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Upgrade Paths Recommendation Thread [STICKY]
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#1851 Posted: 18:37:04 08/10/2012
My upgrade path recomendations for Magic and Tech element. Mostly for pvp.

Spyro: I prefer sheep burner. The daybringer flame is also Spyro's best option for a ranged attack.

Voodood: Marauder earns my recomendations for the godly melee damage outpuft and some pretty neat combos(Mostly magic axe)

Double Trouble: You've heard it at least 300 times so why not hear it again? Take the channeler path.

Wrecking ball: ULTIMATE SPINNER!!!! No contest. The giant forcefield ball is awesome!

Drill Sergant: megadozer is the way to go. Infinite ammo for the auto blaster makes DS quite formidable on top of having a very nice bulldoze charge smilie

Trigger Happy: I prefer golden frenzy for it's bouncing bullets(Best upgrade on that path IMO)

Drobot: Go master Blaster. People may advise you in general to not go down the path that makes them a "One trick pony" but just because they're a one tricky pony does NOT mean they are bad at it.

Boomer: Demolition troll, the triple dynamite plus SIX stronger troll bombs makes this guy very formidable.

Let me know which ones you agree or disagree with.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:37:23 08/10/2012 by Mrmorrises
andy2467 Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#1852 Posted: 19:19:13 08/10/2012
Spyro: Blitz Dragon is the path u gotta go down because i never used the daybringer flame ever plus its slow with little damage (40 i think but triggs yamato blast is fast and does 160)and it only gave me the fire shield while the dash on blitz went from 10 to 45

Voodood: Marauder is the right path because the tripwires arent the best attacks

Double Trouble: GO DOWN CHANNELER ITS SO OVERPOWERED for long range (extended beam that does 20 every second) and close (magic bomb repeated twice that does 65 damage per bomb)its better.

Wrecking Ball: i dont know ive never played as him

Drill Sarge:Battle Dozer because of the homing rockets

Drobot: ive been on both paths and master blaster is better because like 5 lasers hit u per second and it does more damage which adds up. i only picked the clockwork path because i thought the bladegears would do 42 damage but it only does 28 (23 on masta blasta)and its slow

Boomer: Demolition Troll the troll bombs make him strong better ranged (same with the bombs) and its harder to get to him

Triggs: Golden Money Bags, ive had him on both paths and it takes way to long to Destroy an enemy and the bouncing bullets don't even do that much
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:20:45 08/10/2012 by andy2467
wackowhamshell Red Sparx Gems: 12
#1853 Posted: 01:04:28 10/10/2012
what is the best path for gill grunt
BigGuy0810 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1633
#1854 Posted: 01:06:52 10/10/2012
Water Weaver
CAMOflauge Blue Sparx Gems: 504
#1855 Posted: 21:07:59 11/10/2012
Can someone recommend paths for Wrecking Ball,Flameslinger and Bash?
Boomy Boo,I'm watching you~
BigGuy0810 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1633
#1856 Posted: 21:35:34 11/10/2012
Wrecking Ball: Ultimate Spinner
Flameslinger: Marksman
Bash: Granite Dragon
andy2467 Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#1857 Posted: 21:36:21 11/10/2012
Quote: BigGuy0810
Wrecking Ball: Ultimate Spinner
Flameslinger: Marksman
Bash: Granite Dragon

smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#1858 Posted: 02:40:02 12/10/2012
I would recommend all of those except for Flameslinger. I prefer the excellent hit and run skills given to him on pyromancer, the more fire you have on the field the better. This helps Flameslinger at what he is best at, hit and run.
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#1859 Posted: 03:30:16 12/10/2012
I agree with Pyromancer. The field affects it gives outclass the upgrades to the projectiles.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#1860 Posted: 00:52:53 15/10/2012
Alright here are my new recomendations for the Earth element tell me which of these you agree or disagree with.

Bash: Either path is very good, both have their pros and cons.

Terrafin: Sandhog. It's so cheap, the way he can damage his enemy underground. Fighting him in player vs player is sooooo frustrating as well.

Dino Rang: Both are good, I prefer Earthen avenger. The boomerangs are still decent on it and the quad stonefist traps are much more useful than they seem. And extra armor never hurts.

Prism Break: Crystaleer is the way to go. The beam is still pretty good on it, the enhanced crystal eruption helps you with rushing melee attackers, extra armor is awesome, and the triple crystals are quite useful.
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#1861 Posted: 00:54:30 15/10/2012
I would say Grand Boomerang master on Dino Rang. The Boomerang shield does 40 damage a swipe, and it does 2-4 swipes each attack. And it is easier to use than to try to plan out the stonefist traps.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
andy2467 Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#1862 Posted: 22:51:12 15/10/2012
but the supernova isnt even that good plus if somebody is close to u then ur dead
this is for smilie

earth recommendations are
bash-granite dragon is easily the better path
dino-rang i dont have him but from wat ive been hearing i think grand master boomerang is the better path
prism break-crystaleer ive had a lot of experience with him and crystaleer is better
terrafin-i havent tried his other path yet cause i got him recently but i like brawler i just hate how the underground thing is a bit too slow
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#1863 Posted: 23:23:21 15/10/2012
As if you weren't doomed if anyone got close to you on Marksman. And this is just if your fighting a melee character.
Eruptor777 Green Sparx Gems: 132
#1864 Posted: 23:19:42 16/10/2012
I upgraded the "Magmantor" path for Eruptor. Was that the better choice, or is the "Volcanor" the way to go?
smilie Eruptor smilie Terrafin smilie Boomer smilie Wham Shell smilie Hot Dog, and smilie Hot Head!
andy2467 Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#1865 Posted: 00:15:20 17/10/2012
go with volcanor its a lot stronger in my opinion
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Stealthelfrocks Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#1866 Posted: 09:43:43 17/10/2012
Quote: Eruptor777
I upgraded the "Magmantor" path for Eruptor. Was that the better choice, or is the "Volcanor" the way to go?

use volcanor, its really good on the wii and it still is on the other versions
well guys..... took me a while.... but i might still hang around.... dont know..... but.... I loved the moment while it lasted smilie
Drobotdude Blue Sparx Gems: 622
#1867 Posted: 16:55:07 28/10/2012
What would be the best path for smilie?
Blink and Destroy!
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#1868 Posted: 16:56:54 28/10/2012
Quote: Drobotdude
What would be the best path for smilie?

Floral Defender. The Cacti do great damage, and the mortar or life combined with the MIRV mortar can leave four cacti per mortar shot. IT is great defensively, but the damage the cacti do makes it an offensive contender as well.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Drobotdude Blue Sparx Gems: 622
#1869 Posted: 17:15:01 28/10/2012
Thanks just wanted to make sure for giants to be prepared sice this is a brand new series one character i got 3 weeks before giants came out
Blink and Destroy!
Ignitorman2400 Red Sparx Gems: 16
#1870 Posted: 15:07:40 20/11/2012
Definitely go with floral defender. When you face chaos you can use the cacti as a decoy and have his minions to attack it while you destroy them
Maddoggy Green Sparx Gems: 293
#1871 Posted: 20:27:21 01/12/2012
Tru dat.

P.S I'm back lol
My top 5 I own in no particular order. smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Imada Green Sparx Gems: 488
#1872 Posted: 19:28:34 03/12/2012
My favourite upgrade path is the Vine oone for Camo
Im so proud of you
SadVlad Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1873 Posted: 20:59:45 19/12/2012
I just reset my Gil Grunt and went with his water path. Best decision I ever made! His exploding sea creatures really racks up the damage!
3rika Red Sparx Gems: 13
#1874 Posted: 19:47:00 02/01/2013
What is a good path for Chop Chop?
LegoLander Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#1875 Posted: 20:14:31 02/01/2013
S1: Vampiric Warrior
S2: Undead Defender
The person who finally changed his Christmas avatar. Give me a cookie.
3rika Red Sparx Gems: 13
#1876 Posted: 22:59:12 02/01/2013
Thanks! (:
Spyroguy2001 Green Sparx Gems: 115
#1877 Posted: 21:07:23 26/01/2013
What's the best path for chop chop, spyro and cynder?
Spyro rules!!!!!!!!!
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#1878 Posted: 14:44:46 27/01/2013
Cynder would be nether welder if you are using the wii.
Spyroguy2001 Green Sparx Gems: 115
#1879 Posted: 20:52:02 29/01/2013
What's the best path for:

Chop chop
Gill grunt and bash?
Spyro rules!!!!!!!!!
mario7604 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#1880 Posted: 07:06:18 02/02/2013
Chop Chop - Vampiric Warrior
Spyro - Blitz Spyro
Cynder - Nether Welder
Gill Grunt - Water Weaver
Bash - Granite Dragon
YAY! I BLUE SPARX! Specials:
S:SA: all sidekicks, WERDS smilie Chase GITD smilie
S:G smilie GITD smilie smilie smilie AE smilie smilie smilie smilie
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#1881 Posted: 05:27:34 05/02/2013
Go ice prison path for slam bam.
tomdebomb Green Sparx Gems: 167
#1882 Posted: 21:55:16 06/02/2013
I haven't tried ice prison yet but the punch path gives a surprisingly
high amount of damage to rack up with fast melee attacks and combos
That was close! You nearly won
... and you nearly failed so much worse
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#1883 Posted: 22:41:51 09/02/2013
Quote: Hazard335
Since any maxed out Skylander on either path can go threw Story Mode with ease, I chose to go the path that's best in PVP.
(I only ever played on the 360)

Spyro - Blitz Spyro [same for Dark and Legendary] (Stun Charge is very useful, Daybringer Flame is useless)
Voodood - Marauder (the most underrated path in the game, mainly because it takes a little practice to master using the Zipline)
Wrecking Ball - Ultimate Spinner (it's difficult to control where the Force Field Ball goes, but the Tongue Whap is completely useless)
Double Trouble - Channeler (best Magic Skylander, this path should be the obvious choice to everyone who has tried it)

Drobot - Master Blaster (best Tech Skylander, capable of very fast amounts of high damage)
Trigger Happy - Golden Money Bags [same for Legendary] (better then the other path by a good amount more then people think, Golden Yamato Blast is completely useless, Golden Pistols hardly suffer in the trade off, and the mines that spawn when your coin toss lands on heads are pretty useful)
Boomer - Demolition Troll (its hard to even get near him with his 6 Troll Bombs and 3 Dynamite Sticks)
Drill Sergeant - Megadozer (very fast and underrated, best when continuously using all attacks at once, and grazing opponents instead of ramming them head on and coming to a dead stop)

Bash - Granite Dragon [same for Legendary] (Gaia Hammer is extremely powerful to the point where your opponent will be scared to approach you)
Terrafin - Sandhog (best Earth Skylander, being immune to damage underground makes this path so cheap)
Prism Break - Crystaleer (Crystalline Armor is very helpful, while the Energy Beam just sucks no matter what path your on)
Dino-Rang - Grand Boomerang Master (another underrated path, his Boomerangs are extremely useful)

Whirlwind - Tempest Dragon (Tempest Matrix is very useful)
Sonic Boom - Medea Griffin (best Air Skylander, her babies are extremely useful, and her Roar hardly suffers in the trade off)
Lightning Rod - Lord of the Lightning (this makes him good at a distance, his Cloud Zapper Satellites just don't do much of anything for him)
Warnado - Eye of the Storm (best when continuously using all attacks at once)

Sunburn - Flame Lord (Immolation Teleport is obviously useful in a lot of ways, when Flamethrower Breath is useless unless you have time to charge it up, which then makes him pretty much immobile)
Ignitor - Soul of the Flame (best Fire Skylander, Flame Form with the Incinerate Explosion and Flame Mortars is extremely effective)
Flameslinger - Pyromancer (almost impossible to get near, and Napalm Tipped Arrows give him more strategy)
Eruptor - Volcanor (makes him impossible to approach)

Zap - Slime Serpent (automatically electrified Sea Slime is very useful)
Gill Grunt - Water Weaver (best when continuously using all attacks at once, he can put out much more damage on this path)
Slam Bam - Blizzard Brawler (Ice Prisons are useless on either path, when his Brawler Combos are awesome)
Wham-Shell - Captain Crustacean (best Water Skylander, his Malacostracan Mace can really deal out the damage in a wide area, when Starfish Bullets just cant on either path)

Camo - Vine Virtuoso (Melon Fountain might be good for defense, but it is just to easy to avoid the flying melons)
Stealth Elf - Pook Blade Saint (best Life Skylander, very quick, capable of crazy damage with Shadowsbane Blades, and Sylvan Regeneration is helpful)
Stump Smash - Nut Crafter (Meganut Propagation is very useful, and the ability to slow down opponents with Pollen Plume is helpful)
Zook - Floral Defender (great coverage of Cacti that knock opponents back as well as damage them)

Cynder - Nether Welder (best Undead Skylander, Spectral Lightning can go right threw most walls and cover a wide area, while Shadow Dash is still good for playing keep away)
Ghost Roaster - Skull Master (Ectoplasm Mode just makes him to slow, while Skull Charge is a very fast, high damaging attack that can hit multiple times in a single charge)
Chop Chop - Undead Defender [same for Legendary] (the Arkeyan Shield allows you to get close to opponents while blocking attacks, and when your there the Shield Stun Bash used continuously is your best attack)
Hex - Bone Crafter (being able to hide behind your damaging Wall of Bones while charging up Troll Skulls will deal out very high damage quite easily)

just got done editing in allot more details to my PVP Path list, for everyone out there that's still looking for path recommendations smilie
whamtheshell Red Sparx Gems: 48
#1884 Posted: 01:01:11 12/02/2013
For sonic boom siren griffon is much more better than Medea griffon but I went with Medea and found it was quite interesting too. So, go for Medea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#1885 Posted: 13:11:30 12/02/2013
Quote: whamtheshell
For sonic boom siren griffon is much more better than Medea griffon but I went with Medea and found it was quite interesting too. So, go for Medea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meda is a lot more fun.... but if you like strong good charecters go down siren.
DraculauraXXX Blue Sparx Gems: 654
#1886 Posted: 20:58:35 12/02/2013
no way Siren is better then Medea.

expanding roar is almost useless, and who has time to charge up the roar?
thats 2 pretty mush useless upgrades.

when on Medea, babies that hatch fully grown are invaluable.
and you get an extra baby.
the damage they do adds up super fast, and babies are just an overall pain for your opponent.
zixyminx Red Sparx Gems: 26
#1887 Posted: 00:49:39 13/02/2013
Yeah thanx for that, I've just maxed out my lightcore smilie on the Crystaleer path (my series 1 version is maxed on Prismancer path). I havent used him much yet but it sounds like he would be an absolute tank on that path with Trucker hat and high hitpoints smilie
zixyminx Red Sparx Gems: 26
#1888 Posted: 00:56:11 13/02/2013
Quote: Hazard335
just got done editing in allot more details to my PVP Path list, for everyone out there that's still looking for path recommendations smilie

Firstly: your list is awesome man! I love how you have catagorized all the skylanders by elemental school, you've put so much work into this.
Second: interesting how you state smilie is best on the bonecrafter path. mine is maxed on the shade master path. I wish I could verse another Hex maxed out like yours to compare the two lol
DraculauraXXX Blue Sparx Gems: 654
#1889 Posted: 02:34:06 13/02/2013
Quote: zixyminx
Quote: Hazard335
just got done editing in allot more details to my PVP Path list, for everyone out there that's still looking for path recommendations smilie

Firstly: your list is awesome man! I love how you have catagorized all the skylanders by elemental school, you've put so much work into this.
Second: interesting how you state smilie is best on the bonecrafter path. mine is maxed on the shade master path. I wish I could verse another Hex maxed out like yours to compare the two lol

Bone Crafter is tons better, it makes her one of the better skylanders in the game.
zixyminx Red Sparx Gems: 26
#1890 Posted: 02:54:06 13/02/2013
Haha cool, I love Draculaura she's the best monster high doll, she's so cute! smilie anyway back on topic; yeah smilie is actually my favourite skylander.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:55:36 13/02/2013 by zixyminx
GhostRoaster24 Blue Sparx Gems: 942
#1891 Posted: 01:16:12 14/02/2013
Quote: lowmastercal
so i have a choice which one of these 2 skylanders should i get and what upgrade path
stealth elf
stump smash

Well I will help you with the ones I have! smilie
Stealth Elf- Pook Blade Saint seems the obvious choice, HOWEVER (and I have not tried this yet, but) Forest Ninja seems to be great in Story Mode! Probably not as much in PvP (unless you're playing a newbie!) So for PvP, Pook Blade Saint, and for story mode, just try out Forest Ninja! OH, and I chose Pyromancer for Flameslinger, and it is just AWESOME! I love it! Especially the "Napalm Tipped Arrows!" For Stump Smash I chose Nut Crafter, easy! No contest whatsoever.
Tumblr: hunter-alex
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:31:09 24/02/2013 by GhostRoaster24
lolwhut Emerald Sparx Gems: 4306
#1892 Posted: 02:29:51 25/02/2013
Drobot - Not going to lie, Master Blaster is a good idea.
Trigger Happy - Try the Golden Moneybags. They're pretty strong, especially in Battle Mode.
Gill Grunt - I'd say Harpooner, but then I'd be lying. Go for the Water Weaver path.
DeviantArt: ThatSketchyDragon
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#1893 Posted: 21:19:34 12/04/2013
Spyro = Fireball!!
Trigger = Gun!!
Imaginators is making it revive.
CamoWarnado Red Sparx Gems: 52
#1894 Posted: 18:48:27 22/07/2013
This is what I did for my characters:

Trigger Happy - Golden Money Bags (I find the throwing an enormous coin then it shattering into more coins brilliant!)
Drill Sergeant - Either one (Drill Sergeant is my least favorite skylander out of everyone)
Sprocket - Operator (I find the other path to be horrible. This one lets you upgrade your wrench and perform awesome combos)
Gill Grunt - Water Weaver (It's awesome to never run out of water. Face it)
Zap - Tesla Dragon
Chill - Ice Lancer
Thumpback - Anchor's A-Yay!
Slam Bam - Blizzard Brawler
Eruptor - I chose Magmantor. DON'T DO IT VOLCANOR IS MUCH BETTER
Hot Dog - Pyro Pooch I believe (A shooter, with combos? FABULOUS)
Ignitor - Blademaster
Hot Head - Either one. I think both are great
Warnado - Wind Master
Whirlwind - Tempest Dragon
Lightning Rod - Typhoon Titan (And it's much better than Lightning Lord in my opinion)
Jet-Vac - Bird Blaster (He's horrible either way)
Swarm - Barberous Avenger
Stealth Elf - Pook Blade Saint (WOW, these names are original)
Zook - Floral Defender (So cool to just stand behind the cacti and just rapidly launch mortars with the target lock. You're like invincible)
Camo - Melon Master (I love the melon fortress)
Stump Smash - Smash N' Bash (Both are cool)
Shroomboom - Barrier Boost (Paratrooper Promotion is horrible in my opinion)
Tree Rex - Treefolk Dasher or Lumbering Laserer (Doesn't matter)
Hex - Bone Crafter
Chop Chop - Undead Defender
Fright Rider - Sir Lance-A-Lot
Eye-Brawl - Punchy path
Spyro - Blitz Spyro
Wrecking Ball - Ultimate Spinner
Double Trouble - Channeler
Pop Fizz - Mad Scientist all the way
Ninjini - Swords of Might
Terrafin - Brawler
Prism Break - Crystaleer (The top path)
Dino-Rang - Grandmaster Boomerang
Flashwing - Super Shards
Crusher - Crusher's Crusher path
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:12:20 07/08/2013 by CamoWarnado
im a bash man Red Sparx Gems: 63
#1895 Posted: 16:55:33 20/08/2013
lightning rod on typhooon titan path is underrated. why people prefer lightning lord i dont know lightning rod is far more versatile
on the typhoon titan path it makes zapper field godly lightning lord has a key weakness that cant be ignored if its attacked the lightning summoning stops.that being said lightning lord is still pretty good
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#1896 Posted: 13:18:07 18/01/2014
for sonic boom, go with Medea Path. it's a lot stronger than the other one, you can use the eggs as a short-range projectile that deals 80 damage, and the baby are a lot stronger
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
SoraZero Green Sparx Gems: 109
#1897 Posted: 15:27:17 28/05/2014
Quote: DraculauraXXX
Quote: zixyminx

Second: interesting how you state smilie is best on the bonecrafter path. mine is maxed on the shade master path. I wish I could verse another Hex maxed out like yours to compare the two lol

Bone Crafter is tons better, it makes her one of the better skylanders in the game.

I've opened the thread to ask about Hex, found answer without even asking. Thanks!
155 characters are way too few to write anything relevant...
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#1898 Posted: 17:33:03 28/05/2014
I disagree . Shade Master Hex dishes out good damage per second . This is a fast game for charge up powers.

If you have a skylander player 2 partner your bonecrafter is useless because your friend has killed them all by the time you release the skull rain and your bone wall annoys them .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
SoraZero Green Sparx Gems: 109
#1899 Posted: 17:40:46 28/05/2014
Too late, my friend, choice has been already done smilie

Anyway, I don't play the game cooperatively (didn't even knew it was possible), and in such a case I could simply choose anothe character, I think...
Also I have to say that I'm quite satisfied by the choice. It's still slow, that's true, even after having purchased the speed-up in the charge for the Rain, but after all I have a very different character now. Choosing the shooting path, wouldn't I had just another gunslinger..?

Ofcourse, to be sure on which path I would prefer, I should try both of them, but as for now I don't regret this choice.

Once more, thank you very much for your constant help! smilie
155 characters are way too few to write anything relevant...
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#1900 Posted: 20:07:53 28/05/2014
No problems. In the end its preference . I actually at first made bonecrafter Hex but I reset her for Shade Master because of those reasons i mentioned . I only play the console game with my little brother .

Yes if you get bored or curious you can always reset and try the other path .
At higher levels with accolade bonuses yadda yadda . You need just an hour for a reset Skylander to get most of their powers and levels back .

Coop is always fun then there is also Player vs Player mode .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
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