darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Cyber Wire (future fantasy) (OPEN)
Yellow Sparx
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#201 Posted: 00:56:02 03/08/2015 | Topic Creator
hmmmm accepted, could you post a link to the description of your characters race in case anyone is curious. thank you.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Blue Sparx
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#202 Posted: 02:28:35 03/08/2015
Hyena taps Joker on the shoulder, "Is there any further need for me today? If not I'll wait at home until we get another call."
Genbu nods, "Same for me. It seems things have wrapped up."
Turtle Power. |
Yellow Sparx
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#203 Posted: 02:33:09 03/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"If you want to head out you can, but we will be regrouping or another mission soon, i got you on speed dial"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Blue Sparx
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#204 Posted: 02:39:23 03/08/2015
Genbu nods. He banishes his armor and presses a button on his watch.
Hyena shrugs and crawls on top of the truck, "If we are going on a mission soon, I'll just stay. No reason to go."
Turtle Power. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#205 Posted: 03:13:01 03/08/2015
"I'll see see ya later Genbu" Life said nodding his head at him and doing a short salute with 2 fingers.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Emerald Sparx
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#206 Posted: 03:53:26 03/08/2015
TAD turned to the bus, "My weight is too much for the bus," TAD marched over to the bus, extending its legs all the way out so that its head could pier over the top, "I shall keep up, my maximum speed is 43 kph, but with the correct propulsion system usage, I will stabilize out at 58 kph."
Clair tucked her hand up behind her head, "And I'm grown right back in with the nut crew it would seem," she commented approaching the bus, "Don't ask too much from me though, you know what I'm best at, and nothing more," she dropped her arms as she jumped up into the bus, flipping a few switches on the dashboard as she entered, not really noticing she did, for it was a habit as a tech junky she just could help herself from touching things.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Emerald Sparx
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#207 Posted: 04:00:32 03/08/2015
V1RUS followed the others quietly, his glowing cloak flowing with his movement. Apparently there was more to this mission then stated in the message. He stopped before he got to close to the bus. "I don't do so well on vehicular transport." he said quietly, taking a sharp inhale through his mask.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#208 Posted: 05:15:00 03/08/2015
"Well nor do i or, but its safer then running through the streets or atop rooftops" Life said to V1RUS trying to comfort him.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Gold Sparx
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#209 Posted: 05:57:05 03/08/2015
Demitri was picked up by PSYC0 who carefully put her inside the bus having a bit of trouble getting himself inside the bus doors.
Yellow Sparx
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#210 Posted: 17:42:36 03/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"we cant risk you being seen TAD, the bus can hold you but it would be noticeable... if you can stay hidden all the better but keep close enough to the bus that we can cover you if you get spotted" looking at claire "I remember claire, you act as if your not a little nutty yourself,"
looking at virus "its a short ride, just outside city limits, dont worry... try to contact your team on the way. but dont get them here yet." putting his mouth up to his wrist "we have the Unit heading back to outpost 2 now." going in the bus himself he motions to life and Clair "we have to try and fix up Dimitri, shes both biological and mechanical, no one better than you two, Greese monkey keep eyes on TAD if he goes down your the man to fix him." Greese monkey laughed a bit and said "aye sir" joker thought to himself... "gotta bee a bit crazy for this line of work.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#211 Posted: 19:46:14 03/08/2015
"Aye boss." Life replied to Joker and then looked over at Clair "My names Life, pleasure to meet ya. I would shake hya hand but we gotta get to work" he then turned to Dimitri and PSYCO and said "Hello, i'm Life" he said rubbing his hands together and then asked both "Mind if i lay my hands on ya, Dimitri?"
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:49:21 03/08/2015 by Knight Wolf
Gold Sparx
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#212 Posted: 20:19:53 03/08/2015
PSYC0 growled lowly standing in front of Demitri. Demitri chuckled. "I dont think you should be asking me." She said.
'I dont like this guy.' PSYC0 told demitri knowing life could hear him.
Blue Sparx
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#213 Posted: 20:29:02 03/08/2015
Hyena chuckles, listening to the commotion from the roof, "Watch out! He'll eat ya face! Hehehahaha!"
Turtle Power. |
Yellow Sparx
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#214 Posted: 22:29:46 03/08/2015 | Topic Creator
joker laughed as he went to the back of the bus, his insane laugh soon showed why he was called 'joker' coughing himself back to composure, "psycho, I know you care for Dimitri, more than anything in the world, but she needs help, if she keeps bleeding like this her biological bits wont hold up for much longer... her heart still beats, her brain still needs blood, in that way... shes still human"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#215 Posted: 23:44:05 03/08/2015
"PSYCO? Can i please? If ya want i'll show ya wnat i'll be doing by touching boss man. Hes got a few cuts on him i can use to demonstrate. If ya'll let me Boss?" he asked looking at the cuts on Joker.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Emerald Sparx
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#216 Posted: 02:51:51 04/08/2015
Clair hopped up and bounded down to the group closer to Dimitri, "Androdic parts are tricky," she pulled up her pantsleg to show her old school steam style limb, "But nothing I ain't use to," she then turned to an overhead bin that was just behind the driver seat to pull out a tool box. She also pulled down a larger silver case, "This bad boy is for the serious business, never know, better stay ready," she plopped the silver case down on the seat across from Dimitri, "Alright big boy, why dontcha go naw on a bone while we fix up your friend here," she leaned onto a seat back as she flipped a wrench around in her hand.
TAD pointed out to some of the buildings along the road, "The parking garages are secluded hiding places that connect almost everywhere. I will use those to the best of their provided cover," TAD then walked by the door, "Joker, you underestimate me already it would seem," the legs shank down again to make the bot 5' 7". "You only got lucky in numbers, the authority units will not have the element of surprise."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Gold Sparx
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#217 Posted: 05:04:40 04/08/2015
Demitri looked at clair. "Its different then that.. If you want to fix any of my robotic parts you have to cut open my skin. My father had a sick sense to bring me back. I died once and so he skinned my body and placed it over a robotic replica.. Geneus but a murderer if you asked me. Thats why he is six feet under now.." She spoke. "PSYC0.. Joker is right. Stand aside." She said her eyes flashing their red glow. He cowered a bit and laid down grumbling a bit. "Just a warning. I still have a few nerves so i feel pain. If it hurts to much ill probably sock you in the arm..." She said to Life before looking back to clair. "And FYI he doesnt chew on bones... He chews on people and metal scraps." She chuckled.
Yellow Sparx
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#218 Posted: 13:11:58 04/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Joker looked up at TAD "underestimate? no, just worried" looking down at the three "Life should be able to soothe the pain, if it doesnt work... feel free to sock who ever you want." looking at the clair and life "be careful, shes important... but life... i would appreciate if you healed my cuts, small inconveniences and all that."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Gold Sparx
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#219 Posted: 15:59:51 04/08/2015
Ally had formed in his site and was sitting a few chairs away next to PSYC0. "What a wonder on engineering.. One brain shared between two... Its amazing." She said softly looking back at Joker. "Your vitals are stable and your healing well with out any help though i assume since you are human the cuts are an inconvenience." She added.
Emerald Sparx
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#220 Posted: 22:07:45 04/08/2015
Clair nodded, "We shouldn't have to cut you up to fix yah. If we need to get under your skin," she then pointed at the silver case with her free hand's thumb, "That's what big boy is for. You'll better understand it if we have to pull it out. Hopefully we wont have to though," she stood all the way up and made her way around to the other side of Life with her box, "Now, what artificial parts need fix'n from my loving hands?"
TAD made its way toward the parking garage, "You needn't worry about me, if I am spotted and/or attacked, it will only weaken your so called enemy."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#221 Posted: 03:26:53 05/08/2015
Life stood up and touched Joker on one of his cuts "This will sting a little. Instant healing isn't painless" He said as the cuts on Joker started to close up and his skin was growing back. "By the way, if ya ever need to contact me, just send it to my ear piece" Life said as he tapped it with his right hand while his left was now on his fully healed cut.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Blue Sparx
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#222 Posted: 08:17:04 05/08/2015
Hyena yells, "ARE WE THERE YET!?"
Turtle Power. |
Gold Sparx
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#223 Posted: 18:22:55 05/08/2015
Demitri cringed at his yelling. "Can you be quiet?" She asked her tone rather annoyed. "Youd think being someone who can hack would have some patience."
Yellow Sparx
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#224 Posted: 19:20:56 05/08/2015 | Topic Creator
joker sighed with relief, "thanks but hurry, we will be there soon, (like next three posts) try to get everything done that you need to before we get there... we have more recruits."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#225 Posted: 19:41:28 05/08/2015
V1RUs had latched himself to the back half of the bus, standing solidly on the bumper and using small electromagnets to hold onto the side. Cramped spaces were where he was most uncomfortable. That happened in a small cramped vehicle such as this. He didn't want another tragedy to happen.
His intercom whined back on, irritated grumbles echoing into his head. "So, you decided to turn your beacon back on, huh?" Sarah said in anger. V1RUS sighed and drummed his fingers against the metal. "Please Sarah. You know that I wouldn't disappear if I knew there was danger." His voice was continually flat. He probably looked slightly insane, talking to himself. Sarah sighed as she heard Marcus's voice tune back into her radio. It was a relief to have communications with him again. He may be strong, and constantly adapting himself to be stronger, but he was still human at heart. She knew that the past still haunted him. She had to sound angry at him though, not sad and worried like she was. She felt like she succeeded, he actually showed some emotion. "Could you just tell me where you are going now? Your beacon is moving too fast for you to be on foot." There was silence again, and her overhead blipped the schematics of the vehicle he was on. "A VX-27 transit bus? I didn't know they made these anymore." She said with a quiet gasp. She wanted one for herself, since they could be fitted to be military-grade armored vehicles. Marcus's gravely voice sharply tuned in again. "It's not new. Probably from the original line. Whoever maintains this vehicle has adapted it quite a bit." Stars were in Sarah's eyes. Someone else who had the idea to weaponize one. She had to see it. V1RUS could almost hear Slag's obsessive thoughts about the vehicle he was attached to, and he rolled his eyes. "The leader said for you to come to the location once we reach it. It seems like there is a large rendezvous." He said, glancing past the bus to look at the road ahead. He was about to continue, but was cut off by Sarah. "I will be there immediately after you send me that signal. Oh I can't wait!" She sounded delighted. "Plus you sound like you need a tuneup Marcus. Your filter sounds rough." He groaned at her, the idea of being "unshelled" not a pleasant one on his mind. "See you there." He said, turning comms off again.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap |
Emerald Sparx
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#226 Posted: 20:53:59 05/08/2015
"Alright, I'm going to need your help, so stay focused please," Clair waved to Dimitri, "What do you know is broken, out of place, or otherwise damaged?" She stood with her free hand up on the ceiling hand rail, and her wrench hand resting on her hip.
TAD took many turns and inclines as it kept sight of the bus. Finding the only optional path to proceed was to enter a multi-level garage, ending up on a floor two stories above the road. Luckily this floor was least used by the occupants, must be either a hotel garage or a multi-establishment parking space that is currently relatively empty.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Gold Sparx
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#227 Posted: 22:45:59 05/08/2015
"Through system checking my fluid levels are low.. Reaching danger points... So piping and veins are cut... My left shoulder and arm are damaged in the joints wiring and circuitry. " Demitri said moving a bit flinching as she laid so that clair could see her left side.
Emerald Sparx
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#228 Posted: 03:13:44 06/08/2015
"Right, I'll start with your shoulder, just let me know if you locate those leaks," Clair leaned in to get a better look at the shoulder in question, "Knocked a screw loose, might have caused some tube severing. Shoulder plate is a little dented, no doubt from hiring the ground. From this," she slide her fingers lightly over to Dimitri's collar bone area, "Some displacement of a neck plate," she sighed standing back up and putting her wrench hand up to her shoulder, "You have a break in your skin here," she circled the outerside of her own shoulder to demonstrate, "And up here," she slid over to the side of her neck, "There is no opening, but the impact pushed some parts out of place, giving some parts a good bend in them," she dropped her arm, "And that's where I might have to use my Auto Magnetic Inhibiting Reconstruction Device," she then pointed to the silver case once more, "I call it Amy for short, but for now I'll get your shoulder out in its proper position, give ya a new screw, and even add a new flexy-socket since yours may be damaged. It's some top quality stuff, tested it myself," she clanked the wrench against her retro mechanical hip.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#229 Posted: 04:55:28 06/08/2015 | Topic Creator
joker listened to the talking in the bus and saw the turn coming up he stood leaning on the seat next to PSYCHO for some reason his dangerous appearance didnt frighten him,
hes already been near death he touched his eye remembering the pain he went through that made it a requirement, something he didnt ever really want. "shes going to be ok you know" joker said to psycho trying to get his own mind off of things, as well as put psycho at ease.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#230 Posted: 05:17:46 06/08/2015
i"I can handle all the cuts ya got" Life said as he rubbed his hands together to make them warm and then carefully grabbed her arm "Want any scars? Cause i can give ya some over the cuts" Life said jokingly and before he began he said once more "Remember. this will hurt, especially more than usual with all the cuts and bruises ya have" and then closing his eyes, he started to heal Dimitri.
Lifes healing abilitys were not without pain. With smaller cuts you could feel a slight pain like a small, tiny needle had just been stabbed into place, but with bigger and bigger wounds it took a lot more time then smaller wounds and the pain was a more stretching and burning pain as the skin and/or whatever else got destroyed healed and recovered to its original state, which was sorta like multiplying, as if the skin cells, organ cells, or blood cells were reproducing quickly hence the burning pain, and then spreading out to fix the damaged area, hence the stretching pain.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Gold Sparx
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#231 Posted: 06:13:43 06/08/2015
Demitri gasped feeling the pain. She gritted her teeth digging her fingers into the seat of the bus.
PSYC0 made a slight whimper as Life tended to the cuts. "Will you people... ngh... make up your god d***ed minds on how your gonna fix me?!" She snapped. She squeezed her eyes shut doing her best to endure the pain. Tears dripped from her eyes but she kept as much composure to keep from crying out. "i so get to punch you when this is over." she said hints of pain in her voice.
Yellow Sparx
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#232 Posted: 17:55:00 06/08/2015 | Topic Creator
joker crouched down by Dimitri "you can punch everyone on the bus if you wanted to." he said with full sincerity. he got up and looked out the window, city streets had turned into country roads and a barn was coming up the road quickly. "Were here" he said quickly he looked at the AI that was projecting from his eye. "we will have some service Android units at the base, there hard-light models so you can take any outward form you'd like to be presented as" as he packed up his area he tapped on his pad as they pulled in on a metal platform, it started descending into the ground "Welcome everyone, back to base" he looked at his pad once more "we have a little surprise were adding to the team, three more, two of them are known as Black-cat and Alpha, the other is a secret, but lets just say its a big 'drop' from grace."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Gold Sparx
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#233 Posted: 19:35:35 06/08/2015
Ally smiled. "thank you victor." she said softly.
Demitri managed a shabby smile at Joker before he looked out the window. PSYC0 moved and after Life had finished the healing process of Demitris organic parts he got off the bus and carefully reached back in and picked up demitri placing her on his back where she would be safe and free to look around without much movement. 'I feel like a sack of potatos right now PSYC0...' She told him getting a slight chuckle from PSYC0
Emerald Sparx
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#234 Posted: 20:56:26 06/08/2015
"Hey," Clair followed shortly after PSYC0, "I've got those flexy-sockets up in my workshop, I'll just use Amy to adjust your neck plating," she approached steadily as she tucked the wrench into her belt, "Whenever you feel up to it of course, just let me know," she gave a thumbs up.
TAD was just behind the bus, coming into the new location, the AI visually scanned everything, getting exact increments of its size, shape, and inhabitants, "This hide out will provide sufficient cover. In case of emergency, I will learn this structure and provide accurate data on every possible escape route, holding point, and stand off location strategies," the AI said through the small speaker that was just under the mouth location of the head component.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#235 Posted: 05:43:28 07/08/2015
Life said to Dimitri before stepping out of the bus "Go Ahead and punch if ya need be. I Can just heal it!" He said smiling with a chuckle as he slipped 2 gloves out of his left pocket and putting them on. Then turning towards TAD he asked "Know where i can find the bathroom?"
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:44:31 07/08/2015 by Knight Wolf
Blue Sparx
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#236 Posted: 06:01:29 07/08/2015
OCC: I may drop.
Turtle Power. |
Emerald Sparx
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#237 Posted: 03:48:44 08/08/2015
OOC:you haven't even started man!
TAD turned to Life, "I cannot currently tell you such information. Until I have been to said location myself, I will not have a recorded position," the legs slimmed the body down some, "You misunderstood me, my scanning is just visible surface area, not X-ray or sonar scanning." Clair tapped TAD's side with her wrench, lightly of course, "But I can fix that if it is acceptable by the head honcho."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Blue Sparx
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#238 Posted: 19:17:44 08/08/2015
OCC: What do you mean?
Turtle Power. |
Yellow Sparx
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#239 Posted: 04:53:13 09/08/2015 | Topic Creator
(why you wanna drop man? If you do ill always have a spot for you, I like your characters and I like you as a roleplayer. so do what you have to do but PM me first lets talk about it. see if we can fix what problems are here)
Joker looked around and nodded at Ally, he put the chip in an android and took out his eye, "hate this thing" he said attaching it to a charger looking up at TAD "this place is quite large, ittle take time." looking at the top of the bus "Hey Hyena, ill get you a drink sometime, youve earned it" looking at psycho and Dimitri "reaper will want to meet you, but first I think you guys earned some rest and fuel, whatever form that might take" looking at life and clair "you guys did well, very well, thank you both... and Clair, i think you should try to keep your head down until this blows over."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#240 Posted: 08:40:37 09/08/2015
Clair flung her arms up, "Like I'm the one always running out into the danger zone. I'm not the one who likes getting shot at, ok," she replied, tapping TAD again, "C'mon," her arms dropped to her hips as she gave the big bot a grin, "I'll show you around the best I can. I haven't really been around here for a while myself."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#241 Posted: 04:31:50 10/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Joker grimaced "thats not what I meant" he exasperated "clair, er, I dont want you to end up being one of us being shot at, your one of our best undercover agents, and we essentially destroyed your post at the old warehouse..." he put his mask down revealing his face "I know you dont want to get shot at, and I cant even fathom what id do if you got injured during one of our jobs." he looked down embarrased.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#242 Posted: 07:13:20 10/08/2015
"Well, if ya guys are planning to go on another dangerous mission might was well stick round and wait for someone to get a bullet to the head" Life said taking a look around "Got a barn or someplace empty round here?" Life asked.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Gold Sparx
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#243 Posted: 17:50:28 10/08/2015
PSYC0 lowered himself to the ground letting Demitri carefully slide off. She stayed close to PSYC0 though just in case she collapsed or something. She looked over at clair and called to her. "Ill find a place to wait till your ready to do what ever." She said before walking over to an empty-ish area that she figured her and PSYC0 would be out of the way.
Yellow Sparx
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#244 Posted: 00:08:50 11/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"top side, but ill message you when the meeting starts" Joker said to life he started towards the briefing room and kept his pace steady talking to a few people here and there on his way.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#245 Posted: 02:06:16 11/08/2015
Clair found Joker's response a little confusing, "Wow, have I been gone that long that he's forgotten how to tell when I'm serious and when I'm not," she tossed her wrench up and caught it a few times as she stood in thought, "Ah, he'll get use to me again soon," she started walking toward the back of the room, heading for a set of double doors, "Alright, uh... Hmm... What do you call yourself?"
TAD had followed the human girl to the other side of the room, "I am Zexu, an AI constructed for military use. Issued to this suit for individual operations. It has been formally known as T.A.D., or just 'Tad." "So it's Zexu, then?" She pushed through the doors, allowing anyone on the other side to pass through if need be. "Yes, or TAD. I will answer to either."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#246 Posted: 04:59:56 13/08/2015
"Well i'll just go take a look around then, and i'll try not to mess with things" Life said as he started walking off to explore "Call me when your ready or someones hurt!"
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Yellow Sparx
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#247 Posted: 17:00:11 13/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Joker walked to the briefing room it was empty but a screen was one it was a skull on the screen a sign that reaper was on "youve gathered the team I see," the voice warble was on and it was obvious that reaper was serious, to not even let Joker hear his voice. "get them in here as soon as possible im sending a mass message, the drop will join you, and two others women, both races are rare, and there skills are absolute, they are needed. I have sent them the message to come here, they will know where to go, as for the drop, make sure you use his skills to the best of all your abilities." everyone got the message to meet in the briefing room a picture of a skull flashed on their screen with the words "synced" on them everyone was connected now, they were a team "your new cells code name is, Jester, I expect a lot from you all."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Yellow Sparx
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#248 Posted: 17:22:45 13/08/2015
"The Drop" people would whisper as he made his way down the hall. his heavy footsteps echoing down the hall and into every listening ear. he was a titan of a man, standing at 8 feet tall even. but those who whispered his name new not to go by his size alone. right now he wanted to get noticed, right now he wanted to get seen. its when you cant find him that there is an issue. 57 missions ended with him coming home. 57 times the drop wasn't seen. everyone in the hall backed up and move away as best they could allowing for as much room as possible between them and the drop. the last person to stand in his way was the jekel, a undercover agent for scy-tech. he was blown to bits, and vibrated into oblivion. "Yes Reaper... I understand." he finished talking with his employer. never once saying what it was that reaper wanted only that "The Drop was needed.
Check out my RP The Cosmic Heart //forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=120065: behold the power of the gods *hiss hiss* |
Emerald Sparx
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#249 Posted: 04:59:23 14/08/2015
TAD halted, "We are needed in the board room," it notified Clair before they could get too far. Clair didn't carry a device herself, it would just end up broken anyway, "The one known as Reaper, demands our attendance," it turned around, "I will accompany you, if only to map out this facility more."
Clair hopped up onto TAD's back, "Well then it looks like you're carrying me then," she put her wrench into her belt where I slid down until the large end wedged to a stop, "Onward. To the briefing room, awayeyey," TAD marhced on without question of the woman's actions.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#250 Posted: 05:59:34 14/08/2015
Life recieved the message through his earpiece and started off for the board room and walked slowly in.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
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