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Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#4451 Posted: 18:05:24 25/11/2013
If one fights fire with fire, then it will only spread a fire, eventually causing everything to burn...

Even if it is your solution, try a better solution, so as such won't happen, it might not work the first time, but some of the Mods are usually reasonable.

We all don't want things to go down in flames, yeah?
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#4452 Posted: 18:10:29 25/11/2013
It's funny, but there's a video game character who's methodology is "the ends justify the means." He got the death penalty for murder, I believe.

But in all seriousness, the only person on the entire forum who can detect proxy use is dark52 himself. So if you suspect an alt, just go to dark or one of us privately. Other people on this board do that all the time.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#4453 Posted: 18:13:56 25/11/2013
remember, don't be a dune bag.

oh btw i'm back from disneyland.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4454 Posted: 18:19:22 25/11/2013
Quote: Dark Lord
If one fights fire with fire, then it will only spread a fire, eventually causing everything to burn...

Even if it is your solution, try a better solution, so as such won't happen, it might not work the first time.

Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#4455 Posted: 18:43:55 25/11/2013
Sad, it's almost the only section where I post.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#4456 Posted: 02:43:44 26/11/2013
I forgive you Bahamut.
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#4457 Posted: 02:46:57 26/11/2013
Quote: BahamutBreaker
OK ... so, I'm back from my little 'vacation'.

First off, I apologize to anyone in this forum that I have offended unintentionally.
In the future, I will attempt to be less abrasive, but I do also ask that users accept that it's just part of my personality, to a degree.
I enjoy wit and sarcasm, and have little regard for pleasantries and superficiality. I also have little tolerance for polluters and thug trolls on internet forums, and my weapon of choice is to "fight fire with fire".
I accept and understand that many prefer the "don't feed the trolls" method of dealing with them, but it is not within my nature to be that passive. I also realize and accept that some less observant or less analytical users may therefore perceive me to be participating in the trolling, and I can only ask that you accept that I am combating the trolls, even if my methodology puzzles you. And that brings me to my second point ....

I was right. "John 3-16" was obviously a troll alternate account, and at the risk of sounding glib, I figured that out before the moderation staff did. Even when I posted my (accurate) accusation in this thread about "John 3-16", a moderator (sorry to point you out, "HIR") spoke up and basically said I was wrong about "John 3-16". To his credit, somewhat, "HIR" came back later and acknowledged that I was correct, even though he still criticized me for my methodology in the same breath. Well, here's the way I see it: the ends justify the means. And to be blunt, the moderator staff on these forums is quite mediocre. You can take that as an offense, if you wish, but that would be unproductive. You could, instead, take it as honest, accurate feedback. It doesn't mean I dislike you (meaning any and all of the moderators) personally. It means that, in my analysis and opinion, ya'll are quite fortunate that there aren't more aggressive and nastier trolls among your ranks of users on DarkSpyro. If someone like this "X-Treme" guy (a.k.a. "John 3-16") has people rushing to defend him and state how "cool beans" he is, then I'd like for ya'll to take a step back and accept that maybe, just maybe, ya'll are more naive and more easily deceived that you'd prefer to think you are.

The truth is, whether you love me or hate me, you can rest assured of two things:
1. I can sniff out trolls and internet thugs more quickly than most people. It's a talent, and I'm not going to bury it just because it may offend some people's sensibilities. I don't want to be recognized as a "Batman" type vigilante of forum justice, but if the shoe fits, wear it. I'd REALLY appreciate it if the moderator staff here would agree to work WITH me, rather than just "Gnorc'ing" my account every weekend. I'm far more reasonable than what most people (moderators included) here probably believe.
2. Don't waste your time believing/inferring that I hate you or dislike you. If I have reason to believe that you're trolling and deserve to be unrelentlessly shamed (e.g. "John 3-16" or "UncleBob"), you WILL KNOW it ... it won't be subtle and you won't have to guess or vainly infer anything. That said, the VAST majority of users here (both young and old alike) are likeable friendly positive people. I wouldn't hang out here if I didn't like ya'll. And so if I do come across to you, personally, as too abrasive or too blunt or intimidating, please remember that ... I do NOT hate you ... and if you happen to be easily offended or can't handle being teased a little by a stranger, then just send me a PM and say, "hey man, I feel like you were being mean to me in {insert thread here}, so leave me alone, ok?" ... and I'll leave you be (unless you're straight trolling like "John 3-16" was).

I laughed really hard at that last part
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4458 Posted: 04:03:55 26/11/2013
@ wspyro: solid post, overall; thanks for your support and advice. I must clarify that I do not believe that I possess extraordinary abilities. However, I do process information mentally much more quickly and with greater clarity than the vast majority of people. I don't consider that bragging; it's just a truth. Some people are taller than others, some people run faster than others, some people jump higher than others. I think and analyze faster than others. If you don't believe me, that's fine. If you do believe me, that's fine, too. The point is: I'm not going to pretend that I'm someone who I am not just because you (or anyone else) is more comfortable believing that everyone's the same and it's not feasible for me to be sharper/quicker/better at processing mental information and analyzing observations. That doesn't make me a better person than anybody else ... it just makes me better/faster at figuring things out and reading between the lines ... much in the same way that being taller than average and more coordinated than average tends to make someone a better basketball player than most other people. How I choose to utilize that talent/gift/skill is my own business.

@ HIR: no offense taken I hope, but I don't really see any humor in a person receiving the death penalty, even a fictional character. Putting that aside, the reason I was ticked off at you earlier is because you made a point of denouncing my accusation against "John 3-16", which I perceived as either a de facto vindication of "John 3-16" or an admission that you simply "blew me off". The former should have embarrassed you (upon later finding out that my accusation was correct), and the latter is irresponsible for a moderator. I wasn't looking for an award or a medal, but the fact that you either suspended my account or didn't recommend not suspending my account over the weekend tells me that you were making emotional decisions, not rational ones. And that, once again, is irresponsible for a moderator. Would a small apology really be too much to ask? If so, c'est la vie, I guess.

@ most every else that responded: don't be a wuss. No one should feel like they "need shelter" from the Skylanders section of the forums. That's really lame. Compared to the vast majority of internet forums/boards I've participated in over the years, this forum is generally docile and starkly innocent. There's a lot of great information shared in the Skylanders section, and occasional interesting discussions. You just have to be willing to engage in a community that goes beyond superficial warm-fuzzies and hand-holding and "LoL's". You're free to spend your time wherever you wish, but if anyone is avoiding the Skylanders section because it's "too rough" or "uncomfortable" or whatever, then you're going to have a really difficult time in life; the "real world" is a hundred-fold harsher.
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#4459 Posted: 14:45:11 26/11/2013
The main reason I suspended you was not for attacking X-Treme. I'm sorry if you think that's the reason and I'm sorry it seemed like I rushed to defend X-Treme. I thought he was another one of our religious users, although I was a bit suspicious of how quickly he warmed up to older members. If you had mentioned your argument with him in the Skylanders board, I probably would have marched straight to dark, because X-Treme liked to cause trouble there in the past.

But I mostly suspended you for your multitude of insults in the Thoughts on Users topic. You do not normally come to this section. The fact that you went to that one specific topic and made backhanded insults at people you either have a history of strongly disliking or barely know around here is what ultimately led to my decision.

Now I know you're going to say that none of those were insults. But most of the people who posted in the topic perceived them as insults, including me. If you don't have legitimate, constructive criticism to put in that topic, my recommendation would be not to post there. It's not that hard to exercise restraint. You seem to do it with every single other topic on this board. What's one more to avoid posting in? You're not going to burst into flames if you avoid it, I promise.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4460 Posted: 15:30:46 26/11/2013
Ugh, fine. Fair enough. You must admit that the timing of the suspension definitely gave the impression that it was due to the situation with "John 3-16". But I accept your explanation.

In my defense, you're correct, I don't believe that my posts in "Thoughts About Users" were insults. But more importantly, isn't that thread in a section entitled "Stuff and Nonsense"? Does that not give the impression that it's a forum designed for goofing off and cracking jokes? It's disappointing to learn that so many users there are so thin-skinned. Why not change the name of that section to "Warm Fuzzies and Unicorn Rainbows" if that's what it's supposed to be? I would rate my so-called "insults" there as teasing, at worst, for the most part. But I digress; I'll leave the thin-skinned overly-sensitive folks in "Thoughts About Users" alone from now on, as you requested.

Oops, was that a "backhanded" insult? My bad. ;-)
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#4461 Posted: 15:35:41 26/11/2013
Quote: BahamutBreaker

In my defense, you're correct, I don't believe that my posts in "Thoughts About Users" were insults. But more importantly, isn't that thread in a section entitled "Stuff and Nonsense"? Does that not give the impression that it's a forum designed for goofing off and cracking jokes? It's disappointing to learn that so many users there are so thin-skinned. Why not change the name of that section to "Warm Fuzzies and Unicorn Rainbows" if that's what it's supposed to be? I would rate my so-called "insults" there as teasing, at worst, for the most part. But I digress; I'll leave the thin-skinned overly-sensitive folks in "Thoughts About Users" alone from now on, as you requested.

Why does everybody think that.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#4462 Posted: 15:39:12 26/11/2013
Quote: somePerson
Quote: BahamutBreaker
But more importantly, isn't that thread in a section entitled "Stuff and Nonsense"? Does that not give the impression that it's a forum designed for goofing off and cracking jokes?
Why does everybody think that.

Probably because the previous version of this, Spam Central, WAS for goofing off. But back then, Idle Chatter was actually more active than the spam board, and used for relatively serious conversations. Stuff & Nonsense now overlaps with Idle Chatter AND video gaming. <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4463 Posted: 15:47:24 26/11/2013
^ It's probably also because the title of the section (Stuff and Nonsense).

Nonsense: (noun) conduct or action that is senseless, foolish, or absurd; impudent, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable behavior

Is it really that odd that people would perceive that "Stuff and Nonsense" is a section designed for foolish an/or objectionable behavior?

If that's not what the section is for, then what the heck is the section actually for? And should the section not be renamed to avoid confusion?
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:48:01 26/11/2013 by BahamutBreaker
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4464 Posted: 16:24:44 26/11/2013
^no offense, but you still insult people still in that Topic....

"Donut" is dutch, yeah! ok??!

Seriously if you come there only to troll/flame get another gnorc

HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#4465 Posted: 17:18:43 26/11/2013
Quote: BahamutBreaker
^ It's probably also because the title of the section (Stuff and Nonsense).

Nonsense: (noun) conduct or action that is senseless, foolish, or absurd; impudent, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable behavior

Is it really that odd that people would perceive that "Stuff and Nonsense" is a section designed for foolish an/or objectionable behavior?

If that's not what the section is for, then what the heck is the section actually for? And should the section not be renamed to avoid confusion?

It's real name may as well be "Anything & Everything." >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#4466 Posted: 17:20:08 26/11/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: BahamutBreaker
^ It's probably also because the title of the section (Stuff and Nonsense).

Nonsense: (noun) conduct or action that is senseless, foolish, or absurd; impudent, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable behavior

Is it really that odd that people would perceive that "Stuff and Nonsense" is a section designed for foolish an/or objectionable behavior?

If that's not what the section is for, then what the heck is the section actually for? And should the section not be renamed to avoid confusion?

It's real name may as well be "Anything & Everything." >.>

The Spyro section would be called

Spyro the dead.
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4467 Posted: 21:58:34 26/11/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: BahamutBreaker
^ It's probably also because the title of the section (Stuff and Nonsense).

Nonsense: (noun) conduct or action that is senseless, foolish, or absurd; impudent, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable behavior

Is it really that odd that people would perceive that "Stuff and Nonsense" is a section designed for foolish an/or objectionable behavior?

If that's not what the section is for, then what the heck is the section actually for? And should the section not be renamed to avoid confusion?

It's real name may as well be "Anything & Everything." >.>

Then change the name to that? It would be more appropriate and lead to less confusion, perhaps?
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#4468 Posted: 03:06:48 27/11/2013
That requires access to the forum's coding, which none of us have. And I can't code Java anyway, so I wouldn't try to make the change. <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#4469 Posted: 03:07:38 27/11/2013
I know HTML. *shrugs&
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#4470 Posted: 07:04:35 27/11/2013
Quote: HIR
It's real name may as well be "Anything & Everything." >.>

Well, shucky-darn, man! You can't name it that. "Everything" includes EVERYTHING. Like insults, attacks, personal threats of violence, etc., etc. All kinds of things that one would logically know better than to post... but if it says "EVERYTHING", then that would include those things too! </sarcasm>
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#4471 Posted: 11:44:27 27/11/2013
I go away for 2 days and they kill Brian. NO SETH MACFARLINE WHAT R U DOIN *cries*

Ahem. The camp sorta sucked. Couldn't get a proper shower, so was sandy and wet. Also got sunburnt. The food was gross and, as always, the tents were uncomfy. I DETEST the people I was sharing with, and also all the other girls. I hate the girls in this country. At least the boys actually like me in a friend way smilie Just did a six hour hike up a mountain. As soon as I got back, I ate. SWEET RELIEF.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#4472 Posted: 14:36:05 27/11/2013
Quote: UncleBob
Quote: HIR
It's real name may as well be "Anything & Everything." >.>

Well, shucky-darn, man! You can't name it that. "Everything" includes EVERYTHING. Like insults, attacks, personal threats of violence, etc., etc. All kinds of things that one would logically know better than to post... but if it says "EVERYTHING", then that would include those things too! </sarcasm>

Actually, we've gotten all of those here! If not now, then definitely a couple of years ago. ^.^;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#4473 Posted: 23:40:05 27/11/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: BahamutBreaker
^ It's probably also because the title of the section (Stuff and Nonsense).

Nonsense: (noun) conduct or action that is senseless, foolish, or absurd; impudent, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable behavior

Is it really that odd that people would perceive that "Stuff and Nonsense" is a section designed for foolish an/or objectionable behavior?

If that's not what the section is for, then what the heck is the section actually for? And should the section not be renamed to avoid confusion?

It's real name may as well be "Anything & Everything." >.>

That would actually work better then S&N at the moment.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#4474 Posted: 02:14:28 28/11/2013
Might not be too active for the next few days because thanksgiving and SHOPPING
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#4475 Posted: 02:15:26 28/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Might not be too active for the next few days because thanksgiving and SHOPPING

Same here.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#4476 Posted: 03:58:04 28/11/2013
The internet cut off yesterday, so I wasn't on. Who noticed??
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#4477 Posted: 04:40:25 28/11/2013
No one did. No one noticed.

I hate myself.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#4478 Posted: 04:47:43 28/11/2013
About you leaving, or..?
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#4479 Posted: 04:55:55 28/11/2013
About you.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#4480 Posted: 04:57:56 28/11/2013
Oh. Oh well!
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#4481 Posted: 05:00:08 28/11/2013
Quote: Hot Dog 542
The internet cut off yesterday, so I wasn't on. Who noticed??

I noticed. :c

Thank you for noticing! :3
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#4482 Posted: 05:22:01 28/11/2013
Oh uh... I should have post on Monday but... Since I've been playing Kingdom Hearts, I am determined to finish this week. So I won't be all too active until maybe Saturday. I will be on, just not as much as I normally am. And also, this place isn't as interesting to me as it used to be. I'm really only here to Role-play nowadays. So.... yeah.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#4483 Posted: 05:26:42 28/11/2013
Pre Black Friday stuff.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#4484 Posted: 00:09:41 29/11/2013
I have another six hour hike and swimming in the freezing ocean today, so I may die of hypothermia. -.- stupid camp activities.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#4485 Posted: 00:47:24 29/11/2013
Quote: Jaggedstar
I have another six hour hike and swimming in the freezing ocean today, so I may die of hypothermia. -.- stupid camp activities.

sounds scary 3: :C
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#4486 Posted: 01:42:01 29/11/2013
I will be more active on wed.
dark52 let me change my username you coward
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7953
#4487 Posted: 09:19:49 29/11/2013
Quote: willspyro
Quote: Jaggedstar
I have another six hour hike and swimming in the freezing ocean today, so I may die of hypothermia. -.- stupid camp activities.

sounds scary 3: :C

I survived!! I SURVIVED A WHOLE WEEK OF CAMP I deserve a medal. Instead, Brian dies. Yay. smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#4488 Posted: 14:32:23 29/11/2013
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: willspyro
Quote: Jaggedstar
I have another six hour hike and swimming in the freezing ocean today, so I may die of hypothermia. -.- stupid camp activities.

sounds scary 3: :C

I survived!! I SURVIVED A WHOLE WEEK OF CAMP I deserve a medal. Instead, Brian dies. Yay. XD

Gay 4 GARcher
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#4489 Posted: 18:20:58 29/11/2013
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: willspyro
Quote: Jaggedstar
I have another six hour hike and swimming in the freezing ocean today, so I may die of hypothermia. -.- stupid camp activities.

sounds scary 3: :C

I survived!! I SURVIVED A WHOLE WEEK OF CAMP I deserve a medal. Instead, Brian dies. Yay. smilie

R.I.P Brian :'(
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#4490 Posted: 00:02:29 30/11/2013
Scion Drop Asyn is gnorced, I do wonder who he/she was.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:02:44 30/11/2013 by Aura24
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#4491 Posted: 00:09:54 30/11/2013
Quote: Aura24
Scion Drop Asyn is gnorced, I do wonder who he/she was.

Like we don't know already <3
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#4492 Posted: 00:17:21 30/11/2013

Quote: spyro and sonic
It was pretty obvious, it's not like I used a complete anagram of my username.smilie
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#4493 Posted: 00:47:33 30/11/2013
Quote: Aura24
Scion Drop Asyn is gnorced, I do wonder who he/she was.

I feel dumb for not noticing immediately.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#4494 Posted: 00:50:18 30/11/2013
It was an alternate account of spyro and sonic.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:00:40 30/11/2013 by Aura24
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