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hat+skylander= good combo [CLOSED]
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#1 Posted: 02:13:56 29/04/2012 | Topic Creator
give me all your hat and skylander combinations!

to start it: trigger happy and the pan hat.
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#2 Posted: 02:18:31 29/04/2012
Camo in the camo hat LOL
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#3 Posted: 02:31:06 29/04/2012
Quote: trentd78
give me all your hat and skylander combinations!

to start it: trigger happy and the pan hat.

My trig has the same hat! :3
My sonic boom has the Jester hat. I nicknamed her 'John Egbert', and since he's such a trickster I thought the jester hat would be appropriate.
Gill grunt has the Napolean hat, cause it kinda looks like a pirate hat IMO.
"Was it a hot ghost?"
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#4 Posted: 02:33:09 29/04/2012
Quote: Dragons-go-hrr
Quote: trentd78
give me all your hat and skylander combinations!

to start it: trigger happy and the pan hat.

Gill grunt has the Napolean hat, cause it kinda looks like a pirate hat IMO.

So does my Gill Grunt! Mt triggs has the pirate hat on. 100 CRIT + 20= AWESOME!
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
slpfw0802 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1259
#5 Posted: 15:49:05 29/04/2012
My gill grunt has the hat with the fruit on it (sry i forgot what it is called). I do not know why but I just think it looks funny on him smilie
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Albert Einstein

Awesome profile pic by nintendofan92
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#6 Posted: 15:54:35 29/04/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: slpfw0802
My gill grunt has the hat with the fruit on it (sry i forgot what it is called). I do not know why but I just think it looks funny on him smilie

isnt it the tropical turban
slpfw0802 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1259
#7 Posted: 15:58:26 29/04/2012
Quote: trentd78
Quote: slpfw0802
My gill grunt has the hat with the fruit on it (sry i forgot what it is called). I do not know why but I just think it looks funny on him smilie

isnt it the tropical turban

Yes it is, thanks! I think I may change it today though since the pirate hat looks cool smilie
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Albert Einstein

Awesome profile pic by nintendofan92
Soberranger Red Sparx Gems: 74
#8 Posted: 16:17:02 29/04/2012
All of these seem like they're made for each other!

Lightning rod and the Viking hat
Voodood and the Captain hat
Legendary Trigger Happy and the Top hat
Prism Break and the Cowboy hat
Kirby_rules Ripto Gems: 504
#9 Posted: 16:21:22 29/04/2012
Voodood and Moose hat...
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#10 Posted: 16:37:31 29/04/2012
Trigger Happy: Cowboy Hat

Prism Break: Mining Hat (or whatever it's called - the yellow one with the light on the front)
Bring the Fanta
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#11 Posted: 16:43:59 29/04/2012
Drill Sgt. : Mining hat
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
slpfw0802 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1259
#12 Posted: 17:00:48 29/04/2012
Terrafin and mining hat since he digs underground smilie
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Albert Einstein

Awesome profile pic by nintendofan92
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2541
#13 Posted: 17:15:20 29/04/2012
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
sacktheavenger Red Sparx Gems: 33
#14 Posted: 17:24:58 29/04/2012
Personally my favorite combo is Trigger Happy and the Winged Hat. Speed over 100 = interesting.
icecube7731 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1298
#15 Posted: 17:42:31 29/04/2012
I love giving Gill Grunt the Beret since he has a French accent.
37skylanders bsmilie rsmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
28skylanders + minis(no smilie)
SSF: All minus dark STT: All standard
Ellioy Green Sparx Gems: 469
#16 Posted: 17:43:57 29/04/2012
Double Trouble- Bunny ears

his soul gem and bunny ears are in the same stage
D-Rex Blue Sparx Gems: 815
#17 Posted: 18:00:13 29/04/2012
All other hat choices for Terrafin are wrong. (Top Hat is acceptable for those who don't have the PC version)

[User Posted Image]
Rich246 Green Sparx Gems: 243
#18 Posted: 18:38:23 29/04/2012
For me I have:

Spyro: Halo Hat
Trigger Happy: Viking Hat
Prism Break: Jester Hat
Gill Grunt: Tropical Turban Hat
Hex: Birthday Hat

I don't have hats on any of my other Champions, but ironically, when I get Terrafin I WAS going to put the Top Hat smilie
I own:
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3334
#19 Posted: 18:59:10 29/04/2012
Hex-Wizard hat
Trig-Cowboy hat
Boomer-B-Day hat
Lighting Rod-Winged Hat/Viking Hat
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Wham-Shell Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3583
#20 Posted: 19:44:06 29/04/2012
smilie looks good in the wizard hat
and smilie looks good in winged hat,
smilie also looks good in a fez
I made this account in 2012, I will PAY to have a name change please
Toleroh Yellow Sparx Gems: 1858
#21 Posted: 13:47:54 30/04/2012
Dark Spyro - Viking (Blitz Path)
Terrafin - Rocket Hat
Stealth Elf - Cowgirl hat
Bash - Fez
Wrecking Ball - Bunny Ears! or Moose Antlers
Boomer - Tiki Hat (Come worship the idol and get gospel dynamite, boom! Rom 1:15)
Prism Break - Coonskin cap
Voodood - Rocker Mohawk, goes great with the "electric axe"
Chop Chop - Military helmet - what else for a soldier?
Hex - beret
Stump Smash - birthday cake, goes great with serious expression
Cynder - Halo, redeemed Cynder
BATTLECAST: StumpSmashRules#405
PortalMaster Happy Libertyelf (RIP). Favor-eight: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#22 Posted: 01:59:16 14/06/2012 | Topic Creator
[Image Unavailable] is good on camo.
Osbor Blue Sparx Gems: 710
#23 Posted: 03:41:51 14/06/2012
bone head on drobot
it looks like an extra piece of flight gear, so when in hove mode he looks like the ship straight out of Eve online
hexthebeast45 Green Sparx Gems: 417
#24 Posted: 10:05:35 14/06/2012
smilie i already had the beret one her but now i have the crown hat (the one in dragon's peak).+10 critical hit=amazing
Sanctum Nomen Green Sparx Gems: 416
#25 Posted: 11:08:18 14/06/2012
Double-Trouble + Pirate hat = Jack Sparrow!

together with Sunburn + pirate hat as his faithfull parriot! smilie
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#26 Posted: 15:21:06 15/06/2012 | Topic Creator
[Image Unavailable]+smilie=awesome
voodood90 Blue Sparx Gems: 973
#27 Posted: 13:20:34 21/06/2012
im gonna try :fez:
Haters gonna hate
Bakers gonna bake
Elevators gonna elevate
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#28 Posted: 13:26:42 21/06/2012
Quote: trentd78
[User Posted Image]+smilie=awesome

How did you get the hat icon)
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#29 Posted: 13:55:48 29/06/2012
Here are a few of my favorites:

Mining hat on smilie
Coonskin hat on smilie
Fancy hat on smilie
Baret on smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Guardie Yellow Sparx Gems: 1793
#30 Posted: 15:47:51 29/06/2012
Lil' Devil on smilie it's just perfect for him.
Forlork Green Sparx Gems: 395
#31 Posted: 16:15:26 29/06/2012
I put the moose antlers on my Lightning Rod.
Why you ask?

So that i can name him "zoose"
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#32 Posted: 16:18:10 29/06/2012
Quote: Forlork
I put the moose antlers on my Lightning Rod.
Why you ask?

So that i can name him "zoose"

lol! That joke is so bad it's good smilie
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Forlork Green Sparx Gems: 395
#33 Posted: 16:34:46 29/06/2012
@deandria: I know, its sooooo bad I love it
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#34 Posted: 07:47:38 30/06/2012
I've tried some hats on some Skylanders.

My choices:
smilie Crown of Light
smilie Bone Head
smilie Royal Crown
smilie Top Hat
smilie General's Hat
smilie Rocker Hair
smilie Cowboy Hat
smilie Pirate Hat
smilie Winged Hat
Bring the Fanta
Echo2VX Gold Sparx Gems: 2918
#35 Posted: 02:03:19 01/07/2012
smilie Royal Crown (Gold, duh)
smilie Winged hat (Just looks good)
smilie Chef Hat (He WAS a chef...until he died)
Everyone else...HALO!!! FTW
Together, we can stop sheep abuse!
Top 10: smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie
Legodude56 Blue Sparx Gems: 710
#36 Posted: 13:59:07 06/07/2012
I like the Napoleon hat on smilie and the bone hat on smilie both look fantastic
"You have to go back" -Matt
Aquatic Llama Green Sparx Gems: 436
#37 Posted: 19:28:12 10/07/2012
Dino Rang in a Fez. It just feels so right. But currently I have D-Rang in a Miners Hat.
spyrodadragon Green Sparx Gems: 490
#38 Posted: 20:41:20 10/07/2012
bash bone hat
wreking ball party hat
everyone spam this now Posted Image:
or the enderman will kill you
avatar by kap
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:41:45 10/07/2012 by spyrodadragon
Gill_Grunt Blue Sparx Gems: 798
#39 Posted: 13:26:44 11/07/2012
I put the fez on Double Trouble and nicknamed him Matt Smith.
37/37 blue smilie, 3/4 Sidekicks,Red smilie | Giants 4/8 | Newlanders 7/8
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#40 Posted: 13:28:35 11/07/2012
D-Rex AHHHH! AWESOME! smilie

Bash in Top hat is my fav so far but I generally avoid hats.
spyrodadragon Green Sparx Gems: 490
#41 Posted: 13:38:54 11/07/2012
don't give stealth elf a hat cause if she disapears so does her hat even in battle mode
everyone spam this now Posted Image:
or the enderman will kill you
avatar by kap
hawkeye2188 Red Sparx Gems: 28
#42 Posted: 15:04:39 12/07/2012
My personal favorite is Gil Grunt and the cooking pan/pot hat, looks amazing on him imo. Also Trigger Happy with the cowboy hat.
spyrodadragon Green Sparx Gems: 490
#43 Posted: 15:35:11 12/07/2012
everyone spam this now Posted Image:
or the enderman will kill you
avatar by kap
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#44 Posted: 17:24:15 12/07/2012
Want to know the best hat for Boomer?

[User Posted Image]
Bring the Fanta
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4149
#45 Posted: 16:58:22 04/09/2012
Spyro: Wabbit ears
Gill Grunt: Plunger
Trigger Happy: Pan hat
Flameslinger: Eye hat (I figured it would help him see smilie)
Terrafin :Wizard hat
Double Trouble: Happy Birthday!
Ghost Roaster: Fancy hat
Zook: The unicorn or narwhal hat or something...
Cynder: Little Devil
Zap: The colorful spinny Quigley hat
Lightning Rod: Napoleon hat
Sunburn: Beret
Wrecking Ball: Top hat
Whirlwind: Anvil hat
Voodood: Spy hat thing with goggles
Ignitor: Tropical turban
Prism Break: Jester hat
Drill Sergeant: Moose hat
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
andy2467 Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#46 Posted: 00:27:00 05/09/2012
Whirlwind- unicorn hat
Lightning Rod- Winged Hat
Slam Bam- Propeller Hat
Warnado- Crown or Beret
i Think Dino-Rang would look good in thee generals hat (dont have him
People say a Pirate hat from Pirate seas is both useful and looks cool on all skylanders
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#47 Posted: 00:29:53 05/09/2012
Bash:Bone hat
Trigg:Generals hat
Drobotdude Blue Sparx Gems: 622
#48 Posted: 00:00:31 08/09/2012
halo hat + smilie = EPIC!
Blink and Destroy!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:54:36 11/09/2012 by Drobotdude
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4149
#49 Posted: 22:40:33 08/09/2012
just got Eruptor and Bash
smilie bone head hat
smilie generals hat
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
terrafan Blue Sparx Gems: 699
#50 Posted: 00:30:17 09/09/2012
Chef hat on Eruptor and Pirate Hat on terrafin
Awaiting: Disney Infinity, Batman Arkham Origins, Pokemon Y
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