Think I'll add my spin on a few things:
Quote:It's because it made Spyro turn into the exact opposite to what he was meant to be.
I personally don't like TLOS because it's just brainless, repeating button mashing. It's easy, too easy. At least I actually got stuck in the originals because I didn't know what to do at certain points. But TLOS has no puzzles, so it's easy to get from one area to the next.
The developers decide what Spyro is meant to be, not the fans.
And there is no such thing as a button mashing game, just button mashing players. And the Classics didn't have any real puzzles, but LoS actually had quite a lot of puzzles. The DS version of ANB has 80 mirror puzzles to complete, and they get pretty tough.
To anyone who is gonna say that LoS is repetitive, both series' are as repetitive as each other. Not to mention that the attempts at variety in the Classics weren't always very good. Technically, LoS is actually less repetitive, when you actually do your math. Classics have some repetitive gameplay and repetitive, recycled storylines(Not to mention that Spyro 1 and Spyro 2's storylines are very similar to their Mario counterparts. Actually, Spyro 2's storyline is similar to two Mario games, although one of these Mario games was released after Spyro 2). LoS only has some repetitive gameplay, but the storyline is always different and actually feels like a continued storyline.
Quote:Giving it a 9 is one thing. Giving it a 9 just because the main characters got older is unjustified.
I think I read that review. I don't think he gave it a 9 because they were older, but he gave it a 9 and just mentioned that he liked the fact they were older as a "side" thing. But if he did give it a 9 simply because they were older, then it was unjustified.
Quote:I love AHT, but I don't understand how all of the reviews I've read mention NOTHING about the DoTD storyline. Really.
I have actually seen quite a few reviews that talk about the storyline, but to your dismay, GamingMaster_76, they quite liked the story! Some of them went into detail, some of them effectively said "this game has a nice story that will keep you interested". The only reviews I have seen that talk negatively about the story were those by raging Classic fans, usually on this site.