You can use the cheats but not all of them.
Big head and 2D-Spyro doesnt function
I found a way to use Sparx to find gems.
Push in the left stick until it clicks, Sparx points out the missing gems.
Emerald Sparx
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#151 Posted: 21:32:03 01/12/2018
Quote: XSparxX
I found a way to use Sparx to find gems. Push in the left stick until it clicks, Sparx points out the missing gems.
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Blue Sparx
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#152 Posted: 01:11:31 02/12/2018
Sorry, but Gulp is definitely not hard to beat like some people were claiming. Maybe it’s just me, idk.
Emerald Sparx
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#153 Posted: 01:12:33 02/12/2018
I just found that now.
Now if only I could finda way to keep the superflame on... (I know in Dragon Shores it's available.)
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Blue Sparx
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#154 Posted: 02:12:25 02/12/2018
The fodder in Shady Oasis could possibly be the most annoying thing in this game!
Diamond Sparx
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#155 Posted: 03:10:21 02/12/2018
okay so Crush and Buzz were much harder than I expected
Also did anyone else get stuck on that little platform right next to/below the island in Autumn Plains where the Icy Speedway portal is? There's supposed to be a whirlwind, but not for me that time, I had to kill myself to respawn into the level :/ |
Emerald Sparx
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#156 Posted: 15:23:57 02/12/2018
Funny thing, in Aquaria Towers there is that challenge to find the King's children, it's listed as 4-star difficulty, but it was quite easy for me to complete.
And I still keep losing to Gulp.
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Platinum Sparx
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#157 Posted: 00:07:26 03/12/2018
I've been playing Spyro 2 and been loving it so far, but one thing I noticed in Shady Oasis is that it seems you can't feed the enemies the apples anymore? Or at the very least it's harder to. One of my strongest memories of spyro 2 is dropping down apples to the enemies and watching them eat them, it didn't do anything, it was just fun watching the enemies scarfing down the apples, but I haven't been able to get it to work in the remake. I'm not sure whether it was the same way in the original, but in the reignited version you can't drop apples after the hippo has already eaten them, so the only way to drop extra apples is to get there before the hippo, which you can do some areas, but it's hard to do in the spot where I used to be able to make the enemies eat them. It's the long hallway bit where the tree is on the upper level to the right, there's an enemy right below it. I've tried a few times to get there before the hippo to see if I can do it, but they keep beating me there, and you have to exit the level to try again which is kind of a pain, so I've only tried a couple times. It's possible that maybe I'm remembering wrong and you did have to do something similar in the original, but I haven't played the ps1 versions in a while so idk.
Anyway it's a totally minor detail, but I'll still be kinda bummed if they got rid of it, it was a cute lil interaction. Edit: found a video of it, looks like in the original you could drop apples after the hippo left, but you can't in reignited :( In the video they're using the superflame to do it, but I don't think it mattered in the original.
"Was it a hot ghost?" |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:29:10 03/12/2018 by Dragons-go-hrr
Platinum Sparx
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#158 Posted: 00:36:29 03/12/2018
I don't know if any of you keep up with Spyro speedrunning, but recently, Crush and Ripto skips were discovered in Spyro 2 Reignited. If people can discover Gulp skip, it pretty much makes the Spyro 2 Reignited Any% speedrun similar to the original game, in that the only required Talisman is Glimmer, and the only required Moneybags ability is Swim. It's crazy how this happened so fast.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Emerald Sparx
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#159 Posted: 20:35:42 03/12/2018
That whale at Evening Lake, the TfB guys really messed that up.
Gave him pants? And those ugly teeth...
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Hardback247 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1074 |
#160 Posted: 20:48:24 03/12/2018
Quote: Archae
Not to mention that he ALWAYS swallows you up, even after you already received the egg inside him. |
Diamond Sparx
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#161 Posted: 21:09:48 03/12/2018
Quote: Archae
TfB didn't work on Spyro 3, Saranza Games did.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that |
Yellow Sparx
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#162 Posted: 05:27:27 04/12/2018
Aaaaalright, so at this point I'm over 50% of the way through the series (120% on Spyro 1, 50something% on 2, and like... 5% into 3 lol, I wanna play in order but I had to at least see what the first YotD homeworld looked like). So I can't speak in depth on all of 2 or 3 yet but I have some thoughts.
For me one of the biggest unexpected pros is the music! Which I didn't expect. I thought I'd hate the Reignited OSTs because I adore the original ones so much, but actually, I really really loved the tone and atmosphere that the Reignited OSTs created for the level. They felt more natural, like they were made to fit the new game. That being said, in terms of casual listening for fun (which I do indeed do with the Spyro OSts), I still way way way prefer the original. It's like, the new OSTs feel like remixed or edited versions of the original meant to enhance the game atmospherically, but they aren't as good as stand alone compositions imo. There's some design changes I really dislike, but I can't be too angry about most of them since a lot of the time they aren't anything I can say are "bad," just, like... different than how I always imagined them. I miss the way Spyro turned all red when the faeries kissed him because I thought it was really cute, like he was blushing! But the new powerup skins are SO pretty I can barely complain at all. Overall I haven't completely despised most designs and I absolutely adore the new dragon designs, I'm completely in love with how much they differentiated every one and made them so clearly have special roles from each world and everything. I also love the level redesigns so far. Everything looks so nice; it seriously looks like how I saw it as a kid. Some of the levels are genuinely beautiful too, especially Night Flight which I thought had a breathtaking sky (which is ironic, since Night Flight is one of my most despised levels since I am absolutely horrible at having to be that accurate LOL). Controls are good overall, I had an unreal amount of trouble at first with EVERYTHING, I legit felt like I'd never played Spyro before when I first started the game and I lost a million lives over extremely easy glides I couldn't make, but I got the hang of it and now it feels super smooth and is just generally really fun. Part of this also just has to do with my own age though, I played Spyro mostly as a really little kid so I had a lot of memories of finding certain things IMPOSSIBLE, and going back now as an adult to play is way way easier and things like a lot of super difficult Spyro 2 minigames are way less annoying and way more fun now haha. It's been so long since I played Spyro 2 that I haven't really noticed any major changes in cutscenes or anything even though I know that's a major complaint, although I miss the funny little sound the monks made when they chanted in Colossus. Hands down the funniest change to me personally is Bombo/Bob. I'm Arab myself and that whole level is kind of a mess in terms of, ah... political correctness towards Arabs? I say that lightly though, I always loved Scorch and had a ton of fun playing it now, it's just mega funny to me that their idea of changing the level to be more appropriate/socially acceptable was simply changing Bombo's name. Also, holy cow, Zephyr's enemies feel wayyy more aggressive. The whole level had a real "on the front line of a battlefield" vibe that made it surprisingly intense. The weakest design for me by far is still Sheila. I really really dislike that hair and waistline lol. But I haven't gotten to play as her yet, so I'm hoping that at least gameplay wise she's still fun and she looks okay in action. I've barely played anything of Spyro 3 at all, like I said, but already it does feel more rushed and incomplete than the rest of the games. Idk, just something about it looks off and the baby dragon models look ugly and stiff and unfinished, and the first homeworld had maybe my least favorite Reignited track so far. I hope it's still fun to play, because I freaking loved 3 as a kid. I do LOVE the Sorceress' and Bianca's designs, at least.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : ( |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:10:21 20/12/2018 by Queen_Cynder
Emerald Sparx
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#163 Posted: 23:22:43 04/12/2018
Ooooook, just finished all three games (120% in the first one, 100% in the second and 117% in the third with all the skillpoints, which is something I’ve never achieved with the originals, but still didn’t get all the Trophies as I saved them for the second and third playthrough) and while I want to give a far deeper and more articulated feedback later on I’d still like to share some general opinions here.
Spyro the Dragon: somehow loved it more than I would have thought. In the end it does feel a bit “empty”, but simply because it has to be compared to the sequels which are brimming with content and different gameplays, yet I was basically constantly in awe either because of the colors, the atmospheres or the designs. It managed to feel like a far greater experience than I was anticipating it to be, and that’s saying a lot. I did felt like the overall quality and faithfulness went a bit downhill after Beast Makers, but not to the point of reducing the enjoyment. The Elders were amazing to re-discovers, the music sounded great (played with the non-dynamic reignited soundtrack, only missed High Cave’s theme but I accepted it considering it meant unique tracks for Year of the Dragon) and the amount of details calling back to the original’s “mood” is outstanding. They somehow managed to make it stand out for the other two remakes like the PS1 game did back in the days, and that’s something pretty important. Gateway to Glimmer: even better. I think that even without considering the unfinished aspects of Year of the Dragon it’s still the best game out of the trilogy: it’s basically on par with the first remake in terms of quality, but benefits from everything which made the sequel so grand in the first place. All the new mechanics, from swimming to climbing either felt the same or better, ditto for the soundtrack (Zephyr’s was incredible) and the minigames and challenges: even the boss-fights felt just as great if not harder and more challenging (looking at you, Gulp). Some redesigns, particularly in terms of environments, took a while to be accepted but in the end I think they managed to reinterpret in a way which simpky offers another pint of view on the same concept and I think that was quite tricky to pull off especially because of how unique and defined each world’s theme is. The only glitch I encountered was a Mystic Marsh’s thief T-posing for a brief moment while running away, so I’m happy even from a technical point of view. Not a fan of how they removed certain touches, like the orbs bouncing when collecting them or certain parts of the intros and outros, but other added and returning details make up for them. Year of the Dragon:... Somehow even better. I’m not gonna ignore how different it is from the other two, and it’s definitely not always a good things: many glitches, bugs, oversights, unfinished parts and the only time the game’s crashed was while I was playing the third remake. Not to mention some quite asinine choices (perhaps planned to be changed but ultimately kept for whatever reason), such as some camera angles and controls, especially while using vehicles or controlling Bentley and Sgt. Byrd; bosses were ok, even if I would have preffered the second game’s camera. A side note about skateboarding: I never thought it was good to begin with, the remake’s only to blame for not making it better, not for ruining it. Also a shame they couldn’t pull off the newborns the same way they did with the Elders, but judging from the concept art they certainly had more in mind than what ended up in the final game. Yet... I loved it. Perhaps it was because Sanzaru reinterpreted very little and in a much subtler way due to how defined the original designs already were (with some exceptions, like the whale in Evening Lake...), or maybe because a lot of tracks were brand new to me to begin with due to the fact I’ve always played the PAL version but I’ve had a blast playing it. All the characters control quite better than they did before, the non-existent loading screens between an area and the other make the exploration feel a lot more fluid and everything which made the second game great returns in its former glory. Plus, I almost shed a few tears when I arrived at Midnight Mountain and not because of sheer nostalgia: that’s something I can’t ignore as it has never happened before with any game. A fantastic ride with a few hiccups here and there, in the end. I played all three games as a long-time fan which knows the trilogy almost as much as himself and constantly rejoyced at all the little details such as animations, colors or visual details; even if it wasn’t a 1:1 recreation it’s almost scary how well they managed to recreate certain locations and make the additions feel natural. TfB, V.V. and Sanzaru greately exceeded already set unbelievably expectations and everything they’ll do from now on will be free from the shiny but heavy cloak called “nostalgia” and will finally be considered for what it is rather than what it was supposed to be like. For the first time I didn’t feel sad nor melancholic after the third credits rolled, but happy and full of hope and optimism for the future: I have a feeling the adventure will continue sooner than we think, right beyond a closed door... ![]()
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:41:43 04/12/2018 by Drek95
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#164 Posted: 00:15:05 05/12/2018 | Topic Creator
Quote: Drek95
The thing that irritates me about the skateboarding in Reignited are 1) in the original, Spyro at least has some weight to him in the original, but in Reignited, he seems like he has no weight to him, and 2) the collision detection and physics in Reignited skateboarding, to put it bluntly, sucks. There was a little wonky collision in the original, but it's so much worse in Reignited to the point that I've seen people skateboard straight and people still wipe out. The physics are just abysmal, just see that gif from the Caddicarus video.
You gotta believe! Heh heh. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:15:50 05/12/2018 by JCW555
Emerald Sparx
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#165 Posted: 00:32:03 05/12/2018
Yeah, it is terrible for different reasons, should have specified that.
Almost seems as if they intended many surfaces to work as ramps and half-pipes on top of that, as I managed to do a trick on the side of Lost Fleet’s terrain. But I also have to admit Hunter’s challenges all felt much fairier (albeit still not easy), and I only had problems while trying to achieve Lost Fleet’s skill point. Perhaps they made it better in terms of actual controls but somehow made the collisions and physics worse in the process?
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Platinum Sparx
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#166 Posted: 03:28:31 05/12/2018
The main thing that messed up the skateboarding is that they didn't give it proper physics, the game checks your speed out of a few set variables and increases or decreases your speed based on what check you are closest to. It basically rounds your speed up or down, to make sure jumps are possible, rather than having a more dynamic physics engine.
I noticed this as early as the first footage of the skateboarding before release, but didn't say anything as I wasn't 100% sure and there was a chance it would be fixed. But after playing the game, it's definitely there. Spyro often suddenly accelerates to a set speed off of jump ramps as the game rounds up his speed to the required amount. It looks and feels jarring. There are other problems, like how turning control is restored the moment you let go of the trick button and Spyro's direction is reset. So if you are in the middle of a roll or something and let go of the trick button, Spyro will suddenly do a full 90 degree turn in mid-air, and in Lost Fleet, that often means going way off the edge. The collision is another issue entirely. The trilogy has a lot of janky collision in general but skateboarding is where a casual player will be effected by it most.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Emerald Sparx
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#167 Posted: 15:36:51 06/12/2018
Just got to Beastmakers in RT! Not super happy with some of the changes to the homeworld. I feel like the deep night theme of the original makes it more memorable and spooky, as opposed to the evening theme. The electric gnorcs are still pretty funny to me though! Any opinions regarding changes here?
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Emerald Sparx
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#168 Posted: 16:34:37 06/12/2018
Quote: ThunderEgg
I highly prefer the original’s gloomy and darker settings, but considering the previous iterations we saw during the development I’m still happy about the final reslut. One thing I straight up hated was how they re-used the boar from Molten Crater, instead of the one shown in the reveal trailer which pretty much only missed the small wings to be perfect. One thing I highly appreciated throught the trilogy is how little they reused assets even when they could have easily done so, and seeing such a lazy recycling when we already knew another unique model was already available was honestly quite disappointing and even irritating. Really liked the other enemies’ redesigns, though.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Emerald Sparx
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#169 Posted: 19:09:48 06/12/2018
Quote: Sesshomaru75
Wasn’t that pretty much the point, though? I don’t think Beast Makers and some of its worlds (like Misty Bog and Terrace Village) were supposed to look pleasing and welcoming, especially since some of the Elders talk about how they used to look so beautiful before the Gnorcs invaded. Even though I doubt they would have looked that much different. I feel like looking dark, eerie and grim is what made them memorable in the first place, and for the Homeworld even the music helped conveying that concept: it was also a great contrast compared to the previous colorful and generally bright environments, even more when considering Dream Weavers which comes next. Spooky Swamp’s redesign was handled a lot better in my opinion exactly because it was based on an stereotypical and almost exaggerated idea of “scary”, with monsters, ugly creatures and dangerous waters: the frist game’s marshes gave off a completely different vibe with their desolate, foggy and mysterious locations.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:10:51 06/12/2018 by Drek95
Emerald Sparx
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#170 Posted: 20:15:07 06/12/2018
I respect your opinion, but don’t agree.
Some of my favorite PS1 aesthetics include decrepit, ruined and generally consumed evnironments which is something I’ve rarelly seen achieved as well in subsequent generations especially regarding kids’ games (possibly because of the technical limitations, that’s true): both the Reignited and N. Sane trilogies managed to recreate those kind of textures and colors well for the most but they made things look too clean and perfect when those aspects were pushed to the limits in the originals. I still think Beast Makers’ look was mostly intended as it turned out to be and that it aged marvelously just like the rest of the first game’s visuals, but I can see why they decided to make it look more vibrant and lush in the remake.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:18:19 06/12/2018 by Drek95
Emerald Sparx
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#171 Posted: 23:10:16 06/12/2018
I’m not sure how one can objectively consider something related to art.
It surely isn’t comparable to modern days graphics from all points of view, everything today is simply better, but in terms of art direction I think Spyro the Dragon still holds up incredibly well for a 20 years old title and I personally still prefer the old style (despite how much I love Reignited’s). Technical aspects aside, it’s a matter of personal tastes. That being said, I agree in saying that the first game aged the worst out of the three, gameplay-wise. Too barebone and straightforward: the level design is good, even great in some parts but I’m glad Insomniac aimed at something more ambitious with the sequels.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Platinum Sparx
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#172 Posted: 23:19:41 06/12/2018
I do understand what Drek is getting at. There is a certain charm to the way Spyro 1 and a lot PS1 games handled certain things, like how detail faded in from a distant fog and such. And some things like character designs and certain structures left a degree to the imagination.
I can see why one might prefer that to the more defined Pixar-esque look of the Reignited Trilogy. Personally, when it comes to Spyro 1, I can go either way on the aesthetics of the PS1 game VS Reignited. However, overall, Spyro 1 Reignited replaces the original for me due to the improved controls, the new dragon designs, and the higher quality soundtrack. It's the one game in the Reignited Trilogy I walked away pretty much 100% satisfied with, with the exception of the Twilight Harbour changes.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Emerald Sparx
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#173 Posted: 23:31:58 06/12/2018
Quote: Sesshomaru75
Still going with the whole “nostalgia glasses” thing, huh? Well, enjoy your narrow-minded view or art direction, then. Just want to make one thing clear: Reignited’s style, as said by sonicbrawler as well, isn’t the original trilogy’s style. It’s a nice compromise for today’s standards but it’s not the same, that’s what’s objective. Then comes personal tastes, which can make you prefer one over the other or even like them both equally for different reasons. But art direction is the reason why two games using the same graphic engine, basic plot, characters and settings can end up looking tremendously different. It’s the reason why many fan-made remakes looks impressive but get overshadowed by less flashy but better designed professional works, including many Spyro ones. Not saying the old one is good and the new one is bad, nor the contrary, just that both probably worked because of the time and context and because the people behind them knew what they were doing.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Emerald Sparx
![]() |
#174 Posted: 23:47:38 06/12/2018
Sure, objectivity does exist, I simply can’t help but feel like it’s being a bit abused these days.
But as you said, that’s my problem. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk, wasn’t my intention at all. I just get a tad too passionate when I talk about that stuff, especially when it’s tied to something I care so much about like Spyro. Beast Makers was indeed ugly back then... Unlike the small form of Dark Passage’s Demon Dogs. I somehow find them to look a lot uglier and more “frightening” than their demonic form, but that’s probably because now they don’t scare me anymore and I find them super cool. ![]()
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:48:29 06/12/2018 by Drek95
Emerald Sparx
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#175 Posted: 18:55:18 07/12/2018
I have noticed that finding collectibles in RT is a bit more difficult because their designs meld into the environments way more. Played through Terrace Village this morning, and had a hard time finding all of the firework things to blow up the chests. They were way smaller than the originals. Plus they were green, so they didn't stick out as much as they used to. TFB hasn't really shown the same mastery with color and functional design that Insomniac has.
I do have to commend the overall art direction, however. TFB went out to add extra things that it didn't need to like additional animations and environmental features -- all of which flesh out the world. I don't necessarily agree with all of the changes, but at least they made it feel like they were trying to pack as much as they could into the game.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Yellow Sparx
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#176 Posted: 10:08:19 08/12/2018
Quote: ThunderEgg
God, I noticed this right away; gems tend to be "buried" in the grass a lot, between the updated grass actually having texture and the gems not having the same... brightness? To them that the original had. Same with the fireworks like you mentioned. I think Reignited looks really great overall, I adore the visuals of it a lot of the time but I think certain things don't "pop" nearly as much as I'd like them to. I know that Insomniac was really careful about color choices, cuz we all know the story about Spyro's color changing so that he would pop more against the backgrounds. I think TFB doesn't quite achieve the same effect. Also, Re: the Beast Makers discussion, I was super super surprised by how bright and lit up Reignited treated the Beast makers homeworld. As a kid I remembered being genuinely scared of that place; it was so dark and desolate and the music was spookier, it had a really creepy feeling, and it stood out SO much compared to the other worlds. Hell, between the attack frogs and monstrous plants in Misty Bog and... all of Tree Tops, I always thought as a kid that it was the hardest level in the game, even more than Dream Weavers. So the new version being so much brighter definitely changes the atmosphere... a lot for me. And it's a little disappointing in a way, since that had such a "profound" effect on me as a kid lol, but at the same time... i really like it? I think it kinda felt more "swampy"... There's a really vast feeling to it, where you can just look out and see trees and water and nothing else and I think it's got a cool vibe, idk. The colors are nice and overall I had a ton of fun there! I think one of the more interesting aspects of playing Spyro Reignited is remembering things that genuinely scared me when I was little. They weren't actually all that scary, but the limited graphics left a lot up for the imagination and made things scarier than they were probably meant to be. One thing that immediately comes to mind are the guys in the metal masks who run at you in Doctor Shemp, or the giant turtles in Dark Passage with the fangs and glowing eyes, or even the big gnorcs with metal bellies in Dark Hollow (the way they roared at you scared me!!). Playing the game with the updated graphics, a LOT of that fear is reduced because it's all way more detailed and coherent, if that makes sense? Plus I guess I'm older now lol. It's interesting.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : ( |
Emerald Sparx
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#177 Posted: 20:38:08 09/12/2018
![]() Yes, I feel the same way. Although it's probably better that things are a bit less scary for any younger kids currently playing the game. People have so many other alternatives for entertainment, so I think it was logical for TFB to try to keep kids playing by reducing nightmare fuel. Actually... more and more seven-year olds are playing extremely violent games, so who am I to judge? I would have preferred they kept the scary things as-is, but I'm a bit of a purist, so I've obviously got a ton of bias. Actually, speaking of children, are any of you aware of young kids actually playing RT? PlayStation and Xbox are targeted more at adults, so I can't really imagine that many children are getting their paws on this bit of the 90s. I'm not really sure who the target audience of RT is. Was it the adult fans? Young children? I know the originals were targeted at folks 5-10 years old, but like I said, I can't really imagine anyone this age playing RT.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Emerald Sparx
![]() |
#178 Posted: 01:22:17 10/12/2018
How do I get that skill point in Idol Springs?
"Land on the idol" Which idol?
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Emerald Sparx
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#179 Posted: 01:39:23 10/12/2018
Quote: Archae
The one near the hula girls, not the one in the lake. Must have spent at least half an hour trying to land on the wrong one...
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Blue Sparx
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#180 Posted: 02:05:41 10/12/2018
So now I'm replaying Ripto's Rage with superflame, and boy does it pack a punch. Enemies and fodder pretty much fly halfway across the level lmao
Diamond Sparx
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#181 Posted: 02:51:30 10/12/2018
erm why did my screen go bright blue for a second and make a weird noise when i came home from frozen altars
Emerald Sparx
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#182 Posted: 15:19:55 10/12/2018
Something that gets me angry, in the first game, several of the glides to a platform if they aren't done PERFECT, don't work.
It starts in Artisans' World, with that glide off the little hill to that platform to get gems. Just doing the same glide over and over and over... In Peace-Keepers' World, I end up losing 5-10 lives just doing that damn glide, before it works.
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Emerald Sparx
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#183 Posted: 15:33:30 10/12/2018
Quote: Archae
Ugh the same thing happened to me. I noticed they tried to fix it by having Spyro do a little jump if he's close to landing on a platform. Not sure how the glide thing got messed up, considering they used the Spyroscope to make sure everything was exactly the same size/dimensions, but I'm glad they at least tried to implement a fix.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Emerald Sparx
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#184 Posted: 22:39:42 10/12/2018
Quote: Drek95
Found it, thanks.
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Yellow Sparx
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#185 Posted: 05:57:52 11/12/2018
Quote: ThunderEgg
My 12 year old sister has been playing it on my Xbox and really enjoying it, but of course the only reason she knows about it or had any interest was because I bought it and was so excited to play myself LOL
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : ( |
Prismatic Sparx
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#186 Posted: 19:29:29 11/12/2018
Quote: Archae
It took me a few tries to get to the three platforms by the cave in Alpine Ridge. I also find it harder to get to the ledge where the thief is in Town Square than I did in the original. |
Emerald Sparx
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#187 Posted: 21:36:03 11/12/2018
I never had problems with gliding in Spyro 1 Reignited.
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now." |
Platinum Sparx
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#188 Posted: 23:07:02 11/12/2018
Yeah I never had trouble with gliding in Spyro 1 either.
Also I've been playing Spyro 3 Reignited and I'd initially had trouble w the skateboarding, mostly on the halfpipe, it was really hard to get him to spin correctly, but I did discover that you can actually switch it back to the way he normally spins by switching the controls to "Retro". He skateboards like a dream now lol, tho I haven't tried lost fleet yet I did have a lot of trouble with Sgt Byrd tho, mostly his camera. He's fine most of the time but for some reason if you get too close to the "ceiling" the camera switches to a birds eye view from inside him, and his controls get all janky. This was super bad in the cave part of his base with the fire shooting out of the walls, I had to fly that entire section basically blind and just hope sparx had enough hp to make it. His actual flying wasn't too bad, tho it's been a while since I played the original.
"Was it a hot ghost?" |
Emerald Sparx
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#189 Posted: 22:53:35 14/12/2018
About 20 years ago, there was a game disc called "Game Shark."
Is there going to be one like it?
Gunter glieben glauten globen... |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:54:18 14/12/2018 by Archae
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577 |
#190 Posted: 18:26:45 15/12/2018
Quote: Archae
no. probably not. game sharks kind of dwindled in popularity as hacks can be distributed for free over the internet nowadays
looks like ive got some things to do... |
Yellow Sparx
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#191 Posted: 23:40:06 19/12/2018
I’m playing through 3 now finally, and hooooly space cow the frame rate is bad. I’m playing on my Xbox and there’s been a few times I’ve just had to turn the game off and stop playing for a bit to clear my head cuz the complete chaos of the fps makes certain things damn near gamebreaking. It seems crowded areas and areas where there’s a lot of complex AI (?) seem the most negatively impacted; flight levels (especially races and Hunter’s challenges), the Lost Fleet race, and the twin dragons in Fireworks Factory were all running at like 2 fps I swear. I kept wondering if it was my system but looking it up it looks like I’m not at all the only person with the issue - 1 and 2 worked fine for me though, I never had a noticeable issue, it’s just been 3, and it’s been so constant at some of the most difficult challenges that it’s getting to a point that it’s not very fun which sucks :/ Overall 3 has been kinda disappointing, it just feels unfinished. Give it one or two more months and it’d have been perfect but there’s just enough broken or missing that it doesn’t quite feel like a finished game.
ON A MORE POSITIVE NOTE THOUGH, 100%’ing Ripto’s Rage was totally a blast. I’d never managed to do that as a kid and I’m seeing the game in a whole new light now. It was just such a fun time; Metropolis was some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing any video game before lol, and the final boss fight with Ripto is frankly epic. I had a great time and I also think 2 has the best 100% reward since the infinite super flame is so fun. 1 will always be my favorite but 2 is so close now it’s practically tied, which is a pleasant surprise since when I was little I didn’t really like it as much. There wasn’t a single moment where I was frustrated to the point of genuine aggravation or rage, everything was doable and solid and fun and the level design and lore and everything is just fantastic. I’m super happy about Reignited if for no other reason than it giving me the chance to fully appreciate Ripto’s Rage! Edit so not double posting: Also, on the topic of bosses, can confirm what everyone else was saying - Gulp is way way WAY more aggressive, you can’t get through his fight by charging around to avoid his attacks and lasers now. You have to be more precise, and it’s kinda interesting, cuz I only managed to beat him when I slowed down and was super careful with my movements, which makes for an interesting contrast from Crush where you just charge the whole time basically. And yeah, Spike has been nerfed like hell. I beat him in like 30 seconds, he literally barely did anything for the entire fight. I dunno how intentional it was and how much his AI was just messed up, cuz even Buzz put up way more of a fight than him. Oh well. Haven’t gotten to Scorch yet! And none of the original game bosses felt any different; the only one who gave me unexpected trouble was Jacques, but idk if that had anything to do with Reignited. I hadn’t fought him in AGES.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : ( |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:57:25 19/12/2018 by Queen_Cynder
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