1. Most kind user: Crystalhero.
2. Most humorous user: Bigboom.
3. Most serious user: CAV
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) 25kraD
5. Best mod on the site: They are all equal.
6.Most well known user: There are a few...(Bigboom, Baro, Arceus, Sess, Spyra, Wild, Striderswag, Spyro and Sonic, Dragoncamo, Seiki, CAV, ID, JCW, Wakapro, huge Dotd Freak, wspyro, Crystalhero,Solemnwhisper, Someperson, Kitty, Blackholes, Brightscales, jennacat4, Bonbonsalad, Jaggedstar, Carmelita, Pixilism, and Trix Master 100.
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: ^Above.
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) None.
9. Most unique user: Everyones unique in their own way...
No HIR, no Aura24, no dark52, no alicecarp... hmmm