Quote: MonsinourMaybe its the fact that your making your assistance to others public?
I know that my assistance to a forum member has not gone public by my mouth. I also know that without my assistance, this person would not have what they do have ( in a little bit ). I also know that there is more than a fair bit of trust on this persons end and for that I am grateful to have earned that trust. I also know that if it wernt for the assistance of another forum member, this person wouldnt have everything they are getting as well. I am not going to come out and say who or what is happening, I will leave that up to them if they so choose. I will say this, I havent said anything about my assistance as I dont feel it is necessary. I also dont think that anyone involved in this should say anything either as it will seem like a "look what I did. Aint I awesome?!" I know that most consider me an a-hole, and thats fine. It has never bothered me what others think of me. I know the truth, and the people who gain my trust and are apart of my life know the truth.
You deserve what you get for making me read all of those lousy jokes!
I am the person that Monsinour has gone out of his way to help. Astute readers will remember that I made a song and dance about it some time ago, embarassing him slightly at the time.
And, yes, he does
not do it for the glory (not saying that others do but the best charitable deeds are those done by the quiet achievers).
Now all I politely ask is for him to accept the correct reimbursement and not make a loss on the whole thing.