

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#14201 Posted: 20:37:54 21/12/2013
I wanna leave the house, dad. I hate lazy weekends, can we go now? I wanna hang with my friends.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#14202 Posted: 20:37:56 21/12/2013
Quote: TorchSheep
Oh God, please not her... well that's that ruined! smilie There's no way I can try and hide that, sweet jesus...
It's official, I am obsessed with this website. @_@

It was proved official the week I joined smilie
My life is complete.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9350
#14203 Posted: 20:40:46 21/12/2013
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
I wanna leave the house, dad. I hate lazy weekends, can we go now? I wanna hang with my friends.

Yeah, I want to hang out with friends too...
Oh wait, what friends? smilie URGH THE DOWNSIDE TO MOVING.
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#14204 Posted: 20:58:28 21/12/2013
Quote: slambam104
Quote: CommanderGame
You're just like Justin Bieber.
People hate you,
They have every right,
And you're Canadian *im Canadian myself so don't ****ing say I'm racist*
Before anyone starts saying "CG you're equally as bad as him you insulted him!1111"

Well, at least he didn't intended any one to be offend, he was just stating his opinion.

He called people who watched MlP pathetic, called anime stupid and that it's just chinese men punching each other. I honestly quite think he intended some people to be offended.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#14205 Posted: 21:16:58 21/12/2013
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
I wanna leave the house, dad. I hate lazy weekends, can we go now? I wanna hang with my friends.

Yeah, I want to hang out with friends too...
Oh wait, what friends? smilie URGH THE DOWNSIDE TO MOVING.

im ur friend unless you move from internet too
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#14206 Posted: 22:15:33 21/12/2013
Erm, I'm sorry...? :/
My life is complete.
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#14207 Posted: 23:06:27 21/12/2013
Oh no. I left Mean_Green7 behind. He wouldn't have had anything to eat for days. He's probably starved to death by now, but it's his fault for being too hungry all the time.
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#14208 Posted: 23:59:50 21/12/2013

Uhhh, okay... I had no idea keeping a toy spaceship would make you mad. smilie
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#14209 Posted: 00:48:55 22/12/2013
Well, *thought left unfinished*
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:49:16 22/12/2013 by weebbby
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#14210 Posted: 01:26:56 22/12/2013
*takes a deep breath*

I will remain calm.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#14211 Posted: 02:18:47 22/12/2013
I'm drifting further and further away from people lately. And certainly away from this site.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5470
#14212 Posted: 03:54:34 22/12/2013
Uughghggh I'm tired. I dun wanna swim ~w~

oh lol looks like I woke up at 2 PM. It's a new record.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#14213 Posted: 04:04:28 22/12/2013
Eeeeeeee I love this avatar! ^.^
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#14214 Posted: 04:11:38 22/12/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Eeeeeeee I love this avatar! ^.^


HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#14215 Posted: 04:18:57 22/12/2013
Quote: IsisStormDragon
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Eeeeeeee I love this avatar! ^.^



IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#14216 Posted: 04:19:31 22/12/2013
omg toothless <3

- - -


You scare me. That will be all, sir.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7393
#14217 Posted: 04:51:29 22/12/2013
Toothless <3


"He's liked you since year 9."
I don't whether to believe you or not.
I don't think you would lie about something like this, but I don't exactly believe you. And you've had that thought that he was liked me. And you said you saw that he did when you hung out with us at the start of this year.
And, what you said, that was year 9. That was 4 years ago. Things have changed. His friend told us who he liked.
But...Wednesday...he was nice. Yeah, he teased me a little, but that's normal. He wasn't mean to me when we were swimming, and he said he liked my hair when it was curly, and he was nice to me when we had that mini chat on facebook, and now we're going swimming again at the same spot tomorrow after lunch.
I hope tomorrow is awesome.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#14218 Posted: 04:54:18 22/12/2013
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
A morning of darkSpyro, the rest of the day playing Spyro 2, and now the evening of darkSpyro.


That sounds like the best day ever. Lucky you!
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#14219 Posted: 11:27:57 22/12/2013
Crap, I want to do that! OMFG that was realy nice and cool! Reminds me of the purple pokemon Sableye gehehe, all these purple crystals sure make it look like that. But I can see myself back in it, I walk with a special stick too, stupid eyesight...
- - -
OK what the fridge is going on? Aren't you coming today?
- - -
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9350
#14220 Posted: 11:39:35 22/12/2013
I wonder who likes me on darkSpyro? Aww. There must be some little Goonro surely?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#14221 Posted: 11:53:00 22/12/2013
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
I wonder who likes me on darkSpyro? Aww. There must be some little Goonro surely?

I do like you, you are very interesting, don't go hate yourself because nobody ever talks to you.

I like you, at least someone right?
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#14222 Posted: 12:01:29 22/12/2013
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
I wonder who likes me on darkSpyro? Aww. There must be some little Goonro surely?

I like you, you helped me out alot back in the day, though you don't seem to remember. smilie
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9350
#14223 Posted: 13:24:34 22/12/2013
I've got the song Ruby stuck in my head, and it's getting a bit strange now, as it is looping around each time.

Lol, and I didn't expect to get a reply from my previous personal thought. But I feel loved, aww. And now slightly awkward.
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#14224 Posted: 16:04:22 22/12/2013
Quote: Spyrobaro
Why is it so ****ing hot? Isn't it supposed to be the day after the winter solstice? SHOULDN'T IT BE LIKE 20 DEGREES, NOT ****IN' 70?

DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#14225 Posted: 16:22:12 22/12/2013
To love someone who could never love you back the same way is painful. Each day, bottling up the emotions and storing them away to keep the friendship alive and not make things awkward. The thoughts of what would happen if you told them.
Gay 4 GARcher
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#14226 Posted: 17:32:05 22/12/2013
Today is gonna be a good day. Hopefully we can see frozen today. :3 Love you.



Almost done with those group pictures just need to get one more friend in and then take pictures and then get a card reader or some Christmas magic to get them on time.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#14227 Posted: 17:50:19 22/12/2013
I feel trapped. Knowing that the life I want to live will never happen for me. And nobody will understand. Because nobody ****ing understands anything anymore.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#14228 Posted: 18:20:00 22/12/2013
Florida is so nice right now.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#14229 Posted: 19:27:51 22/12/2013
okay, i'm getting worried.

no ****ing Christmas creatures yet smilie
looks like ive got some things to do...
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#14230 Posted: 19:43:45 22/12/2013
Me: okay it's 10pm, early night tonight.
Brain: lol but you need to catch up on Bad Education
Me: ok *watches Bad Education*
Brain: lol new topic on darkspyro
Me: *checks out new topic. Spends half an hour on dS.*
Me: *turns off lights, phone and iPad* I'm not tired....
Brain: you're gonna be tired tomorrow hahahahahha
Me: let me sleeeeeeep
Brain: lol no your bed isn't gonna be comfy tonight.
Me: dammit now I'm too hot.
Brain: Turn the fan on.
Me: too cold
Brain: turn the fan off.
Me: too hot
Brain: the new Jenna Marbles video is out.
Instagram: ouhoh liked your photo
Me: oh my ****ing god florence welch liked my photo....****ING FAKE ACCOUNT.
Instagram: asdfkl liked your photo. Fyhjbh liked your photo. Hjgcffj liked your photo. Hfdughkk liked your photo. Obama liked your photo. Spyro liked your photo. Miley Cyrus twerked on your photo. Satan licked your photo.
Me: idgaf those *****es can like and twerk on all my photos for all the ****s I give tonight.
Instagram: six people unfollowed you.
Me: OH HELL NO MOTHER****A! *investigates unfollowers*
Me: turning off phone now.
Phone: *whatsapp* HEEEEYYYYYY GUUUUUYYYYSSSSSS WHAT'S UP?! talk to me I'm bored as hell
Me: or not.
iPad: *tapped out* Bart Simpson finished burning the school down.
Darkspyro: ten of your friends are online
Facebook: fifty people liked your status
Youtube: remember those spyro fail reels you like watching? Guess what's in your recommendations list.
Me: oh spyro fail reels. ****ing hilarious. *watches fail reel*
Me: it is now 1am. ****.
Brain: you should update your story on wattpad.
Me: *turns phone and ipad back on. ends up reading fifty entire novels on wattpad.*
Me: quarter to two, way to go.
Brain: Not time to sleep yet!! There's a few episodes of family guy you haven't seen yet!
Me: *watches family guy*
Me: half two. kk. *turns everything off.*
Brain: ahhhhhhh time to imagine stuff that you wish would happen.
Me: it would be so cool to fly.
Brain: hey look it's 2:45. I will be playing We Can't Stop until dawn.
Me: **** off.
Brain: la da de da de
Me: I'm tired now
Brain: lol go pee
Me: lol go **** off
Brain: lol no. Open your advent calendar.
Me: YAY!
Brain: your nintendogs need feeding!
Me: oh yeah! Haven't played that in a while! Where's my Nintendo?
Brain: upstairs.
Me: damnnnnnnnn they're gonna starve and turn into those rabid dogs you read about on the creepypasta wiki. Oh **** now im scared!! Speaking of the creepypasta wiki....
Brain: give Dead Bart a read. Maybe check out the video for it.
Me: kk.
Me: mentally scarred for life. *tries to get comfy.*
Bed: muaha nope.
Me: hmmmmmm.....what should I daydream about tonight....
Me: omg I hate my school, I'll be back there in 2 weeks....should I live in London, Australia, New York or Egypt?....I should take my earrings out soon....imagine if I got florence+the machine tickets. And their phone numbers. *fantasises about meeting f+TM.*....Christmas in 2 days. ****. ....I wonder if anyone's posted in darkspyro....
Brain: why don't you play spyro?
Me: cause I haven't got the ****ing PlayStation.
Brain: don't you wish you could be someone else?
Me: in twenty minutes it will be four am.
Brain: vroom vroom mother****er.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#14231 Posted: 20:12:59 22/12/2013
Quote: Jaggedstar
Me: okay it's 10pm, early night tonight.
Brain: lol but you need to catch up on Bad Education
Me: ok *watches Bad Education*
Brain: lol new topic on darkspyro
Me: *checks out new topic. Spends half an hour on dS.*
Me: *turns off lights, phone and iPad* I'm not tired....
Brain: you're gonna be tired tomorrow hahahahahha
Me: let me sleeeeeeep
Brain: lol no your bed isn't gonna be comfy tonight.
Me: dammit now I'm too hot.
Brain: Turn the fan on.
Me: too cold
Brain: turn the fan off.
Me: too hot
Brain: the new Jenna Marbles video is out.
Instagram: ouhoh liked your photo
Me: oh my ****ing god florence welch liked my photo....****ING FAKE ACCOUNT.
Instagram: asdfkl liked your photo. Fyhjbh liked your photo. Hjgcffj liked your photo. Hfdughkk liked your photo. Obama liked your photo. Spyro liked your photo. Miley Cyrus twerked on your photo. Satan licked your photo.
Me: idgaf those *****es can like and twerk on all my photos for all the ****s I give tonight.
Instagram: six people unfollowed you.
Me: OH HELL NO MOTHER****A! *investigates unfollowers*
Me: turning off phone now.
Phone: *whatsapp* HEEEEYYYYYY GUUUUUYYYYSSSSSS WHAT'S UP?! talk to me I'm bored as hell
Me: or not.
iPad: *tapped out* Bart Simpson finished burning the school down.
Darkspyro: ten of your friends are online
Facebook: fifty people liked your status
Youtube: remember those spyro fail reels you like watching? Guess what's in your recommendations list.
Me: oh spyro fail reels. ****ing hilarious. *watches fail reel*
Me: it is now 1am. ****.
Brain: you should update your story on wattpad.
Me: *turns phone and ipad back on. ends up reading fifty entire novels on wattpad.*
Me: quarter to two, way to go.
Brain: Not time to sleep yet!! There's a few episodes of family guy you haven't seen yet!
Me: *watches family guy*
Me: half two. kk. *turns everything off.*
Brain: ahhhhhhh time to imagine stuff that you wish would happen.
Me: it would be so cool to fly.
Brain: hey look it's 2:45. I will be playing We Can't Stop until dawn.
Me: **** off.
Brain: la da de da de
Me: I'm tired now
Brain: lol go pee
Me: lol go **** off
Brain: lol no. Open your advent calendar.
Me: YAY!
Brain: your nintendogs need feeding!
Me: oh yeah! Haven't played that in a while! Where's my Nintendo?
Brain: upstairs.
Me: damnnnnnnnn they're gonna starve and turn into those rabid dogs you read about on the creepypasta wiki. Oh **** now im scared!! Speaking of the creepypasta wiki....
Brain: give Dead Bart a read. Maybe check out the video for it.
Me: kk.
Me: mentally scarred for life. *tries to get comfy.*
Bed: muaha nope.
Me: hmmmmmm.....what should I daydream about tonight....
Me: omg I hate my school, I'll be back there in 2 weeks....should I live in London, Australia, New York or Egypt?....I should take my earrings out soon....imagine if I got florence+the machine tickets. And their phone numbers. *fantasises about meeting f+TM.*....Christmas in 2 days. ****. ....I wonder if anyone's posted in darkspyro....
Brain: why don't you play spyro?
Me: cause I haven't got the ****ing PlayStation.
Brain: don't you wish you could be someone else?
Me: in twenty minutes it will be four am.
Brain: vroom vroom mother****er.

did I just really read all of that omg
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#14232 Posted: 21:02:12 22/12/2013
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Jaggedstar
Me: okay it's 10pm, early night tonight.
Brain: lol but you need to catch up on Bad Education
Me: ok *watches Bad Education*
Brain: lol new topic on darkspyro
Me: *checks out new topic. Spends half an hour on dS.*
Me: *turns off lights, phone and iPad* I'm not tired....
Brain: you're gonna be tired tomorrow hahahahahha
Me: let me sleeeeeeep
Brain: lol no your bed isn't gonna be comfy tonight.
Me: dammit now I'm too hot.
Brain: Turn the fan on.
Me: too cold
Brain: turn the fan off.
Me: too hot
Brain: the new Jenna Marbles video is out.
Instagram: ouhoh liked your photo
Me: oh my ****ing god florence welch liked my photo....****ING FAKE ACCOUNT.
Instagram: asdfkl liked your photo. Fyhjbh liked your photo. Hjgcffj liked your photo. Hfdughkk liked your photo. Obama liked your photo. Spyro liked your photo. Miley Cyrus twerked on your photo. Satan licked your photo.
Me: idgaf those *****es can like and twerk on all my photos for all the ****s I give tonight.
Instagram: six people unfollowed you.
Me: OH HELL NO MOTHER****A! *investigates unfollowers*
Me: turning off phone now.
Phone: *whatsapp* HEEEEYYYYYY GUUUUUYYYYSSSSSS WHAT'S UP?! talk to me I'm bored as hell
Me: or not.
iPad: *tapped out* Bart Simpson finished burning the school down.
Darkspyro: ten of your friends are online
Facebook: fifty people liked your status
Youtube: remember those spyro fail reels you like watching? Guess what's in your recommendations list.
Me: oh spyro fail reels. ****ing hilarious. *watches fail reel*
Me: it is now 1am. ****.
Brain: you should update your story on wattpad.
Me: *turns phone and ipad back on. ends up reading fifty entire novels on wattpad.*
Me: quarter to two, way to go.
Brain: Not time to sleep yet!! There's a few episodes of family guy you haven't seen yet!
Me: *watches family guy*
Me: half two. kk. *turns everything off.*
Brain: ahhhhhhh time to imagine stuff that you wish would happen.
Me: it would be so cool to fly.
Brain: hey look it's 2:45. I will be playing We Can't Stop until dawn.
Me: **** off.
Brain: la da de da de
Me: I'm tired now
Brain: lol go pee
Me: lol go **** off
Brain: lol no. Open your advent calendar.
Me: YAY!
Brain: your nintendogs need feeding!
Me: oh yeah! Haven't played that in a while! Where's my Nintendo?
Brain: upstairs.
Me: damnnnnnnnn they're gonna starve and turn into those rabid dogs you read about on the creepypasta wiki. Oh **** now im scared!! Speaking of the creepypasta wiki....
Brain: give Dead Bart a read. Maybe check out the video for it.
Me: kk.
Me: mentally scarred for life. *tries to get comfy.*
Bed: muaha nope.
Me: hmmmmmm.....what should I daydream about tonight....
Me: omg I hate my school, I'll be back there in 2 weeks....should I live in London, Australia, New York or Egypt?....I should take my earrings out soon....imagine if I got florence+the machine tickets. And their phone numbers. *fantasises about meeting f+TM.*....Christmas in 2 days. ****. ....I wonder if anyone's posted in darkspyro....
Brain: why don't you play spyro?
Me: cause I haven't got the ****ing PlayStation.
Brain: don't you wish you could be someone else?
Me: in twenty minutes it will be four am.
Brain: vroom vroom mother****er.

did I just really read all of that omg

part 2 out now in a personal thoughts topic near you!

me: well it's 4:47am and I've watched 5 more family guy episodes. Is it time to sleep now?!
Brain: lol I'm gonna play 2 become 1 till forever
Me: argh I ****ing hate that song
Brain: that's why it's stuck in here smilie
Me: the dog is going to eat me.
Brain: there are more Jenna marbles videos you haven't seen....
Me: **** her she can wait till tomorrow.
Brain: but they're so funny! And you'll disappoint her if you don't watch them....
Me: *watches videos*
Me: 5am. Whoop de do. I've done an all nighter by accident.
Brain: ever wonder why the **** Stewie Griffin has a British accent? Or how chris has blonde hair? Or how Peter, Chris and Stewie all have twins who either died or are growing in them?
Me: aghsjkfkkskskal
Brain: wheeeeeee
Me: seijejdjjds
Me: but why go up a hill then go down it straight away?! stupid duke.
Brain: wow so offensive
many sadness
Me: wow
Such don't care
Elbow: lol time to hurt from the time you hit me twelve hours ago
Me: oh no no no no no no no no I'm sorry don't hurt owweewwwwwwwwww
Brain: jeff the killer is in your wardrobe.
Brain: oh and also you gotta start learning your lines for that sucky play you're in where you play two characters who are the most boring women EVER. and you're gonna have to wear leggings which make you look and feel fat.
Brain: why the **** are you going all southern on me
Me: idk
Brain: reminds me of Sheldon cooper's mother. Also reminds me that there are bloopers from The Big Bang Theory on youtube....and Friends bloopers.....and Good Luck Charlie episodes....and iCarly episodes....and Suite Life episodes....and Victorious episodes....and South Park funny moments....and everything there ever could be to watch on youtube....
Sleep: lol ok bye
Brain: MUAHAHHAHAAHAHSHDKFKHEWZ *ties rope round her wrists and covers her mouth*
Me: pffffft. *ninja kicks brain* OW MY HEAD ****ING HURTS YOU SON OF A *****
Brain: it shoots, it scores.
Me: go to hell.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#14233 Posted: 21:08:07 22/12/2013
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#14234 Posted: 21:09:30 22/12/2013
plz bring a part 3
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#14235 Posted: 21:27:33 22/12/2013
part 3 coming in 1 hour. Stay tuned kids!
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#14236 Posted: 21:37:33 22/12/2013
Da*** did I just read
Gay 4 GARcher
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7393
#14237 Posted: 21:59:03 22/12/2013
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#14238 Posted: 22:04:36 22/12/2013
And back by popular demand, How JStar Spends Her Unplanned Pregnancies--I Mean, AllNighters. Hehe.
Fyi, all this actually happened minus various objects talking, but u know what I mean. Night well spent. **** you hairbrush. ****. You.

Brain: haha I've succeeded in making you stay up all night!
Me: you will pay you stupid twerking evil bastard!
Brain: you're talking to yourself, y'know.
Me: well then, I've diagnosed myself with insomnia.
Brain: INSOMNIAC!! Remember them?! Remember the old days when you played Spyro all night if you couldn't sleep? Remember Agent Zero's challenge?
Me: that challenge is so hard, I swear it was made by satan!
Brain: yeah yeah whatever, we still have a good four hours left until everyone wakes up.
Me: that mother****er is gonna eat me D: *tries to lock door*
Lock: lol no I don't feel like co-operating
Me: *hides under blanket*
Blanket: lol I'm gonna smell.
Youtube: OI! Watch poneypokey videos! Nothing beats hearing other people bash generation 1 my little pony! smilie
Youtube recommendations: lol family guy
Art homework: lol hello
Me: oh **** I really need to pee
Feet: lol we're gonna stand on your hairbrush
Hairbrush: lol I'm a massive tarantula
Me: I'm not getting off this bed until it's light!
Lamp: Yeah, hi, I exist!
Lightbulb: *blows up*
Me: you little *****
Brain: omg it's 6am lol
Me: I'm gonna close my eyes now.
Air con: *makes weird noise*
Me: I am never closing my eyes again. Or reading creepypastas after midday.
Me: *sits up*
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6139
#14239 Posted: 22:08:45 22/12/2013
I feel like I'm gonna puke. What was in that tea? Last time I have tea from Dairy Queen. >.>
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7393
#14240 Posted: 22:18:41 22/12/2013
10/10 Jstar, 10/10.


Today is I'm going swimming...again.
To the same place? Did we even go to the swing bridge that time? There was no bridge there. Just a very deep swimming spot with a bunch of rocks. And that riverbed of rocks, making us literally crawl through the water to get this other spot the guys wanted to go to.
I hope we go there again. That was actually a nice swim. And I hope you're nice to me again. I hope today is good.
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#14241 Posted: 22:24:39 22/12/2013
There's too much of a toxic view on "attention"... why are people so petty about it?
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#14242 Posted: 22:53:33 22/12/2013
i just went on my sister's phone while she was sleeping and i found out she sexts b^-^d. scarred my eyes >->
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantimeā˜ 
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#14243 Posted: 22:58:19 22/12/2013
@spyro-gamer *bows*

Part 4. Because I'm bored and these are fun.

Me: half 6. I officially give up on sleep.
Brain: haha lol you're gonna be tired
Youtube: so, what do ya wanna watch. Jenna Marbles, ponypokey, pewdiepie, Slenderman playthroughs, epic rap battles of history, Rebecca Black's new "song", videos from 2009/2010 that remind you of your early middle school days?
Me: ERB. Haven't watched that in a while.
Marilyn Monroe: KISS MY CLITORIS!
Me: oooookaaaaaaay thennnnnn....
Brain: you have to go back to school in 2 weeks.
School: I'm waaaaaaitiiiiiing smilie
Me: oh shut the **** up and let me watch everything on youtube at once!!
Brain: k.
Cat: meow.
Me: until you can turn the light on and off at my command, feed yourself.
Cat: *claws face*
Me: you win. ****face.
Me: *gets up to feed cat*
Hallway: ooh I'm so dark. I wonder what murderers are out this morning?
Light switches: lol we're gonna move from our original place
Stairs: lol we're gonna be closer to you than you think.
Floorboards: lol CREEEEEEEAK
Cat: lol I'm gonna trip you up
Catbowl: I'm full already. You risked your life for nothing.
Cat: trolololololololol
Me: you adorable little bastard
Me: *gies back to bed*
Clock: 6:45am
Me: oh **** I forgot to turn the alarm off.
Brain: why do you have a duck quacking as your alarm??
Brain fair enough. By the way, you have a four year old's birthday party today.
Me: DA DUCK?!?!
Autocorrect: lol im gonna be difficult
Brain: yeah.
Me: ****.
Random vibrating noise: *vibrate*
Me: what the **** is that anyway I've been hearing that for ages now
Room: I'm haunted
Me: shuddup. Arseholes.
Me: I can't get comfy smilie((((((
Hair: lol I need washing and I'm gonna feel gross until you wash me.
Blanket: lol I'm gonna slide off the bed
Feet: lol we're gonna be cold
Socks: lol we're gonna vanish off the face of the earth
Me: I should try and get a couple hours' sleep....
Facebook: Queen Elizabeth liked your status.
Instagram: Billy Ray Cyrus did not twerk on your photo.
WhatsApp: DING.
WattPad: asdfghjkl updated their story.
Me: k then.
Alarm: 6:55am! Time for netball!
Me: oh crap I put this thing on snooze how do I turn it off?!
Clock: you don't. You get up and go to netball you lazy ****.
Me: but it's too cold....and despite how I hate everything in my room right now I wanna stay here....
Clock: GET UP.

kk so that pretty much sums up my night.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#14244 Posted: 22:59:23 22/12/2013
*blink* Da***
Gay 4 GARcher
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#14245 Posted: 23:11:27 22/12/2013
Quote: joerox123
i just went on my sister's phone while she was sleeping and i found out she sexts b^-^d. scarred my eyes >->

I feel horrible when I hear about your sister's situations <~<
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#14246 Posted: 23:12:53 22/12/2013
Quote: Seiki
I feel like I'm gonna puke. What was in that tea? Last time I have tea from Dairy Queen. >.>

DQ sells TEA? What?????
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#14247 Posted: 23:51:51 22/12/2013
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: joerox123
i just went on my sister's phone while she was sleeping and i found out she sexts b^-^d. scarred my eyes >->

I feel horrible when I hear about your sister's situations <~<

I'm sorry I make you feel that way ):
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantimeā˜ 
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#14248 Posted: 23:58:08 22/12/2013
JStar 10/10 make more plz
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#14249 Posted: 01:06:12 23/12/2013
Why shouldn't I? It's not going to hurt you.
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