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Everything we know about Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure (17/09/2011) [STICKY] [CLOSED]
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#1301 Posted: 22:21:05 26/10/2011
And that accepted complacency is why I give low marks to Skylanders. Activision believed that because it would be a kids game, they could slack off and give as little effort at possible.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1302 Posted: 22:23:25 26/10/2011
^But Prysom is not a kid, yet ye were suggesting he play the game before judging it. He has his own way of doing it, and it's not going to change. That's the point I'm trying to make. Prysom may call the game good for kids, but on a personal level, he hates it.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#1303 Posted: 22:31:16 26/10/2011
@ Brawler: I must have missed it then smilie . . . Sorry.

@ Prysom: From what I got there, is that Skylanders (in a nutshell) is not your cup of tea. It's not a game that you can see or even willingly want to play. And you provided the reasons why. It's not challenging, it's not well polished, it's messy, it's lackluster, it's too simplistic, it's not develop well enough or it's just not imaginative as it says it is.

To be honest, that's fair. However, there are some players/gamers that are not as hardcore as others. These things that you mentioned are probably things that doesn't bother them, or maybe they don't play games as much and it doesn't come to mind.

I'm the same way when it comes to TLOS. I can't understand how it was so popular, but at the same it just was. . . People liked TLOS. . . why? - I dunno, I guess some people like just seeing things on the surface, and don't bother to dig deeper or look pass that. Maybe they like the idea, or that it made an attempt to take it up a notch and be serious.

Truth is, people like Skylanders, people like TLOS, people like the originals, and people just like Spyro and some people don't like all those things (all at once or individually). The only time when it becomes a problem is when either side doesn't respect them for it. No one likes being disrespected and people have many different ways of handling it.

Above all, I think it just comes down to just respecting others.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#1304 Posted: 22:38:49 26/10/2011
^BINGO. You nailed it.

Kids may like it. I, as a gamer, think it is unappealing due it it's unoriginal and puerile design. Note this game is for people 6-12. I am 18. Ergo, I do not share the same interests as a child. I do not have the phylogeny of a child. I do not have the mentality of a child. I believe effort must be put forth, and that depth must be achieved to separate a game from a sea of doppelgangers. In short, a child would like anything colorful and flashy with some obnoxious aspect. I believe that a game must stand out to receive any praise from me.

In short, Skylanders is good for it's age it targets. It's a vapid, uncreative game elsewise.
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#1305 Posted: 22:49:03 26/10/2011
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I liek the mention of TV show in there. I for one whould not be suprised if Skylanders got a Saturday morning cartoon, maybe made by Nickolodeon since they already collaborated with them for the tour.

Why do we need one? My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has that Spyro feeling.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1306 Posted: 22:49:14 26/10/2011
@Zackeio: From what I could gather, people here were being respectful. I think the problem lied more in not being able to understand each others views fully. But that's been sorted now, I believe.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#1307 Posted: 23:03:25 26/10/2011
^ I hope that's true. However to be honest, I didn't really understand the problem to begin with, and to me it sounded like not respecting others view.

Still, not understanding could be the issue still at large here . . . maybe smilie ?
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#1308 Posted: 23:08:50 26/10/2011
Quote: StevemacQ
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I liek the mention of TV show in there. I for one whould not be suprised if Skylanders got a Saturday morning cartoon, maybe made by Nickolodeon since they already collaborated with them for the tour.

Why do we need one? My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has that Spyro feeling.

No it doesn't. Don't drag any pony crap in this thread.
Read my GB.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#1309 Posted: 23:11:02 26/10/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
^But Prysom is not a kid, yet ye were suggesting he play the game before judging it. He has his own way of doing it, and it's not going to change. That's the point I'm trying to make. Prysom may call the game good for kids, but on a personal level, he hates it.

I never said he was, I was just making sure that we understood each others point of view more clearly.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#1310 Posted: 23:28:48 26/10/2011
Quote: Prysom
And that accepted complacency is why I give low marks to Skylanders. Activision believed that because it would be a kids game, they could slack off and give as little effort at possible.

The fact that you point out that it has little effort is proof that you didn't play this game.

Are you sure you aren't talking about Tony Hawk games?

Quote: sonicbrawler182
^But Prysom is not a kid, yet ye were suggesting he play the game before judging it. He has his own way of doing it, and it's not going to change. That's the point I'm trying to make. Prysom may call the game good for kids, but on a personal level, he hates it.

Few of us are kids, yet we still played the game before judging it.
Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#1311 Posted: 23:56:53 26/10/2011
Quote: Prysom
^BINGO. You nailed it.

Kids may like it. I, as a gamer, think it is unappealing due it it's unoriginal and puerile design. Note this game is for people 6-12. I am 18. Ergo, I do not share the same interests as a child. I do not have the phylogeny of a child. I do not have the mentality of a child. I believe effort must be put forth, and that depth must be achieved to separate a game from a sea of doppelgangers. In short, a child would like anything colorful and flashy with some obnoxious aspect. I believe that a game must stand out to receive any praise from me.

In short, Skylanders is good for it's age it targets. It's a vapid, uncreative game elsewise.

Your basically calling people who like this game "children", I am older then you, I am a gamer and I like this game. Yes its not the most polished game out there and it is aimed for a younger audience but it does not mean that older people can't enjoy it. Look at harry potter, when the first book came out it was all over the news that its was a childrens book that adults liked. I am not saying Skylanders is as good as harry potter but they have put a lot of effort into this game. Yes it has flaws but I have seen MANY a game with more flaws. You have games with not enough content in which this game has a LOT. You see games that lack a decent multiplayer aspect and this game has the right amount (campain play and PvP).

Just becuase you don't like the game does not mean you can go into forums saying "this game is below me seeing as I am not a drooling idiot who likes sunshine and sparkles". Pokemon is aimed at a younger Audience but that has a HUGE adult following for the main RPG games. Kingdom hearts is 70% Disney and childish at times but again that has a huge adult following. I personally think this game is fun to sit around and play with freinds for little while every now and then, it has a few moments where you laugh at how silly it can be but unless the game is blood and gore you have to expect a few silly moments. I don't have a problem with you not liking this game but I do when you try to put down everyone who does play the game and make out they are below you...

and for the record so you know I am a gamer I play: WoW, GW's, Rift, CoD:Black Ops, League of Legends. I own a Xbox 360 with sevral games, I own a Wii with 30+ games, I own an N3DS and DS with over 50 games. I am also planning on getting the new SW's MMO when it comes out. (and I don't play all the MMO's with subscriptions at once, but I do raid high end raiding when I do play them)
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#1312 Posted: 00:06:41 27/10/2011
Now, honestly, CAV. I am 18. You are recommending a game designed for six year olds for me. That's somewhere in the league of educational games and MLP as a video game. Do realize that as much as I deprive myself of hormones, I can think logically enough to see the stupidity at blowing exorbitant amounts of money on a game that couldn't even impress me in an LP.

I mean, come on, if an LP fails to interest me, I won't be any more likely to be interested just because I'm holding the controller! Watching an LP means I can judge when I want, and take breaks in watching. However, even to TEST the game in a store, I have to go out of my way to go to a store, make a complete fool of myself by playing an obnoxious and puerile game, and end up wasting my own time, which you couldn't care less for, on a kids game.

Come on, I'm 18! I don't walk into stores to play any games, let alone one designed for people a third my age! Even watching the LP was painful! If I did the crap you wanted for every game that came out, I'd never be outside stores! Honestly, can't you realize I have to mature eventually, and don't screw around with toys anymore? The closest I get is a Rubik's Cube, but unlike Skylanders, that occupies my prefrontal cortex.

Really, just because YOU are stuck in a puerile phase doesn't mean I have to follow you on that path!
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#1313 Posted: 00:08:12 27/10/2011
Quote: Prysom
^BINGO. You nailed it.

Kids may like it. I, as a gamer, think it is unappealing due it it's unoriginal and puerile design. Note this game is for people 6-12. I am 18. Ergo, I do not share the same interests as a child. I do not have the phylogeny of a child. I do not have the mentality of a child. I believe effort must be put forth, and that depth must be achieved to separate a game from a sea of doppelgangers. In short, a child would like anything colorful and flashy with some obnoxious aspect. I believe that a game must stand out to receive any praise from me.

In short, Skylanders is good for it's age it targets. It's a vapid, uncreative game elsewise.

You're on a Spyro Forum, first of all.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1314 Posted: 00:10:26 27/10/2011
Quote: Prysom
Now, honestly, CAV. I am 18. You are recommending a game designed for six year olds for me. That's somewhere in the league of educational games and MLP as a video game. Do realize that as much as I deprive myself of hormones, I can think logically enough to see the stupidity at blowing exorbitant amounts of money on a game that couldn't even impress me in an LP.

I mean, come on, if an LP fails to interest me, I won't be any more likely to be interested just because I'm holding the controller! Watching an LP means I can judge when I want, and take breaks in watching. However, even to TEST the game in a store, I have to go out of my way to go to a store, make a complete fool of myself by playing an obnoxious and puerile game, and end up wasting my own time, which you couldn't care less for, on a kids game.

Come on, I'm 18! I don't walk into stores to play any games, let alone one designed for people a third my age! Even watching the LP was painful! If I did the crap you wanted for every game that came out, I'd never be outside stores! Honestly, can't you realize I have to mature eventually, and don't screw around with toys anymore? The closest I get is a Rubik's Cube, but unlike Skylanders, that occupies my prefrontal cortex.

Really, just because YOU are stuck in a puerile phase doesn't mean I have to follow you on that path!

...So you say all those teens and adults who like this game need help, and that you are somehow better because you hate it? Because that's what it sounds like.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#1315 Posted: 00:16:01 27/10/2011
I don't understand how you expect to have what you're saying about it being ridiculous to like a game for twelve year olds taken seriously.
It's whatever if you hate it, but you can't tell everyone there's something wrong with liking the game.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:17:14 27/10/2011 by Darby
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1316 Posted: 00:40:07 27/10/2011
And Prysom's gnorced.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Lord_of_Sheeps Gold Sparx Gems: 2352
#1317 Posted: 00:44:53 27/10/2011
Quote: Aura24
And Prysom's gnorced.

Sucks to be him...

But anyways, who wants some cake!
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1318 Posted: 00:49:33 27/10/2011
I'd love some cake.
Lord_of_Sheeps Gold Sparx Gems: 2352
#1319 Posted: 01:04:05 27/10/2011
Quote: IsisStormDragon
I'd love some cake.

Too bad, the cake was a lie.

But we've got pie!
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1320 Posted: 02:06:44 27/10/2011
I like pie.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#1321 Posted: 03:05:14 27/10/2011
Just for when he comes back, I'll leave this here:

Quote: Prysom
Now, honestly, CAV. I am 18. You are recommending a game designed for six year olds for me. That's somewhere in the league of educational games and MLP as a video game. Do realize that as much as I deprive myself of hormones, I can think logically enough to see the stupidity at blowing exorbitant amounts of money on a game that couldn't even impress me in an LP.

Really, just because YOU are stuck in a puerile phase doesn't mean I have to follow you on that path!

Now, honestly, Prysom. I'm 15. I'm not far from your age. I'm suppose to be in a phase where I only play violent video games like CoD, Halo, and GTA, and call any game that isn't rated M/18 a game for babies. Yet I'm perfectly able to play children's games like Mario, Sonic, Skylanders, and Kirby. Hell, you're able to play original Spyro just fine, and that's for the exact same target audience. So what's the problem?

Also, I'm pretty sure you would offend several teen/adult MLP fans with that comment you made there.

And lastly, playing Skylanders doesn't mean I'm in a puerile phase, or that I only play games for kids. Hell, look at my avatar. It's from a game rated M/18+.

And if I'm 15 and am in a puerile phase because I like the game, what does that make the other people on this forum that enjoy the game while being my age, if not even older than you?

What you're doing here is using the age excuse, the same thing Hippo used before having left the site (then coming back).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:07:51 27/10/2011 by CAV
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1322 Posted: 03:14:56 27/10/2011
I'm a teen MLP fan and I'm partially offended by that comment, and it fit well with the rest of that wonderful comment as the icing on the cake, which seemed determined to dismantle and shame anyone who likes something supposedly not their age. :'D Maybe I read into things too much, but yeah.
spyrocynderfan7 Ripto Gems: 783
#1323 Posted: 03:37:12 27/10/2011
I. Hate. MLP.

99% of bronies are furries. (Says the scaly).

But, all I hear is MLP this, MLP that.
I've personally seen one episode, and I hated it. I didn't get the appeal factor at all.

Second, Prysom, what level of Spyro fan are you anyways?

You hate LoS on account of Cynder, whom you wish were dead.
You hate Skylanders, for reasons I have yet to figure out.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#1324 Posted: 03:43:51 27/10/2011

I know several bronies that aren't furries. Sure a good amount of them are, but not 99%......
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1325 Posted: 03:47:16 27/10/2011
99% is ridiculous. -.-; Where'd you get that idea? The very vocal fans that are furries?

Fun fact: Once, someone posted FurAffinity links on Equestria Daily.

They had to change those links to DeviantArt because a lot of people didn't want to look at a 'furry site'.

So where does this '99% are furries' come from? And if you're a scaly, why say it like it's a bad thing?

But this is incredibly off-topic.

Um...I like the 3DS version. It's fun. But no boss fights so far. D:
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#1326 Posted: 04:20:25 27/10/2011
99% of bronies are furries?
I'd say about 20-40 percent.

On an on-topic note, I haven't played the game for a couple days.
Might start again, since my little brother got Whirlwind.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1327 Posted: 05:14:16 27/10/2011
That sounds more accurate.

Whirlwind's fun. smilie
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#1328 Posted: 05:31:07 27/10/2011
Quote: IsisStormDragon
Whirlwind's fun. smilie

Apparently so.
My brother maxed her out in just a few hours.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1329 Posted: 05:31:50 27/10/2011

semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#1330 Posted: 05:33:31 27/10/2011
Quote: IsisStormDragon


It's even easier if you abuse 2-Player Battle Mode, which my brother didn't do for her.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1331 Posted: 05:36:15 27/10/2011
Am I to assume he really likes her, then?
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#1332 Posted: 05:45:22 27/10/2011
Quote: IsisStormDragon
Am I to assume he really likes her, then?

He prefers her because of her powerful attacks, I guess.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1333 Posted: 06:13:31 27/10/2011
Quote: IsisStormDragon
99% is ridiculous. -.-; Where'd you get that idea? The very vocal fans that are furries?

Fun fact: Once, someone posted FurAffinity links on Equestria Daily.

They had to change those links to DeviantArt because a lot of people didn't want to look at a 'furry site'.

So where does this '99% are furries' come from? And if you're a scaly, why say it like it's a bad thing?

But this is incredibly off-topic.

Um...I like the 3DS version. It's fun. But no boss fights so far. D:

@Last line: ..........Seriously?
"My memories will be part of the sky."
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#1334 Posted: 06:50:41 27/10/2011
sooo......why did pyroism get gnorced?
Team Drago
spyrocynderfan7 Ripto Gems: 783
#1335 Posted: 07:08:26 27/10/2011
Fanfiction Forum

"Army of Legend: Army of Chaos" (closed topic)

Page 5 and 6 roughly (while I was writing for my next chapter on that topic, go figure)

99% isn't an actual stat.
When there are a lot of something, I say "99%" or "99.9%"

It's part of my slang vocabularly. When I say that, it's me saying a lot.
I'm surprised nobody has realized that yet. And the fact you guys took it literally just amuses me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:10:54 27/10/2011 by spyrocynderfan7
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#1336 Posted: 08:10:00 27/10/2011
Quote: spyrocynderfan7
I. Hate. MLP.

99% of bronies are furries. (Says the scaly).

But, all I hear is MLP this, MLP that.
I've personally seen one episode, and I hated it. I didn't get the appeal factor at all.

Second, Prysom, what level of Spyro fan are you anyways?

You hate LoS on account of Cynder, whom you wish were dead.
You hate Skylanders, for reasons I have yet to figure out.

I watched one episode of MLP. Hated it. Thought it was terrible- laughable, even.
Gave it another chance and watched more episodes. Got hooked and now have a Pinkie Pie sitting on my desk!
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#1337 Posted: 10:32:25 27/10/2011
People, keep the pony talk away from this thread. I'm getting a little ****ed right now due to people talking about it so much on here. -__-
Read my GB.
Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#1338 Posted: 12:29:07 27/10/2011
Ahhhh thats why people like Whirlwind so much then, She is 99% Pony all she is missing is hooves.....
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:29:28 27/10/2011 by Quikwix
PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#1339 Posted: 13:35:22 27/10/2011
Why in the hell are people comparing to Rainbow Dash with yet another video game character? Seriously, you bronies make me sad. -__-
Read my GB.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#1340 Posted: 13:38:04 27/10/2011
^Because............they both shoot rainbows?
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#1341 Posted: 13:50:11 27/10/2011
What's everyone bickering about now?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#1342 Posted: 13:57:53 27/10/2011
^ Rainbows is today's bickering topic as it seems. Be here tomorrow while we bicker about how marshmallows are too sticky when you use them for smores.

But seriously, it's just that some people are tired of hearing MLP being the "plague of all forum talk" so to speak.

Anyway, it would appear the 2nd wave of toys will becoming out as early as NOV 15 or as later as DEC 24.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#1343 Posted: 14:53:57 27/10/2011
All you need is some poptarts and you have Nyan Cat Fever.....someone should put Whirlwinds head on the Nyan Cat....and post it here
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 13997
#1344 Posted: 15:20:14 27/10/2011
The website of the creators of the Beginning trailer has a slightly extended version containing Cynder.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12840
#1345 Posted: 15:54:28 27/10/2011
That's cool. Makes me wonder who voices her.
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#1346 Posted: 16:03:09 27/10/2011
Video won't play for me...?
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#1347 Posted: 16:19:07 27/10/2011
smilie x smilie = New OTP.
Visit me and stuff.
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#1348 Posted: 17:33:07 27/10/2011

i...liked the show....

does that mean i am a furry?
Team Drago
PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#1349 Posted: 18:09:42 27/10/2011
Quote: LyraDragon

i...liked the show....

does that mean i am a furry?

No. It makes you a brony instead. Which, in my personal opinion, is alot worse than being a furry.
Read my GB.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#1350 Posted: 18:22:03 27/10/2011
Quote: dark52
The website of the creators of the Beginning trailer has a slightly extended version containing Cynder.

Huh. . . kinda a shame that they weren't able to show the whole thing on TV.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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