What is Flight Rising?
- "Flight Rising is a social web-based activity site featuring dragon breeding, (adventuring,) combat, and collecting. It puts you in control of your own clan of dragons, allowing you to control their mating habits, specialize their abilities and traits, and adorn them thousands of different ways with a variety of apparel." - Flight Rising Overview
When will registration be reopened?
- Only the staff truly know! The staff will announce registration openings on the main page, and you'll probably see us babbling about it on this thread!
- AteraK (Spyro-Fan) - Plague (Lightning Traitor)
ChillyLavagalaxy (weebbby) - Shadow
DangersBelow (CommanderGame) - Earth
Darkspawn (Darkrai Doll) - Plague
DragonTamer12 (RumpleLover)- Nature
IsisStormMorrigi (IsisStormDragon) - Arcane
katkerrykat (katkerrykat) - Lightning
NeonLights (HDAZ) - Fire (Shadow Traitor)
Nightglow (Sky Airglow) - Nature
ShortyGreydragon (Shorty) - Ice (Plague Traitor)
SilverWingedOwl (Cynderfyre) - Arcane
STL (somePerson) - Light
SunKnight (SiA) - Arcane
SunlightGuardian (Bash28) - Wind
Wild (Wild) - Light
XD001Pika (Trix) - Shadow