darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Swap Force > Electric lock chest after game completion (Wii version)
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Electric lock chest after game completion (Wii version) [CLOSED]
Millerman Blue Sparx Gems: 641
#1 Posted: 20:37:10 11/11/2013 | Topic Creator
I had a chest show up where the chieftess and Tessa end up(I think its called the Temple) but when you approach the chest and press minus button, nothing happens. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Sorry if this is a repeat post but searched for answer and couldn't find one. Thanks.
Thank you Activision for making me spend my hard earned money on frivolous items! I'm sure my kids will understand when their inheritance is Skylander's!
scratchking22 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#2 Posted: 20:40:37 11/11/2013
It's one of the Wii version's many issues. Nope, unable to be opened.
~ Clinton/Kaine 2016 ~
Millerman Blue Sparx Gems: 641
#3 Posted: 21:12:59 11/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Does anyone have an email contact for Activison to ask if they plan to fix this issue?
Thank you Activision for making me spend my hard earned money on frivolous items! I'm sure my kids will understand when their inheritance is Skylander's!
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#4 Posted: 21:59:21 11/11/2013
They can't fix the Wii version, but they could reissue them with the fixes.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Kick2cats Green Sparx Gems: 184
#5 Posted: 22:49:27 11/11/2013
Does anyone know if this carries over with the WII U version?
Dragon-Master Blue Sparx Gems: 786
#6 Posted: 01:48:31 12/11/2013
I can confirm that the 2 chests can be opened in the wii u version, so this is a wii only issue.
Spyro's Adventure & Giants - 98/99 (Royal Double Trouble)
Swap Force - 73/75 (Bumble Blast LC, QD Rattle Shake)
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#7 Posted: 01:59:47 12/11/2013
wow more bugs?
newkill Emerald Sparx Gems: 4095
#8 Posted: 04:06:12 12/11/2013
Only happens on Wii. You can still play all the Spark Lock puzzles on Wii to get the Accolades in the Story Levels.
Trigger Fizz Blue Sparx Gems: 931
#9 Posted: 20:32:02 12/11/2013
Aaaaand the Wii continues to be horrible at supporting this game.
smilie NO POTIONS, NO GLORY! smilie
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#10 Posted: 20:01:55 13/11/2013
smilie I hope that skylanders 4 will be on wii and fun to play... If it's not on the wii, my mom will not let me buy a new console like Wii U to play... smilie
Imaginators is making it revive.
spyrobeta Green Sparx Gems: 237
#11 Posted: 11:48:20 14/11/2013
As said above, Wii games cannot be patched at all. The only method is for Activision to issue a recall, which, that will NOT happen. Activision is just going to ignore the issue until dozens of complaints appear. Yea, thats activision for you.
Spyro Classic Fan forever. I highly despise Activision and Skylanders. Problem? Shove it.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#12 Posted: 13:30:44 14/11/2013
Quote: spyrobeta
As said above, Wii games cannot be patched at all. The only method is for Activision to issue a recall, which, that will NOT happen. Activision is just going to ignore the issue until dozens of complaints appear. Yea, thats activision for you.

Everything was true up to that last part. I don't think they will fix this.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Trigger Fizz Blue Sparx Gems: 931
#13 Posted: 20:24:29 14/11/2013
Quote: LloydDXZX
smilie I hope that skylanders 4 will be on wii

Don't' get your hopes up. Wii is dead as it is.
smilie NO POTIONS, NO GLORY! smilie
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