Name of story
Please put game in italics!
Post it in chapters. No more than 10 chapters per story please, no inapropraite material! No off topic stories, other charecters can be focused on, but the adventure must be about Spyro, but he can have his friends with him. Don't steal others ideas! Put the copyrights below like above, and put it in the bullet! You may link to pictures to go with your story, but again, nothing inapropraite! Please remember that this is for fun. Post all chapters as replys to the one before, donot, unless the writer says so, continue their story, if they want it to be that way, they must say so, and state it like this:
Name of story
Then, at the bottom of the story/chapter write: next: user name of next writer the one who started the story must finish it! And, to comment on a story, comment on their profile. If you need to ask me anything, put in on my profile. Thanks!
Enjoy writing! And you'll see some of my writing too!