

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The Darkspyro user polls [CLOSED]
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#1 Posted: 01:32:43 02/06/2013 | Topic Creator
Vote for each of these categories:

1. Most kind user
2. Most humorous user
3. Most serious user
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52)
5. Best mod on the site
6.Most well known user
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned)
9. Most unique user
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#2 Posted: 01:35:31 02/06/2013
1. Seiki
2. Seiki
3. Seiki
4. Seiki
5. Seiki
6. Seiki
7. Seiki
8. Sleepy (i'm sorry)
9. Seiki
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#3 Posted: 01:36:54 02/06/2013
uh oh
1. Baro
2. big green
3. Samius
4. im not answering this one
5. juggalo championship wrestling 555
6. ash starkindle
7. hell if i know
8. no
9. wakabro (mah homie)
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#4 Posted: 01:37:55 02/06/2013

1. Most kind user
In a tie with Vespi and Thumper
I can't believe I forgot Crystalhero :O
Yeap, Crystal is included here

2. Most humorous user
BH_W and Carm are in a tie.

3. Most serious user

4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52)

5. Best mod on the site
They have all been ok so far. Only one I have seen in action is Notes and Gordon

6.Most well known user
Spyrobaro(She's everywhere, man)

7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from
Spyro and sonic

8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned)

9. Most unique user
TheFlyingSeal and Crystalhero
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:20:01 02/06/2013 by wspyro
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8444
#5 Posted: 01:37:57 02/06/2013
[User Posted Image]

Do I win?
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#6 Posted: 01:38:32 02/06/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: arceustheprime
uh oh
1. Baro
2. big green
3. Samius
4. im not answering this one
5. juggalo championship wrestling 555
6. ash starkindle
7. hell if i know
8. no
9. wakabro (mah homie)

A user named "Hell if I know"? I'm surprised Dark52 let someone join with that username smilie
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#7 Posted: 01:40:31 02/06/2013
i see this crashing and burning....then exploding

1. Most kind user: Thumper? maybe? IDK THESE QUESTIONS ARE TOO HARD!
2. Most humorous user: TorchSheep, Jaggedstar, crystalhero, HIR, or mwa
3. Most serious user: *insert users name*
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52)
5. Best mod on the site: um......
6.Most well known user: HIR
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Test52
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned): Well.....
9. Most unique user: Jaggedstar
Gay 4 GARcher
SpyraArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#8 Posted: 01:42:25 02/06/2013
i haven't been on here in a while, so i have no idea

it doesn't surprise me that i'm not on anyone's poles because of that :U
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#9 Posted: 01:43:13 02/06/2013
1. Most kind user Spyrobaro
2. Most humorous user BigBoom
3. Most serious user CAV
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) In that case I'm not voting
5. Best mod on the site HIR
6.Most well known user Spyrobaro
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from Me
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) idk
9. Most unique user C1nder
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#10 Posted: 01:43:43 02/06/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: spyro and sonic
[User Posted Image]

Do I win?

With that amount of posts, probably, but we'll see if people have seen most of them.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8444
#11 Posted: 01:44:55 02/06/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
Quote: spyro and sonic
[User Posted Image]

Do I win?

With that amount of posts, probably, but we'll see if people have seen most of them.

Kinda hard not to, especially last summer.
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#12 Posted: 01:46:24 02/06/2013
Quote: SpyraArtisan
i haven't been on here in a while, so i have no idea

it doesn't surprise me that i'm not on anyone's poles because of that :U

[User Posted Image]
- - -
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#13 Posted: 01:48:10 02/06/2013
1. Most kind user: Thumper/SPARXisAWESOME/HDAZ
2. Most humorous user: BeanyBeans (...)
3. Most serious user: I have no idea
4. Best admin on the site: MentalPower (eue)
5. Best mod on the site: ???
6.Most well known user: dark52 (duh)
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: ???
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned): BeanyBeans (...)
9. Most unique user: gary/Crystal Dragon, maybe. But I see everyone as "unique, really, as I answered this in a way pertaining to user habits than whom they are.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 03:10:24 02/06/2013 by Wild
SpyraArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#14 Posted: 02:04:05 02/06/2013
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: SpyraArtisan
i haven't been on here in a while, so i have no idea

it doesn't surprise me that i'm not on anyone's polls* because of that :U

[User Posted Image]
- - -

**** it im tired and typos are the best thing in the world

im obv drunk typping diiiihhhuuh
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833
#15 Posted: 03:06:47 02/06/2013
1. Most kind user: Crystalhero.
2. Most humorous user: Bigboom.
3. Most serious user: CAV
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) 25kraD
5. Best mod on the site: They are all equal.
6.Most well known user: There are a few...(Bigboom, Baro, Arceus, Sess, Spyra, Wild, Striderswag, Spyro and Sonic, Dragoncamo, Seiki, CAV, ID, JCW, Wakapro, huge Dotd Freak, wspyro, Crystalhero,Solemnwhisper, Someperson, Kitty, Blackholes, Brightscales, jennacat4, Bonbonsalad, Jaggedstar, Carmelita, Pixilism, and Trix Master 100.
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: ^Above.
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) None.
9. Most unique user: Everyones unique in their own way...
I am a Cow.

Edited 3 times - Last edited at 03:12:52 02/06/2013 by cowpowa23
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#16 Posted: 03:18:43 02/06/2013
Quote: cowpowa23
1. Most kind user: Crystalhero.
2. Most humorous user: Bigboom.
3. Most serious user: CAV
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) 25kraD
5. Best mod on the site: They are all equal.
6.Most well known user: There are a few...(Bigboom, Baro, Arceus, Sess, Spyra, Wild, Striderswag, Spyro and Sonic, Dragoncamo, Seiki, CAV, ID, JCW, Wakapro, huge Dotd Freak, wspyro, Crystalhero,Solemnwhisper, Someperson, Kitty, Blackholes, Brightscales, jennacat4, Bonbonsalad, Jaggedstar, Carmelita, Pixilism, and Trix Master 100.
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: ^Above.
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) None.
9. Most unique user: Everyones unique in their own way...

Awww. <3
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#17 Posted: 03:56:39 02/06/2013
1. Most kind user: Thumper (although I'm going on word of mouth here), Spyrobaro, sonicbrawler (though he would never believe me)
2. Most humorous user: Wild or TorchSheep
3. Most serious user: Samius (but in a good way... unless drunk), ItsJustMe (search your souls, you know this to be true)
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52): test52
5. Best mod on the site: Alex
6. Most well known user: dark52 (whether you like it or not)
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Carmelita Fox (because I've seen her posts for 6.5 years)
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned): test52
9. Most unique user: This awesome spambot I caught
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8313
#18 Posted: 06:09:47 02/06/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
Vote for each of these categories:

1. Most kind user
2. Most humorous user
3. Most serious user
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52)
5. Best mod on the site
6.Most well known user
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned)
9. Most unique user

1. (oh goodness there's plenty of nice users on here. I can't just one)
2. (to be listed due to tie)
3. (idk)
4. Dark52
5. JCW555
6. (not sure)
7. (goodness not sure)
8. Bravo101
9. Seiki
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:13:12 02/06/2013 by Trix Master 100
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#19 Posted: 06:31:05 02/06/2013
1. Most kind user
SPARXisAWESOME, Crystalhero 37, me, TorchSheep.
2. Most humorous user
HIR, HIR, HIR, HIR, me, HIR, TorchSheep, Jaggedstar.
3. Most serious user
Mrmorises.(Though I think everyone can be silly at times. smilie)
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52)
5. Best mod on the site
HIR, Matteomax, JCW555.
6.Most well known user
HIR, Brightscales, HDAZ.
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned)
*Insert name here*
9. Most unique user
Every. Single. User. K?
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:31:58 02/06/2013 by Hot Dog 542
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#20 Posted: 07:03:09 02/06/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
Vote for each of these categories:

1. Most kind user Baro
2. Most humorous user Arceustheprime
3. Most serious user Samius
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) Sleepy
5. Best mod on the site HIR
6.Most well known user HIR
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from Bravo101
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) Bravo101
9. Most unique user SaS (Aweatabaluos)

the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantimeā˜ 
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#21 Posted: 08:01:42 02/06/2013
1. Most kind user: thumper
2. Most humorous user: Jaggedstar
3. Most serious user: Ice Dragoness
4. Best admin on the site: MentalPower
5. Best mod on the site: HIR
6. Most well known user: Aura24
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Jaggedstar
8. Most obnoxious troll: Secret
9. Most unique user: Brightscales?

Quote: HIR
1. Most kind user: Thumper (although I'm going on word of mouth here), Spyrobaro, sonicbrawler (though he would never believe me)
2. Most humorous user: Wild or TorchSheep
3. Most serious user: Samius (but in a good way... unless drunk), ItsJustMe (search your souls, you know this to be true)
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52): test52
5. Best mod on the site: Alex
6. Most well known user: dark52 (whether you like it or not)
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Carmelita Fox (because I've seen her posts for 6.5 years)
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned): test52
9. Most unique user: This awesome spambot I caught

HIR thinks I'm one of the most humorous users? I can now die a happy man.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:02:03 02/06/2013 by TorchSheep
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#22 Posted: 12:17:57 02/06/2013
2. J-Star/Brightscales/CrystalHero/Torchsheep
3. It'sJustMe
4. MentalPower
5. HIR
6. HIR
7. Spyro and Sonic
8. Whamshell222
9. Everyone.
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#23 Posted: 12:20:30 02/06/2013
Yay, i didnt win anything!
Gay 4 GARcher
Brightscales Ripto Gems: 445
#24 Posted: 12:48:45 02/06/2013
1. Most kind user - sonicbrawler, bolt
2. Most humorous user - blackholeswolf, carm fox, spyra TD/spyroartisan
3. Most serious user - karina
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) - ...
5. Best mod on the site - wild
6.Most well known user - dark52, carm fox, wild
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) - ravenouscynder, whitedragon, cynder9999 (i think that was the username), spyroVSganon
9. Most unique user - gary, darkgirl
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8260
#25 Posted: 13:33:25 02/06/2013
OMG YEY I've been voted funniest smilie

I'll answer them later. #tldr
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#26 Posted: 14:19:39 02/06/2013
Quote: TorchSheep

3. Most serious user: Ice Dragoness

Quote: Brightscales
Quote: Ice Dragoness
I'll give you an oral presentation.


(((i get the djoke))))

tehehe sure.
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#27 Posted: 14:32:58 02/06/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: TorchSheep
1. Most kind user: thumper
2. Most humorous user: Jaggedstar
3. Most serious user: Ice Dragoness
4. Best admin on the site: MentalPower
5. Best mod on the site: HIR
6. Most well known user: Aura24
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Jaggedstar
8. Most obnoxious troll: Secret
9. Most unique user: Brightscales?

Quote: HIR
1. Most kind user: Thumper (although I'm going on word of mouth here), Spyrobaro, sonicbrawler (though he would never believe me)
2. Most humorous user: Wild or TorchSheep
3. Most serious user: Samius (but in a good way... unless drunk), ItsJustMe (search your souls, you know this to be true)
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52): test52
5. Best mod on the site: Alex
6. Most well known user: dark52 (whether you like it or not)
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Carmelita Fox (because I've seen her posts for 6.5 years)
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned): test52
9. Most unique user: This awesome spambot I caught

HIR thinks I'm one of the most humorous users? I can now die a happy man.

I'm surprised this is only Aura's first vote as the most well known.
jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#28 Posted: 14:51:06 02/06/2013
1. SpyroBaro
2. HIR
3. (I really dunno...)
4. Dark52 (smilie)
5. (I dunno, they're all really good.)
6. SpyroBaro, HIR, Bonbonsalad, Brightscales
7. Brightscales, CrystalHero(Numbers....?)
8. (I have no idea...)
9. Everyone!
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#29 Posted: 14:52:40 02/06/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
Quote: TorchSheep
1. Most kind user: thumper
2. Most humorous user: Jaggedstar
3. Most serious user: Ice Dragoness
4. Best admin on the site: MentalPower
5. Best mod on the site: HIR
6. Most well known user: Aura24
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Jaggedstar
8. Most obnoxious troll: Secret
9. Most unique user: Brightscales?

Quote: HIR
1. Most kind user: Thumper (although I'm going on word of mouth here), Spyrobaro, sonicbrawler (though he would never believe me)
2. Most humorous user: Wild or TorchSheep
3. Most serious user: Samius (but in a good way... unless drunk), ItsJustMe (search your souls, you know this to be true)
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52): test52
5. Best mod on the site: Alex
6. Most well known user: dark52 (whether you like it or not)
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Carmelita Fox (because I've seen her posts for 6.5 years)
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned): test52
9. Most unique user: This awesome spambot I caught

HIR thinks I'm one of the most humorous users? I can now die a happy man.

I'm surprised this is only Aura's first vote as the most well known.

Me too. She is very well-known, I first heard of her through YouTube.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#30 Posted: 15:02:04 02/06/2013
Quote: Brightscales
1. Most kind user - sonicbrawler, bolt
2. Most humorous user - blackholeswolf, carm fox, spyra TD/spyroartisan
3. Most serious user - karina
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) - ...
5. Best mod on the site - wild
6.Most well known user - dark52, carm fox, wild
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) - ravenouscynder, whitedragon, cynder9999 (i think that was the username), spyroVSganon
9. Most unique user - gary, darkgirl

......I am a serious user? smilie
SpyraArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#31 Posted: 15:56:12 02/06/2013
woo i am hurmours



Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#32 Posted: 15:57:29 02/06/2013
Quote: TorchSheep
Quote: Mrmorrises
Quote: TorchSheep
1. Most kind user: thumper
2. Most humorous user: Jaggedstar
3. Most serious user: Ice Dragoness
4. Best admin on the site: MentalPower
5. Best mod on the site: HIR
6. Most well known user: Aura24
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: Jaggedstar
8. Most obnoxious troll: Secret
9. Most unique user: Brightscales?

HIR thinks I'm one of the most humorous users? I can now die a happy man.

I'm surprised this is only Aura's first vote as the most well known.

Me too. She is very well-known, I first heard of her through YouTube.

True, is it just me, or has she not been on here as much lately?
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8260
#33 Posted: 17:41:51 02/06/2013
Most kind user thumper, ThroneOfMalefor,Kariana and crystalhero

Most humorous user TorchSheep and SpyraArtisan

Most serious user Uhhhh....not me

Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) dark girl

Best mod on the site HIR

Most well known user HIR

The user you've SEEN the most posts from test52

Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) Slee--uhhhhhh

Most unique user UHHHHHHHHHHHH
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:08:08 02/06/2013 by Jaggedstar
huge dotd freak Emerald Sparx Gems: 3354
#34 Posted: 18:15:03 02/06/2013
Oh-my-gish! I saw my name.
Do you not like my mouth words?
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#35 Posted: 18:32:11 02/06/2013
So is this a poll of sorts?
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#36 Posted: 19:16:06 02/06/2013
But seriously how am I serious.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8313
#37 Posted: 19:22:35 02/06/2013
Quote: paddyfitz
2. J-Star/Brightscales/CrystalHero/Torchsheep
3. It'sJustMe
4. MentalPower
5. HIR
6. HIR
7. Spyro and Sonic
8. Whamshell222
9. Everyone.

He's still ALIVE?!?!
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#38 Posted: 20:07:04 02/06/2013
Quote: DragonCamo
Yay, i didnt win anything!

10. Most obsessed Hunger Games fan.

You're welcome

(I didn't win anything either lol)
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:19:10 02/06/2013 by Cynderluv8801
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#39 Posted: 20:11:05 02/06/2013
Quote: Trix Master 100
Quote: paddyfitz
2. J-Star/Brightscales/CrystalHero/Torchsheep
3. It'sJustMe
4. MentalPower
5. HIR
6. HIR
7. Spyro and Sonic
8. Whamshell222
9. Everyone.

He's still ALIVE?!?!

He doesn't come online, but he's still there.
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#40 Posted: 20:11:37 02/06/2013
Tis depressing that only the older users remember how serious I am. I should probably be more active.

1. Most kind user

2. Most humorous user

3. Most serious user

4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52)
Twilight Sparkle

5. Best mod on the site

6.Most well known user

7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from
HIR (became active once he got mod........)

8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned)

9. Most unique user
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#41 Posted: 20:40:18 02/06/2013
Quote: Cynderluv8801
Quote: DragonCamo
Yay, i didnt win anything!

10. Most obsessed Hunger Games fan.

You're welcome

(I didn't win anything either lol)

Makes the Best Role Plays:
Gay 4 GARcher
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8313
#42 Posted: 20:43:07 02/06/2013
Quote: paddyfitz
Quote: Trix Master 100
Quote: paddyfitz
2. J-Star/Brightscales/CrystalHero/Torchsheep
3. It'sJustMe
4. MentalPower
5. HIR
6. HIR
7. Spyro and Sonic
8. Whamshell222
9. Everyone.

He's still ALIVE?!?!

He doesn't come online, but he's still there.

I thought he left DS a while ago though.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#43 Posted: 20:44:40 02/06/2013
Quote: DragonCamo
Quote: Cynderluv8801
Quote: DragonCamo
Yay, i didnt win anything!

10. Most obsessed Hunger Games fan.

You're welcome

(I didn't win anything either lol)

Makes the Best Role Plays:

And thanks
~ Nami One-Trick ~
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9117
#44 Posted: 20:52:21 02/06/2013
Quote: cowpowa23
1. Most kind user: Crystalhero.
2. Most humorous user: Bigboom.
3. Most serious user: CAV
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) 25kraD
5. Best mod on the site: They are all equal.
6.Most well known user: There are a few...(Bigboom, Baro, Arceus, Sess, Spyra, Wild, Striderswag, Spyro and Sonic, Dragoncamo, Seiki, CAV, ID, JCW, Wakapro, huge Dotd Freak, wspyro, Crystalhero,Solemnwhisper, Someperson, Kitty, Blackholes, Brightscales, jennacat4, Bonbonsalad, Jaggedstar, Carmelita, Pixilism, and Trix Master 100.
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: ^Above.
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) None.
9. Most unique user: Everyones unique in their own way...

Bravo101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1482
#45 Posted: 21:02:15 02/06/2013
Yeah im the most obnoxious troll ever smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#46 Posted: 21:13:31 02/06/2013
Quote: Bravo101
Yeah im the most obnoxious troll ever smilie

DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#47 Posted: 21:14:05 02/06/2013
Quote: cowpowa23
1. Most kind user: Crystalhero.
2. Most humorous user: Bigboom.
3. Most serious user: CAV
4. Best admin on the site(Your only option is Dark52) 25kraD
5. Best mod on the site: They are all equal.
6.Most well known user: There are a few...(Bigboom, Baro, Arceus, Sess, Spyra, Wild, Striderswag, Spyro and Sonic, Dragoncamo, Seiki, CAV, ID, JCW, Wakapro, huge Dotd Freak, wspyro, Crystalhero,Solemnwhisper, Someperson, Kitty, Blackholes, Brightscales, jennacat4, Bonbonsalad, Jaggedstar, Carmelita, Pixilism, and Trix Master 100.
7.The user you've SEEN the most posts from: ^Above.
8. Most obnoxious troll(can be someone who has been banned) None.
9. Most unique user: Everyones unique in their own way...

omg really?
Gay 4 GARcher
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