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New Spyro game? [CLOSED]
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#3051 Posted: 23:24:35 03/01/2011
She's not funny.... I never laughed at her once in DotD, and most of the time I just wanted her to shut up because she never had anything interesting to say. She's a deep character, but not really deep enough if we can see what she'll do.

The thing is though, when people complain, it could be that a change is needed. You like Cynder as she is, which is fine, but the reality is that many people don't, and it's unfair to say that people are 'blind' to see it, as the same could be said about you for not seeing things in a different light.

And no, right now, people consider the game sexist - Because the only female in the game is.... Well, Razz has been over that so many times to people it's beyond a joke smilie
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3052 Posted: 23:30:36 03/01/2011
I see flaws in Cynde's character, but that makes her a better character all around, because if she were perfect, she'd be a Mary Sue. And I know for a fact many people have missed things in her character, that I have noticed.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#3053 Posted: 23:33:36 03/01/2011
I would love it if you could point out the flaws, in your eyes, for Cynder. Not as a 'because there aren't any', but because I would genuinely like to see the flaws.

Deep down, I want to like Cynder in all her forms. I do, so badly. But it took me over 2 years just to like her evil form, let alone any other form smilie
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#3054 Posted: 23:37:47 03/01/2011
Quote: Spyroo
She's not funny.... I never laughed at her once in DotD, and most of the time I just wanted her to shut up because she never had anything interesting to say. She's a deep character, but not really deep enough if we can see what she'll do.

The thing is though, when people complain, it could be that a change is needed. You like Cynder as she is, which is fine, but the reality is that many people don't, and it's unfair to say that people are 'blind' to see it, as the same could be said about you for not seeing things in a different light.

And no, right now, people consider the game sexist - Because the only female in the game is.... Well, Razz has been over that so many times to people it's beyond a joke smilie

“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#3055 Posted: 23:54:32 03/01/2011
Quote: Spyroo
She's not funny.... I never laughed at her once in DotD, and most of the time I just wanted her to shut up because she never had anything interesting to say. She's a deep character, but not really deep enough if we can see what she'll do.

The thing is though, when people complain, it could be that a change is needed. You like Cynder as she is, which is fine, but the reality is that many people don't, and it's unfair to say that people are 'blind' to see it, as the same could be said about you for not seeing things in a different light.

I think I laughed once at her jokes in DotD. Then again, that's the only time I laughed period other than when my brother would screw up and it's funny.

Cynder does need a change, and an anti-hero personality would be great. Or a personality that says "I don't give a crap about anyone and I'm off to kick some ass", like Ironhide in G1 Transformers, Alex Mercer of Prototype, and to a lesser extent, Razz's character Specks.

But at the same time I get where Sonicbrawler is coming from. Odds are that they would rip off the anti-hero characteristics from someone like Shadow the Hedgehog, or a spiky haired preteen angster from a lame RPG. That's what Brawler is talking about, and I would fear this along with him. We don't want her to be ripping off a character to the point that she's more bland than she is now.

Cynder is one of my favorites in video gaming. But when something is wrong, I'm not afraid to call it out, and Cynder has a personality problem. But at the same time unless this mystery developer gets the anti-hero look right, what she has now will have to suffice. ESPECIALLY if the developer of SK ends up being EL again. Then you know that she'll remain the same.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:55:07 03/01/2011 by CAV
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#3056 Posted: 00:35:13 04/01/2011
I don't like how she got a personality change. She was all sweet in TEN, but then she turned into a sassy, sarcastic b**** in DOTD, and I'm a person who likes characters who have a sharp tongue, so it's rare for me to say that I don't like someone because of his/her snappy personality. Her jokes aren't even funny. Throughout the whole game, Cynder is constantly giving Spyro and everyone else around her snappy remarks, yet everyone still loves her. Spyro randomly loved her, even though he hasn't been with her long enough to like her, so much that he'd rather the world fall in chaos than let Cynder turn evil. She's all perfect, always the one with the plans, the main character liking her, everyone forgiving her so easily, having a dark past (most Mary Sues have this, probably to make people feel sorry for them), all her signs of guilt are gone, she has rabid fans all around her, she's all skinny with a large chest. I could go on and on.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#3057 Posted: 01:00:53 04/01/2011
Well, I perfer sassy sarcastic *****es since it's funny. She wasn't very funny, but it was better than the stereotypical damsal in distress that she was painted out to be in TEN.

so much that he'd rather the world fall in chaos than let Cynder turn evil

Very true. Sure, care so much so she doesn't turn evil. That's fine, but if the world is about to be destroyed in favor of a new one and everybody is going to die, it won't matter much if she stays the way she is because you'll all be dead.

She's all perfect, always the one with the plans

This was once again better than the damsal in distress type that she was in TEN. It was nice to see her actually try to take charge, rather than just sit there and watch Spyro do everything.

she's all skinny with a large chest.

No comment. *guilt*
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#3058 Posted: 01:03:23 04/01/2011
They messed up her personality a bit in DotD.. Just the fact that the change was so sudden. But I don't think her "jokes" were meant to be laughed at. I never laugh at any jokes in any Spyro games, Old or New (With the exception of some of ANB's Sparx jokes smilie). I don't even see them as jokes. Just sarcastic remarks. They just gave her a sarcastic personality to try to light things up, which is how I saw it, and maybe to make you smile, but not laugh.
spyro14ever Green Sparx Gems: 374
#3059 Posted: 01:18:58 04/01/2011
I'm thinking of finally buying DotD... will I like it if I liked ANB and disliked TEN?
Dawn of the Dragon is the best Spyro game since the original trilogy.
Better? No.
Awesome? Yes.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#3060 Posted: 01:27:04 04/01/2011
Even in such a negative moment, she had no choice but to make a sarcastic remark. I like characters that do that, and even I do that. At my own mother's funeral I couldn't help but make some smart-alec remarks that got more laughs than glares. It was to brighten the mood, even though I felt terrible inside.

I can't really tell you if you'll like DotD or not. It's a very mixed crowd.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#3061 Posted: 01:28:04 04/01/2011
DotD, to me, is either one of those you love it or you hate it games. I love it, despite it's flaws, others hate it. You'd have to see for yourself.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#3062 Posted: 02:16:01 04/01/2011
That's better worded than how I said it.
Epic7 Red Sparx Gems: 25
#3063 Posted: 02:23:18 04/01/2011
Quote: spyro14ever
I'm thinking of finally buying DotD... will I like it if I liked ANB and disliked TEN?

I liked it
I got the password to my old account. I am Spyro_987
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3064 Posted: 11:56:02 04/01/2011
OK, I'm a little late....I was typing this last night but got cut off from the internet. Here's my take on it in a long pointless post....smilie

I thought she was quite funny in DotD. There was one joke that made me think of Irish humour for some reason!smilie
She's not outright hilarious(that's Sparx's job!smilie), but she's the "subtle, smart" kind of funny, and usually makes me say "ha, good one!".

If you think about it, she is already half anti-hero. Anti-heroes tend to scold the main hero, and Cynder scolded Spyro sometimes in DotD. The main reason I don't want her to become a total anti-hero is because - as CAV said - it happens ALL THE TIME! I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan, but even I can admit that it's annoying the way there is usually a character who is good, and all of a sudden turns into an anti-hero or bad guy in nearly every game. And it's not just Final Fantasy I see it in. Even Avatar, that blockbuster movie, has it. Also, they have spent three games building up SpyroxCynder, and for Cynder to just not really like Spyro all of a sudden would be just weird, if not stupid. Also, hasn't her alignment changed enough already? First she's evil, then she's good, then you can't tell, then she seems bad but is actually good, then she's most definitely good again, but then she's corrupted and now she's good AGAIN!!!! Not to mention that in the GBA version of TEN, we are lead to believe she is brainwashed for the whole thing. Seriously, I'm suprised it hasn't become an inside joke, like Sparx's voice over changes....

Cynder is also one of my favourites, and I can think of flaws in her character, but they make her a more balanced, and therefore, interesting character. I don't think her personality is the problem - it's the fanbase. You've got so many people asking for so many things from one character, that people don't know what to choose. Which is why her personality shouldn't change, but develop, and yes, there is a difference. If her personality stays basically the same, but develops, then people will like the steady character development, and haters will just get tired of asking her to change to their liking, and move on. If you keep a character consistent, they will have a consistent, larger fanbase. If you keep changing them, then smaller groups of people will like them, but everyone else will be arguing over which personality they would like, which is most likely identical to a favourite charcter of theirs. Different people will like and hate the character with different "versions". You know, it's ironic - people were, scratch that.....people ARE complaining about her "personality change" from TEN to DotD, and now they are asking for one?....seriously, let's not start a cycle between each game....I can see it now...."THE CYNDER CYCLE!!!"(In case you don't know, it's a joke relating to "The Sonic Cycle")

Also, I'm sick of having to say and read "ANB Cynder, TEN Cynder and DotD Cynder". Cynder is Cynder to me, the same character with the same personality across all three games. Yes, she was corrupted in ANB, but was still the Cynder fans know and love deep down. I don't want to start seeing "SK Cynder"....

Sorry for that long post that nobody will read, and if anybody does read it, they will probably bash me. I just had to let that out. I could go on all day, but I just punched myself in the face and said "OK, that's enough for now....."!smilie

Hope I don't come across as an example of a "Cyndork", whatever that even means(must make me sound nooby)!smilie.......

*shot 100 times with a mini-nuke launcher for this post*
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#3065 Posted: 15:32:08 04/01/2011
Well I read that, and I agree on some points. /brick'd

To add to the fanbase, you also have the screaming Cyndorks that give the character and the Spyro fandom at large a bad name. If the fans would stop going rabbid on people, Razz would still be making Spyro art, the fanbase would be larger, there would be no fights between Classic and LoS, and the games would be more likeable. All of this happens because a few people decide to scream about a character. The same can somewhat be said with the Sonic fanbase. /double brick'd

And people are requesting too much when it comes to personality. People saw ANB's personality and thought it could use a change. TEN changed it, and people thought it was too bland, and I agreed on this. They change it AGAIN for DotD, and she went through more mood changes than a pregnant woman going through mood swings. And people still complain. Sometimes I think the world only wants to complain. I complain and rant several times, and I hope to make a career out of ranting, but even I know when enough is enough, and this is enough. You are asking for several personality changes, and 10 years from now when you look back at it you're going to think that they changed too many times, and you would be the ones to blame. If you want an anti-hero even though it's been done several times, either ask them to make a new character, or try to get hired for developing the game, and make Cynder the kind of anti-hero that nobody has ever seen before. Make her stand out from the Shadow the Hedgehogs and the Dantes and the Final Fantasies and the Kingdom Hearts. /triple brick'd

And the reason why we say ANB Cynder, TEN Cynder, and DotD Cynder is because of all the personality changes she went through ALREADY. We don't want to have to label several Cynders depending on what game she was in that she had certain traits that are in question. So let the personality develop, and see where it goes there. /quad brick'd

I'm not being a Cyndork, nor am I being a Classic Nazi, yes I call it that (5x brick'd) I'm on the fence here, looking at both sides of the situation, and giving my two cents in both this post and my previous one. I would like to see Cynder as an anti-hero, but it would require ANOTHER personality change, and it's near impossible to do it without ripping somebody else off, ESPECIALLY when Activision is in charge. If they can pull it off, that's fantastic, and that would give me more reason to have her as one of my favorites. But there's nothing we can do that won't lead to more complaining. /6x brick'd

having a dark past (most Mary Sues have this, probably to make people feel sorry for them), all her signs of guilt are gone

I almost forgot to mention this. Anti-heroes have the dark pasts and end up being emo. If you are complaining about it, then why would you want it to be more obvious? /7x brick'd

And if you haven't really noticed, she doesn't show signs of her being bugged about it, with the exception of TEN. And you also say that her signs of guilt are gone. So if she isn't guilty about it anymore, then why mention the dark past? She didn't care anymore, so it wasn't really a characteristic in DotD more so than it was in TEN. /8x brick'd

You contradicted yourself twice in that statement. And don't think I'm calling this out simply because of who we are aruging over. Regardless of who we were discussing, I would've called this out. /9x brick'd
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:37:58 04/01/2011 by CAV
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3066 Posted: 15:51:54 04/01/2011
The only form that I liked Cynder in was in ANB, in her evil form, and I liked her voice over for it too. The rest to me, suck.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3067 Posted: 17:24:51 04/01/2011
@CAV: Exactly! I mean, do any of you ever wonder why I often bring up Sonic in Spyro discussions? The Sonic franchise, and even the character himself, has gone through the EXACT same situation, but has recovered. Sonic has gone through tons of changes as a character, and it took them a while to get it right, but they got it right in Sonic and the Secret Rings, and his personality hasn't changed since - just gone through subtle developments. The problems with Sonic's personality prior to Secret Rings? Well....

Sonic Heroes - He was like frickin' Barney here....
Shadow the Hedgehog - A bit too cocky in a corny way. Other times, he was just boring.
Sonic Rush games - He had almost no personality, and was a bit like Barney here too.
Sonic 06 - He rarely even smiled.....he was practically love sick the whole game.

And now...
Sonic and the Secret Rings and onward - Has an attitude of a reckless surfer dude, but it isn't very heavy or forced, and he is also shown to be quite caring, but not obligated to be the hero.

So.... do you want Cynder to go through the same phase? And just to point out, Sonic's personality was just like it is now in the Sonic Adventure games......but they thought they'd try CHANGE his personality, rather than develop it. Right now, they've got, at leadt, a solid, likeable, and relatable personality for Cynder. There are a couple of little flaws, but they make her an "imperfect character" i.e. NOT A MARY-SUE! And if these flaws are to be eliminated, they don't need to change her - they should just make subtle developments to her. In fact, the thing she needs most is more screentime. We haven't even seen enough to pass her off as completely bad. She had a solid amount of screentime in DotD, due to the "part destiny story, part redemption story" concept, but the game was still mainly about Spyro, as it was The Legend of SPYRO trilogy, not the Legend of Spyro and Cynder. Some people seem to think that they should go back to the Classics and leave Legend alone, seeing as the trilogy is over, but remember - the trilogy was meant to be about Spyro's origins and destiny, so now that the trilogy is over, I think it would be wise to expand on OTHER characters and their relations, rather than just dump this new universe. This could also go for gameplay, not just story.

If anyone here wants to see Cynder as an anti-hero, write a fanfic or a comic, because honestly, only YOU can make the character great in your eyes if you don't already like her. Activision WOULD make Cynder like Shadow or someone like that if they made her an anti-hero as they would look at popular anti-hero characters, and copy and paste their personality onto Cynder. It has happened twice in the Spyro franchise already.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:45:23 04/01/2011 by sonicbrawler182
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3068 Posted: 17:44:27 04/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
@CAV: Exactly! I mean, do any of you ever wonder why I often bring up Sonic in Spyro discussions? The Sonic franchise, and even the character himself, has gone through the EXACT same situation, but has recovered. Sonic has gone through tons of changes as a character, and it took them a while to get it right, but they got it right in Sonic and the Secret Rings, and his personality hasn't changed since - just gone through subtle developments. The problems with Sonic's personality prior to Secret Rings? Well....

Sonic Heroes - He was like frickin' Barney here....
Shadow the Hedgehog - A bit too cocky in a corny way. Other times, he was just boring.
Sonic Rush games - He had almost no personality, and was a bit like Barney here too.
Sonic 06 - He rarely even smiled.....he was practically love sick the whole game.

And now...
Sonic and the Secret Rings and onward - Has an attitude of a reckless surfer dude, but it isn't very heavy or forced, and he is also shown to be quite caring, but not obligated to be the hero.

So.... do you want Cynder to go through the same phase? And just to point out, Sonic's personality was just like it is now in the Sonic Adventure games......but they thought they'd try CHANGE his personality, rather than develop it. Right now, they've got, at leadt, a solid, likeable, and relatable personality for Cynder. There are a couple of little flaws, but they make her an "imperfect character" i.e. NOT A MARY-SUE! And if these flaws are to be eliminated, they don't need to change her - they should just make subtle developments to her. In fact, the thing she needs most is more screentime. We haven't even seen enough to pass her off as completely bad. She had a solid amount of screentime in DotD, due to the "part destiny story, part redemption story" concept, but the game was still mainly about Spyro, as it was The Legend of SPYRO trilogy, not the Legend of Spyro and Cynder. Some people seem to think that they should go back to the Classics and leave Legend alone, seeing as the trilogy is over, but remember - the trilogy was meant to be about Spyro's origins and destiny, so now that the trilogy is over, I think it would be wise to expand on OTHER characters and their relations, rather than just dump this new universe. This could also go for gameplay, not just story.

If you want to anyone here wants to see Cynder as an anti-hero, write a fanfic or a comic, because honestly, only YOU can make the character great in your eyes if you don't already like her. Activision WOULD make Cynder like Shadow or someone like that if they made her an anti-hero as they would look at popular anti-hero characters, and copy and paste their personality onto Cynder. It has happened twice in the Spyro franchise already.

The Spyro franchise sucks now anyway.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3069 Posted: 17:45:58 04/01/2011
The franchise doesn't but the fanbase kinda does.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3070 Posted: 17:48:13 04/01/2011
They are both as bad as one another. They should have just left it with YOTD.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3071 Posted: 17:49:18 04/01/2011
Yeah, but then the fanbase would be dead by now.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3072 Posted: 17:51:22 04/01/2011
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#3073 Posted: 18:07:49 04/01/2011
^That made me smile, even though it shouldn't smilie

But eh. Nothing will change my opinion right now of Cynder, because I have yet to hear anything that makes me think any different. If anything, reading these huge paragraphs just makes me turn off (no offense guys, you're just stating your opinion and all).

Let's get off the subject of Cynder, seeing as she has yet again derailed another topic.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3074 Posted: 18:19:40 04/01/2011
We are on topic - discussing possiblities for the New Spyro Game.smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3075 Posted: 19:16:17 04/01/2011
Yeah, and Cynder somehow magically infests it, lol, like she is some sort of disease.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3076 Posted: 19:35:16 04/01/2011
No, she's just a big/major part of the games now. It's only natural she would come into discussions about a new game.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#3077 Posted: 19:36:24 04/01/2011
Yeah. We've discussed a lot of things about the new game, and of course one of the major characters is going to be discussed
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3078 Posted: 19:38:10 04/01/2011
We never really discuss anything else though. It always seems to be about Cynder's personality most of the time.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3079 Posted: 19:39:16 04/01/2011
No, that only popped up yesterday actually.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3080 Posted: 19:39:58 04/01/2011
Whatever then, I've been seeing it for weeks now.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#3081 Posted: 19:44:44 04/01/2011
That's because everyone complains about Cynder's personality.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3082 Posted: 19:45:36 04/01/2011
In this topic, we haven't even been discussing Spyro full stop for a while, it was always Non-Spyro stuff.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3083 Posted: 19:46:24 04/01/2011
It's wonderful isn't it? More like boring, lol.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3084 Posted: 19:47:19 04/01/2011
Nah, I've been enjoying it!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3085 Posted: 19:48:03 04/01/2011
You enjoy anything, lol.

EDIT: What would you guys think if the next Spyro game was randomly set in 'AHT', and Spyro and Ember were rulers of the kingdom, my reaction would be "Urgh"! What would yours be? smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:08:01 04/01/2011 by SuperSpyroFan
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#3086 Posted: 20:09:09 04/01/2011
Uh, Super, Ember fell in love with Bandit the armadillo in Shadow Legacy.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3087 Posted: 20:11:14 04/01/2011
Well I haven't played 'SL', smarty pants, smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3088 Posted: 20:12:00 04/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I see flaws in Cynde's character, but that makes her a better character all around, because if she were perfect, she'd be a Mary Sue. And I know for a fact many people have missed things in her character, that I have noticed.

Mary Sue, reminds me of the Buddy Holly song, Peggy Sue.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#3089 Posted: 20:12:45 04/01/2011
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Well I haven't played 'SL', smarty pants, smilie

I was just pointing out that out to you.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#3090 Posted: 20:14:46 04/01/2011
I know, but what if they did do that anyway, and ignored 'SL'.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#3091 Posted: 20:16:46 04/01/2011
Fans would be confused, and probably frustrated. Heh, Ember as Spyro's mate/Queen?.. o.o
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#3092 Posted: 20:17:26 04/01/2011
Quote: Spyroo
But eh. Nothing will change my opinion right now of Cynder, because I have yet to hear anything that makes me think any different. If anything, reading these huge paragraphs just makes me turn off (no offense guys, you're just stating your opinion and all).

It's nice to know that me and Brawler here worked our asses off writing huge paragraphs to get you guys to stop complaining about personalities by saying how the problem can be fixed. We finally get a solution that can work, and you turn around and don't give it another thought, which is why when someone complains about this same subject I'll be more than glad to quote these essays in a form of "I told you this already".

Nice to know that what I typed doesn't mean a thing. Really helps solve the problem at hand.

Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Yeah, and Cynder somehow magically infests it, lol, like she is some sort of disease.

Not really, seeing how she's bound to be in the game.
(if Activision keeps to it's "LoS or nothing" motto)

Quote: Darby
That's because everyone complains about Cynder's personality.

And me and Brawler tried to fix that, to no avail apparently.
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#3093 Posted: 20:19:48 04/01/2011
Because everything you have said HAS BEEN SAID A MILLION TIMES BEFORE.

Some of us are just sick of reading the same thing over and over again like all Cynder fans are parrots.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:47:49 04/01/2011 by Spyroo
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#3094 Posted: 20:22:29 04/01/2011
I don't see anything wrong with what CAV and Sonicbrawler said. Of course, they can't change Cynder's personality as it is, or your opinion on her personality as it is for that matter, but they tried to show a personality that would maybe make people give her a second chance. And Cynder fans aren't parrots. People who dislike her repeat themselves all the time, so it's unfair to put the blame on Cynder fans. CAV and Sonicbrawler aren't the type of Cynder fans that made Razz think she should leave the Spyro fandom, just so you know. The rabid fans that obsess over her Cynder art that yell at her are the ones that did.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:23:44 04/01/2011 by Darby
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3095 Posted: 20:23:32 04/01/2011
I was speaking from a neutral, critical standpoint.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#3096 Posted: 20:24:14 04/01/2011
That's fair enough. But I've seen these reasons over and over again, and I'm sick of them, really. Just because I didn't want to read them again, and it annoys me when people expect others to.

It was the attitude that annoyed me.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:28:01 04/01/2011 by Spyroo
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#3097 Posted: 20:30:38 04/01/2011
Quote: Spyroo
Because everything you have said HAS BEEN SAID A MILLION TIMES BEFORE.

Some of us are just sick of reading the same thing over and over again like all Cynder fans are parrots. It's an attitude like that which made people like Razz give up on the fandom.

Like Brawler here, I'm sitting on the fence, stating flaws that can't be changed, and flaws that can be fixed.

And if you read the whole post, I noted the Cyndorks as being one of the key factors to all the problems that the games and fandbase has today.

And when I need to be serious, I will be serious, even if I come off as a bastard in it. Everybody has the bastard or ***** within them; it can't be helped.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:32:03 04/01/2011 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3098 Posted: 20:31:40 04/01/2011
Sorry for that long post that nobody will read, and if anybody does read it, they will probably bash me.

What was that about expecting to read?smilie

And I never see others compare Sonic to Spyro/CYnder the way I did......and I've read a bunch of rants and what not....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#3099 Posted: 20:32:01 04/01/2011
Then I do apologise, I misread.

I've just been in a bit of a bother on another site with a Cynder fan who's clueless (and really does think she's perfect) and I guess I'm taking it out on any Cynder fan, sorry.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3100 Posted: 20:35:26 04/01/2011
That's alright.

And fudge it, I'll say it...
You know the way you said you're trying to like Cynder? Don't......if you don't like her, you don't like her. I tried to get myself to like Soccer for years, and it just made me unhappy.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
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