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The broken of the broken VOTING CONTEST!!!! [CLOSED]
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#1 Posted: 02:37:09 24/10/2012 | Topic Creator
What I have done is looked at peoples opinions and found out what 10 characters they think are most broken these characters are:



Double Trouble

Stealth elf

Dino rang






Vote which character you think is the LEAST broken. Once a character gets 3 votes they are out and all other votes

10th place: Dino rang.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:54:21 25/10/2012 by Mrmorrises
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#2 Posted: 03:21:56 24/10/2012
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#3 Posted: 03:35:19 24/10/2012
Dino rang.
You will not survive.
WUMBOSIMPSON Yellow Sparx Gems: 1424
#4 Posted: 06:25:24 24/10/2012
How about most broken of each element?
cry baby, I am
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#5 Posted: 10:53:30 24/10/2012 | Topic Creator
How about most broken of each element?

I could do that sometime.
spyrodadragon Green Sparx Gems: 490
#6 Posted: 15:26:41 24/10/2012
does broken mean overpowered
everyone spam this now Posted Image: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/i...0x/30597908.jpg
or the enderman will kill you
avatar by kap
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#7 Posted: 18:23:35 24/10/2012 | Topic Creator
You betcha.
D-Rex Blue Sparx Gems: 815
#8 Posted: 23:32:24 24/10/2012
Aquatic Llama Green Sparx Gems: 436
#9 Posted: 23:46:51 24/10/2012
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#10 Posted: 00:52:13 25/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Alright Dino rang has 3 votes! All other votes are now reset and Dino rang is out.
PinkWater Yellow Sparx Gems: 1059
#11 Posted: 02:08:49 25/10/2012
Voodood, hands down

I DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG! ...Actually don't. I'm quite biased.
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#12 Posted: 03:27:30 25/10/2012
Stealth Elf, hands down.
Fins, of fury!
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#13 Posted: 03:58:56 25/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Its not Lights fault he just finds stealth elf less powerful than the 8 others.
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#14 Posted: 04:10:26 25/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Okay good. For a second I thought you knew and were just critcizing his opinion.
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#15 Posted: 06:09:32 25/10/2012
I'm well aware that this is Least Broken, hence why I voted for smilie. I didn't say she was my favorite out of all of those.

In fact, she's one of my Least Favorites here; only superior to Drobot & Double Trouble.
Fins, of fury!
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#16 Posted: 07:42:08 25/10/2012
(so, we are voting for who we think is the least powerfull? @_@)
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#17 Posted: 08:41:07 25/10/2012
Voodood- he isn't even broken IMO. Powerful, but not broken.
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#18 Posted: 10:45:53 25/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: crystalhero37
(so, we are voting for who we think is the least powerfull? @_@)

The character who is not voted out wins
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#19 Posted: 12:28:18 26/10/2012
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#20 Posted: 04:09:27 27/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Yup voodood takes 9th place. By the way I was having a hard time coming up with a tenth most powerful character for this so I just noticed Voodood was considered pretty powerful.Some of you might not agree but I notice that he is considered powerful and I had to use someone.
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#21 Posted: 10:27:43 27/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Yep pretty much.
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#22 Posted: 10:50:50 27/10/2012
Cynder, honestly don't think she's broken... Same way as Voodood. Down Shadowdancer that is.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#23 Posted: 12:22:46 27/10/2012
sonsilv2 Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#24 Posted: 20:37:09 27/10/2012
Cynder but the most broken has too be wrecking ball so many glitches 1. Glitch where he's not even on the portal! 2. In 2 player there's a glitch where u can have 1 figure of him and 2 people can play as him
ikiimoni Green Sparx Gems: 130
#25 Posted: 03:47:54 01/11/2012
smilie. Just, just, smilie. (Sheds a tear at the beauty of the most op character in the game...)
読んでね Hehehe.
LegendaryFlames Emerald Sparx Gems: 3791
#26 Posted: 12:50:18 01/11/2012
smilie I do like his character but... yeah...
smilie@Jetbytes everywhere elsesmilie
thumpbackdude Yellow Sparx Gems: 1294
#27 Posted: 01:12:10 04/11/2012
smilie is a beast boomeranger! Hail to the whale smilie!
There are two ways of doing things: the wrong way or the great western way!-Duck
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#28 Posted: 17:08:46 28/12/2012
I would have to say zook not saying he is bad or anything but out of those guys it would have to zook
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#29 Posted: 02:31:13 06/01/2013
Im gonna have to say zook... which means zook has 3 votes, is out, and round 4 has begun!

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#30 Posted: 02:32:28 06/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Yes siree, Zook is out! Round 4, all votes for other characters are back to 0!
Skylanders fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3952
#31 Posted: 13:07:09 06/01/2013
Steath elf
Yep still around just not posting much anymore
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#32 Posted: 14:02:30 06/01/2013
voodood90 Blue Sparx Gems: 973
#33 Posted: 16:15:02 06/01/2013
Haters gonna hate
Bakers gonna bake
Elevators gonna elevate
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#34 Posted: 04:30:22 07/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: weebbby

Dino rang is already out
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#35 Posted: 13:21:52 07/01/2013
Woops! Then Cynder.
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#36 Posted: 20:29:40 10/01/2013
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#37 Posted: 21:07:16 10/01/2013
dina rang.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#38 Posted: 02:26:26 14/01/2013
Quote: Reaganag

Quote: X-Treme
dina rang.

Both of them are out...

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
LegendaryFlames Emerald Sparx Gems: 3791
#39 Posted: 16:50:51 02/02/2013
Dino rang
smilie@Jetbytes everywhere elsesmilie
reshiramflame Green Sparx Gems: 200
#40 Posted: 21:30:43 02/02/2013
Zook, it almost seems intentionally broken
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