Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA^I agree. I wish someone would fix her and give her a flat chest, black scales, and red wings and belly, like she should be. It's not that Cynder's there that bugs me, it's the perve bait on her front.
I want to see her catchphrase/story, just to see how bad they made her. My god, could you imagine if they made the mistake of giving her a catchphrase like 'Let's do it!' ?! I mean really, boob-ish scales and bad color is fail enough, but to give her a saying that is often associated with physicality?!
'Let's do it'? Come on, SpyroLUVA, that's not even a Skylander-like catchphrase to match her powers.
It doesn't have to be. Let's do it could be taken to mean that one is eager to begin, a suitable saying for one who must save a world, so long as they don't attract wierd people already, given the other meaning of the phrase.