tier: Aren't bad but aren't really great either (too strong for tiers below this, but not strong enough for higher tiers)
C-Tier: Average (don't really do anything especially well but may be able to fill a niche, outclassed by higher tiers though)
D-Tier: Bad characters (underpowered, outclassed, etc. but may have a very small niche or two to a certain extent)
E-Tier: Unusable (can't really compete in any other tier and usually struggle against even D-Tier, characters that don't**even have any niche they fill well, gravely underpowered or have abilities that aren't useful.)

Although I dunno if totally revamping them is a good idea, though, it might cause confusion. Still, I really do think we need to add a new tier, and change each tier a little. The new characters muddle things a lot and I think readjusting the tiers would help that. We should also work on the "longevity" of this system, I think, so that it doesn't just keep getting outdated.

I think the new tier should really be something to kind of gap the bridge between A and S tier... I think a lot of the new characters belong in that spot. They're a lot more powerful than the old ones and it's really messy to just toss 90% of the old ones onto lower tiers. It'd bloat them too much. Honestly I'm just concerned for C-Tier at the moment, it's going to become absolutely filled there unless we put a lot more Skylanders into D-Tier(I imagine many of the old ones could still compete against one another and that it would be unfair to sepearate some to D and below- the problem is just that they can't stand up to some of the new ones so we can't really put them higher either). And making large tiers is messy because then its harder to ensure that the characters in it can really compete against most of the others in the tier fairly. Though.. I'll admit, we really do need to utilize the D-Tier more.

It's kind of complex to totally explain what I think about this but I honestly think it may be the best thing to make a new tier... We can't stick with the old system forever.

Also I've kind of given up on rearranging the current tier thing :/ Honestly I don't mean to sound all-important or anything but I just decided to start it from scratch myself, personally, and then I'll offer my list and reasons here. This current system doesn't really work with SF well imo and right now I think it's just simpler to try doing the whole thing from the start! We need to set "power standards" first and we all haven't done it yet lol and I think the only way would be to get a few of us to work on it from scratch, disregarding the current list, to figure out the new standards. (also I think that's the only way we could possibly make a list with the current six-tier system, but I still think that needs to be changed...)

Maybe we can just use D-Tier more, lol...
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#267 Posted: 13:21:12 13/01/2014
I agree that a gap-tier between "Broken" and "Very Good" is needed, as there are'nt that many ACTUALLY broken characters in SF compared to Giants.
Eye-Brawl and Hex for example don't give that "unbeatable" vibe anymore, but are still incredibly good. others, like Honey Tree Bumble Blast or Rattle are just downright unfair to pretty much every other Skylander

However, i suggest keeping this tier system as it is until we've at least sorted most of the currently A and S Skylanders, Swappers included and then proceed to move officially broken Skylanders to the actual "Broken Tier" and maybe adjust A and S accordingly. This topic is already pretty hard to keep track of with the current system, if we start from scratch again with another one it's going to become an official mess
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#268 Posted: 20:38:33 13/01/2014
is Bucking Boar Zoo Lou so much better than the Wild Wolf path? i find the Rough Rider ability disappointing
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
EgoNaut Yellow Sparx Gems: 1730
#269 Posted: 20:55:00 13/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Hello again everyone!

I definately don't think we should ever have a higher tier beyond S Tier, but I can see the merits of inserting a new tier between A and S.
Actually, i'm feeling very torn:
On the one hand, I feel that adding a new tier is solving the wrong problem: We should consider that maybe the problem we're actually having right now is that we're completely under-utilising the lower tiers. - Too often, people are seeing that Character Group X is more powerful than Character Group Y and then saying that Group X should be moved up, when actually what we should be saying is that Group Y should be moved down.
On the other hand however, part of me agrees with Arc of Archives' point that the lower tiers might get bloated with too many of the old Skylanders moved into them. Over time, it might become hard to tell whether all of the characters in a bloated Tier compete with eachother, as is currently a problem with the A Tier.

Next talking point:
I myself am starting to think that this whole "concentrate on old Skylanders" tactic just isn't working. I still believe it is the most efficient method of building the new Tier list if enough people went along with it, but not enough people are. Instead, people are, understandably, very eager to provide information about the new Skylanders and test the new Skylanders against eachother rather than against the old Skylanders. We're stuck in a situation where all of this great new data about the new Skylanders is pouring in and going to waste while we dawdle over the old Skylanders.

I am willing to adopt a new course of action where we can start utilising information about the New Skylanders and placing them in tiers. However, if we're going to do this, we need to think carefully about the problem of what we do with the old Skylanders in the meantime:
In it's current form, the tier list isn't really fit to start accepting new Skylanders: The main reason why we were doing the whole "concentrate on old Skylanders" thing in the first place is because currently, the tiers have no yardsticks for us to measure everything by; we'd be putting the new Skylanders in to tiers without really knowing what we're comparing them to.
If, let's say, we started putting them in anyway, possibly including the new A-S transition Tier we've been discussing above, we'd have a situation where the top few tiers would be mostly dominated by new Skylanders and occasional old Skylanders that are still popular or just powerful. Below that, all of the old Skylanders would be just sitting there, arranged inaccurately in the lower tiers because no-one can be bothered to re-arrange them. This would give very misleading information to passers-by who came to look at our tier list out of interest.

Another course of action would be that we get around that latter problem by removing the old tier positions entirely and starting again.
What would happen if we did this? Well, we wouldn't be starting completely from scratch: I reckon our current S Tier is pretty functional for the moment so we'd keep that. Besides that, though, we wouldn't have any yardsticks for all of the other tiers, so for a while we'd have to stick by the worded descriptions of each tier (for example: S Tier = ban list for broken characters, A Tier = very powerful and effective characters that might be considered S Tier in 'Giants, etc). We've been pretty good so far at comparing the new Skylanders to eachother, so we should quite efficiently be able to form a working Tier list from mostly new Skylanders as well as a few popular old ones.
The big disadvantage of re-starting the Tier list is that for a very long time the vast majority of the old Skylanders just wouldn't be present in the Tier list. There are more than a hundred Skylanders now so that's a massive ammount of information that just wouldn't be available to passers-by who came to look at the Tier list. it would be a massive undertaking.

Discuss these things below! I want to hear everyone's ideas. smilie

In the meantime, i'd like to make a couple of changes to our current Tier list, and i'm particularly pleased to welcome Serenade to this thread, who has already made some wonderfully descriptive posts.

  • Roller Brawl / Shadow Skater placed in S Tier, based on numerous recommendations.
  • Flashwing / Super Spinner moved up to A Tier, based on posts by Serenade and samuraituretsky.
  • Would anyone agree to having Ninjini / Swords of Might moved down to B Tier?
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:58:15 13/01/2014 by EgoNaut
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#270 Posted: 21:28:24 13/01/2014
Hi EgoNaut! Im GigaCamo, Im a competitive player like you and I have some problems with the list. Move Camo (Both Paths) to S or A teir do to the Sun Blasts fire fast and have great range and can heal HP. The Vines (Vine Path) cover a whole area if you aim it right. The Melons (Melon Master) can cover close up range and act as a shield or a mine trap. With Ninjini Id move her down because she is good but compared to others she is slow.
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#271 Posted: 22:57:02 13/01/2014
Hey Ego, glad you consider my data :3
As of what you just said, i can say for sure that restarting from a scratch would be the worst possible thing to do right now, as i already said and as you also think. Personally i see that quite a few numbers of Skylanders in A tier are still worthy of that title (Ninjini, Drill Sargeant, Double Trouble, Eye Brawl... other guys i played with), same goes for the S tier which are still pretty broken (only exception would be Hex. I'm having doubts about her now that Skull buddy got his damage correctly coded. Luckily, my girlfirend loves her, so she'll be be easy to judge while we test other characters).
So, i'd say that we have enough yardstick to keep things going without needing to revamp everything. If we'll have to make another tier, better create it once most on the work on the already existing ones is done
Again, i can test stuff only Fryday and Saturday, not always and can't try every skylander since i have a limited budget, thus i'm only going to buy characters i like/want (IE: Spy Rise seems broken at first look, but i won't try him to confirm/deny this sensation 'cause i already have Wash Buckler needed to complete the game and so i'll put my money elsewere)
As i said, we'll be trying the swappers we have (smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie )

PS: can't actually say anything about Ninjini on the Swords path... i really don't wanna waste time resetting mine and upgrading/leveling up again to test it, so i'll pass on that
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:00:22 13/01/2014 by Serenade
sustainablspyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#272 Posted: 04:58:34 15/01/2014
smilie feels like B-tier now. She has attacks that are not as likely to hit the enemy, making her lose to all the giants but smilie.

I feel that we should pin down representatives for each tier, as I think dios once suggested. Some ideas for reps are smilie for S-tier, with her mindless button-mashing playstyle. AoA once suggested that smilie was the A-tier rep, and I agree, as he is very good but not as mindless.

Harpooner smilie is unappreciated. He can use his harpoons far away from the enemy and constantly fires, sure to hit. The effects:Quote: sustainablspyro
More Stuff: smilie/Harpooner is buffed; he can climb and use his harpoons, beating smilie/Captain Crustacean, smilie/Ice Lancer, smilie/Yeti Ice Sculptor, and S2 smilie/Blizzard Brawler

Eye of the storm smilie feels strong to me. The mini turtles do 35 damage quickly and the slam can be spammed, releasing all the turtles.

Lord of the lightning smilie can put his stun to good use, preventing attacks.

I am an only child and can't use PVP often, so I am unable to suggest tiers right now, but I hope these observations help!
Bye everyone. After the hack thing, I'm leaving.
gillgrunt987 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7887
#273 Posted: 15:45:57 17/01/2014
Sorry I haven't been able to post tier recommendations recently. The reason is my copy of SSF started freezing up, so I took it to adisc clean machine. Unfortunately, they haven't returned it yet, so I need to wait a few days to get it back. Apologies.
I can survive scalding hot coffee and being whipped for 24 hours a day. Digestive biscuits or riot.
Grambolini Red Sparx Gems: 65
#274 Posted: 14:23:51 18/01/2014
Egonaut to make things simple we could just move all tiers down one so that there is an f tier, there still would be quite a bit of resorting but you could just keep the upper half of a tier in the same tier and move the lower half a tier down one as a temporary measure and keep the s tier as is. So then it would be as follows
S tier (broken)
A tier (very good)
B tier (good)
C tier (decent)
D tier (bad)
E tier (terrible
F tier (completely unusable)
Grambolini Red Sparx Gems: 65
#275 Posted: 14:26:59 18/01/2014
In my opinion my idea would create a more defined difference between each tier
samuraituretsky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1430
#276 Posted: 18:12:57 18/01/2014
Adding an extra tier is silly. Just redistribute the existing tiers. Or simply merge D into E, then move each tier down and S will be empty.
smilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:14:08 18/01/2014 by samuraituretsky
EgoNaut Yellow Sparx Gems: 1730
#277 Posted: 02:48:20 19/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: samuraituretsky
Adding an extra tier is silly. Just redistribute the existing tiers. Or simply merge D into E, then move each tier down and S will be empty.

Moving everything down by one Tier and merging D into E Tier is actually an idea I've been considering, except I'd leave the S Tier as-is, meaning the A Tier would become empty.
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Tigerbear222 Green Sparx Gems: 358
#278 Posted: 18:57:19 31/01/2014
Some things I had to say:

If he isn't already, Spy Rise should definitely be in B-S. One of his BASIC attacks allow him to insta-kill an opponent if they have low enough health, and his two paths are deadly and annoying. He can slow enemies similar to that of Bumble Blast on the bee path.

I have won numerous battles with him, and I don't think I ever lost as him. So keep an eye out for him in competitive play.
My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/thetigerbearman123
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#279 Posted: 20:28:11 06/02/2014
Has Swap Force changed Flashwing?
I remember back in Giants there were huge debates on what path was better, and in the end we all agreed that both were very close and belonged in the same tire.
Now in Swap Force, it seems no one is talking about Super Shards. How has Flashwing changed?
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#280 Posted: 21:25:51 06/02/2014
Quote: Hazard335
Has Swap Force changed Flashwing?
I remember back in Giants there were huge debates on what path was better, and in the end we all agreed that both were very close and belonged in the same tire.
Now in Swap Force, it seems no one is talking about Super Shards. How has Flashwing changed?

She's faster, and can reflect more stuff on the Spin Path, considering a lot of the newly S and A tier characters use that kind of attacks, she's pretty hard to deal with
But most importantly, Swap Force changed the armor system: Flashwing already has a ridiculous amount of armor by hersef, with the Super Spinner path's upgrades giving her even MORE armor while she spins, those few attacks that don't get reflected by it are heavily reduced in terms of damage
Super Shards is a run-away centered path, but since her Spin does'nt reflect anything, lasts less and start slowing down much sooner, many Skylanders can deal with her just fine

I think Super Spinner Flashwing was already very good in Giants, she was just incredibly underrated, now she simply got better
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:26:30 06/02/2014 by Serenade
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#281 Posted: 21:34:54 06/02/2014
I know I haven't posted anything here for a while, but I'm posting this here just so those of you interested know, though you probably guessed it: I'm not interested in PVP any more. It's simply not fun for me now. I've gotten sick of playing the same five barren arenas over and over and battling the few people I can play the game with. So yeah, that's the end of my PVP analyses, and I'm never gonna make any analysis blogs. If TFB make the PVP mode in the next game more like SA's and Giants' with tons of arenas which all have different traps and hazards and gimmicks and all kinds of details in them, then maybe I'll get back into it and offer my input again for the next tier list, but SF's Battle Mode is just repetitive and I find myself booting up Giants over this game when I want a match.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:27:13 06/02/2014 by Arc of Archives
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#282 Posted: 22:22:53 06/02/2014
Yeah, it's a real shame we only have 3+2 areana to play with now... it was i real let down when i discovered it, especially since PvP mechanic has been seriously improved thanks to jumping and the new Armor system. That hurt a lot
Sorry to see you go, arc

I'll try to give some more data about pvP whenever i can, i'm really busy this month
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#283 Posted: 01:31:25 07/02/2014
Quote: Serenade
Quote: Hazard335
Has Swap Force changed Flashwing?
I remember back in Giants there were huge debates on what path was better, and in the end we all agreed that both were very close and belonged in the same tire.
Now in Swap Force, it seems no one is talking about Super Shards. How has Flashwing changed?

She's faster, and can reflect more stuff on the Spin Path, considering a lot of the newly S and A tier characters use that kind of attacks, she's pretty hard to deal with
But most importantly, Swap Force changed the armor system: Flashwing already has a ridiculous amount of armor by hersef, with the Super Spinner path's upgrades giving her even MORE armor while she spins, those few attacks that don't get reflected by it are heavily reduced in terms of damage
Super Shards is a run-away centered path, but since her Spin does'nt reflect anything, lasts less and start slowing down much sooner, many Skylanders can deal with her just fine

I think Super Spinner Flashwing was already very good in Giants, she was just incredibly underrated, now she simply got better

Thanks for the reply, it looks like I'm choosing the Super Spinner path with my LightCore Flashwing.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:23:03 11/02/2014 by Hazard335
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#284 Posted: 07:00:57 12/02/2014
I really don't want to see this die smilie
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#285 Posted: 08:42:09 12/02/2014
S2 smilie should be at top of A Tier under smilie. His Wow Pow is very overpowered and very fast, I killed many characters in PvP except for the Broken Characters like smilie, smilie, etc... But there's only a Skylander that can kill and make unable to use his Wow pow: smilie.
Oil baron smilie should be moved at A Tier, the fire rain is fast to do and have a long range (the oil will damage you for like 5-7 seconds), the Magma ball do 90 points of damage and cover a long area. And yes, he can kill smilie because and can't properly use his move when the fire damages him.
smilie Rocket Path should be moved to A Tier. Easy to use, powerful and spammable. In Giants I used the Finger path but now is slow and very nerfed.
Sorry my English.
smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:54:58 12/02/2014 by Buuzer
RandomUser39 Green Sparx Gems: 131
#286 Posted: 00:54:36 13/02/2014
Quote: Buuzer
S2 smilie should be at top of A Tier under smilie. His Wow Pow is very overpowered and very fast, I killed many characters in PvP except for the Broken Characters like smilie, smilie, etc... But there's only a Skylander that can kill and make unable to use his Wow pow: smilie.
Oil baron smilie should be moved at A Tier, the fire rain is fast to do and have a long range (the oil will damage you for like 5-7 seconds), the Magma ball do 90 points of damage and cover a long area. And yes, he can kill smilie because and can't properly use his move when the fire damages him.
smilie Rocket Path should be moved to A Tier. Easy to use, powerful and spammable. In Giants I used the Finger path but now is slow and very nerfed.
Sorry my English.
I would like to contribute, sadly I have no one to play against. Your English is pretty good, no apologies. smilie Another note is that I have no reposes, so I can't judge Wow-pow.
My input (based only on my experiences with the characters):
smilie I see him being A tier, maybe B. A for now.
smilie I have mine on oil baron and it is buffed. I too suggest A.
smilie No clue, don't have rocket path. The finger path should be a tier lower than the rockets. B probably. Will post suggestions for old ones.
The most random and inconsequential user this forum has to offer.
Max_Stats Red Sparx Gems: 12
#287 Posted: 23:35:22 13/02/2014
Hey guys, I'm new here, but work in PVP is what really drew me to make an account and begin to participate on DarkSpyro and to approach the study of Skylanders more scientifically.

I've been doing a lot of work with PVP, stats gathering, and I want to help you guys create the best tier lists possible. It is my dream to eventually have competitive PVP events.

I'm saying merely "Hello" at the moment, but expect to see me a lot in this thread.

How do you plan on utilizing the information for Swap tops/bottoms? It seems like we just want to do the initial figs at the moment, but a lot of the Swaps end up being a lot more than the sum of their parts.

I agree with above on this page - we really want to utilize the full range of tiers. I've seen an abundance of "top tier" characters while I've followed this thread that don't mesh with my experience or empirical gathering of data.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:40:25 13/02/2014 by Max_Stats
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#288 Posted: 07:21:24 14/02/2014
I feel like this list is always doomed to an over inflated top due to personal bias. So of the weakest characters/paths from the last game were constantly argued.

My suggestion for anyone who really wants to make a good list is to not bother testing and recommending on your favorite characters. I hardly give my 2 cents on Terrafin or Gill Grunt cause I can't tell if I want Gill Grunt higher because he really should be higher or of I just like him.

The other thing is understand PvE has NOTHING to do with PvP. There always has been and always will be characters good at one and not so good at the other. Lots of folks think Trigger Happy will rock at PvP since he's solid in PvE, but that just isn't the case. If you haven't taken them for a drive in the arena, your experience with that character doesn't really amount to much.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#289 Posted: 09:50:52 14/02/2014
^I completely agree with this.

but I would love to hear your 2 cents on Terrafin, because I dont think anyone has done any testing on Knockout yet.
Do you think Knockout will end up in S tire?
Also I think his Wow Pow gives Sandhog a slight edge over Brawler, what do you think?
DocCroc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1668
#290 Posted: 00:34:00 15/02/2014
Hey guys, haven’t been on the boards in a long time and finally got around to picking up Swap Force last weekend. Played a lot of PVP the past week, but I don’t necessarily consider myself qualified to propose tier changes since my testing opportunities are usually limited. That being said, I’ve always enjoyed the character discussion that took place, so I figured I’d add a few thoughts on some characters, starting with the Forgotten 5...

Ghost Roaster: Buffed back to his old SA self, and even better this time around. His skull charge is able to hit multiple times again, and his chain whip is faster now. His best overall improvement lies in his ability to combo any of his attacks together quickly, giving him a strong hit-and-run offense. Both paths are solid, though I’d give a slight edge Fear Eater, since the Ectoplasm explosion adds another attack to his combo and the speed boost allows him retreat or close the distance easier. An interesting note, he can jump cancel out of ectoplasm mode before taking self damage.

Dino-rang: His standard boomerang attack does more damage, while his boomerang shield is weaker. Travel speed on all of his boomerang attacks are slower, as a result, GBM isn't as good as it used to be. On the other hand, Earthen Avenger has seen some improvement. His traps have been given a hefty damage increase and fire off quicker, while his armor gives him some breathing room to get in and fire off traps in melee range. Curious to hear what others think of him now.

Sunburn: Like, Ghost Roaster, he’s back to how he was in SA. Unfortunately, his abilities don’t really compliment each other as well. Blaze Dragon’s flamethrower still slows him down, but it feels like it ramps up to max damage quicker. The recovery time on his Phoenix Dash has decreased, so it’s easy to immediately follow up with his flamethrower or teleport, he’s definitely better at giving chase and applying pressure. The stop and go nature of his offense hurts his effectiveness overall, and of the Forgotten 5, Sunburn I’d say he’s hurting the most without a Wow Pow. Still, if you can work around his problems, he’s a prime example of a character that can be good in the right hands.

VooDood: While he’s seen very little in the way of changes, Marauder isn’t as quite as dominating as he used to be by simple virtue of power creep. Other melee characters are simply catching up or outclassing him, while a lot of ranged characters have an easy means of retreating from his melee barrage. I’m curious to see/hear how Elementalist fares this time around, since it seems like a lot of characters' unused paths in previous games have seen improvement.

Boomer: Clobber Troll is still awful. His Troll Smash has pitiful range, doesn’t stun, and even fully charged, the damage isn’t anything special. With that out of the way, Demolition Troll has seen some good improvements. He can chuck out dynamite faster, and his troll bombs have a slightly wider blast radius. The sheer amount of explosions on the screen can make people wary of approaching, since it’s easy to lose track of bombs amidst the dynamite. He can lay down a lot of damage quickly if you’re not careful. His meager HP is still a problem, and he’ll go down quickly if you don’t cover the arena in explosives.

I'll leave it at that for now, don’t know if any of this’ll be helpful in organizing the tiers, but I hope it gets people interested in experimenting with more of the old characters or trying out different paths.
EgoNaut Yellow Sparx Gems: 1730
#291 Posted: 02:11:21 17/02/2014 | Topic Creator
It's nice to see activity in this thread again! I humbly confess that I hadn't been checking up on this thread as often as I usually do because the thread had been inactive for a while. Now that the posts have started up again I will resume my vigil of reading and responding to everyone's data.

It's late where I am at the moment, so I'll respond to the most recent few posts the next time I post here. When I do, we may have to resume talks about what things we might have to change as we handle this project going forward (whether we should change the number of tiers or restart the tier list entirely, etc etc).
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Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#292 Posted: 14:43:18 18/02/2014
Glad to hear Ghost Roaster has been buffed, i did put mine away because he was just so unbelievebly bad in Giants that was'nt worth any time. i'll take him out of the dust and test him as well

Also, i'm starting to push for Prism Break - Crystaleer for B tier
Just had some matches with friends, vs Double Trouble - Conjurer and Shroom Boom - Paramushrooms and he lost both times
Wow, he's been SERIOUSLY nerfed... his speed is still bad and does'nt help and his Crystal Eruption is better then giants, but the real nerf he received is in the refracted beam, which should be his major strenght: they do little damage, have surprisingly bad reach and they aim for wherever they want. Even with six crystals refractin on the field, it's REALLY hard to hit the opponent with them, and when you do, they do little damage. The Wow Pow is'nt that useful anymore, since the beams are so hard to hit with.
Only thing he got buffed are the Armor, which makes him hard to take down, and the crystal Eruption wich is much larger. But the formers is kinda pointless if you can't deal considerable damage and the latter is meant to be an emergency attack to back off opponents getting too close, not your primary focus
All the battles he did, only thing he could do was delaying the inevitable thanks to the armor, Shroom and Double could avoid his attacks pretty consistently and just retaliate when needed

Maybe Prismancer is going to be the better path this time around, thanks to a much more powerful and most importantly, reaching beam. Because Crystaleer's problem is basically "you can't hit the opponent", i'll test him more
Too bad, because Crystaleer Prism Break is cooler to look at smilie

Shroomboom got buffed, though. his paramushrooms path allows the paratroopers continuous damage after hitting the opponent, and this actually makes them flinch, wich slows them down and damper their attacking attempts, i don't remember this in giants. The Mushroom Ring is better too: it does push back the enemy much more effectively if he tries to pass through it and it can stop some projectiles as well. pretty annoying move to use, now.
the Charged Mushroom also got a big buff: it has bigger reach and a wider explosion radius, and they also fixed that bug from giants, when you tried firing a Charged Mushroom from inside the Shroom Shield, it exploded on the shield preventing you from firing it outside of it.
He's still B tier IMHO, characters with good melee attacks and more solid projectiles still give him trouble, but he's a very solid B tier now
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 14:51:00 18/02/2014 by Serenade
DocCroc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1668
#293 Posted: 21:51:13 24/02/2014
Agreed on all points with Serenade on his assessment of Shroomboom. The stagger effect from his Paramushrooms is very annoying to deal with, and also give you good opportunities to burrow or pelt opponents with mushrooms. Something to note, his Mushroom Ring can be jumped over, but anyone that tries can be greeted with a charged mushroom to the face. I managed to get some more PVP time in, so I figured I’d share more thoughts on some characters I played with.

Thumpback: Like most of the melee giants, he’s seen a nerf to his attack speed, which unfortunately makes his chomp less spammable. Thankfully, he still has massive range on his attacks and his belly slide isn’t as finicky with steps and hills. Up Close & Personal has seen some buffs. While his belly slide + chomp is mostly situational, it’s the armor upgrade and Bad Sushi that make this path shine. Bad Sushi ticks very fast, can be used indefinitely, and has a range that’s just a hair short of his long anchor attacks. Everything said, I don’t see him changing positions on the current list, but he’s still a top notch giant.

Eruptor (S2): Thanks to his wow pow, he saw improvement in Giants, but he’s even better in Swap Force. His magma balls are (finally) worth using now that they roll faster and aren’t as dumb on terrain. His eruption has a very quick recovery time, which means you can immediately start lobbing lava blobs, spitting magma balls, or unleashing lava barf in the safety of his AOE. Lava Barf is still a great attack, he moves a tad slower now while it’s active, but the improved range makes up for it. It can also be canceled with any attack now. Eruptor’s best strength lies in his versatility, whether the opponent is a ranged or melee specialist, he has an answer for any situation. Volcanor is still a great path, and now Magmantor is now as good, if not better in some respects, since the range on Magmantor’s standard attack makes up for his biggest weakness, which is his speed. I’ll have to test out Lava Barf/S3 Eruptor at some point, but I can’t imagine it topping S2, since the wow pow is a such strong component of his play style.

Warnado: He’s a bit of an odd one. He can no longer smoothly enter flight while moving, instead having a second of startup where he stands still before flying. He can immediately follow up with his slam attack afterward, but you’ll have to predict when an opponent is close enough to get use out of it offensively. The recovery time on his spin attack isn’t great by itself, but it can be somewhat shortened by following up with a tornado. When used at point-blank range, the tornadoes hit twice, and can be spammed very quickly, so while the damage of one tornado isn’t great, frequently chaining two hits up close can do some damage. Unfortunately, this tends to work on larger Skylanders better than smaller ones. The general idea is to alternate quickly between his spin attack and tornado as much as possible, the spin attack will keep you in range to rapidly trigger double hits off of tornadoes. He’s surprisingly good at applying pressure this way. I haven’t tried playing Wind Master, so I’m curious to see if the larger, more damaging tornados on that path allow for more consistent and damaging double hits. There’s potential improvement here, it’s just unfortunate he was given a lightcore in place of a proper S2.

Pop Fizz: Strictly speaking on Best of the Beast here. He still has two glaring weaknesses, being vulnerable during transformation, and having a lower HP compared to most melee specialists (on par with Stealth Elf). That being said, he’s seen quite a few improvements. The first is that his normal attack has a much longer range in which he homes in on an enemy, the dash leading up to it is also much faster. Another big change is that his main attack/combo can be canceled into any of his other beast form attacks. His fire breath has seen an improvement to it’s range, while his spin attack (green potion) is a decent close range finisher, the damage isn’t great on either of these, but they hit rapidly, serving the more important purpose of keeping his beast meter full. The pounce (purple potion) is probably his best overall option, it does good damage and is useful for staying on top of enemies or as a dodging tool. It doesn’t track like his standard attacks, but it’s very easy to control, and can immediately be canceled into his normal attacks again to continue the close range barrage. It’s not perfect, but BotB is definitely better this time around.
EgoNaut Yellow Sparx Gems: 1730
#294 Posted: 19:43:16 26/02/2014 | Topic Creator
@Arc of Archives: I've really appreciated your brilliant contributions to the Skylanders PvP scene up to this point, but I understand your reasons for leaving. Having so few arenas to play with in Swap Force has made PvP a bit of a bummer in this particular generation of Skylanders. I hope we see an improvement on that front in the next game; if that were the case then would we see you again?

@RandomUser39: In regards to Bouncer, at the moment the I-Beam Supreme path is in A Tier and Robot Rocketeer is in B Tier. Do you think these should be the other way 'round?

My suggestion for anyone who really wants to make a good list is to not bother testing and recommending on your favorite characters. I hardly give my 2 cents on Terrafin or Gill Grunt cause I can't tell if I want Gill Grunt higher because he really should be higher or of I just like him.

^ This. I'll be putting this quote in the first post.

@Serenade: Thank you for this useful information on Prism Break and Shroomboom. Can you comment on how effective Prism Break S2's Wow Pow is in this game? Do you think S2 Prismancer should be moved down to B Tier as well as S2 Crystaleer?

@DocCroc: Thank you for providing the sort of good information we really need right now on pre-Swap Force Skylanders. These last two posts of yours are absolutely brilliant: - They are detailed and it is clear that each statement you make is drawn from experience, but at the same time you've remained aware of what assumptions you do or do not have the experience to be able to make which is a trait I really like to see in this thread. If anything, I'd encourage you to be more adventurous by proposing a tier change or two if ever you feel you can: I'm sure they'd be very reasonable recommendations. smilie

  • Prism Break S2 / Crystaleer moved down to B Tier on recommendation from Serenade. Can anyone comment on the effectiveness of Prism Break S2 / Prismancer in Swap Force?
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RandomUser39 Green Sparx Gems: 131
#295 Posted: 19:50:30 26/02/2014
Yep. The speed the rockets come out outweighs the power of the eyebeam and mines.
That said, I want to see someone test ShroomBoom, I think he's been upped. I play him on Barrier Boost and nothing has been changed except he's become more balanced. He does have a problem of not getting big numbers, he's not S or A tier. He can survive for a while and depending on what further tests state, I see him in B tier or C tier.
The most random and inconsequential user this forum has to offer.
ProphetFlareon Red Sparx Gems: 56
#296 Posted: 00:56:41 27/02/2014
Boom Jet's little Mach 2 thing does a lot of damage on PvP, however Boom Jet himself besides his speed and overall just is average. He along with all his paths belongs in the C tier, possibly high C tier, but no higher.

Shroomboom seems way more powerful. His big mushroom's got a bigger explosion radius, along with his mushroom barrier being able stop projectiles now. He isn't S, but I'd consider moving him up to A, even high A.

No idea why Wrecking Ball S2 spinner is so high, anyone care to tell me what advantages he has over high tier skylanders?

Knockout Terrafin's Sandhog path in SF seems to be weaker. His Wow Pow is amazing in PvE, but he was beaten senseless by my friends Star Strike, Bumble Blast, and lots of other definite S-Tiers. I'd consider moving him down to A or B.

Slobber Tooth's Seismic Tail is pretty bad in PvP. It's pretty spammable, but he's slow and doesn't have much health for a slowlander, so I'd recommend him for C/D tier. Leaning towards D. Haven't tested his other path yet.
"do work before you go on darkspyro" ~ some idiot
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:00:59 27/02/2014 by ProphetFlareon
DocCroc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1668
#297 Posted: 02:04:49 27/02/2014
@Egonaut: Thanks! While most of what I’ve posted are general observations, I certainly wouldn’t mind throwing out some tier proposals to help nail down the list. Of course, feel free to ask for further clarification if a suggestion sounds too crazy lol.

Ghost Roaster: Both paths to A. His strategy remains simple, but very effective. His “combos” do a lot of damage fast.

Dino-rang: Grand Boomerang Master down to B. The nerf to Boomerang Shield diminishes his effectiveness up close, while the reduced travel speed on his boomerang can give him trouble with better ranged Skylanders. Earthen Avenger should stay in C for now, he’s better, but his lack of offensive options hurt him.

Sunburn: Both should stay put. His teleport is fixed, but he has a hard time maintaining offensive momentum down either path.

Boomer: Both paths should stay put. Demolition Troll improved a bit, but has too many problems to go higher for now.

Voodood: Marauder should stay in A for now, but I could see him dropping depending on how the rest of the A tier shakes out.

Thumpback: Both paths should stay in A.

Eruptor S2: Magmantor from C to A. That it’s no longer the mediocre path it once was is a strong testament to Eruptor’s overall buffs. While Volcanor remains A worthy. Lava Barf is a great skill that fits well with either path.

Warnado: Eye of the Storm up to C for now. He’s awkward, but he can deal decent damage up close by alternating his spin attack to tornadoes quickly. His attacks combined with his decent defense is enough to pull him up from D, and keeps him competitive with most of C.

Pop Fizz: Best of the Beast to B for now. He’s still a sitting duck during transformation, but once he’s done, he becomes very hard to shake off thanks to the improved speed and range of his attacks. Being able to cancel his combos quickly is a great boon since it keeps him constantly attacking.

If there's specific characters or paths anyone would like me to take a look at, throw them out there, even if it's for a second opinion or something. Otherwise, I'll just go with the random sets of characters like I have been.
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#298 Posted: 02:18:55 27/02/2014
I am going to tell about some of my faves in SSA that moved to SSF. I haven't played PVP for a wile so correct me if I am wrong.

Ignitor He is as clunky as ever on Blademaster but his SotF is now being outclassed by Eye Brawl and Grim Creeper. The controls of SSF screwed up the control you have with the soul and holding C (Yes I play on the Wii) is hard. Ignitor is simply harder to use and didn't bring the glory he did in SSA.

Dino Rang He is ok but for some reason my boomerangs disappear after awhile and His B and C attacks become useless. Im not sure whats happening but he is E Tier for me.

Camo Why isnt he in S Tier? His range is Insane and he can heal (It got nerfed) and attack close up. My friends call him the most broken Skylander and I dont agree but He should be in S or A tier (Both paths, Both forms)

Zook I was very surprised he wasn't S tier anymore. His cacti are still good and he still works fine like in SSA.

Drobot ... I dont need to say anything.
Serenade Green Sparx Gems: 201
#299 Posted: 03:05:26 27/02/2014
About SotF Ignitor, you may say he loses to Eye for an Eye Eye Brawl, but not that he loses to grim Creeper... at all
They have about the same speed, Ignitor's blade hits harder and the Flame Form moves much, MUCH faster then Grim Creeper's Spirit Form. and also does more damage thanks to the Flame trail and the remote explosion it can do. Also, Ignitor has better armor thanks to his Soul Gem, wich helps him survive even distant attacks when using the Flame Form, while, at best, Grim can retaliate to Melee attacks on the Living Armor with an upgrade to the Spirit Form path, wich is the overall inferior path
Grim Creeper needs to focus on the Scythe to be any good, Ignitor on the Flame Form

SotF Ignitor does'nt deserve any less then A tier. he's still very good, though not as broken as he was in Giants. He just needs to rely on the sword and the Mega Slam more

About Camo, i still have to fully upgrade mine and try him for real, but i can say right now that he has 3 flaws that sure will prevent him from being considered S tier:
1: Camo is kind of slow, he does'nt have any dash or speed-up manuver like many skylanders with limited reached attacks have
2: The Melon Fountain, while powerful, is slow to charge up. Combined with flaw #1, this means camo can get zoned out farly easily
3: Firecracker Vines are not very reliable, they get interrupted by a lot of Arena elements and need to be carefully aimed if you want them to hit

I don't know how good his melons become on the Melon Maestro path, but he does'nt seem broken at all to me

Quote: EgoNaut

@Serenade: Thank you for this useful information on Prism Break and Shroomboom. Can you comment on how effective Prism Break S2's Wow Pow is in this game? Do you think S2 Prismancer should be moved down to B Tier as well as S2 Crystaleer?

The Pulse Wow Pow is... nothing special, actually. It's nice to have and to use, all saints help when in trouble, but it really does'nt do THAT much as opposed to Giants, where it used to hit hard. At least regarding Crystaleer, maybe on prismancer it gains more range together with the beams. Though its damage is still just a bit above that of a regular beam
Still don't know about Prismancer. I could say it's the better path this time around because of the greatly improved reach and power of the Beams compared to Crystalleer's, but the Crystal Eruption being so tiny on that path really bothers me... i fear he could be a punchbag for Melee Characters. I'll test him as soon as i can to clear the doubts

Quote: DocCroc

Ghost Roaster: Both paths to A. His strategy remains simple, but very effective. His “combos” do a lot of damage fast.

mmmmm, i don't know if he's worth... i still have to test him PvP, but while it's true that he's been seriously buffed to the Skull Charge and has the new Ecto-Cancel to avoid attacks, he still looks like a very unsafe Skylander to me. i mean, his overall gameplan i don't think is going to far from the "Rush in like a mad and let's hope i can kill him before he kills me!". As of now, i would give him an uncertain A or B tier but, again, i have to test him to give a final verdict smilie
Too bad he's the only one i have among those you mentioned X3
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 03:17:30 27/02/2014 by Serenade
DocCroc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1668
#300 Posted: 09:00:00 27/02/2014
Yeah, Ghost Roaster definitely teeters between A and B. On paper, there isn't much to him, but he has one of the best charge attacks in terms of mobility and control. He actually manages to come out on top in would be slugfests more often than not since he can (literally) run circles around enemies. I think at the very least he's a sure fire B. That he can go toe to toe with a lot of tougher guys, even giants, is what makes me think he wouldn't be terribly out of place in A.
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