

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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State a fact about the next user! [CLOSED]
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2251 Posted: 22:27:56 05/12/2013
Nope. *killed by everyone ever* D':

The next user is female.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2252 Posted: 22:29:08 05/12/2013
Edit: Oh my god mega ninja'd smilie I'm crying. Yep I'm female.

The next user is playing a game?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:43:52 05/12/2013 by crystalhero37
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#2253 Posted: 22:32:38 05/12/2013
If you count dS as a game.......
The next user is a blue sparx or higher!

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2254 Posted: 22:34:09 05/12/2013
Yellow FTW >:3

The next user is going to college?
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#2255 Posted: 22:44:13 05/12/2013
Way younger
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2256 Posted: 22:45:06 05/12/2013
Ninja'd, and nothing for the next user? :<

The next user has laughed so hard a gif that they cried?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:45:41 05/12/2013 by crystalhero37
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2257 Posted: 22:46:40 05/12/2013
Quote: crystalhero37
Edit: Oh my god mega ninja'd smilie I'm crying. Yep I'm female.

TorchSheep: The next user is female.

crystalhero37: Yep, with cheese. >:3


- - -
Once smilie

The next user likes Maths.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:47:27 05/12/2013 by TorchSheep
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#2258 Posted: 22:48:17 05/12/2013

Next user prefers Cheese piza over Pep
My life is complete.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2259 Posted: 22:49:48 05/12/2013
Yesss.. smilie

The next user is a plastic bag flowing through the wind.
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2260 Posted: 22:51:04 05/12/2013
How didya know!? *flys away*

The next user likes Katy Perry?
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2261 Posted: 23:03:44 05/12/2013
More of a fan of JonTron's vers- *Brick'd

The next user has seen the Pokemon Advanced series?
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2262 Posted: 23:06:23 05/12/2013

The next user prefers OSTs to actual songs? smilie
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2263 Posted: 23:08:18 05/12/2013
Yes :3

The next user has purchased the Pokemon X and Y soundtrack?
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2264 Posted: 23:24:13 05/12/2013
No, but I listen to the trainer theme like every other day. smilie Love that track. <3

The next user visits dS daily.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#2265 Posted: 23:27:26 05/12/2013

The next user is on a tablet.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2266 Posted: 23:28:22 05/12/2013
Was a few hours ago XP

The next user has seen Kirby: Right Back At 'Ya?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:28:45 05/12/2013 by crystalhero37
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#2267 Posted: 00:36:02 06/12/2013 | Topic Creator

The next user is expected to see a cold front tonight. (around 30 degrees possibly... burr)
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2268 Posted: 00:42:30 06/12/2013
Not sure :S

The next user likes mint?
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#2269 Posted: 01:09:17 06/12/2013
Nope. Sorry for not putting a fact

The next user has an avatar that is 100 x 100 pixels or less.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Riku-sempai Platinum Sparx Gems: 5783
#2270 Posted: 02:15:33 06/12/2013
How'd you know?

Has a beautiful personality.
Hesitant Captain, it's too late to turn back around. The party is waiting and leaving this earth is such a beautiful sound.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#2271 Posted: 02:22:24 06/12/2013

Next user watches Cartoon Network/Teletoon

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#2272 Posted: 02:22:42 06/12/2013

The next user is very happy?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:23:25 06/12/2013 by thumper
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#2273 Posted: 02:48:09 06/12/2013

the next user plays video games.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#2274 Posted: 02:49:12 06/12/2013 | Topic Creator

The next user wishes they had a new computer.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#2275 Posted: 03:04:22 06/12/2013

The next user exists
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#2276 Posted: 04:03:53 06/12/2013
Whaaaa????? HOW'D YOU KNOW?????!!!! Omg, guys, psychic!

Lol, um.....The next user likes puppies
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2277 Posted: 07:44:54 06/12/2013
Yeah, a little bit. smilie

The next user is thirsty?
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2278 Posted: 08:33:23 06/12/2013
Not really smilie

The next user likes thunder storms?
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12555
#2279 Posted: 08:37:43 06/12/2013
YES! We had one last night.

The next user is excited for Christmas.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2280 Posted: 08:48:32 06/12/2013
Yes smilie

The next user has their house decorated with Christmas stuff?
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#2281 Posted: 12:34:46 06/12/2013 | Topic Creator

The next user ... has posted in this thread before.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2282 Posted: 12:57:33 06/12/2013

The next user has had a Chimchar before?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#2283 Posted: 13:13:14 06/12/2013

nextu user has seen an Fennec fox
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2284 Posted: 13:30:51 06/12/2013
At the Zoo ^w^

The next user has curly hair?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#2285 Posted: 13:32:35 06/12/2013
<< >> nope

Next users is a monkey.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#2286 Posted: 13:37:04 06/12/2013
im not a monkey but i can do the DANCE MoVE

The next user is hyper today?
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#2287 Posted: 15:54:46 06/12/2013
Yep! @3@

The next user wants to ride a the back of a giant kitty! >:3
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#2288 Posted: 15:57:24 06/12/2013
Who doesn't want to?

The next user would love nachos.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#2289 Posted: 00:37:07 07/12/2013 | Topic Creator

The next user wishes peoples' avatars were real.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#2290 Posted: 03:29:24 07/12/2013

The next user likes Mr L from super paper mario
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#2291 Posted: 05:29:10 07/12/2013
idk who he is but me likes mr t

The next user has a devaintart account?
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#2292 Posted: 00:03:17 08/12/2013
No, I cant art for my life

The next user eats cookies
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#2293 Posted: 00:07:09 08/12/2013 | Topic Creator

The next user has eaten a cookie within the last 48 hours.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7596
#2294 Posted: 00:09:08 08/12/2013

Next user has posted in this topic before.
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#2295 Posted: 00:42:59 08/12/2013

The next user is a human being
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9503
#2296 Posted: 00:58:58 08/12/2013
Imma fox :3

The next user likes horror games.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#2297 Posted: 01:13:07 08/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Does Dead Space count?

The next user is obsessed with a certain animal/creature.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#2298 Posted: 01:32:38 08/12/2013

Next User has an avatar they got off Google Images

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#2299 Posted: 01:38:11 08/12/2013 | Topic Creator

The next user can see something red.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9503
#2300 Posted: 01:49:22 08/12/2013
A box.

The next user has homework they should be doing.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
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