darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure > Series 1 Stealth Elf with different pose
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Series 1 Stealth Elf with different pose [CLOSED]
tubs1225 Green Sparx Gems: 127
#1 Posted: 16:29:11 18/08/2013 | Topic Creator
This may have been covered somewhere already but i couldn't find it. I noticed my two series 1

stealth elves have slightly different poses. The knife in the right hand is facing blade point forward

on one pose, and backwards on another. I figured this was a mistake from the factory or just a

change in the molds at some point. But when you put them on the portal they also show up

slightly different in the game (Skylanders Giants). The stealth elf with the blade point facing back

has double pointed blades in the game, where the other stealth elfs blades stop flush at the

thumbs like the figures are represented. This is probably common but i found it strange they went

through the trouble of coding two different poses in the game for the same character?
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#2 Posted: 16:35:33 18/08/2013
do you have pics?
HamsterExAstris Yellow Sparx Gems: 1186
#3 Posted: 16:50:02 18/08/2013
Quote: tubs1225
I figured this was a mistake from the factory or just a change in the molds at some point. But when you put them on the portal they also show up slightly different in the game (Skylanders Giants). The stealth elf with the blade point facing back has double pointed blades in the game, where the other stealth elfs blades stop flush at the thumbs like the figures are represented.

When you put the "blade point facing back" one on in Giants, does it say that it's Series 1 or Series 2? It sounds like the game is using the Series 2 data (with the double-pointed blades) for the "blade point facing back" version.
tubs1225 Green Sparx Gems: 127
#4 Posted: 17:22:51 18/08/2013 | Topic Creator
They both say series 1, and the pictures are pretty much identical, its just the knives are completely different. Ill have to put my legendary stealth elf on there and see if that knife matches the odd ball knife. Can somone explain how to post pics on here? I tried just copy and paste, that didnt work. And the directions for posting pics under the help link is no help at all.
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#5 Posted: 18:28:15 18/08/2013
its most likely one is upgraded and the other is not.
it is not possible that they are different because there is no other code besides the standard in the game for series 1 Stealth Elf
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:29:56 18/08/2013 by Hazard335
tubs1225 Green Sparx Gems: 127
#6 Posted: 18:32:54 18/08/2013 | Topic Creator
Here is the picture of the actual skylanders, like i said not much difference except the arm pose:

[User Posted Image]

Here is what the stealth elf with the point facing forward looks like in Skylanders Giants:

[User Posted Image]

And this is what the stealth elf looks like with the blade point facing to the back:

[User Posted Image]
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#7 Posted: 18:37:57 18/08/2013
yea you bought an upgrade for that one in the seconded pic, that's all

Edit: I believe its the DragonFang Dagger upgrade
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:39:23 18/08/2013 by Hazard335
tubs1225 Green Sparx Gems: 127
#8 Posted: 18:42:35 18/08/2013 | Topic Creator
its most likely one is upgraded and the other is not.
it is not possible that they are different because there is no other code besides the standard in the game for series 1 Stealth Elf

Doh! You were exactly right, the upgrade changed the blade look. Thanks
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#9 Posted: 06:47:30 19/08/2013
My Stealth Elf is closer to the one on the right (blade pointed at the ground), but I feel like not SO much pointed at the ground. But yeah, that's a larger difference than I'm used to from simple bending, like you usually see.
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#10 Posted: 07:13:22 19/08/2013
WHY did you just not ask somone who KNOWS THIS

1 the stealth elf in the left pic(misplaced one) is DEFENETLY a RARE factory erros, man , you are such Lucky, srsly Lucky i tell you, the right one is far from rare..........

2the first s1 stealth elf you showed has the 'normal blades"this is NON upgraded
3 the second one seems to have the "dragonfang"daggers with means this one is upgraded

4 could you check what upgrades these smilie's have, it could clear some things up.....

anyways, its seems like i am giving info here that is already given, but still, i'll just wanna help out
i am still angry one the fact that you have such an factory error like that.........
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#11 Posted: 09:32:36 19/08/2013
but they changed the pos on the figurine...
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#12 Posted: 10:14:40 19/08/2013
Quote: kappapopm
but they changed the pos on the figurine...

no, i have a s1 from like , wen ssa came out, and one from now, and now difference, its a FACTORY error, how many times do i have to tell, and i am the one who knows, as i own a- agh, i dont tell
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#13 Posted: 10:22:58 19/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: kappapopm
but they changed the pos on the figurine...

no, i have a s1 from like , wen ssa came out, and one from now, and now difference, its a FACTORY error, how many times do i have to tell, and i am the one who knows, as i own a- agh, i dont tell

ok, i trust you since your the stealth elf expert around here smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#14 Posted: 10:27:39 19/08/2013
Quote: kappapopm
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: kappapopm
but they changed the pos on the figurine...

no, i have a s1 from like , wen ssa came out, and one from now, and now difference, its a FACTORY error, how many times do i have to tell, and i am the one who knows, as i own a- agh, i dont tell

ok, i trust you since your the stealth elf expert around here smilie

trust me, thats a factory error!
ooh, wish i could buy it
i srsly would give you 39 bucks or something!
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#15 Posted: 10:38:38 19/08/2013
im sure you can bend the arm in place and turn the head(its glued on)... so you saved yourself the 39 bucks...
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#16 Posted: 10:49:40 19/08/2013
Quote: kappapopm
im sure you can bend the arm in place and turn the head(its glued on)... so you saved yourself the 39 bucks...

nah, customizing is notthing, i want something straight from the box
not stupid sticky glue!!!!

hmpf, and how do you wanna do it, use a sharpie to make eyes?
tubs1225 Green Sparx Gems: 127
#17 Posted: 22:56:58 19/08/2013 | Topic Creator
WHY did you just not ask somone who KNOWS THIS

Ha, ha. Sorry didnt know who the experts are on here. yeah the knife thing in game was definately the upgrade. I wiped the character and it went back to the same on screen blade as the other. It was one of those stayed up too late playing skylanders things. As for the actual poses i have no clue. I cant even remember how we got both stealth elfs, i know one was a out of the box single pack. The other may have come out of a three pack? It defnately came that way, but i thought maybe they just changed mold poses somewhere along the way. The head is also turned slightly different. I looked at pics online of series 1 stealth elves and like you said the one on the right is the norm. I did find one picture like the one on the left, but almost all of the pics look like the normal one on the right. If it is a factory error thats cool.
Spyro7850 Gold Sparx Gems: 2656
#18 Posted: 23:05:46 19/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
WHY did you just not ask somone who KNOWS THIS

Other people can have answers too.
#1 Roller Brawl fan
"Ness, you'll always be the best character in Smash."
-Brawl in the Family, Comic #599
StalkerSnake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1926
#19 Posted: 04:11:41 20/08/2013
Quote: Spyro7850
Quote: NINJAsk11
WHY did you just not ask somone who KNOWS THIS

Other people can have answers too.

Чем больше вы знаете, тем больше вы знаете
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#20 Posted: 08:51:32 20/08/2013
yeah sorry

first you say elfes then elves, notthing wrong with , as i made the same mistake 199999x times......

anyways, i still wonder if its just a mistake that you've got it, or you have a kean eye for factory errors, no matter, THERE WILL BE ONE DAY THAT IT WILL BE MINE!
spellenjunk Green Sparx Gems: 392
#21 Posted: 11:12:23 21/08/2013
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?
~N~ ninja clan!! no one will break my record of 224 posts in a row!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#22 Posted: 11:15:44 21/08/2013
Quote: spellenjunk
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#23 Posted: 13:51:19 21/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
WHY did you just not ask somone who KNOWS THIS

1 the stealth elf in the left pic(misplaced one) is DEFENETLY a RARE factory erros, man , you are such Lucky, srsly Lucky i tell you, the right one is far from rare..........

2the first s1 stealth elf you showed has the 'normal blades"this is NON upgraded
3 the second one seems to have the "dragonfang"daggers with means this one is upgraded

4 could you check what upgrades these smilie's have, it could clear some things up.....

anyways, its seems like i am giving info here that is already given, but still, i'll just wanna help out
i am still angry one the fact that you have such an factory error like that.........

It isnt really rare i can make my stealth elfs arm like that too
what even is this site anymore lmao
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#24 Posted: 13:52:02 21/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: spellenjunk
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark

And the 3ds stealth elf, my cousins 3ds stealth elf doesnt have GITD my stealth elfs eyes and daggers have
what even is this site anymore lmao
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#25 Posted: 16:23:03 21/08/2013
Quote: Kevin16
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: spellenjunk
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark

And the 3ds stealth elf, my cousins 3ds stealth elf doesnt have GITD my stealth elfs eyes and daggers have

moar factory dumb errors !
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#26 Posted: 16:49:08 21/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: spellenjunk
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark

Legendary's eyes do.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#27 Posted: 17:01:21 21/08/2013
Quote: weebbby
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: spellenjunk
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark

Legendary's eyes do.

No they don't. They're pure white.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#28 Posted: 17:02:43 21/08/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: weebbby
Quote: NINJAsk11

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark

Legendary's eyes do.

No they don't. They're pure white.

this , this , this
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#29 Posted: 23:16:52 21/08/2013
Quote: Kevin16
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: spellenjunk
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark

And the 3ds stealth elf, my cousins 3ds stealth elf doesnt have GITD my stealth elfs eyes and daggers have

As far as I know, the Stealth Elf in the 3DS SSA Starter Pack was just the standard figure, and the standard figure has GITD eyes and daggers... They SHOULD glow... ????

I also have Legendary, and I can confirm, NOTHING glows on her, I was quite disappointed, because I love that tidbit about her. smilie

FYI, all the skulls on the Undead bases also are GITD.
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#30 Posted: 01:07:15 22/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: spellenjunk
is it normal that the knifes of my series 1 stealth elf are glow in the dark?

firs off topic: found ya
on topic: yep, its normal, everyone's smilie glows in the dark, excapt legendary and dark

My S1 Stealth elf's eyes won't glow :Y

Sometimes the GitD quality lacks. I was rather dissapointed when my S2 Chop Chop's skull base barely glowed if at all.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#31 Posted: 01:11:48 22/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: weebbby

Legendary's eyes do.

No they don't. They're pure white.

this , this , this

Mine do.

EDIT: Nvm, I just checked... I thought they did...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:39:36 22/08/2013 by weebbby
GamerZack7 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1709
#32 Posted: 04:37:37 22/08/2013
I've noticed that the single/triple pack smilie has glow-in-the-dark eyes, whereas the 3DS Starter Pack one doesn't. smilie
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie | *smilie* | smiliesmilie*smilie*smiliesmilie | smilie | smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
*Currently absent*
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:40:02 22/08/2013 by GamerZack7
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#33 Posted: 08:30:19 22/08/2013
the 3ds should do it too.........and legendary doesnt, maby .....

so we all seem to have a factory error, forget it the 39 bucks stay with me got elf you!
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#34 Posted: 16:11:42 22/08/2013
My S2 Cynder's undead base is painted -.- so are my Tree Rex's eyes
what even is this site anymore lmao
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#35 Posted: 16:15:15 22/08/2013
Quote: Kevin16
My S2 Cynder's undead base is painted -.- so are my Tree Rex's eyes

in what for way?
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#36 Posted: 00:42:35 23/08/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: Kevin16
My S2 Cynder's undead base is painted -.- so are my Tree Rex's eyes

in what for way?

The base has normally only a glow in the dark painting on it but on my S2 Cynder they painted it white
what even is this site anymore lmao
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#37 Posted: 06:37:36 23/08/2013
Quote: Kevin16
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: Kevin16
My S2 Cynder's undead base is painted -.- so are my Tree Rex's eyes

in what for way?

The base has normally only a glow in the dark painting on it but on my S2 Cynder they painted it white

lol, thats a fail
Friendzie Blue Sparx Gems: 611
#38 Posted: 14:01:47 09/09/2013
Quote: Kevin16
Quote: NINJAsk11
WHY did you just not ask somone who KNOWS THIS

1 the stealth elf in the left pic(misplaced one) is DEFENETLY a RARE factory erros, man , you are such Lucky, srsly Lucky i tell you, the right one is far from rare..........

2the first s1 stealth elf you showed has the 'normal blades"this is NON upgraded
3 the second one seems to have the "dragonfang"daggers with means this one is upgraded

4 could you check what upgrades these smilie's have, it could clear some things up.....

anyways, its seems like i am giving info here that is already given, but still, i'll just wanna help out
i am still angry one the fact that you have such an factory error like that.........

It isnt really rare i can make my stealth elfs arm like that too

Can you? I think you'd snap the arm off. They're slightly flexible, but her arm is so thin. Turning it 90 degrees would cause a lot of distress to the plastic.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#39 Posted: 15:10:43 09/09/2013
^you are breaking a 10euro toy, not smart.......
BUT I would pay 15 for such a thing like that, but it has to come fresh from store
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