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Upgrade Paths Recommendation Thread [STICKY]
wesxpresswmb Red Sparx Gems: 32
#151 Posted: 16:23:44 04/02/2012
The only observation I have to make about this topic is that I just got dark spyro and I plan on taking the path I didn't tak with the regular spyro just to have a different character.
HAVE :smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#152 Posted: 17:09:11 04/02/2012
Quote: spyroflame0487
Quote: voodude
what about slam bam and double trouble? someone talked about the ice punch path and the beams one. the other 2 (freezing traps and exploding clones) are bad?

For me, I like characters that hit hard. In regular playthrough, that's pretty much all you need. I don't really care for the traps one, because by the time you set all that up, Punchpath Slams will have wrecked another character.

The beams for DubTrub is the only way to go. It does so much damage (plus the explosion thing to top that off) that I can't see the other path being anywhere near as powerful.

little sad... i liked the clones path... it seems funny
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
Caramelted Red Sparx Gems: 93
#153 Posted: 18:38:52 04/02/2012
Well... I thought I'd just write what paths I've made my Skylanders do:

Trigger Happy:

Golden Frenzy

Gill Grunt:

Water Weaver

Stump Smash:

Smash N' Bash


Blitz Spyro


Clockwork Dragon. Now you probably didn't expect that but I think (after trying it) there is barely a difference between the lasers after upgrading and before upgrading them.



Sonic Boom:

Siren Griffin




I've got two, and so chose different paths for both

Prism Break:



Elementalist although rather regrettably...

Chop Chop:

Vampiric Warrior

And I think that's all of my Skylanders...
I'll let the flames begin!
Wisewizard41 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1114
#154 Posted: 18:50:33 04/02/2012
Quote: spyroflame0487
Howdy everyone! I've been watching this forum for some time now, and I figured I might as well register finally and weigh in.

I've leveled all my Skylanders to 10 and got all their paths,'s what I've personally felt about their paths based on the characters I have:
I will keep this updated whenever I get a new Skylander. Keep checking back for moar!

SPYRO: Your best bet is the Sheep Burner path. I tried the Blitz Spyro path for my Legendary one, and I absolutely hate it. The problem is that a lot of the levels don't have a whole lot of space for you to charge up Ibex's Wrath, so you can basically only do a small amount of damage with the regular attack. Sheep Burner allows you to deal a lot of damage fast with the fireballs, and charging it up works quite well too.

WRECKING BALL: Total Tongue wins because it's more fun. You can even use it through some walls to get items that you may have been cut off from! All around though, Wrecking Ball is a rough character to do a lot of damage with.

VOODOOD: Honestly, either path is good for him. Personally went with the Marauder because it sounds cool and I liked using the axe rather than the tripwire stuff.

DOUBLE TROUBLE: He's amazing on the Channeler Path. His Magic Armageddon attack can deal a ridiculous amount of damage within a few seconds, and the magic beam will assure you that nothing gets anywhere near you.

DRILL SARGE: I chose the Battledozer path simply because ROCKETS. While the Megadozer was alright, but you deal much more damage with the rockets on the Battledozer path. The Auto Blaster can take out smaller enemies from the rear, and the MIRV Drill rockets can deal damage to a wide array of enemies.

DROBOT: Master Blaster. How could you NOT want the robot dragon to have giant laser attacks. I found the Quadratic Blasters to make quick work of just about everything in the game. You can still send out the bladgears to do nice damage, but in their basic form they take care of a lot of enemies.

TRIGGER HAPPY: Gotta go with the Golden Frenzy. I never really cared for the Pot of Gold thing anyways; I only ever used it to take care of enemies who were up on a platform. The coins blasting off the wall will clean the level in a matter of minutes.

BOOMER: Demolition Troll is the path of great fun. Troll Bombs away will make quick work of anything that's out to destroy you while most of the bombs you can toss will assist you in stealthily ridding the enemies in your path.

GILL GRUNT: I chose the Harpooner one for him, simply because of how annoying his Minion Clone is. While the water cannons sound cool, I think having the Tripleshot Harpoons deal more damage.

ZAP: Personally, Tesla Dragon is the one for me. I like having better breath powers than things like the slime. Really, it's pretty easy to electrify it yourself, and your breath can go right after an enemy, rather than waiting for the enemies to come to you, or trying to set it up.

SLAM BAM: Blizzard Brawler is the best. Dat +40 armor makes Slams a walking tank. Although, he is pretty slow. You could tack on the Santa hat which gives you even more armor, or the Lil' Devil hat to make him a bit faster.

ERUPTOR: y u so slow Eruptor?! Anyways, I chose the Magmantor path. Volcanor looks cool, but doing the Eruption attacks leaves you wide open for getting hit from enemies. The Beast of Conflagration does a buttload of damage and the side fireballs that come out can assist you as well.

FLAMESLINGER: Personally, I didn't care for the Pyromancer and the column of fire attacks, so I chose Marksman. To me at least, they seem to do a nice chunk of damage so....

IGNITOR: The Soul of Flame path is probably the best thing ever. When jumping out of your body to do the attack, you can also stay around for a bit, and continue doing damage. Wipes out most of the weak-medium strength enemies in seconds.

BASH/LEGENDARY BASH: I got L-Bash and chose Granite Dragon path. Now, the original reason was because Pulver Dragon didn't sound good..The Rolling attack was fine for me as it was, especially because I just used it to travel faster. BUT THEN! I charged up the Gaia Hammer...and found it does a whopping 240 points of damage. (Effectively being able to wipe out every basic enemy in the game in one hit, including the Knights) Now this was also with the Triceratops Honor Guard upgrade, but it should still do a pretty number on anyone coming your way.

TERRAFIN: I chose Brawler simply for the extra damage with the Spiked Knuckles. I mean, traveling in the ground is fun, but I wanted something better for offense. After fulling upgrading him, I basically used him to solo Kaos..and I was only like level 7. Those extra power to your fists allow you to deal a LOT of damage in a short amount of time.

PRISM BREAK: Such a cool looking character needs to have some cool lasers. The Prismancer path will get you this but the only real downside is the gold color of the crystals. If you can get over that, this path will be amazing for you.

DINO RANG: Those Pummel Traps are effectively useless unless every single enemy is coming right at you, which isn't really the case. Plus it makes you vulnerable for a while. So don't even think about upgrading those things, and go with the Grand Boomerang Master path. Those 'rangs are incredibly powerful, and it's hilarious to fling them around.

STEALTH ELF: I chose the Pook Blade Saint (Seriously, where are these names coming from?). Having those Magical Blades by you is a blessing. Even at level like...3 I could wipe out everything in a matter of was crazy!

STUMP SMASH: I don't really care for this character at all. He's slow and bulky and..uggh.. I chose the Smash N Bash path because I thought being able to combo and blowing up the Meganut would be good but..ehh. Maybe the Nut Crafter is better..I dunno.

CHOP CHOP/ LEGENDARY CHOP CHOP: For L-Chops, I chose Vampiric Warrior. DAT GIANT SWORD. Shields are good and all, but attacking is more worth it to me in this game. L-Chops does work with that sword. After trying out the Shield path, it's completely outshined with Vamp Warrior.

GHOST ROASTER: Ghost Roast I chose Fear Eater. I didn't really care for the rushing attack, and I really liked the Ectoplasm Mode. I think both of them are pretty equal though.

HEX: Shade Master is the one I went for. I don't like charging things up that much because it gives the enemies a chance to get in and attack you. (not to mention making you have to charge again.

SONIC BOOM: SB is the newest one in my collection, and I really like her babbies helping, so I chose that. It's really great to have a little assistance with your attacks, so you can focus on one while the babies go after another and weaken it for you.

WHIRLWIND: Whirly was my first Skylander..I bought it before I got the game! I like the Ultimate Rainbower path. Seems to me that it does a lot of damage with the volley shots. I just didn't care for the Tempest clouds that much.

And I believe that's everyone! haha

For Stealth Elf I'm so stupid. I took forest ninja path :[
The way of the dragon, is the way of the heart.
syzygy333 Green Sparx Gems: 361
#155 Posted: 08:39:44 05/02/2012
What's the better way to go with Ignitor...soul of the flame or blademaster? Thx!
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bl bash
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#156 Posted: 09:06:42 05/02/2012
Quote: Wisewizard41

For Stealth Elf I'm so stupid. I took forest ninja path :[

you know i'm thinking to change my stealth elf. pook saint blade is boring and broken...
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
EgoNaut Yellow Sparx Gems: 1730
#157 Posted: 17:47:33 05/02/2012
Quote: syzygy333
What's the better way to go with Ignitor...soul of the flame or blademaster? Thx!

Definately Soul of the Flame.

Soul of the Flame is powerful and fun - Blademaster is an average melee attacker in a game full of awesome melee attackers like Stealth Elf.
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njd123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1546
#158 Posted: 00:28:22 06/02/2012
And here are my Skylanders and their paths if anyone is interested:

Sonic Boom: Siren Griffin
Whirlwind: Ultimate Rainbower
Stump Smash: Smash 'N' Bash
Stealth Elf: Pook Blade Saint
Chop Chop: Vampiric Warrior
Hex: Bone Crafter
Ghost Roaster: Skull Master
Bash: Pulver Dragon
Dino-Rang: Grand Boomerang Master
Prism Break: Crystaleer
Terrafin: Brawler
Ignitor: Blademaster
Eruptor: Magmantor
Flameslinger: Marksman
Zap: Tesla Dragon
Gill Grunt: Water Weaver
Slam Bam: Blizzard Brawler
Spyro: Sheep Burner Spyro
Double Trouble: Channeler
Wrecking Ball: Total Tongue
Voodood: Marauder
Drill Sergeant: MegaDozer
Boomer: Demolition Troll
Drobot: Master Blaster
Trigger Happy: Golden Frenzy
I can't think of a signature.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:44:09 06/02/2012 by njd123
njd123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1546
#159 Posted: 00:41:37 06/02/2012
^I meant Ultimate Spinner for Wrecking Ball
I can't think of a signature.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:43:42 06/02/2012 by njd123
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#160 Posted: 19:04:39 06/02/2012
can someone give me some numbers about slam bam? how many damages his punches do with and without the upgrades?
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
dwattzdrummer Gold Sparx Gems: 2413
#161 Posted: 19:39:17 06/02/2012
hey bro youtube slam bams paths on youtube and you will find my walkthrough on his skills =) I chose the Ice Path and I love it =)
wdrumz YouTube Channel:
SkyDad Red Sparx Gems: 79
#162 Posted: 19:48:16 06/02/2012
I've decided to be a little different with Dino-Rang and try his Earthen Avenger path. Mostly because I seem to do well with the traps in battle mode, especially when four of them get laid down. Plus the armor you get looks pretty sweet.

I'll let you know if I'm liking that path when I get Dino to lvl 10. smilie
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Caramelted Red Sparx Gems: 93
#163 Posted: 20:47:56 06/02/2012
I really want Flameslinger. Could anyone give me some damage numbers for each path.
Thanks if you do
And I still don't know how to do the Skylander face thing...
I'll let the flames begin!
Brony Blue Sparx Gems: 660
#164 Posted: 21:49:31 06/02/2012
Quote: Caramelted
I really want Flameslinger. Could anyone give me some damage numbers for each path.
Thanks if you do
And I still don't know how to do the Skylander face thing...

Read the help files, under "Forum" in the top left of the page. smilie
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#165 Posted: 23:52:40 06/02/2012
Quote: Caramelted
I really want Flameslinger. Could anyone give me some damage numbers for each path.
Thanks if you do
And I still don't know how to do the Skylander face thing...

Choose his Fire attacks path and here is a link to the help files //

Brony Blue Sparx Gems: 660
#166 Posted: 00:46:35 07/02/2012
This topic originally led me to join this forum. So hey, why not give my recommendations. Bear with me now. I'll try to edit when I get new Skylanders. :3
Spyro: Sheep Burner, only because I've never tried Blitz Spyro.

Double Trouble: Channeler, Magic Armageddon does massive damage.

Zap: Slime Serpant, good for Co-op.

Slam Bam: Blizzard Brawler, powerful & never really cared for the other attack.

Gill Grunt: Water Weaver, infinite water + those weird starfish thingys = amazing.

Drobot: Master Blaster.

Drill Sergeant: Megadozer. Don't care for this character.

Trigger Happy: Golden Frenzy. Bouncing Bullets clear the stage quickly.

Stump Smash: Ehh...

Bash: Oh gosh. He's good either way. 1st upgraded him down Granite, he is now currently Pulver. Heck, I like both paths..

Dino-Rang: Grand Boomerang Master. (I think that is what it is called. smilie)

Prism Break: I upgraded him first down Crystaleer. Reseted because Prismancer and the soul gem ability rock.

Hex: I've only went down Shade Master, and I'm pleased with it.

Chop Chop: Vampiric Warrior. Don't need to be defensive fully leveled...

Ghost Roaster: It's iffy. I like Skull Master because I personally think that Fear Eater is similar to Chop Chop's Shield path.

Eruptor: Volcanor, I have Xbox and I've heard that on Wii its instant eruption but it's still quick.

Whirlwind: Ultimate Rainbower. Like spyroflame0487 said, I didn't really care for the Tempest Clouds

Sonic Boom: Siren Griffen. Powerful. But I haven't tried the babies yet soo...
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:46:05 07/02/2012 by Brony
Landerfan2012 Gold Sparx Gems: 2048
#167 Posted: 00:47:27 07/02/2012
Spyro: Sheep Burner
while Blitz seems fun, there just isn't enough room on some levels to do the Ibex Wrath move
Double Trouble: Channeler
That beam of his travels everywhere, hitting all the enemies near u
Wrecking Ball: Total Tounge
both paths seem weak, but i would pick total tounge because u get a longer, faster tounge, plus u get to pick up stuff while fighting
Voodood: Marauder
same as above. both seem weak, but my pick would be marauder only because of the combo
Bash: Granite Dragon
his pulver dragon seems really boring. But his granite dragon give u a better tail, plus the gaia hammer
Dino-Rang: Earthen Avenger
two words: NEW ARMOR
Prism Break: Crystaleer
the prismancer path gives him an ugly color. but crystaleer give him new armor, a better eruption move, and allows u to drop three crystals
Terrafin: Brawler or Sandhog
this was a tough choose because both are so good. sandhog allows u to hurt people why burrowing but brawler gives u a combo and new brass nucles
Slam Bam: Blizzard Brawler
NEW ARMOR. thats all im going to say.

i have more but its going be long so i'll break it into parts.
Trap team and Gearshift on reservation
spyro assasin Ripto Gems: 71
#168 Posted: 02:25:35 07/02/2012
Quote: Brony
This topic originally led me to join this forum. So hey, why not give my recommendations. Bear with me now. I'll try to edit when I get new Skylanders. :3
Spyro: Sheep Burner, only because I've never tried Blitz Spyro. smilie

Double Trouble: Channeler, Magic Armageddon does massive damage. smilie

Zap: Slime Serpant, good for Co-op. smilie

Slam Bam: Blizzard Brawler, powerful & never really cared for the other attack. smilie punches correct?

Gill Grunt: Water Weaver, infinite water + those weird starfish thingys = amazing. ?
Drobot: Master Blaster.

Drill Sergeant: Megadozer. Don't care for this character. smilie

Trigger Happy: Golden Frenzy. Bouncing Bullets clear the stage quickly. smilie

Stump Smash: Ehh... hammers

Bash: Oh gosh. He's good either way. 1st upgraded him down Granite, he is now currently Pulver. Heck, I like both paths..
Dino-Rang: Grand Boomerang Master. (I think that is what it is called. smilie) smilie

Prism Break: I upgraded him first down Crystaleer. Reseted because Prismancer and the soul gem ability rock.smilie

Hex: I've only went down Shade Master, and I'm pleased with it. balls or rain

Chop Chop: Vampiric Warrior. Don't need to be defensive fully leveled... smilie

Ghost Roaster: It's iffy. I like Skull Master because I personally think that Fear Eater is similar to Chop Chop's Shield path.
Eruptor: Volcanor, I have Xbox and I've heard that on Wii its instant eruption but it's still quick. ?

Whirlwind: Ultimate Rainbower. Like spyroflame0487 said, I didn't really care for the Tempest Cloudssmilie

Sonic Boom: Siren Griffen. Powerful. But I haven't tried the babies yet soo...

I hope you don't mind but I rated you pathes
Caramelted Red Sparx Gems: 93
#169 Posted: 19:07:15 09/02/2012
Quote: Brony
Quote: Caramelted
I really want Flameslinger. Could anyone give me some damage numbers for each path.
Thanks if you do
And I still don't know how to do the Skylander face thing...

Read the help files, under "Forum" in the top left of the page. smilie

Quote: Whirlwind5598
Quote: Caramelted
I really want Flameslinger. Could anyone give me some damage numbers for each path.
Thanks if you do
And I still don't know how to do the Skylander face thing...

Choose his Fire attacks path and here is a link to the help files //

Thanks guys smilie
I'll let the flames begin!
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2541
#170 Posted: 22:28:28 09/02/2012
Ignitor And Double trouble
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#171 Posted: 22:42:06 09/02/2012
Soul of the Flame by far on Ignitor. Battlemaster really doesn't come close in terms of damage, functionality, PVP or story prowess... anything.

As for Double Trouble, it's hard to argue with the Eldritch Beam and (especially) Magic Bomb combos, so I've got to recommend Channeler. Conjuror is fun, but in the simplicity of Channeler lies true strength.
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2541
#172 Posted: 22:46:20 09/02/2012
Quote: Tashiji
Soul of the Flame by far on Ignitor. Battlemaster really doesn't come close in terms of damage, functionality, PVP or story prowess... anything.

As for Double Trouble, it's hard to argue with the Eldritch Beam and (especially) Magic Bomb combos, so I've got to recommend Channeler. Conjuror is fun, but in the simplicity of Channeler lies true strength.

Thanks! thats what i was thinking to get!
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#173 Posted: 02:12:50 10/02/2012
What should i get for....
Slam Bam, Chop Chop (thinking Vampiric Warrior), and Cynder?
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#174 Posted: 02:25:23 10/02/2012
For Slam Bam, Glacier Yeti is too specialized to be as good as the seemingly "plain old" Blizzard Brawler. Blizzard Brawler might be simplistic, but in a game that already favors fast, charging melee characters, adding another to the mix can only be a good thing.

On Chop Chop, there are varying schools of thought, but I do feel that the sword on Undead Defender loses more in terms of potency and intended use than the shield does on Vampiric Warrior. You should go with your gut on this one.

As for Cynder, Nether Welder is probably the better of the two paths due to its greater ability to deal active damage, but there's nothing wrong with Shadow Dancer if you feel the passive route is more your style.
syzygy333 Green Sparx Gems: 361
#175 Posted: 06:21:03 10/02/2012
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bl bash
syzygy333 Green Sparx Gems: 361
#176 Posted: 06:22:30 10/02/2012
Quote: EgoNaut
Quote: syzygy333
What's the better way to go with Ignitor...soul of the flame or blademaster? Thx!

Definately Soul of the Flame.

Soul of the Flame is powerful and fun - Blademaster is an average melee attacker in a game full of awesome melee attackers like Stealth Elf.

Thanks EgoNaut!
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bl bash
Caramelted Red Sparx Gems: 93
#177 Posted: 18:32:50 10/02/2012
How powerful is Stealth Elf's attack once fully upgraded?
I'll let the flames begin!
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#178 Posted: 03:30:27 11/02/2012
CRAP!!!! I accedently choose Shadow dancer!!
Should i reset her?!?
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#179 Posted: 03:58:15 11/02/2012
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
CRAP!!!! I accedently choose Shadow dancer!!
Should i reset her?!?

No They are both good unless you need her for PvP then Nether Welder is better. But if you just want her for playing in-game then I would preferably choose Shadow Dancer over Nether Welder. Nether Welder just increases the lightning to 18 damage (I have the Wii version) and can reach a little wider and lasts a little longer. Shadow Dancer is better if you upgrade it all the way (You'll see if you keep upgrading her on Shadow Dancer). I personally like Shadow Dancer better. But its yours so you can choose whatever you want.

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:00:04 11/02/2012 by Whirlwind5598
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#180 Posted: 04:37:18 11/02/2012
Quote: Whirlwind5598
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
CRAP!!!! I accedently choose Shadow dancer!!
Should i reset her?!?

No They are both good unless you need her for PvP then Nether Welder is better. But if you just want her for playing in-game then I would preferably choose Shadow Dancer over Nether Welder. Nether Welder just increases the lightning to 18 damage (I have the Wii version) and can reach a little wider and lasts a little longer. Shadow Dancer is better if you upgrade it all the way (You'll see if you keep upgrading her on Shadow Dancer). I personally like Shadow Dancer better. But its yours so you can choose whatever you want.

It really is all dependent on PVP. If you don't play PVP, they're about the same.
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#181 Posted: 04:56:53 11/02/2012
Quote: Tashiji
Quote: Whirlwind5598
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
CRAP!!!! I accedently choose Shadow dancer!!
Should i reset her?!?

No They are both good unless you need her for PvP then Nether Welder is better. But if you just want her for playing in-game then I would preferably choose Shadow Dancer over Nether Welder. Nether Welder just increases the lightning to 18 damage (I have the Wii version) and can reach a little wider and lasts a little longer. Shadow Dancer is better if you upgrade it all the way (You'll see if you keep upgrading her on Shadow Dancer). I personally like Shadow Dancer better. But its yours so you can choose whatever you want.

It really is all dependent on PVP. If you don't play PVP, they're about the same.

I agree but personally I like Shadow Dancer. But as I said in the other comment that it is his and he can do what he wants with it.

Rays Green Sparx Gems: 392
#182 Posted: 16:21:40 11/02/2012
Quote: Whisper
For Prism Break, I would heavily recommend the Crystaleer path.

I admit that I never tried out the Prismancer path, but I doubt it could compare anyways.

With the Crystaleer path, your crystals become a large aoe, that block projectiles, do good damage, and can be dropped without line of sight (you can drop them on the other side of most walls).
Plus your Crystal Eruption becomes stronger to help you deal with the rare occasions you get swarmed at close range.
Not to mention a +40 Armor bonus just for the heck of it.

It's just an awesome path.

<3 Crystaleer

Actually, for prism break both paths are good. I tried both and I still can't choose one to use.
Youtube account: KoopaBoo2
PortalMaster #517721
Skylanders owned: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#183 Posted: 16:34:25 11/02/2012
I guess ill get her all the upgrades for shadow dance and see if i like it.
Im still confused which one i should choose for Slam Bam. Thanks
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#184 Posted: 16:41:02 11/02/2012
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
I guess ill get her all the upgrades for shadow dance and see if i like it.
Im still confused which one i should choose for Slam Bam. Thanks

The Ice Prison things are pretty useless, since if you go with the Blizzard Brawler path, he'll sometimes freeze the enemies anyways. Slam Bam is a tank, so increasing his punches are the way to go.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#185 Posted: 16:41:54 11/02/2012
okay Thanks!
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#186 Posted: 16:42:12 11/02/2012
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
I guess ill get her all the upgrades for shadow dance and see if i like it.
Im still confused which one i should choose for Slam Bam. Thanks

I haven't actually tried his punching path but I didn't have to after choosing his ice path. It made him one of my best Skylanders. It makes you slide longer and it makes your ice prisons go longer too(That is just one upgrade alone!). Then it makes your ice prisons last longer and hurt enemies trapped inside(I have the Wii version and it does 25 damage). Then the final one is awesome, it makes your ice prisons last longer so when you hit them they don't explode right away, you have to hit it three times then it makes a sculpture of Slam Bam and it explodes but by the time I do that the enemy is already dead.

Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#187 Posted: 16:43:45 11/02/2012
Quote: spyroflame0487
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
I guess ill get her all the upgrades for shadow dance and see if i like it.
Im still confused which one i should choose for Slam Bam. Thanks

The Ice Prison things are pretty useless, since if you go with the Blizzard Brawler path, he'll sometimes freeze the enemies anyways. Slam Bam is a tank, so increasing his punches are the way to go.

That can be argueable. I chose the ice path. And it is awesome! Read my last post about it.

LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#188 Posted: 16:43:49 11/02/2012 | Topic Creator
^ Okay, now with this and all the posts saying "go his fist path" I'm completely torn which one to choose tonight
but i love it all smooth
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#189 Posted: 16:44:29 11/02/2012
Hmmmmm. I think ill go with the Punching......
But thanks anyways
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#190 Posted: 16:48:29 11/02/2012
Quote: LevanJess
^ Okay, now with this and all the posts saying "go his fist path" I'm completely torn which one to choose tonight

I think first you should try the ice prison path. So that way if you don't like it you can reset it and choose the other one.The punching path seemed too simple to me so I chose the ice prison path. I decided to choose this path not because everyone said to choose the other one but because it called my attention. I really like it, I don't know why so many people don't like it. Anyways its your choice, so if you want do what I did choose the one that calls your attention more. Whatever suits you more.

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:54:33 11/02/2012 by Whirlwind5598
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#191 Posted: 16:49:19 11/02/2012
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
Hmmmmm. I think ill go with the Punching......
But thanks anyways

Okay. Whatever suits you best! smilie

LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#192 Posted: 16:55:13 11/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Okay then. It sounds awesome, the way you put it.
Thanks for the advice! c:
but i love it all smooth
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#193 Posted: 16:57:35 11/02/2012
Quote: LevanJess
Okay then. It sounds awesome, the way you put it.
Thanks for the advice! c:

You're welcome! smilie If you have anymore questions about upgrading you can ask me. (If you want to)

voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#194 Posted: 17:52:59 11/02/2012
i usually go with the path with combos smilie
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#195 Posted: 17:54:56 11/02/2012
Quote: voodude
i usually go with the path with combos smilie

ME TOO!!! *fistbump*

D-Rex Blue Sparx Gems: 815
#196 Posted: 18:09:42 11/02/2012
I, too recommend going the Glacier Yeti path for Slam Bam.

It turns a powerful melee character into a very unique caster/melee character combo that's just fun and very viable to use.
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#197 Posted: 18:47:56 11/02/2012
I guess i will see if i like the punching path (already chose it) and if i don't
i will reset tyanks for the help
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#198 Posted: 18:49:58 11/02/2012
Quote: Whirlwind5598
Quote: voodude
i usually go with the path with combos smilie

ME TOO!!! *fistbump*

the only one i won't upgrade with combo will probably be ignitor, because a lot of people are saying his other path his awesome.
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#199 Posted: 01:28:18 13/02/2012
I reset Cynder and I Lovethe Nether welder Path!!
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#200 Posted: 03:11:19 13/02/2012
Quote: Tashiji
Here is my list. Having leveled every Skylander down both paths, it's a decently informed perspective. Also, sometimes there is no "best," and in those instances, I'm just going to list both. Preference does matter on select Skylanders.
Also, if a character is exceptional in PVP, I will do my best to note that as well.


Sheep Burner OR Blitz Spyro

His relative strengths as a projectile character are greater than his strengths as a charger, but charging characters are generally better than projectile characters overall in Skylanders, so it pretty well balances out. Spyro will do fine regardless of what you choose; pick based on what you've enjoyed more at the time the game asks you to upgrade, and you won't regret it.


Marauder is easily superior to Elementalist. A powered-up Zipline Axe actually allows him to keep up with the best speed-wise, and speed is the most important thing in Skylanders. Heightened axe damage makes him a force up close. Voodood is excellent in PVP with this build; if you can master the aim and timing of Zipline Axe, he can clip the wings of some of the game’s better ranged attackers with relative ease.


Ultimate Spinner has the edge, but Total Tongue is far from useless on him.


Boomer on the Demolition Troll path is the best "hurler" in the game, and a strong character overall. The Clobber Troll alternative is mediocre circular-AoE melee, with a decent charge attack that still can't keep pace with a flurry of bombs.


Megadozer (charging) is his only worthwhile build. Battledozer (drill guns) is one of the worst paths for any character in the game, and gives people who play it the flawed impression that Drill Sergeant sucks. Drill Sergeant is a surprisingly strong PVPer as Megadozer, and one of the game’s absolute quickest characters after Heroic Challenges.


If you don't pick Master Blaster, you basically have two options. Reset him, or get your head examined. Master Blaster is among the top builds for any character in the game. Amazing at PVP; a guaranteed win against inexperienced opponents and a worthy choice for serious battles as well.


Go with Golden Money Bags. This seems to fly in the face of conventional wisdom, but as a strictly ranged character Trigger Happy pales next to some of the game's better projectile flingers like Hex and especially Drobot. His coins build up to be surprisingly powerful AoE damage, and his guns don't suffer much in the tradeoff. Bouncing bullets are overrated.


Water Weaver, and there's really no contest. Harpooner only serves to add a very mediocre entry to a game that's filled with strong projectile characters.


Slime Serpent. See above, but replace "Harpooner" with "Tesla Dragon."


Volcanor allows him to set the entire field ablaze, and the results are surprisingly competitive. Magmanator, however, will never compete with Boomer as a "hurler," so why try? Go with what makes Eruptor unique, or he'll always play second fiddle.


While Pyromancer's Supernova is a noteworthy ability, it's unwieldy to use, and during setup time, Marksman will kill everything by just shooting at it. Sometimes plain and powerful beats unique, go Marksman.


Don't let the sword he's holding fool you, he is meant to be on the Soul of the Flame path. Upgrading his Flame Soul gives you a character who's fast, damages a wide area, and hits HARD. Blademaster gives you a melee who is horribly outclassed at meleeing by Stealth Elf, Terrafin, Bash, and others, as well as out-damaged by his own Flame Soul. Soul of the Flame Ignitor is exceptional at PVP, and in my opinion, one of the game’s overall standout characters.


Both paths of Bash are incredible. No matter which you pick, you have one of the game's top characters. Let the choice suit your play style. I prefer Granite Dragon, but that’s just me.


Don't go with anything but Grand Boomerang Master. While the armor you get down the Earthen Avenger path looks incredible, the actual performance of that path in battle is nothing if not underwhelming.


Crystaleer lacks the flash of Prismancer, but is more effective overall, especially with larger targets. It's also more defensively solid. Prism Break is a force in PVP as Crystaleer.


Sandhog makes Terrafin a God among Skylanders, while Brawler just makes Terrafin very, very good. Excellent PVP character; hunts most Skylanders like prey.


Similarly to Terrafin and Drobot's ideal paths, Pook Blade Saint takes Stealth Elf to a whole different level from the rest of the game's characters; into the fabled "God Tier," if tiers are your thing. Forest Ninja, on the other hand, just makes her very, very good. A PVP God.

Nut Crafter gives Stump Smash something unique and downright decent to do. He's not the game's strongest character, but with this build, nor is he the weakest. In my opinion, Meganut Propagation is the better of the Meganut attacks, and Pollen Plume is supremely helpful. Also, with regards to Smash 'N' Bash, you do not want to try melee in the same game as Stealth Elf, Bash and Terrafin. Other characters trying to do it just look silly.


You're kind of screwed either way with him. Either you're an average melee in a game filled with godly melees, or you're a defender in a game where an upgraded character doesn't... really... need to defend.


Skull Master is a strong contender for the game's best charging attacker, while Fear Eater is unwieldy, drains your health, and doesn't deliver results great enough to overcome these failings. However, in a strange turn of events, Fear Eater, the same build with virtually zero use in story mode, is stronger in PVP than its counterpart. Pick based on which mode you intend to use him more in. Very useful PVPer.


Shade Master Hex is one of the game's overall best ranged attackers, and story mode characters in general. Bone Crafter is fun, but the charge time on Rain of Skulls, even when fully upgraded, is still far too high to actually kill anything in story mode before Drobot, Stealth Elf, Terrafin and the other high-ranking characters shred it. Similarly to Ghost Roaster, however, Bone Crafter has a large edge in PVP over Shade Master. Again, choose based on what you’re using her for. Either way, you won’t be disappointed, Hex is awesome. Superb at PVP.


Medea Griffin is her most unique contribution to the Skylanders, but I just can't shake the feeling that Siren Griffin still does more damage overall, and by itself, than Medea does even with her upgraded babies. This one is sort of a tossup, though.


Ultimate Rainbower contributes another entry to the field of "hurlers," or, "another character that just can't keep up with Boomer at throwing projectiles." Tempest Dragon, on the other hand, is incredible, and leaves a grid of electric destruction in her wake that will shred most enemies. Stronger in PVP than one might think.


If you have findings to the contrary on any of these builds, I would love to discuss. Please don't be shy. smilie

I agree EXCEPT for ... don't have a heart attack.... DROBOT. He belongs in the clockwork dragon. I know everyone says the other path is better. But as a clockworker he kills everything in sight!!! On a separate note, cynder is exactly like zap!! they both have lightning! they both have fast damaging paths! so in my opinion the nether welder path SUCKS!! I like the other one better.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
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