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Why does everyone say Ripto died in 2? [CLOSED]
PyramidHead316 Red Sparx Gems: 35
#1 Posted: 05:50:07 01/06/2007 | Topic Creator
Whenever I read reviews about this game, one of the complaints is that Ripto died in the second game. It really makes me wonder. Are there so many people out there who haven't seen the epilogues you get with the skill points? It's not like they're hard to find. There's at least a dozen places online listing all the skill points.

If it were only Spyro 2 where he's mentioned, I might understand. But then he appears in YotD as well! Both he and Gnasty Gnorc are mentioned in the epilogue, debating a solution to "the Spyro problem".

This game has a lot of problems, but I don't think having Ripto alive is one of them. Unless you see it as a matter of them reusing an old villain rather than taking time to come up with a new one.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#2 Posted: 10:23:01 01/06/2007
The thing is... they don't show anything other that Ripto sinking in the lava. At least in YotD, they showed a quick clip of the Sorceress surviving the lava... but not for Ripto... so it technically wouldn't make sense that he somehow appeared again. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10869
#3 Posted: 00:02:16 07/06/2007
You've got to remember that there are many airhead gamers reviewing games and those airhead gamers usually don't bother to play the games they're reviewing to total end. So you don't have to take all the world's faults on your back because lousy reviewers should do it. smilie
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#4 Posted: 09:07:16 08/06/2007
The epilogues are non-canon. It is the same with all the epilogues seen in the Crash Bandicoot series.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#5 Posted: 18:45:45 12/06/2007
I mentioned in the Spyro Adventure Forum how Ripto keeps on coming back after 'dying'. In Spyro 2, I mentioned the wand that Ripto dropped into the lava just before he died turned the stuff to orange juice...
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
spyrolifacent Fodder
#6 Posted: 20:15:50 12/06/2007
he died and was resorrected
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#7 Posted: 08:13:51 20/05/2008
He is a Zombe than if he ceeps on coming back to life!
The Doom Song
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SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#8 Posted: 16:19:43 21/05/2008
The reason that I think everyone thinks Ripto died in Spyro 2 was because of the fact that he fell into the lava below and appeared to have died (like said above). And while he was in the lava, like Ross said, he lost his magic wand, the only source of energy that could've saved him from dying and being able to come back again in other games. It just didn't make any sense to why he would be still alive. Which leaves gamers with these questions: So if he was "dead" in Spyro 2, then how did he survive the hot lava? Did he cast a spell previous to the battle that would make him come alive again, knowing that he was going to probably die battling Spyro? Or did he just loose a "life" like Spyro does when he "dies", after which he was able to come back again? Like I said, there's too many things out there that the gamers left unanswered when they brought Ripto back to the series.

Side Note: My theory onto why they brought Ripto back was because the game designers probably had a hard time coming up for possible new bosses for Spyro to face. So, to avoid having to make a new boss, they brought back an old one from the Insomniac series that players could battle again. The only problem was that they got a lot of questions from gamers around the world onto why Ripto was back, and how it was possible he had survived the hot lava from Spyro 2 (since Insomniac made a pretty clear statement as to whether or not Ripto was alive or not at the end of this game).
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dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#9 Posted: 11:57:44 26/10/2008
What is said about Ripto in the Spyro 3 epilogue? Does he appear himself?
spyro22 Green Sparx Gems: 300
#10 Posted: 16:34:31 26/10/2008
well it dose say gnasty gnorc and ripto cosolt eachother in the year of the dragon im nto shure the exact phrase so i gess it dose make sense to have him in the game
Young dragon all our hope now lies with you When you wake up it will be a different world But know this you are not alone you have allies
spyro_madgirl Blue Sparx Gems: 594
#11 Posted: 22:08:54 26/10/2008
It's just a very slim chance that anyone would survive sinking into molten lava...

Mind you, this is fantasy land. smilie
Selene101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#12 Posted: 15:51:06 30/12/2008
Quote: Ross
In Spyro 2, I mentioned the wand that Ripto dropped into the lava just before he died turned the stuff to orange juice...
How could Ripto burn in orange juice? In the scene where he sinks, there is a little bit of fire, and a sizzling noise. Orange juice doesn't do that.
Dark Cynder_27 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6041
#13 Posted: 07:14:51 09/01/2009
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#14 Posted: 23:10:45 31/01/2009
I guess he was just fragged, hm? Bowser in the Mario games drowns in lava and comes back.
claw Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#15 Posted: 11:45:06 05/05/2009
maybe the robot pteranodon burned himself in lava and helped riptosmilie

No signature for you!
claw Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#16 Posted: 11:47:35 05/05/2009
i mean pteranodon DONT BURNED IN LAVA.
No signature for you!
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#17 Posted: 03:01:43 10/05/2009
Quote: Cynder_543
He is a Zombe than if he ceeps on coming back to life!

You know, I was only joking when I said that. smilie
The Doom Song
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SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#18 Posted: 09:41:47 07/06/2009
I'll go jump in a vat of lava, see if I survie smilie
Garn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#19 Posted: 15:21:52 10/06/2009
Do that and I will give you 5 buck's.
What do you mean I'm not kind? I'm just not your kind.
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#20 Posted: 03:55:57 25/06/2009
FOR GOODNESS SAKE!RIPTO DIDN'T DIE IN WINTER TUNDRA!His main ability in Avalar was FIRE!He shot FIRE out of his wand,FIRE is the main element in Gulp's battle,Some of the orb's in the Winter Tundra Battle were FIRE!It's make's sense why he survived!He obviously fell into the lava,swam out of the arena,found his wand,brought back Crush and Gulp,found Spyro's location,crashed the party,and then eventually FINALLY DIED!!!
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#21 Posted: 03:29:47 11/07/2009
I may be wrong, but here's what it all looks like to me.

The epilogues in RR and YotD weren't really part of the game stories. They were fun, silly things to reward the players and often didn't really match up with the game stories themselves. Insomniac does this with most of their games (there is something similar in the Ratchet and Clank games, certainly).

For example:

The RR epilogue says Spyro lost his chance with Elora, but we see her very clearly giving him another chance in YotD. That same epilogue also shows a lot of characters behaving out of character just for the sake of having some fun.

The most reliable source of game story material is, naturally, the game itself, especially the parts of the game that everyone can play. All of the real story plot ideas are revealed in-game, whereas the epilogues were really just for fun.

As far as the average player is concerned, Ripto fell into the lava and that was that. Even a number of people who did see the epilogue (myself included) didn't take it seriously. So, naturally, the very first thing most people say when they play EtD is "Huh. What's he doing back? I thought he died."

And, depending on how you feel about EtD and Ripto, that can be either good or bad. smilie
boyfriend spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 911
#22 Posted: 00:56:54 21/07/2009
I don't think Ripto ever did die.
Wait, what?
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#23 Posted: 15:54:11 25/07/2009
where is this Epilog how do you get it?
jimmy dragon Ripto Gems: 841
#24 Posted: 10:33:39 10/08/2009
Quote: PyramidHead316
Whenever I read reviews about this game, one of the complaints is that Ripto died in the second game. It really makes me wonder. Are there so many people out there who haven't seen the epilogues you get with the skill points? It's not like they're hard to find. There's at least a dozen places online listing all the skill points.

If it were only Spyro 2 where he's mentioned, I might understand. But then he appears in YotD as well! Both he and Gnasty Gnorc are mentioned in the epilogue, debating a solution to "the Spyro problem".

This game has a lot of problems, but I don't think having Ripto alive is one of them. Unless you see it as a matter of them reusing an old villain rather than taking time to come up with a new one.

Ripto placed a spell on himself so that if he fell in the lava he would survive.
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#25 Posted: 16:54:08 10/08/2009
I think Ripto died, it was just the fact that the group that made ETD were too lazy to make up a new villan.
spyro_madgirl Blue Sparx Gems: 594
#26 Posted: 21:19:11 05/09/2009
Somehow, that little guy can survive lava. So they brought him back in this excuse for a game and absolutely ruined him. smilie
undertow25 Green Sparx Gems: 324
#27 Posted: 18:45:32 13/09/2009
Quote: SD-King
FOR GOODNESS SAKE!RIPTO DIDN'T DIE IN WINTER TUNDRA!His main ability in Avalar was FIRE!He shot FIRE out of his wand,FIRE is the main element in Gulp's battle,Some of the orb's in the Winter Tundra Battle were FIRE!It's make's sense why he survived!He obviously fell into the lava,swam out of the arena,found his wand,brought back Crush and Gulp,found Spyro's location,crashed the party,and then eventually FINALLY DIED!!!

Ignitus's element was fire and he still died...

You could be killed in the game by jumping in lava even though Spyro breathes fire so I don't see how that works...

I do believe the developers were too lazy to come up with a new villain so they just went with Ripto. I guess they tried to pull a Mario, but it just didn't go well..

Or like someone said, maybe Ripto had lives like Spyro smilie
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 04:13:54 18/09/2009 by undertow25
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