Green Sparx
Gems: 183
#61 Posted: 17:02:59 12/12/2013
^ I thought so.
In that case here is what I have found on the Elementalist Quest. The purpose here is to get through all Skylanders of the same element as fast as possible. Basically I looked for levels that had "this element is strong here" right after the checkpoint, so the level could be loaded quickly and repeated easily for multiple Skylanders of the same element. While there may be better strategies the following is what I did.
Undead - I played Iron Jaw Gulch and reloaded from the checkpoint. Just play through till the end of the level. If done right you can get close to two undead elementalist quests done. Once enemies at the end of the level have been defeated reload from the checkpoint and repeat till all undead are done.
Tech - I played Mudwater Hollow. Get through the river and to the checkpoint right at the village. Defeat the enemies in the village, reload at the checkpoint, and repeat till Tech are done. I usually only had to reload twice/play it twice for each Tech Skylander.
Air - Mudwater Hollow again, just after you catch the three piranha and cross over the bridge. There is a Life Spellpunk in this location and a couple of Grumblebum Thrashers. Focus all attacks on the Thrashers and stay away from the Life Spellpunk. Let the Spellpunk constantly heal the Thrashers and when one air Skylander is done, swap in the next, and so forth till all Air are done. I did this in just a few minutes with around 6 or 7 air Skylanders. Note: don't damage the Thrashers too much, let the Spellpunk heal after a few hits otherwise you may accidentally defeat them.
Fire - The Rampant Ruins offers a Fire elemental zone right after the checkpoint. So enemies can be defeated and the level can be reloaded to finish off fire Skylanders quickly. The door with the two spinning locks changes the zone to earth, so once enemies are defeated unlock the door and stand as close to the door as possible without going through it and defeat the chompies on the other side to get more elemental damage before reloading. Alternative Strategy - I found in Mudwater Hollow, after unlocking the first flood gate and landing at the second one, there is a Life Spellpunk, two Grumblebum Thrashers, and a Grumblebum Rockshooter. You can attack the enemies here and let the spellpunk consistently heal them and follow the same strategy as the Air above. I would focus many of your attacks on the Rockshooter and try to defeat it, so you only have to focus on the Thrashers.
Now the following probably aren't the best, so anyone who has better please feel free to say so.
Water - First, the water element is a difficult one to find easily. The very end of Mudwater Hollow is where I did the quest. There are a lot of enemies and a life spellpunk maybe two, are mixed into the fray. Follow the Air strategy above with the Life Spellpunk and you should be able to quickly complete many of your water skylanders. If you run out of enemies reload and you will start at the checkpoint. Lastly, the crystals count toward the elemental damage so destroy all but one of them to boost your total elemental damage.
Life - Cascade Glade checkpoint. This one takes a little longer but it is right at the checkpoint so it's easy to reload. After defeating the first lot of enemies go through the cave, complete the lock spark puzzle, and there are two more enemies behind that door. Or just reload after the first lot of enemies, it may be quicker, but I don't know because I did not test it. Important Note - For some reason when you reload the level from the checkpoint, the "Life is stronger in this area" does not pop up on the bottom of the screen. To the left of where you start at the checkpoint is a little cave, entering and exiting the cave will make the "Life is stronger in this zone" pop up. You must do this before defeating enemies otherwise the damage will not count toward the Elementalist Quest.
Earth and Magic I have not done these yet.
Important Note about Elementalist Quest
Play on Nightmare difficulty, enemies have more health, thus they can take more damage and you can build your elemental damage much faster. Easier difficulties will require more playthroughs, my strategies were done on Nightmare Difficulty.
Hot Dog - Eat 10 hotdogs, this can be done in Mudwater Hollow. In fact reloading at the checkpoint will usually spawn at least one hotdog on the pier right in front of you, or in the house on the right after the enemies are defeated. I have found the house on the right to contain up to three hotdogs at one time, not always though, but usually at least one. These spawn on the tables on the ground floor and one up the stairs. Sometimes hamburgers or food platters spawn instead, but this is a great place to find hotdogs and the only location I know of to find them. Do this quest while doing Tech Skylanders Elementalist quest, from the strategy above.
I hope all this helps and if anyone knows a faster way please enlighten us. Lastly, has anyone completed Fire Kraken's unique quest yet? I took the Showcase Path, thus my parade ability is very weak and I am finding it near impossible to complete this quest. Any help would be much appreciated.