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What would stop you buying the game? [CLOSED]
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#51 Posted: 11:38:55 27/02/2013
Quote: Hexin_Wishes
Oh I'm definitely a part of #TeamNoMoreReposes but I actually enjoy having new characters with each installment, it keeps things fresh. What I don't enjoy, however, is the thin plot, overused villain and how short the game is. SA was revolutionary and it's faults as a game were forgiven because of it's innovative feature. This time around, we're used to it and so the short-comings are noticeable. Especially considering, how few chapters there are in Giants. They could have at least thrown in another Adventure pack or two.

Okay, I don't mean to start a flame war or anything, but why do keep saying that the Portal is revolutionary or innovative? It was only a fancy way to change characters. Gameplay wise, though, both games are just plain dungeon crawlers. I made a post about this on Nintendo Life. I like the toy feature but besides the ability to move your stats between consoles it's no different to a menu. Also, UB Funkies did the toys to life thing before.

(Yes, I realize this is subjective. That's why I'm asking.)
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#52 Posted: 15:10:18 27/02/2013
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Okay, I don't mean to start a flame war or anything, but why do keep saying that the Portal is revolutionary or innovative? It was only a fancy way to change characters. Gameplay wise, though, both games are just plain dungeon crawlers. I made a post about this on Nintendo Life. I like the toy feature but besides the ability to move your stats between consoles it's no different to a menu. Also, UB Funkies did the toys to life thing before.

(Yes, I realize this is subjective. That's why I'm asking.)

Let the Flames Begin! (j/k)

The idea of connecting toys to game is not new. I recall many PC games, like UB Funkeys, that connect the toy up to the computer. What made Skylanders step it up, imo, is the use of RFID and wireless technologies to make it appear magical...NO MORE WIRES. Less barriers to entry. Many of the toys like UB Funkeys all look very similiar...I see character design as a major strength of Skylanders over the competition.

So, while I acknowledge the concept of connecting hardware to software dates back to the beginning of computers and the evolution of connecting toy hardware to software has been in existence for a wihle---Skylanders perfected it. It's not always the first to the game but the ones that get it right.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Skyland Hero Yellow Sparx Gems: 1018
#53 Posted: 16:53:44 27/02/2013
Quote: Aura24
If the S1s characters don't work in Swap Force, I'll probably won't buy it.

They demonstrated in New York at the toy fair that series 1 will work.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#54 Posted: 18:07:59 27/02/2013
Quote: GhostRoaster

Let the Flames Begin! (j/k)

The idea of connecting toys to game is not new. I recall many PC games, like UB Funkeys, that connect the toy up to the computer. What made Skylanders step it up, imo, is the use of RFID and wireless technologies to make it appear magical...NO MORE WIRES. Less barriers to entry. Many of the toys like UB Funkeys all look very similiar...I see character design as a major strength of Skylanders over the competition.

So, while I acknowledge the concept of connecting hardware to software dates back to the beginning of computers and the evolution of connecting toy hardware to software has been in existence for a wihle---Skylanders perfected it. It's not always the first to the game but the ones that get it right.

Fair enough. smilie
Quote: Skyland Hero

They demonstrated in New York at the toy fair that series 1 will work.

Um, no. That was a Series 2 Eruptor. I doubt S1s won't work though.
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#55 Posted: 20:26:23 27/02/2013
Yeah GhostRoaster pretty much summed it up perfectly. The idea's always been around (you could even argue even before computers were a thing) but Skylanders got it right and for that it's seen as being cutting edge.
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#56 Posted: 20:35:02 27/02/2013
Quote: Hexin_Wishes
Yeah GhostRoaster pretty much summed it up perfectly. The idea's always been around (you could even argue even before computers were a thing) but Skylanders got it right and for that it's seen as being cutting edge.

cutting edge without having online gaming in 2013?.. we are not in the age of the 90's super nintendo anymore. not having online game play in todays game is a big step backward. i could accept the first game was without since it was some new things going on. the 2 was a perfection of the first but the third?.. no way hosay, there is no excuse anymore.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:35:47 27/02/2013 by kappapopm
DragonsDream Green Sparx Gems: 435
#57 Posted: 21:15:24 27/02/2013
Quote: GASSA
Oh I'm definitely a part of #TeamNoMoreReposes but I actually enjoy having new characters with each installment, it keeps things fresh. What I don't enjoy, however, is the thin plot, overused villain and how short the game is. SA was revolutionary and it's faults as a game were forgiven because of it's innovative feature. This time around, we're used to it and so the short-comings are noticeable. Especially considering, how few chapters there are in Giants. They could have at least thrown in another Adventure pack or two.

Then it looks like you and I are in complete agreement.

I like new characters and hate reposes. I just want to see better value for the 80 odd? characters that I've already brought.

And I agree 100% with your point about forgiving SSA because it was new.

Now we just need to get DragonsDream onside and we will be ready to lean on Activision to give into our reasonable demands.

sorry, i won't be climbing on board the train with ya.
it's like the story of the employer who hires a guy to work for a day and pays him $40. The hired man is quite happy with his pay and goes to work.
then, half way through the day, the employer hires a second guy to work half a day. He offers to pay him $40 as well.
The first guy now complains that this isn't fair.

However, the man agreed to work for $40 thus, what the employer pays anyone else is really no business of the first man. He agreed and a deal was struck.

In the same way, people bought S1 figures with the agreement that they would unlock certain content in Spyro's Adventure. The game could have been a failure and no other games ever made, thus your S1 figure would never work on any other game. There was no promise that the toy would do anything more. Your deal was for a toy that worked on a game.

Fortunately, Spyro's Adventure was a success and a second game was made. They could have created all new characters and required all new toys. But they didn't do that. They allowed us to use the toys we bought on a new game. They were hardly "devalued" but in fact were given increased value in that there are now 2 games they work in!

Also, these are toys, not just video game accessories. Whatever toy value they have is still there. They are no less toys then they were originally.

I find it humorous that simply because I disagree with you on this point, I am accused of being an Activision employee or trying to suck up to Activision for some reason. What I am is an adult who doesn't feel entitled to anything or feel I have been slighted when a company doesn't give me what I want.
available: Darklight Crypt smiliesmiliesmilie(sealed), 17 other common S1s & adv. packs (EU only)
The word is "should've" never "should of"
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#58 Posted: 23:28:07 27/02/2013
Quote: kappapopm
Quote: Hexin_Wishes
Yeah GhostRoaster pretty much summed it up perfectly. The idea's always been around (you could even argue even before computers were a thing) but Skylanders got it right and for that it's seen as being cutting edge.

cutting edge without having online gaming in 2013?.. we are not in the age of the 90's super nintendo anymore. not having online game play in todays game is a big step backward. i could accept the first game was without since it was some new things going on. the 2 was a perfection of the first but the third?.. no way hosay, there is no excuse anymore.

Having or lacking online gameplay does not effect the idea of having a toy interact with a game of whatever console the same way. Just because a game has online gameplay doesn't make it revolutionary anways, in fact, they are never called revolutionary or cutting edge. Computer games have been doing perfectly for ages, it was only a matter of time before consoles started going that route.
GASSA Green Sparx Gems: 285
#59 Posted: 00:18:05 28/02/2013
In the same way, people bought S1 figures with the agreement that they would unlock certain content in Spyro's Adventure. The game could have been a failure and no other games ever made, thus your S1 figure would never work on any other game. There was no promise that the toy would do anything more. Your deal was for a toy that worked on a game.

The entire premise was that character purchased would work in future installments. It is not some gift from the Activision gods. And as I mentioned before it is even promoted at the end of Spyro's Adventure. So enough of this nonsense about them doing me some great favour. I did them a favour, not the other way around.

Also I think we've already established that the original characters were devalued. You can try to argue your point about that as much as you want but your argument is a poor one. They brought out the same characters with greater abilities which devalues the original characters. I typed that as slowly as I could, I hope you can keep up. It really is 1+1=2 stuff. You seem to be coming up with 11.

I find it humorous that simply because I disagree with you on this point, I am accused of being an Activision employee or trying to suck up to Activision for some reason. What I am is an adult who doesn't feel entitled to anything or feel I have been slighted when a company doesn't give me what I want.

It's not that they are not giving me what I WANT it's that they are not giving me what I PAID FOR. Ever heard the saying the customer is always right? Well I am their customer so I am right which then also makes you wrong. But you don't have to keep going through life being wrong. The door is always open for you to leave the darkside and start fighting the good fight. I will never turn you away. I will embrace you into the fold when you one day awaken from your closed minded ways and see the light.

On a side note, is it TFB or Activision you're working/hoping to work for? My vote is Activision given that TFB aren't involved in Swap Force.

PS I like that you used the word 'accused' when referring to me suggesting that you must be an employee of Activision, like it's some bad thing to be working for that evil empire. Your words betray you DragonsDream you're closing to joining us than you care to admit.

PPS I am glad you found it humorous. I like to make people smile. Are you smiling now? You are a little bit, come on, come on, there it is ... whose got a pretty smile then ... you have, yes you do you little cutie.
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#60 Posted: 12:47:05 28/02/2013
Quote: Hexin_Wishes
Quote: kappapopm
Quote: Hexin_Wishes
Yeah GhostRoaster pretty much summed it up perfectly. The idea's always been around (you could even argue even before computers were a thing) but Skylanders got it right and for that it's seen as being cutting edge.

cutting edge without having online gaming in 2013?.. we are not in the age of the 90's super nintendo anymore. not having online game play in todays game is a big step backward. i could accept the first game was without since it was some new things going on. the 2 was a perfection of the first but the third?.. no way hosay, there is no excuse anymore.

Having or lacking online gameplay does not effect the idea of having a toy interact with a game of whatever console the same way. Just because a game has online gameplay doesn't make it revolutionary anways, in fact, they are never called revolutionary or cutting edge. Computer games have been doing perfectly for ages, it was only a matter of time before consoles started going that route.

nextgen it will be heavily focused on online and everyone know that if no online game play. the gamplay replay value is drastically reduced... in a game like skylanders where it's game play is 5 hours for the sp, it is much needed to have online. if you keep releasing the same product over and over you cant expect people to cough up the money. you most evolve your product or your out of business. that is the game after all and bobby know this very well. so ps4 version of skylanders is expected to have online game play or activision will lose big times.
Skybagel Gold Sparx Gems: 2092
#61 Posted: 13:00:35 28/02/2013
Quote: DragonsDream
Quote: GASSA
Oh I'm definitely a part of #TeamNoMoreReposes but I actually enjoy having new characters with each installment, it keeps things fresh. What I don't enjoy, however, is the thin plot, overused villain and how short the game is. SA was revolutionary and it's faults as a game were forgiven because of it's innovative feature. This time around, we're used to it and so the short-comings are noticeable. Especially considering, how few chapters there are in Giants. They could have at least thrown in another Adventure pack or two.

Then it looks like you and I are in complete agreement.

I like new characters and hate reposes. I just want to see better value for the 80 odd? characters that I've already brought.

And I agree 100% with your point about forgiving SSA because it was new.

Now we just need to get DragonsDream onside and we will be ready to lean on Activision to give into our reasonable demands.

sorry, i won't be climbing on board the train with ya.
it's like the story of the employer who hires a guy to work for a day and pays him $40. The hired man is quite happy with his pay and goes to work.
then, half way through the day, the employer hires a second guy to work half a day. He offers to pay him $40 as well.
The first guy now complains that this isn't fair.

However, the man agreed to work for $40 thus, what the employer pays anyone else is really no business of the first man. He agreed and a deal was struck.

In the same way, people bought S1 figures with the agreement that they would unlock certain content in Spyro's Adventure. The game could have been a failure and no other games ever made, thus your S1 figure would never work on any other game. There was no promise that the toy would do anything more. Your deal was for a toy that worked on a game.

Fortunately, Spyro's Adventure was a success and a second game was made. They could have created all new characters and required all new toys. But they didn't do that. They allowed us to use the toys we bought on a new game. They were hardly "devalued" but in fact were given increased value in that there are now 2 games they work in!

Also, these are toys, not just video game accessories. Whatever toy value they have is still there. They are no less toys then they were originally.

I find it humorous that simply because I disagree with you on this point, I am accused of being an Activision employee or trying to suck up to Activision for some reason. What I am is an adult who doesn't feel entitled to anything or feel I have been slighted when a company doesn't give me what I want.

You really need to read my post on the other page.

They are devalued in Giants (and later games) COMPARED to Spyro's Adventure, and I would stop buying the games if they didn't let you use S1 characters that I spent a ton of money on. Plain and simple. I wouldn't buy the new game.
Whoop whoop! Yellow Sparx on the day of Swap Force's release!
skylandersbros Blue Sparx Gems: 898
#62 Posted: 21:53:55 28/02/2013
What will keep me from buying it is if it has an expesive portal pack and if the swap force carectors are over $10.99.
Born for adventure smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie what up!
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#63 Posted: 23:10:16 28/02/2013
Quote: skylandersbros
What will keep me from buying it is if it has an expesive portal pack and if the swap force carectors are over $10.99.

then you can stop dreaming of buying the 'swap farce' right now buddy. because that is exactly what is going to happen.
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3358
#64 Posted: 05:34:35 04/03/2013
No Bash and Online wait STILL NO ONLINE FFFFUUUUU Disney Infinty for the win!
1. No Day/Night Features
2. 12.99 over swap force
3. No Bash S4 how ever .... Yeah!
4. Swapping Lags on wii
5. Characters Are flimsy
6. No in game variants
7. Boss(Es?)are easy
8. No ambushes
9. No Thumpback or S2 giants
dark52 let me change my username you coward
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:41:26 04/03/2013 by Sleepy0429
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#65 Posted: 13:05:05 04/03/2013
Im not quiting for a wile
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#66 Posted: 23:22:55 04/03/2013
I will quit if Swap Force goes over $20. That would be crazy. Also if SSA and SG figures didn't work. And the point when characters end up being almost exactly like the others.
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out! youtube.com/portalmaster9351
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5735
#67 Posted: 13:41:45 05/03/2013
I will quit Skylanders for the 4th game. Or if they make the figures over $15.
Returning from a long journey of retro games. Feel free to message for a chat.
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#68 Posted: 16:43:07 05/03/2013
Quote: zookinator
I will quit Skylanders for the 4th game. Or if they make the figures over $15.

why not just drop the third game and just enjoy the two games and figurines that is already out for a year... then get the fourth game that will be made by toys for bob. the real makers of skylanders... it makes much more sense... just saying.
Ace XSX Blue Sparx Gems: 761
#69 Posted: 12:44:41 08/03/2013
Only if the Lostlanders have no reposes and no cool characters anymore
Best mega evo pokemon= MEGA CHARZARD X
SSF Faves : smilie , smilie , smilie , smilie , smilie ,etc.
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3334
#70 Posted: 14:12:09 08/03/2013
Total Online.

Now before I get fed to the sharks and then sued and murdered by yall let me explain.I don't mind online when you just play with your friends but if this game turns out like a cod game where you need to have online or any other future game in the series where you need to have online I will just stop here and now.Normal online is fine when you can play PVP and the story with your friends if there not there well that is fine but I don't want TO.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
zangooseclaw Green Sparx Gems: 154
#71 Posted: 20:42:36 08/03/2013
If the S1's didn't work that would stop me from buying the game.
And yes I do not agree with getting reposes if you already own the S1 version and already have the path you want and I think it is unfair that the S1's get noticeably less in giants than the reposed S2 skylanders.
In swap force all the new skylanders have a very different look about them, some of them I think look quite cool, but most I think look strange and unfamiliar, and I am not planning on getting all of them like I did in the previous first two games, as a matter of fact I think if it wasn't for this "new look" I would be getting all the new skylanders from swap force as I planned to do right at the beginning when I first heard there was a new skylanders game out in the autumn, and I really am a completionist, one of those people who has all 32 skylanders from SSA and at the moment almost all from SG, and a bunch of variants too, so for me to not want to get all of the new swap force skylanders has got to tell activision something, right?
I was disappointed in giants that it was such a short game and that they have made the chapters longer but the number of chapters much shorter, and I was finding that I would start a new chapter at 9 at night and finding I have to quit in the middle of it because it had gotten too late, and next time I play I have to do the whole chapter all over again.
smilie smilie smilie best trio ever!

needs: smilie smilie possibly LC smilie
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#72 Posted: 20:57:53 08/03/2013
Quote: Skyland Hero
Quote: Aura24
If the S1s characters don't work in Swap Force, I'll probably won't buy it.

They demonstrated in New York at the toy fair that series 1 will work.

They did? Oh right, I just looked at the demo again. Series 1 Eruptor was shown to be playable in Swap Force.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
PinkWater Yellow Sparx Gems: 1059
#73 Posted: 04:00:53 09/03/2013
Probably nothing. Even if the toys get stale, I can still enjoy the game. And maybe if the game doesn't support S1. I'm hoping they'll continue that trend of supporting them

I DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG! ...Actually don't. I'm quite biased.
King_Pika Blue Sparx Gems: 544
#74 Posted: 04:10:55 09/03/2013
When Electrike fall from the sky while Poker Face plays.
"Regretting never, our dreams will be... Halfway to forever! Our light comes shining through. Reach down deep, big defeat. Do all that we can do!"
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#75 Posted: 04:17:29 09/03/2013
I'll have to learn more about this game before I say i'm not buying it.
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