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Dear Swap Force - Please Nerf... [CLOSED]
chi_madnes Red Sparx Gems: 89
#1 Posted: 19:39:26 17/05/2013 | Topic Creator
Terrafin's underground attack.

I love playing pvp tournaments with my little cousins & step daughters, but, Terrafin's ability to stay underground the entire time makes it (nearly) impossible to hit him. We've pretty much had to retire him as a pvp option, which is sad because he is a neat character.

I would like to see a cool down period after he is underground for a while, or the addition of some attacks that can hit him while he is under ground
GhostRoaster24 Blue Sparx Gems: 942
#2 Posted: 20:05:00 17/05/2013
Well, Eruptor's Eruption attack can bring Terrafin up from the ground and damage him! I do agree with you though, totally unfair. Especially S2 with his Wow Pow!
Tumblr: hunter-alex
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5410
#3 Posted: 20:36:06 17/05/2013
I don't think it should be a case of nerfing him, but rather give other skylanders a good attack to hit him underground, such as Chop Chop's bramble move, or Crusher's buzzsaw. But the focus of Skylanders is never on the PvP aspect, so I wouldn't expect it to change much in the future.
I always forget to check my guestbook
chi_madnes Red Sparx Gems: 89
#4 Posted: 20:48:24 17/05/2013 | Topic Creator
@GhostRoaster24 - I did not know that, I will have to try it

Nroc-Nuika - Hopefully they give PVP a little more love. IMO the main incentive for tricking out your characters is pitting them agains your buddies' characters. Plus, if any game developer knows how (online) PvP can positively affect the longevity of a game, its Activision. COD anyone?
spyrodadragon1 Green Sparx Gems: 124
#5 Posted: 22:41:29 17/05/2013
what nroc said
hey i am back
NEW ACCOUNT used to be spyrodadragon so not really red sparx
avatar by kap
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#6 Posted: 06:47:56 18/05/2013
Terrafin should take 1/4 less damage instead of being invincible when underground, IMO.

They need to nerf Hex's Wow Pow direly. I'm convinced that it was supposed to do 16/28 damage and that they accidentally forgot to change the data values. BS if they intended it. It sucks, because I think that she has one of the coolest ones.

Everyone else (and the game's difficulty along with it) can be buffed. I think that it's wiser to do that than make beloved characters weaker.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:48:34 18/05/2013 by GamingMaster_76
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#7 Posted: 10:50:02 18/05/2013
Quote: GhostRoaster24
Well, Eruptor's Eruption attack can bring Terrafin up from the ground and damage him! I do agree with you though, totally unfair. Especially S2 with his Wow Pow!

It's quite useful for the final boss and certain puzzle areas (not to mention, when those blue and red circles shoot across the floor, the reds have no effect but the blues heal him!). In PvP, Terrafin is unbeatable except for Erupter. I wonder, could there be another one who can also counter his attack?
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#8 Posted: 12:47:11 18/05/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
Quote: GhostRoaster24
Well, Eruptor's Eruption attack can bring Terrafin up from the ground and damage him! I do agree with you though, totally unfair. Especially S2 with his Wow Pow!

It's quite useful for the final boss and certain puzzle areas (not to mention, when those blue and red circles shoot across the floor, the reds have no effect but the blues heal him!). In PvP, Terrafin is unbeatable except for Erupter. I wonder, could there be another one who can also counter his attack?

i wouldnt say unbeatable, you would just have to wait for him to resurface and then attack. i know that it may be unfair but its not like they made him so he can earth swim forever. so basically just run away and when he resurfaces just blast him so any skylander can beat him you just need to know how to play the game and it helps that many characters have ranged attacks so yup he doesnt really need to be nerfed.

also i dont have him so i dont really know, but can someone check if dino rang's stonefist traps can counter it?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:48:12 18/05/2013 by Ninpire
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#9 Posted: 15:34:59 18/05/2013
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Terrafin should take 1/4 less damage instead of being invincible when underground, IMO.

They need to nerf Hex's Wow Pow direly. I'm convinced that it was supposed to do 16/28 damage and that they accidentally forgot to change the data values. BS if they intended it. It sucks, because I think that she has one of the coolest ones.

Everyone else (and the game's difficulty along with it) can be buffed. I think that it's wiser to do that than make beloved characters weaker.

Yeah, bring Hex's wow pow down to 30 damage, please.
chi_madnes Red Sparx Gems: 89
#10 Posted: 15:43:03 18/05/2013 | Topic Creator
Dino Rang's stonfists don't hit him... I tried

Also, terrafin's belly flop does more damage than most characters ranged attacks, he will win that exchange of fire, especially with his minions attacking once you hit him.

oh and, yes, terrafin can stay under ground pretty much indefinitely. We've mastered the fake belly flop and quick entrance back into the ground. The amount of time he is voulnerable (sp?) is so tiny. Its not realistic to expect to be able to chip away at him during those tiny windows.

I don't think its an issue of learning how to play, we are pretty good players IMO. I'm just looking for SF to give him some more foils

On a side note - I think Zap got nerfed a bit in Giants. In SSA he could pretty much keep his slide electrifies non-stop. I'm not able to do the same trick in SG. Maybe I just lost the technique, but if this is the case, it would set some sort of precedent for nerfing a power from 1 game to the next
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#11 Posted: 16:37:57 18/05/2013
Note: This is all assuming Terrafin will actually be in Skylanders. As far as I know, only Stealth Elf of the originals has been confirmed. Considering Terrafin's popularity and reccognizability, the odds of him being in Swap Force are pretty good, but not infallible.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#12 Posted: 16:55:45 18/05/2013
They don't need to release a new Terrafin to change him- as long as he's playable, they can change how the game makes his abilities work, no matter the series. Series 1 Chop Chop was buffed, Legendary Stealth Elf was nerfed from PS360, all Eruptors' eruption times are now very different from what they were in SSA. The data is on the disc, think of the toys as a key.
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#13 Posted: 15:39:59 19/05/2013
Quote: chi_madnes
Dino Rang's stonfists don't hit him... I tried

Also, terrafin's belly flop does more damage than most characters ranged attacks, he will win that exchange of fire, especially with his minions attacking once you hit him.

oh and, yes, terrafin can stay under ground pretty much indefinitely. We've mastered the fake belly flop and quick entrance back into the ground. The amount of time he is voulnerable (sp?) is so tiny. Its not realistic to expect to be able to chip away at him during those tiny windows.

I don't think its an issue of learning how to play, we are pretty good players IMO. I'm just looking for SF to give him some more foils

On a side note - I think Zap got nerfed a bit in Giants. In SSA he could pretty much keep his slide electrifies non-stop. I'm not able to do the same trick in SG. Maybe I just lost the technique, but if this is the case, it would set some sort of precedent for nerfing a power from 1 game to the next

he can only do the wow pow a certain number of times (i think it was 3) before he cant do it in the same earth swim and when i say resurface i dont mean when he does his belly flop, i mean when he just flat out comes up. and if you want more foils, i guess they could make him vulnerable a little longer before he can go underground again. so chipping away at him should be possible for anyone. and most people seem to choose sandhog anyway so the minions attacking you only happens on brawler. just saying. im just trying to say that any skylander should be able to beat him, they just need to be like......really good at using that skylander.
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#14 Posted: 18:44:08 19/05/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Terrafin should take 1/4 less damage instead of being invincible when underground, IMO.

They need to nerf Hex's Wow Pow direly. I'm convinced that it was supposed to do 16/28 damage and that they accidentally forgot to change the data values. BS if they intended it. It sucks, because I think that she has one of the coolest ones.

Everyone else (and the game's difficulty along with it) can be buffed. I think that it's wiser to do that than make beloved characters weaker.

Yeah, bring Hex's wow pow down to 30 damage, please.

IDK if my s2 smilie has a glitch, but her Wow Pow does 250 damage....
ZAnd maybe in SSF it'll be less damage.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:44:39 19/05/2013 by Ash Starkindle
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#15 Posted: 00:43:19 20/05/2013
If they nerf him there'll be a bigger outcry than if they didn't. In PvP, he is OP, but in Story he's among the most useful characters ever. And his wowpow only makes him more so. He can take down Shield Juggernauts (or pretty much any enemy) in a few seconds, and that's not even thinking about his mini-sharks (whom I always forget to use).
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#16 Posted: 00:56:42 20/05/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Terrafin should take 1/4 less damage instead of being invincible when underground, IMO.

They need to nerf Hex's Wow Pow direly. I'm convinced that it was supposed to do 16/28 damage and that they accidentally forgot to change the data values. BS if they intended it. It sucks, because I think that she has one of the coolest ones.

Everyone else (and the game's difficulty along with it) can be buffed. I think that it's wiser to do that than make beloved characters weaker.

Yeah, bring Hex's wow pow down to 30 damage, please.

I'm sorry, but 30 Damage is just WAYYYYY too much of a nerf.
You charge it up for the duration of 4 Skulls, so 120 Would be much more reasonable.Or maybe even 100

But 30 is too unreasonable.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#17 Posted: 02:15:55 20/05/2013
And do you realize that the skull attacks about 11 times (around 2500 damage right now) and you can easily set it up from behind a Bone Wall?

Hex's Wow Pow SHOULD be difficult to set up- even if they bring it down to 30 per hit, 330 HP is still a great sum of damage, and each hit will do almost as much as the skulls themselves which is pretty good. It currently does more damage than the Gaia Hammer (240 damage, iirc) which is far more difficult to use(has a tiny hotbox, annoying windup time and is short-ranged), and that's a big unbalanced problem. Giant, in fact.

The only place I see this being a problem is Story, but it's still usable if you can find a spot to set it up- the amount of people who just want the strongest Skylander and dismiss weaker ones really sickens me. Hex is still fine in Story anyway, even without her Wow Pow, but her playstyle is very situation-dependant.
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#18 Posted: 13:17:09 20/05/2013
^That is if you hit the person the 11 Times.
The Skull takes some time to turn around and aim at the other person, and while that's happening Hex can still be easily attacked.

And since hex it totally slow, a far ranged attacker shoudn't have much trouble, as the Skull Buddy is quite short ranged as well.
I still think 30 is too unreasonable.
chi_madnes Red Sparx Gems: 89
#19 Posted: 18:17:46 20/05/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: [url=
im just trying to say that any skylander should be able to beat him, they just need to be like......really good at using that skylander.

I think a player who is not using TF cannot beat a similarly skilled player who is using TF due to an unfair advantage, you don't.

Lets agree to disagree smilie

@Doomslicer - Perhaps they could just adjust the power for PvP purposes only.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:23:30 20/05/2013 by chi_madnes
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#20 Posted: 20:56:47 20/05/2013
^ Okay smilie
boomerfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1602
#21 Posted: 15:33:13 21/05/2013
it doesnt matter its only that hes so awesome to win nearly all the time
smilieBRING THE BOOM!smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#22 Posted: 17:29:47 21/05/2013
let me make some thing out of this

1: the wow pow of hex reely needs to do less damage, its 2 much
2: doulbe troubles beam has limitid use with sucks! so ner dat pleese
3: stealth elf(and i hate to say this) but make her only heal wen at low health and sop around 450 HP
4: bash his gaia hammer and normal tail attack are to strong
5 i agree on terrafin
6: flameslingers speed is a little to much for all of my friends(aka 299cc)
7: ghoast roster ectoplasm mode is too much ot the good....
and i can think of moar smilie
wrecknroll Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#23 Posted: 19:54:56 24/05/2013
As Nroc already said , THE MAIN FOCUS OF SKYLANDERS IS NOT PVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My collection!
chi_madnes Red Sparx Gems: 89
#24 Posted: 20:18:44 24/05/2013 | Topic Creator
Its not a main focus of the game, but that doesn't mean they can't make it better.

A fun and well balanced PvP will go a long way toward the longevity of this franchise.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:37:38 24/05/2013 by chi_madnes
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