

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#11051 Posted: 02:05:50 23/09/2013
Oh god, not another one. DX

Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#11052 Posted: 02:44:30 23/09/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Oh god, not another one. DX



Silver. That is all.

Someone called my avatar?
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#11053 Posted: 03:01:53 23/09/2013
I'm so sorry. I know it was in the past, but sometimes it still bothers me.

You're immensely loyal, you know that? Why else would you still be talking to me? I acted so immature, so rude, so insensitive to you years ago, and I know you remember, yet you continue to willingly converse with me. Yeah, it was years ago when I was new to the internet, but it was for more than one occasion. Hell, it went on for a few years until I finally matured and realized what I was doing was wrong.

And I hope that link I sent you actually did help you and you didn't just say it did to make me feel better. I'm sorry you're going through heartbreak and I hope you get over it soon. You deserve it.

You know, you're right... You're handling this one very well. It's not half as bad as the last one. It makes me feel worse since, if I recall, I was an enormous asshole to you about that one. I wasn't even an ounce sympathetic about it, just because I didn't understand why you were so hurt about it.

I still don't understand, since you two almost never talked and he was just a role player of your favorite anime character at that time (you thought he was actually that character but still), but that doesn't mean I can't give you support... It hurt you a lot, I don't think my attitude helped.

I still don't agree with a lot of things you do, like be obsessed with anime and role play and obsess over certain anime characters, but again, still doesn't mean I can't give you support when you need it. You're still a great friend and you can definitely take a hint.

Thanks again.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:03:47 23/09/2013 by LevanJess
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#11054 Posted: 05:11:27 23/09/2013
And my sadness worsens. I honestly feel as if I am spiraling into depression. I can't get you out of my mind, no matter what. You're literally all I think about. Today you liked my post on Instagram and I just kinda asdfghjkl'ed. But thinking about you makes it worse. Like, today I was talking to my mom and I started thinking about you and I don't even know what she said. You make me smile and I love to stalk your IG <3 Even your voice is ****ing perfect like how. How can you be perfect yet unattainable. I just cry and listen to Lana for hours on end at night thinking about you. I don't know what I would do without you. I couldn't live without you. I would still love you even if you went away. I can't even begin to express my love. I am so ****ing sad and I just want to end it all. I can't even be in a room with either of my parents for more than ten minutes without it ending in us screaming at each other, the person I love will never love me back, even my dogs stay away from me. I have so many enemies on the internet and i have no where left to go. I am just trapped in my room with no one to love me back. I don't even want to wake up every morning, I would rather never leave and have to face the world. I am just so sad. And if I was actually speaking this to you irl it would be near impossible due to how many tears are rushing down my face and how hard it is to speak. I am so unhappy and unwanted and I have nowhere to go. I don't have anywhere I am accepted and I just don't want to go on.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7393
#11055 Posted: 07:46:46 23/09/2013
Thank you.
Thank you so much. You're always here at night (for me), and you nearly always cheer me up when I'm feeling down. You let me vent out, you help me, you make me feel special. You're willing to do things for me. You treat me like a sister and a princess. Thank you for making part of my life better. :3
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5470
#11056 Posted: 08:49:55 23/09/2013
those forks were like my CHILDREN
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#11057 Posted: 09:03:48 23/09/2013
here have some pokemon amv's!

obsessed with this one
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#11058 Posted: 09:57:11 23/09/2013
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#11059 Posted: 09:58:14 23/09/2013
calm down!!!
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#11060 Posted: 11:39:26 23/09/2013
I lost my lunch box...
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#11061 Posted: 14:12:51 23/09/2013
You actually find it funny? So just because I choose The Monkees for the music proyect you laugh at me? Listen up, One does not simply laugh at The Monkees. Just because they aren't one of those ****ty radio singers, liking them makes me a "freak"? You can insult my mother, my deceased uncle, and even my friends. But dare laugh at The Monkees and I swear, I will brush your teeth with a ****ing brick, you prick.
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#11062 Posted: 18:00:05 23/09/2013
Just stop. Please.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#11063 Posted: 19:14:48 23/09/2013
Sometimes I wonder how I can stand it. Why do I have to be so kind and rule stricken that I won't punch someone right square in their face?
Gay 4 GARcher
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#11064 Posted: 19:43:22 23/09/2013
I'm posting this during a class. >:3

Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#11065 Posted: 19:48:55 23/09/2013
I like looking back in my GB and looking at the old conversations :3
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#11066 Posted: 23:53:36 23/09/2013
That message really brought tears to my eyes. You have no idea how much that meant to me. No other teacher would do that for me, so thank you. I feel so grateful to have you as my English teacher. Again, I thank you for giving us that assignment, the Scripture really opened my eyes smilie
~ Nami One-Trick ~
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#11067 Posted: 01:04:32 24/09/2013
That makes me angry at you.
And angry at me because I can't do anything about it. Only say "I hope it gets better"
Worst is that you don't let me help. *sigh* Bueno, que puedo hacer? Comoquiera, yo no soy bueno ayudando en cosas como esas. At least I can say I tried.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#11068 Posted: 01:08:02 24/09/2013
Beautiful weather. Sitting out here is the most relaxing thing. Playing my music and looking up at the moon and stars. I'm such an outdoor person, but only at night, when it's most beautiful. My iPad is warm in my hands, and I can hear the stiff autumn leaves blowing across the ground. This, is a perfect moment.

I want to live in this forever. Here, in the grass, under the stars.

Im surprised I have wifi out here-*brick'd*
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#11069 Posted: 01:35:22 24/09/2013
*returns temporarily just for 11111th post* *leaves* *shot*
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#11070 Posted: 02:03:48 24/09/2013
Its hard having nobody to confide in. You, the one person I can talk to. And you never ask if I have any problems. Vi guess it will always be the sidekick. The dark knight to your man of steel
Green Bean Machine
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12386
#11071 Posted: 02:12:57 24/09/2013
i need new irl friends
Starfire Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5317
#11072 Posted: 02:18:45 24/09/2013
smilie Curse you Spyroconvexity! smilie
Now I'm wanting to start battling more smilie
My Dragon Art & Stuff
PSN: Starfire--Dragon
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#11073 Posted: 02:22:30 24/09/2013
I swear, if I don't get a Pokémon game for Christmas, or at least this year, I'll die.

Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#11074 Posted: 02:52:55 24/09/2013
Well, it felt good to cry... But there's still the expectations of my parents and basically everyone at my school. *sigh*
~ Nami One-Trick ~
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5470
#11075 Posted: 02:59:46 24/09/2013
  • This is the funniest abridged series I've ever watched.

  • ~~~
    I was going to say more, but I learnt my lesson from last time.

    That's why what I said was so short.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:02:11 24/09/2013 by crystalhero37
    VespiDragon8 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6787
    #11076 Posted: 04:32:11 24/09/2013
    The best things here soon. Well, the truth is, I've waited a long time & been very patient. And why other people that are bad if they get the better?
    Others just have a lot of luck, but almost never help others, and other are selfish.
    Is unfair.
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #11077 Posted: 04:37:56 24/09/2013
    I honestly hope this'll work out. This is one thing I've set my mind on for quite some time.

    I'm not letting this go.

    You know me, mom. I know you do. Once I set my mind on something, I never give it up until it goes my way. My stubbornness has gotten me this far in life. It's a blessing and a curse. But, if you don't let me do this, it'll come back on you. Right when I move out, I'm getting those games. And you can't stop me.

    I often lay in bed at night fantasizing why you won't let me get the games. One night, I imagined that you were keeping the game out of my life because it was 'my destiny' to become the ultimate Pokémon trainer and save the world, and you wouldn't let me start my journey because you didn't want me in danger.

    joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
    #11078 Posted: 05:25:23 24/09/2013
    Lana, you saved me. I was so sad last night and I began listening to you and it went away. I will love you forever <3
    the road is long, we carry on
    try to have fun in the meantime☠
    crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5470
    #11079 Posted: 09:09:58 24/09/2013

    oh gog now I made my brother a brony
    this is why I love ya bro

    I love how you're interested in whatever I'm doing and then you become a fan of it too. You're like a mini me, it's adorable. I never expected you to do this with MLP too though!

    I'm just happy that I have someone to watch mlp with now okayy

    Now we're having pizza tonight.
    [User Posted Image]

    something stupid
    /and because it has a gif
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:28:31 24/09/2013 by crystalhero37
    weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
    #11080 Posted: 12:04:27 24/09/2013
    That magical moment when you make eye contact.
    And blush when she's collecting papers earlier that day...
    crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5470
    #11081 Posted: 13:45:05 24/09/2013
    .. Did you read my post on here or something?

    Can't remember what the subject was, but you muttered:
    "Yeah, it's weird. Like men liking My Little Pony."

    It just scares me that you straight out called them creepy and weird. I like MLP: FIM. And now my brother does too. What scared me most of all is that you said: "If your brother came up to me and said he liked My Little Pony, I'd say 'You idiot!', if he was a teenager y'know."

    But still.. what if he came up and asked for some MLP merchandise? She'd freak out and I'd feel awful for being the reason for him liking it. And if she found out about me.. who knows? Maybe to her teenage girls are a little more acceptable?

    I'd be surprised if she didn't say that to get me out of MLP, I've gotten a 'Join The Herd' shirt recently, I have been watching episodes on the internet and TV and I've been playing songs from the show out loud. Kinda hard to miss.

    Urgh and I just got this Derpy Wallpaper, I don't want to put it down just because I'm afraid of you getting mad at me for liking a kids show.
    It's so cute and perfect for the background ;w; I even want that Friendship Express DVD just to get that original Derpy scene. But now that's going to be a challenge too eh? I'm not mad at you, just afraid of disappointing you. I love you, I won't ever want you 'gone' since the hospital incident. That was horrible.

    And since you probably saw that last message somehow, and you see this one... I'm really sorry. But being different is great, you say that I should be happy the way I am (which I am grateful for), does MLP really change that? I'm really sorry if this annoys you that much...

    yey moar mlp stuff

    I'm sorry for the long posts on here.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:25:44 24/09/2013 by crystalhero37
    CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
    #11082 Posted: 15:49:36 24/09/2013
    I actually have an avatar that isn't cropped from r34.

    It's weird, yo.
    DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
    #11083 Posted: 19:13:28 24/09/2013
    I had a wonderful nap in Study Hall today ^.^
    Gay 4 GARcher
    Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6139
    #11084 Posted: 19:19:24 24/09/2013
    Uggh, I'm so sick of you asking for money, even after I told you no. And then to drag me all the way out there so you can buy more of that **** that I'm tired of giving you money to buy, there's an hour wasted. Frankly, I hate giving you money for it because it's against the law for me to buy it, I believe even if I'm giving you money so you can. I'm just mad right now I just want to punch something. Which you should know, I don't have violent tendencies at all, so you can tell if I want to hit you, I'm must be very pissed. If you would, please just get out of my life.

    Don't mind this....
    Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
    ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
    #11085 Posted: 21:12:20 24/09/2013
    Quote: CAV
    I actually have an avatar that isn't cropped from r34.

    It's weird, yo.

    so hot
    Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7393
    #11086 Posted: 21:24:57 24/09/2013
    Well, I'm feeling better.
    And you're making me feel special yet nervous. Why do I have butterflies in my stomach? For some reason I'm looking forward and not looking forward next year. Why do I feel so nervous? I met you over the internet, we know what each other look like, I know you care about me, but why do I feel like you're some creeper? I've got a feeling that you are and you're not, but I don't know what to believe. And I don't know what to do.
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #11087 Posted: 21:27:44 24/09/2013
    I've been at peace all week long. I feel good. Like, really good. This is the first time in months where I haven't felt stressed or pressured.
    TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
    #11088 Posted: 21:54:29 24/09/2013
    Well, my first college interview is tomorrow. Jesus Christ I'm nervous. :S
    "I have my own system, don't get involved"
    Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
    #11089 Posted: 21:59:50 24/09/2013
    *posts something please pass by*

    Why do I slightly get the feeling that some people I talk to, hit on me?
    If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
    icon from Empoh
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #11090 Posted: 23:16:51 24/09/2013
    *sits down on couch*
    *notices giant fluffy spider monster sitting on the arm of the couch*
    *screams bloody murder*
    *runs upstairs to room*
    *cries for next 30 minutes*
    *is scarred for life*

    Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
    #11091 Posted: 23:25:16 24/09/2013
    Quote: HotDogAndZap
    *sits down on couch*
    *notices giant fluffy spider monster sitting on the arm of the couch*
    *screams bloody murder*
    *runs upstairs to room*
    *cries for next 30 minutes*
    *is scarred for life*


    Today's spider day for you too?
    If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
    icon from Empoh
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #11092 Posted: 23:29:09 24/09/2013
    Yup. Got those furry little monsters all over the main floor today. I'm hiding in my room on the upper floor. They usually don't get up here.
    DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
    #11093 Posted: 23:36:04 24/09/2013
    Quote: HotDogAndZap
    Yup. Got those furry little monsters all over the main floor today. I'm hiding in my room on the upper floor. They usually don't get up here.

    Prepare the stuffed animal bomgade
    Gay 4 GARcher
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:37:34 24/09/2013 by DragonCamo
    wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
    #11094 Posted: 00:00:45 25/09/2013
    Was I good?
    I tried, but I'm never told if I'm doing good. Is it because my happiness is not wanted?
    Is that why I'm being ignored? Hmm, I feel unwanted. But I'm not told to get out because of the effects of doing so. I want to hear what the thoughts of my actions are. Am I even visible?
    somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
    #11095 Posted: 00:09:47 25/09/2013
    I'm getting cable! smilie
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #11096 Posted: 00:10:13 25/09/2013
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