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Life Element Skylanders Fan Club [CLOSED]
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#1 Posted: 04:56:56 19/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Say anything about Life Skylanders

Life is a Skylander Element that looks like this:[User Posted Image]


This is Camo:[User Posted Image]

Hatched at the roots of the Tree of Life, Camo is half-dragon, half-plant - with effervescent life energy flowing through his scaly leaves. This power allows him to cultivate fruits and vegetables at a highly-accelerated rate, which causes them to explode when they ripen. Camo's unique gift caught the eye of Master Eon, initially because he was hungry and tried to eat a melon that exploded in his face. But upon realizing his true power, Eon convinced Camo to help the Skylanders protect their world.

Power Stats:

Attack: 70
Defense: 70
Speed: 40
Luck: 70

Stump Smash

This is Stump Smash:[User Posted Image]

Stump Smash was once a magical tree that spent most of his time sleeping peacefully in the forests of Skylands. Then one day he awoke to discover his entire forest had been chopped down and logged by trolls - himself included. His long branches were gone, leaving him with only powerful mallets for hands, which he used to smash the troll tree-cutting machines. Although still grumpy about what happened to him, Stump Smash has vowed to protect Skylands against those who would do it harm... especially trolls.

Power Stats:

Attack: 90
Defense: 70
Speed: 20
Luck: 40


This is Zook:[User Posted Image]

Zook hails from a strange and unusual species called Bambazookers, who once lived their entire lives standing in place... until Zook discovered they could walk simply by stepping out of the mud. After that, he became a wandering hero, using his hand-carved bamboo tube as a bazooka that fires special explosive thorns. Campfire songs were even written about him. Now, Zook spends him time as a Skylander, figuring he can be an even bigger hero... and have even more songs written about him.

Power Stats:

Attack: 70
Defense: 85
Speed: 20
Luck: 70

Stealth Elf

This is Stealth Elf:[User Posted Image]

As a small child, Stealth Elf awoke one morning inside the hollow of an old tree with no memory of how she got there. She was taken in by an unusually stealthy, ninja-like forest creature in the deep forest. Under his tutelage, she has spent the majority of her life training in the art of stealth fighting. After completing her training, she became a Skylander and set out into the world to uncover the mystery behind her origins.

Attack: 60
Defense: 30
Speed: 100
Luck: 70

Whisper Elf

This is Whisper Elf:[User Posted Image]

Tree Rex

This is Tree Rex:[User Posted Image]

Long ago before the Giants protected Skylands, Tree Rex was a majestic tree living peacefully in the ancient woods. But this tranquil peace came to an end when the Arkeyans built a nearby factory to produce war machines. After years of his soil being poisoned by the magic and tech waste from the factory, he mutated into who he is now - a powerful Giant who will crush anything that threatens the natural order of things.


This is Shroomboom:[User Posted Image]

Shroomboom was most unfortunate to have been born in a pizza topping garden belonging to Kaos. Growing up among his fellow fungi, he knew it was only a matter of time before a late night craving would bring about their demise. So Shroomboom took a twig and a strand of spider web and made a slingshot. One by one, he launched all of his friends over the garden fence before flinging himself over to join them. Then he guided them all to the edge of the island and leapt to freedom, using his mushroom cap to catch a friendly breeze. Now as a member of the Skylanders, Shroomboom continues to perform courageous deeds... but he can be hard to find on pizza night.
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 09:59:59 21/10/2012 by bash fan
Flynn Green Sparx Gems: 166
#2 Posted: 05:08:03 19/05/2012
Now that Tree Rex dude looks almost as GOOD-LOOKING as me, I mean look at me, BOOM!
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#3 Posted: 06:58:31 20/05/2012
i hav all of tha life elemnt ecept for tree rex smilie smilie smilie smilie
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
Flynn Green Sparx Gems: 166
#4 Posted: 07:13:34 20/05/2012
Have you noticed how Stump Smash is bigger than most of the other Skylanders?
That's wowsers!! Maybe because he's a tree... Anyway I can't wait to meet Tree Rex... I mean look at me, BOOM!!
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#5 Posted: 07:21:03 20/05/2012 | Topic Creator
I know, Stump Smash is quite BIG, just go on two player mode on Skylanders Spyro's Adventure and compare Stump Smashes size with the other Skylanders you have!
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#6 Posted: 07:27:37 20/05/2012
I tink stump smash yoosed to liv in treetop terrice bicose in level faling forest the trees stuted geting cut down wen yoo go too that level and the troll is no cuting them down in treetop terrice...
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#7 Posted: 07:32:19 20/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Thankyou guys for posting some topics, we need a bit more Life Element Skylander Fans to post more and more messages,smilie.
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Flynn Green Sparx Gems: 166
#8 Posted: 07:43:11 20/05/2012
Yeah, well i'm in!! BOOM!!
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#9 Posted: 07:45:23 20/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Great, Ineptune if your still here, are you in this club?
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Sensei Red Sparx Gems: 43
#10 Posted: 09:51:04 20/05/2012
You have done a great page... bash fan, life is where we all come from mostly... remember to call me Sensei when you speak to me at some stage, I wonder who's Flynn...?
FlamePrimus Red Sparx Gems: 11
#11 Posted: 09:58:07 20/05/2012
I like spamming the knife button with stealth elf.
My Skylanders: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#12 Posted: 06:56:27 21/05/2012
i wil be in. aniway wat is spaming
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#13 Posted: 07:12:03 21/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Ineptune
i wil be in. aniway wat is spaming

Good, I don't now what is spaming, but I do know that it might be a good attack with smilie, like a cheat or something I think
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
kirby_sucks Red Sparx Gems: 43
#14 Posted: 10:25:43 31/05/2012
The only Life Skylander that I have is smilie, she is pretty cool because she can regain health!
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#15 Posted: 10:54:03 31/05/2012 | Topic Creator
smilie is cool, I have 2 Life Skylanders, smilie and smilie!
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#16 Posted: 11:00:33 31/05/2012 | Topic Creator
I wonder if smilie can turn invisible?
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
kirby_sucks Red Sparx Gems: 43
#17 Posted: 11:07:46 31/05/2012
Quote: bash fan
I wonder if smilie can turn invisible?

Check this Wiki:
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#18 Posted: 11:14:23 31/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: kirby_sucks
Quote: bash fan
I wonder if smilie can turn invisible?

Check this Wiki:

Thankyou kirby_suckssmilie, so smilie can't turn invisible?
Because in the Skylanders Christmas Youtube Video smilie turns invisible and enter's a house to deliver a present?
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#19 Posted: 11:18:57 31/05/2012
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#20 Posted: 11:23:49 31/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Ohsmilie!! You don't buy it, just go to my profile and you can watch the video called Skylanders Christmas! But in bold writing.
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#21 Posted: 11:27:09 31/05/2012
wat doo yoo meen bold writin?
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#22 Posted: 11:30:10 31/05/2012 | Topic Creator
I mean that the Videos heading has bold writing.
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#23 Posted: 11:41:24 31/05/2012
okiy tankyoo, i em gona wotch it now!!!!!!!!
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#24 Posted: 00:03:25 01/06/2012
i wotched it wos good!!!!smilie
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#25 Posted: 00:04:47 01/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Did you see the bit when smilie turned invisible?
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Cynder Lover25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2332
#26 Posted: 00:05:50 01/06/2012
Ineptune i wouldnt want to double post
Been here since 2012...still a gold sparx
Ineptune Green Sparx Gems: 334
#27 Posted: 00:08:16 01/06/2012
yes i sow camo imvispible. and sory for duoble posing!
Hi mi nam iss ineptune.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#28 Posted: 00:21:26 01/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Ineptune
yes i sow camo imvispible. and sory for duoble posing!

That's ok Ineptune, my favourite Life Skylander would be smilie because he is my favourite colour: green.
smilie just looks cool how he is half-plant half-dragon!
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Zook123 Green Sparx Gems: 147
#29 Posted: 02:10:17 01/06/2012
I like the life element it's my favourite colour GREEN!!
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#30 Posted: 07:47:07 03/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Me to, I think your favourite is Zook!smilie
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Zook123 Green Sparx Gems: 147
#31 Posted: 03:06:05 05/06/2012
Yep It is!! smilie
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#32 Posted: 03:34:17 07/06/2012 | Topic Creator
What happened to their profiles???????!!!:0
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Inkie566 Green Sparx Gems: 223
#33 Posted: 17:34:08 08/06/2012
Quote: Ineptune
i hav all of tha life elemnt ecept for tree rex smilie smilie smilie smilie

You can't get Tree Rex yet smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:34:25 08/06/2012 by Inkie566
SpyraArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#34 Posted: 20:53:42 08/06/2012
I have Stealth and Stump, and I want to get Camo. That's all... I don't think Zook suits me.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#35 Posted: 10:02:42 21/10/2012 | Topic Creator
I have all life Skylanders and now I added smilie to the list!
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#36 Posted: 12:22:18 21/10/2012
I will join!
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#37 Posted: 16:20:38 21/10/2012
I have all the original life skylanders. They're all really cool (well except for smilie, his gameplay kinda sucks), especially smilie one of my favorites.
Fins, of fury!
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#38 Posted: 16:23:39 21/10/2012
Quote: SpyraArtisan
I have Stealth and Stump, and I want to get Camo. That's all... I don't think Zook suits me.

Zook is far better than Camo, he's more fun. I have both of them, I'd get smilie instead if I were you.

But if you wanna know where to get smilie, I found mine at Best Buy.
Fins, of fury!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#39 Posted: 18:49:58 21/10/2012
^ I think, personally, that smilie is more fun than smilie.
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5579
#40 Posted: 06:31:02 22/10/2012 | Topic Creator
The reason I like life Skylanders is because they are fun to play with, smilie smilie and smilie are fun to play with.
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
WUMBOSIMPSON Yellow Sparx Gems: 1424
#41 Posted: 09:02:28 22/10/2012
Because they grow leaves and vines and cacti and watermelons!
cry baby, I am
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#42 Posted: 12:45:45 01/11/2012
Life is my favorite because...Da Zookinator is THERE!smilie
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
StealthElf101 Ripto Gems: 76
#43 Posted: 15:32:49 01/11/2012
Life is my favorite too cause of Stealth Elf Silent But Deadly! I Have Stealth Elf,Tree Rex,Zook and Stump Smash i want to get Camo but there in a pack and camo is the only one i dont have and the rest i have those skylanders maybe they could be a decoration in my room?
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