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Swap Force Quests [CLOSED]
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#51 Posted: 05:50:50 10/12/2013
Thank you for adding the strategy list! smilie Should help a lot with my Questing.

A third place to do Extinguisher is the Sand-Pit-Fall Survival Arena- it's not the fastest option, methinks, but there are a bunch of Fire Golems there and more importantly doing the Survival arena helps a lot with levelling.

Also, Totally Maxed Out should be done with PVP, it's the fastest and easiest way I've found to level and gives both competitors Gold. Preferably make sure whatever you're facing against is at Level 20.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#52 Posted: 05:57:17 10/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks...adding the tips!
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
alegeobla Gold Sparx Gems: 2501
#53 Posted: 14:32:40 10/12/2013
For Bumble Blast: Not The Bees! I finished it very quickly on the challenge with the chompies and chompy pods (forget the name of it). Just shoot the pods with honey and shoot away with your bees. Also is easier if you get the upgrade that makes the bees home in honey covered baddies
100% Character Upgrades: SA 43/43 SG 69/69 SSF 76/76 STT 25/69 SSC 32/34 SI 5/31 SEE 10/14
Currently Working on: Sure Shot smilie
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#54 Posted: 01:33:20 11/12/2013 | Topic Creator
If you remember the challenge let me know and I'll update the summary thread with the recommendation. Thanks.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#55 Posted: 02:22:45 11/12/2013
smilie 's new quest to to defeat 5 golems with her bottle rockets. And smilie 's is for his woodpecker pal to defeat 50 enemies.
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#56 Posted: 02:58:48 11/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Changed. Note: If possible use the exact wording used in the game.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Dragon-Master Blue Sparx Gems: 786
#57 Posted: 23:05:19 11/12/2013
I am a bit confused about Pop Thorn's 'Take a Deep Breath' quest. Is it similar to Free Ranger's quest where you must continually use it without getting hit or is it more like Flashwing's quest where a single use is needed to defeat a certain number of enemies?
Spyro's Adventure & Giants - 98/99 (Royal Double Trouble)
Swap Force - 73/75 (Bumble Blast LC, QD Rattle Shake)
wrecknroll Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#58 Posted: 08:30:18 12/12/2013
If you want elementalist done try out pvp Ring Out.Choose the the skylander you want to done with amd a skylander of the disadvantaged element.
My collection!
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#59 Posted: 15:28:19 12/12/2013
^ I already tried this and it didn't work. I tried in both Battle and Ring out modes. No additional damage popped up while attacking and no damage was recorded on quest screen. So either you are on a different system or the elemental advantages/disadvantages changed. I am on a PS3 and tried the following elemental combinations:

Air against Earth
Fire against Air
Undead against Life
Earth against Tech

None of these worked, so if elemental advantages/disadvantages have changed can someone please let me know, as PVP is the fastest way to complete the Elementalist Quest.
alegeobla Gold Sparx Gems: 2501
#60 Posted: 16:04:15 12/12/2013
they have removed that exploit in swap force. stuck doing it through story mode now :S
100% Character Upgrades: SA 43/43 SG 69/69 SSF 76/76 STT 25/69 SSC 32/34 SI 5/31 SEE 10/14
Currently Working on: Sure Shot smilie
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#61 Posted: 17:02:59 12/12/2013
^ I thought so.

In that case here is what I have found on the Elementalist Quest. The purpose here is to get through all Skylanders of the same element as fast as possible. Basically I looked for levels that had "this element is strong here" right after the checkpoint, so the level could be loaded quickly and repeated easily for multiple Skylanders of the same element. While there may be better strategies the following is what I did.

Undead - I played Iron Jaw Gulch and reloaded from the checkpoint. Just play through till the end of the level. If done right you can get close to two undead elementalist quests done. Once enemies at the end of the level have been defeated reload from the checkpoint and repeat till all undead are done.

Tech - I played Mudwater Hollow. Get through the river and to the checkpoint right at the village. Defeat the enemies in the village, reload at the checkpoint, and repeat till Tech are done. I usually only had to reload twice/play it twice for each Tech Skylander.

Air - Mudwater Hollow again, just after you catch the three piranha and cross over the bridge. There is a Life Spellpunk in this location and a couple of Grumblebum Thrashers. Focus all attacks on the Thrashers and stay away from the Life Spellpunk. Let the Spellpunk constantly heal the Thrashers and when one air Skylander is done, swap in the next, and so forth till all Air are done. I did this in just a few minutes with around 6 or 7 air Skylanders. Note: don't damage the Thrashers too much, let the Spellpunk heal after a few hits otherwise you may accidentally defeat them.

Fire - The Rampant Ruins offers a Fire elemental zone right after the checkpoint. So enemies can be defeated and the level can be reloaded to finish off fire Skylanders quickly. The door with the two spinning locks changes the zone to earth, so once enemies are defeated unlock the door and stand as close to the door as possible without going through it and defeat the chompies on the other side to get more elemental damage before reloading. Alternative Strategy - I found in Mudwater Hollow, after unlocking the first flood gate and landing at the second one, there is a Life Spellpunk, two Grumblebum Thrashers, and a Grumblebum Rockshooter. You can attack the enemies here and let the spellpunk consistently heal them and follow the same strategy as the Air above. I would focus many of your attacks on the Rockshooter and try to defeat it, so you only have to focus on the Thrashers.

Now the following probably aren't the best, so anyone who has better please feel free to say so.

Water - First, the water element is a difficult one to find easily. The very end of Mudwater Hollow is where I did the quest. There are a lot of enemies and a life spellpunk maybe two, are mixed into the fray. Follow the Air strategy above with the Life Spellpunk and you should be able to quickly complete many of your water skylanders. If you run out of enemies reload and you will start at the checkpoint. Lastly, the crystals count toward the elemental damage so destroy all but one of them to boost your total elemental damage.

Life - Cascade Glade checkpoint. This one takes a little longer but it is right at the checkpoint so it's easy to reload. After defeating the first lot of enemies go through the cave, complete the lock spark puzzle, and there are two more enemies behind that door. Or just reload after the first lot of enemies, it may be quicker, but I don't know because I did not test it. Important Note - For some reason when you reload the level from the checkpoint, the "Life is stronger in this area" does not pop up on the bottom of the screen. To the left of where you start at the checkpoint is a little cave, entering and exiting the cave will make the "Life is stronger in this zone" pop up. You must do this before defeating enemies otherwise the damage will not count toward the Elementalist Quest.

Earth and Magic I have not done these yet.

Important Note about Elementalist Quest
Play on Nightmare difficulty, enemies have more health, thus they can take more damage and you can build your elemental damage much faster. Easier difficulties will require more playthroughs, my strategies were done on Nightmare Difficulty.

Hot Dog - Eat 10 hotdogs, this can be done in Mudwater Hollow. In fact reloading at the checkpoint will usually spawn at least one hotdog on the pier right in front of you, or in the house on the right after the enemies are defeated. I have found the house on the right to contain up to three hotdogs at one time, not always though, but usually at least one. These spawn on the tables on the ground floor and one up the stairs. Sometimes hamburgers or food platters spawn instead, but this is a great place to find hotdogs and the only location I know of to find them. Do this quest while doing Tech Skylanders Elementalist quest, from the strategy above.

I hope all this helps and if anyone knows a faster way please enlighten us. Lastly, has anyone completed Fire Kraken's unique quest yet? I took the Showcase Path, thus my parade ability is very weak and I am finding it near impossible to complete this quest. Any help would be much appreciated.
Dragon-Master Blue Sparx Gems: 786
#62 Posted: 19:04:00 12/12/2013
Yes, I have completed the Fire Kraken quest. You can find the details of how I cleared it in this topic:


I also had the showcase path for the top half and I agree that it is definitely more difficult to achieve that way, but it is possible.

Also do you have any tips on Pop Thorn's unique quest?
Spyro's Adventure & Giants - 98/99 (Royal Double Trouble)
Swap Force - 73/75 (Bumble Blast LC, QD Rattle Shake)
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#63 Posted: 19:10:40 12/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Great tips Zenephret, your contributions are very much appreciated!
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#64 Posted: 21:16:24 12/12/2013
Ok, just completed Pop Thorn's unique quest. I played Angry Angry Plants arena battle. I just pressed attack 2 and held it down until the quest identification popped up. I didn't continuously hit enemies, just kept the button pressed. Don't get hit by any enemies as this interrupts the attack. Play on nightmare difficulty so you can get more hits out of the opponents as to not kill them too fast. Lastly, I was on the Controlled Breather Path so this will probably be much harder down the other path, but I got it on the first try when attempted.

Now I'm going to attempt Fire Kraken's first on the sheep in Kaos' battle and if that doesn't work then I'll try what Dragon-Master did. And by the way, thank you for the tip Dragon Master.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14437
#65 Posted: 21:27:06 12/12/2013
What's the issue with Fire Kraken? Just go through a crowd of Chompies.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#66 Posted: 21:39:28 12/12/2013
^ Chompies don't count. You have to bounce enemies off the Parade ability, so enemies that die in one hit don't count. Not to mention almost all other enemies refuse to group to accumulate enough hits. Thus, you need a tight space with enough enemies and that is hard to find.

The sheep in the final Kaos Battle didn't work, but Dragon-Master's strategy worked perfectly. I was able to get the quest on the first try, and doing it on the bridge is a must. It is such a tight space that even though I missed one or two, the one's I hit bounced off the parade attack multiple times. I counted and you can get four hits off on one enemy before the parade stops, assuming you go down the Showcase Path, so attacking on the bridge allowed me to bounce a couple enemies a few times. So, congratulations to Dragon-Master are in order for making an almost impossible quest possible. Thank you for savings me hours of frustration.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14437
#67 Posted: 21:41:11 12/12/2013
It works fine with Chompies for me, just tested it out and got it in like ten seconds.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Dragon-Master Blue Sparx Gems: 786
#68 Posted: 21:54:19 12/12/2013
@ Zenephret. Glad to help, I suffered about 3 hours of frustration trying to figure it out. But in the end that was the only place I could think of where I could enough enemies and close enough too.

@ dark52. I don't know if it depends on the system which you are playing on. It didn't work on chompies for me and I am on the Wii U.
Spyro's Adventure & Giants - 98/99 (Royal Double Trouble)
Swap Force - 73/75 (Bumble Blast LC, QD Rattle Shake)
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#69 Posted: 21:54:47 12/12/2013
^ Well, you are right. I just reset the character and it worked on the Chompies in a battle arena. Don't always believe what you read in the strategy guide I guess. Ok, so the quest has just been made super easy. Play any location with a lot of chompies. Thank you Dark52.

I'm on the PS3 by the way. Both strategies (Dark 52 and Dragon-Master) worked for me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:56:53 12/12/2013 by Zenephret
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#70 Posted: 21:57:25 12/12/2013
Heres some more info:

As Zenephret said above play on nightmare, you can also wear a high elemental hat, and use your +elemental legendary items for the following.

Water: Mudwater Hollow also, except go to "Precious Ponds" Which is in the "Muddy Marsh Village" It is the spot through the dual water/undead gate. There you will find three fish sitting over three switches. You are suposed to pick the switch that the fish shakes his head yes to. Instead keep picking the one that they say no to. Which will in turn spawn enemies over and over, this will allow you to do the quest for all your water skylanders.

Mech: Same spot as above, outside the dual water/undead gate is a Mech zone. When you spawn the bad guys just lead them out the gate, the ones with the clubs get stuck at the step, but if you get up close to them and make them swing they end up coming over the step and can be led to the mech zone.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 19:14:45 15/12/2013 by Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#71 Posted: 22:01:06 12/12/2013
Somone remind me what part of the Swappables stores the quests? Is it the top or bottom part?
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#72 Posted: 22:07:08 12/12/2013
Quote: Madra Uchiha
Heres some more info:

Ive been looking for the best spots for the "Elementalist" quest, and adding to those Zenephret put above are the following, which are great for people like me who have over two boxes worth of skylanders to do.

As Zenephret said above play on nightmare, you can also wear a high elemental hat, and use your +elemental legendary items for the following.

Water: Mudwater Hollow also, except go to "Precious Ponds" Which is in the "Muddy Marsh Village" It is the spot through the dual water/undead gate. There you will find three fish sitting over three switches. You are suposed to pick the switch that the fish shakes his head yes to. Instead keep picking the one that they say no to. Which will in turn spawn enemies over and over, this will allow you to do the quest for all your water skylanders.

You may also be able to do this for your undead skylanders? Its a dual zone but due to a brain fart i didnt check undead when i was in there, maybe somone can verify that.

This next one im proud of:

Life (almost all characters), Fire, Earth in that order:

This one takes a minute to get to but like i said this is for people with tons of skylanders! Also im still working on it because i stopped at the Checkpoint so its possible there are other elements later in the stage.

Phantasm forest: Go all the way through the level to "Wildfire wilds and waterway retreat" it will be right after "Jet fire pass" and right after you get off the "Fire flooder" (boat with water turrent).

Now pay close attention, when you first get off the boat you are still in a Life zone, !!Whatever you do, do not go through the two columns next the the rolling fire barrels, because it will change to a Fire zone!! Stay on the outside of the columns and you can shoot (long range) the rolling barrels for elemental damage. I believe if its a close fighting character you will probably not be able to get close enough which the only one i can think of off the top of my head that may not work is Stealth Elf (older versions), the new version of her you should be able to do with "Suprise Tiger".

So just blast away from there. Then when you are done with Life characters move forward through the columns and do Fire characters. Then farther up the stage in turns into a Earth Zone!

I may edit these but so far these are great spots.

Awesome finds! That ought to make those elements super easy. Those are definitely better strategies, I would suggest everyone to do those instead. The Swappers store the data on their top half, level, upgrades, quests, and gold.
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#73 Posted: 22:09:38 12/12/2013
The Swappers store the data on their top half, level, upgrades, quests, and gold.

Thanks Zenephret

Now i can edit my post above
alegeobla Gold Sparx Gems: 2501
#74 Posted: 04:48:54 14/12/2013
Quote: Madara Uchiha
Heres some more info:

Ive been looking for the best spots for the "Elementalist" quest, and adding to those Zenephret put above are the following, which are great for people like me who have over two boxes worth of skylanders to do.

As Zenephret said above play on nightmare, you can also wear a high elemental hat, and use your +elemental legendary items for the following. You can also use any of your Swappable characters at these locations, if you have the corresponding bottom. For example if its a water zone just put a water bottom on any of your swappables.

Water: Mudwater Hollow also, except go to "Precious Ponds" Which is in the "Muddy Marsh Village" It is the spot through the dual water/undead gate. There you will find three fish sitting over three switches. You are suposed to pick the switch that the fish shakes his head yes to. Instead keep picking the one that they say no to. Which will in turn spawn enemies over and over, this will allow you to do the quest for all your water skylanders.

You may also be able to do this for your undead skylanders? Its a dual zone but due to a brain fart i didnt check undead when i was in there, maybe somone can verify that.

This next one im proud of:

Life (almost all characters), Fire, Earth, Undead, Water

This one takes a minute to get to but like i said this is for people with tons of skylanders!

Phantasm forest: Go all the way through the level to "Wildfire wilds and waterway retreat" it will be right after "Jet fire pass" and right after you get off the "Fire flooder" (boat with water turrent).

Now pay close attention, when you first get off the boat you are still in a Life zone, !!Whatever you do, do not go through the two columns next the the rolling fire barrels, because it will change to a Fire zone!! Stay on the outside of the columns and you can shoot (long range) the rolling barrels for elemental damage. I believe if its a close fighting character you will probably not be able to get close enough which the only one i can think of off the top of my head that may not work is Stealth Elf (older versions), the new version of her you should be able to do with "Suprise Tiger".

So just blast away from there. Then when you are done with Life characters move forward through the columns and do Fire characters. Then farther up the stage in turns into a Earth Zone, then Undead, and last Water, all using the barrels provided in those zones.

I may edit these but so far these are great spots.

So I'm not sure if its an issue with xbox360, or an issue with jolly bumble blast. but I went to where you were talking about, and attacked the barrels, each showing lots of extra elemental damage. but my quest stats for it never went up. So I dont know if in xbox the barrels dont count towards total, or if jolly is just messed up :S

How I ended up doing it was earlier in the level in the cave where you run into the undead spell punk you can just stand back and wait for him to keep summoning his skeleton goblins and attack those
100% Character Upgrades: SA 43/43 SG 69/69 SSF 76/76 STT 25/69 SSC 32/34 SI 5/31 SEE 10/14
Currently Working on: Sure Shot smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:56:49 14/12/2013 by alegeobla
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#75 Posted: 21:03:19 14/12/2013
^ I actually had the same issue myself and I am on the PS3. Elemental damage showed but nothing was counted toward the total. I tried with a few different Skylanders. Fantasm Forest is a great place to do Life Elementalist Quests as Undead Spellpunks willl keep spawning undead trolls allowing you to get all life Skylanders done if you avoid damaging the spellpunk that is.
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#76 Posted: 03:02:29 15/12/2013
Hmm im on the Wii U so ill go back and make for sure. That will be a shame if it shows elemental damage but no actual damage being done.
Dragon-Master Blue Sparx Gems: 786
#77 Posted: 11:25:08 15/12/2013
The Elementalist quest only counts the damage done in a elemental zone done to enemies. Even though you get bonus damage from attacking barrels and other objects, it won't count to the total.
Spyro's Adventure & Giants - 98/99 (Royal Double Trouble)
Swap Force - 73/75 (Bumble Blast LC, QD Rattle Shake)
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#78 Posted: 19:11:13 15/12/2013
Yeah, sorry about that. I went back to those spots and even though the game shows your doing elemental damage, no damage is actually given. I guess i never looked because i figured if it says your getting it you should be getting it. Once again sorry about that. But the Mudwater Hollow, Precious ponds does work. I went back and made sure, so ill edit all my info above.
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#79 Posted: 20:52:44 15/12/2013
Dark52 has posted quests and how to do them here: //
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#80 Posted: 21:36:01 15/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Oh well...another wasted effort. Close down the thread then. I'll know better next time.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#81 Posted: 22:08:59 15/12/2013
Oh well...another wasted effort. Close down the thread then. I'll know better next time.

Hmm... didnt you start this first? I would think we should keep yours.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#82 Posted: 03:08:39 16/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: Madara Uchiha
Oh well...another wasted effort. Close down the thread then. I'll know better next time.

Hmm... didnt you start this first? I would think we should keep yours.

I personally like talking about the different ways people are solving the problems, but that's fine. It's just not that important now that the site owner has more or less the information already there.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Zenephret Green Sparx Gems: 183
#83 Posted: 03:41:47 16/12/2013
I think we give more strategy to many of the quests. I looked at the other one and its pretty vague on many of the strategies especially the Elementalist Quest. You started this first, or so I think you did and we have offered a lot of valuable data.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#84 Posted: 04:21:30 16/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks for your efforts...maybe we can consider this the add-on guide to what Dark Spyro has provided. Doesn't really matter who was first (it was me) but the real thing is---does it provide value and should it continue? If the answer is still yes then I'm still game.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#85 Posted: 13:53:52 16/12/2013
The Elementalist quest only counts the damage done in a elemental zone done to enemies.

This actually is not true, there are several inanimate objects in the game that do give elemental points towards the quest. For example the wooden gates you have to bust through in the 1st and 2nd level. That is why when i saw the barrels showing elemental damage on screen i just took for granted that it was counting towards the quest.

hanks for your efforts...maybe we can consider this the add-on guide to what Dark Spyro has provided. Doesn't really matter who was first (it was me) but the real thing is---does it provide value and should it continue? If the answer is still yes then I'm still game.

Well i hope you keep yours going. As Zenephret said this one is more detailed you have put in effort, and we have put in man hours to finding out all this stuff.
WickedRogue Gold Sparx Gems: 2725
#86 Posted: 23:03:36 16/12/2013
Quote: Madara Uchiha
The Elementalist quest only counts the damage done in a elemental zone done to enemies.

This actually is not true, there are several inanimate objects in the game that do give elemental points towards the quest. For example the wooden gates you have to bust through in the 1st and 2nd level. That is why when i saw the barrels showing elemental damage on screen i just took for granted that it was counting towards the quest.

hanks for your efforts...maybe we can consider this the add-on guide to what Dark Spyro has provided. Doesn't really matter who was first (it was me) but the real thing is---does it provide value and should it continue? If the answer is still yes then I'm still game.

Well i hope you keep yours going. As Zenephret said this one is more detailed you have put in effort, and we have put in man hours to finding out all this stuff.

It is better to have the help provided and people trying to work as a community for a common goal, or else nothing will ever get done.
Elite Skystones Set Complete.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#87 Posted: 23:56:35 16/12/2013
Grim Creeper's "Aggressive Outfit" can be easily acquired in the "Chomp Chomp Chompies" or the "Angry Angry Plants" Arena Battles.

Be sure that the difficulty is set to Easy. Just round up a group of Chompies and/or Greebles and run through them with Grim's soul.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#88 Posted: 02:11:29 17/12/2013
Quote: GhostRoaster
Oh well...another wasted effort. Close down the thread then. I'll know better next time.

He doesn't have them all there, so you can keep going with this. It's fun!
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#89 Posted: 02:15:01 17/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: mrdarkspyro
Quote: GhostRoaster
Oh well...another wasted effort. Close down the thread then. I'll know better next time.

He doesn't have them all there, so you can keep going with this. It's fun!

No need to continue wasting space discussing this. It's on like Donkey Kong!
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#90 Posted: 02:17:42 17/12/2013
Yeah, but his tips are... not detailed, i can understand and do yours. I was just trying to help with this topic, not kill it.
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon-Master Blue Sparx Gems: 786
#91 Posted: 22:01:55 18/12/2013
Where do you think is the best place to complete the Earth Elementalist quest?

Is the end of Motleyville and the boss battle with Baron Von Shellshock the only decent place to complete it? I found that defeating the unlimited supply of chompies in the boss battle is one the longest but most successful ways of completing it.

Also I found that there are not enough enemies in Frostfest Mountains (even on hard or nightmare difficulty) to complete this quest.
Spyro's Adventure & Giants - 98/99 (Royal Double Trouble)
Swap Force - 73/75 (Bumble Blast LC, QD Rattle Shake)
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#92 Posted: 00:57:21 19/12/2013
Where do you think is the best place to complete the Earth Elementalist quest?

I was trying to hold off on listing my new Elementalist spots because im recombing through the game looking for the best spots.

But since you asked ill give you what ive found so far.

Theres two different spots ive found so far. The second one is better for you if you want to do a lot of Earth based skylanders.

Spot 1: Mount Cloudbreak: Go to the Checkpoint: There is a Chompy pod there, kill the chompys not the plant itself. Travel out, back in and repeat.

But i like this spot better so far:

Spot 2: Rampant Ruins: Guardians Lookout: When you cross over the crumbling bridge into Guardians lookout (spot with the movable blocks and falling missles). Kill the chompies there, then back up to what is left of the bridge (little ledge to your left). You then shoot the missles to your hearts content. They will not drop on you if you are back far enough.
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#93 Posted: 16:20:03 19/12/2013

Water Zone + Chompy plants = Easy Water Elementalist Quest
I use this zone for Water quest smilie
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
RtooDetoo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1219
#94 Posted: 21:28:23 21/12/2013
I am new to this forum and the Skylanders games themselves. I haven't played any of the games yet, as I bought myself Dark Edition Swap Force for Christmas, but, I am wanting to know if you can use a S1 or S2 figure from previous games to unlock swap force quests? Say for example, can I use Sprocket from the Giants game to unlock her quest in Swap Force?
"Beep bop boop beep beep beep"
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#95 Posted: 21:49:43 21/12/2013
I am new to this forum and the Skylanders games themselves. I haven't played any of the games yet, as I bought myself Dark Edition Swap Force for Christmas, but, I am wanting to know if you can use a S1 or S2 figure from previous games to unlock swap force quests? Say for example, can I use Sprocket from the Giants game to unlock her quest in Swap Force?

Ok let me help you out here.

The quests we are speaking of are character quests. Each character has quests to do, a few of them are character specific, only to that character, the others are based off the element, and the rest are generic for all characters.

It doesnt matter if its a S1 or a S2 the quests will be the same for that character. When you do all the quests you get a boost to your Max Life Total versus in Giants all you got were three hats.

As far as Swap Force quests go they are only for the Swappable Characters and have nothing to do with the regular characters. Those quests give rewards in game.

Does that help?
RtooDetoo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1219
#96 Posted: 21:58:41 21/12/2013
Thank you for your I don't have to buy newer versions of older figures just to do the new quests
"Beep bop boop beep beep beep"
Madara Uchiha Blue Sparx Gems: 755
#97 Posted: 22:05:17 21/12/2013
Thank you for your I don't have to buy newer versions of older figures just to do the new quests

No you do not. Personally i would mainly stick to S2 characters. Because they unlock the heroics on Giants, they also work on all three games, they come with an extra power versus S1 characters, and the new S3 characters, most of their new moves are not as good as the S2 characters.

About the only advantage of having extra versions is that it gets your more stars on the collection part of the game, but you will hit the 80 max star cap no problem without blowing money on more characters.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#98 Posted: 20:26:49 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Has anyone had any luck with Free Ranger's main quest? I keep the melee attacks swinging (I'm not always hitting enemies...but I know I've hit 25 times and still don't have the quest. I also make sure I didn't get hit.

That's the last one before I Gold Quest at least one skylander in Swap Force. (3 star achievement at that).
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:28:05 30/12/2013 by GhostRoaster
Dragon-Master Blue Sparx Gems: 786
#99 Posted: 20:55:30 30/12/2013
Free Ranger's is simple, keep swinging 25 times without stopping hitting some enemies along the way. Stopping or using a different attack would affect the outcome. Also try not to count the swings, just keep swinging until you see on the bottom of the screen that the quest was completed. Also the arena 'Angry Angry Plants' is best as most of the enemies are chompies.
Spyro's Adventure & Giants - 98/99 (Royal Double Trouble)
Swap Force - 73/75 (Bumble Blast LC, QD Rattle Shake)
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#100 Posted: 21:01:30 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: Dragon-Master
Free Ranger's is simple, keep swinging 25 times without stopping hitting some enemies along the way. Stopping or using a different attack would affect the outcome. Also try not to count the swings, just keep swinging until you see on the bottom of the screen that the quest was completed. Also the arena 'Angry Angry Plants' is best as most of the enemies are chompies.

Yeah, I "should" be simple. I have the upgrade where you can hold the attack 1 button and get a series of attacks---are they workable...or should I just hammer the attack 1 button?

Right now, I get three animations that loop...two attacks and one that looks like a "burst" of energy...I think I'm on the upper half. My entire lander is fact this is the last quest to Gold....

I've tried a number of battle venues...I've noticed via search others have had problems too...I guess I'm "delaying" the attack somehow.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
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