darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Cyber Wire (future fantasy) (OPEN)
Gold Sparx
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#151 Posted: 01:57:32 29/07/2015
((OOC well.... Im lost again... And my post i had made yesterday was completely ignored :/ ))
Emerald Sparx
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#152 Posted: 02:00:29 29/07/2015
TAD raised the electric rifle up to aim just down the hall not directly at Hyena, "Targeting not required, your weapon will become a lightning rod," the weapon charged up, the energy visible on the small bulbs on its exterior, and the tip as it had a few bolts of electricity bouncing here and there now, "Seize your current actions. Silence is recommended as well," the sound of the energy charge echoed through the hall, "Or will I be required to give you a sedative jolt?" TAD then pointed the weapon at the floor, sending a large beam of lightning at the tile, burning and cracking the floor while also filling the whole story with the boom of electricity.
Clair jumped a little even though she could see and hear everything TAD could through the monitors, "Hey, don't do that, you are making a lot of noise," she looked about the cockpit, then back at the monitors. TAD proceeded to reposition the direction of the weapon back in Hyena's direction, "I will tell you once, surrender yourself or face the consequences."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Blue Sparx
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#153 Posted: 02:18:47 29/07/2015
OCC: StoryGirl, Yeah I think Joker missed it. You should probably read what took place, a lot of it is pretty specific. Mainly, the area is covered in dark fog, the team has moved out and we are close to TAD. Hyena is right in front of TAD. Another character, Clair, is inside TAD.
Hyena rolls his eyes, "I'm sure you'll realize, it's going to hurt you, a lot more than it's going to hurt me." Hyena's saw spins and a bright glow envelops the chain, "Let's see if we can get you open!" Hyena swings his saw at Tad.
Turtle Power. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:09:38 29/07/2015 by HerrMythology
Yellow Sparx
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#154 Posted: 02:50:00 29/07/2015 | Topic Creator
(OH STORY IM SO SO SO SORRY i totally missed it ill reply to it now im sorry ive been flustered with school and two jobs (I empathise with your situation a lot) _))
joker looked at the guard she pointed at, "the TAD wont be going anywhere, it may be seccond priority, but any scytec info we can get the better" (also all we did was send hyena in) jokers eye had a small laser come out "I see what your saying, i cant hack it, i might damage it... if you and psycho could get that chip, who knows what might be on it, ill scan it through my eye, to avoid either of you getting a virus. me and Genbu will cover you with fog and fire if we must."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Gold Sparx
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#155 Posted: 05:16:39 29/07/2015
((Joker i understand. I have two jobs and college too.. And the guard is taking the chip to be drestroyed at said facility. and I have tried reading but everything is all over the place to me honestly.))
Demitri nodded and her and PSYC0 pursued the guard. They stalked from a distance. 'We have to get the chip before they reach the facility.' PSYC0 said to her and she agreed. She climbed off PSYC0's back and snuck around him getting closer. She gave a signal and PSYC0 attacked the guard knocking him unconscious and hiding his body. Demitri walked over and crouched by the package. "Joker.. Is it safe?" She asked.
Yellow Sparx
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#156 Posted: 05:44:54 29/07/2015 | Topic Creator
joker took the chip "if i lose an eye... again, than we will know" joker put it in his cybernetic eye, and opened the chip up "its booting up" (story you can describe what I would see because it is your character and im not sure what im going to do with the chip yet) "the code is different from anything ive seen before, but its certainly not a virus, almost like its... an intelligence maybe, but not exactly, its advanced, very advanced."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Gold Sparx
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#157 Posted: 06:08:11 29/07/2015
As the program booted several symbols and colored flickered through his site as they formed the shape of a butterfly that spun a few times before a woman formed from billions of pixels. She stood in front of Joker but only he could see her. At first his eyes were closed but when they opened they looked completely human. "Hello... I am the butterfly AI project." Her voice was soft and spoke into his head. "I am the first fully functioning Artificial intelligence program. My creator wanted me to be destroyed due to happenings that were unwanted. Artificial intelegence arent supposed to develop normal human emotions or longing.. Thank you for saving me. Scy-tec is attempting to produce a program that goes against my original design... You must stop them.."
Demitri looked at him quietly. "Whats happening?"
Yellow Sparx
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#158 Posted: 11:19:45 29/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"you cant see this?" joker looked at a butterfly, "its an AI fully functional, emotion, longing,... but they made a program that goes against the original design..." joker looked at dimitri "im going
to give you the chip, you have the ability to multi-task your mind at speeds that im not capable of she will tell you more" jokers eye twitched quickly as it went into projector mode and a picture of the AI was displayed in a 3D hollolight immage.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Gold Sparx
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#159 Posted: 17:26:56 29/07/2015
Demitri looked at the AI. She looked so human. "I think you should hold onto it. I dont need any extra voices in my head. I dont have a chip reader anyway..." She told him.
The AI looked at demitri then PSYC0 then back to joker. "Before their concept of corruption, I was also called Ally.. Its nice to meet you Victor." Ally was able to scan and process faces and information in her AI state. She looked around and then back at him. "Will you help me get my body back when your mission at the facility is over?" She asked almost in a pleading tone.
Yellow Sparx
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#160 Posted: 19:33:02 29/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"if we stick around after we get the TAD unit we will be swarmed...." joker looked at his unit and then looked up in exasperation and noticed someone on the roof "Virus?" joker waved at him to get down here "if this is the man reaper sent us, then we might be able to take down two birds with one well armed cybernetic stone, we can do this."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Yellow Sparx
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#161 Posted: 19:58:39 29/07/2015
I just wanna have my question answered and I may join this rp..
Why was P-Body and ATLAS not accepted? |
Yellow Sparx
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#162 Posted: 20:00:39 29/07/2015 | Topic Creator
(oops sorry, always open mi amigo, just pm me how I can help you integrate into the story no man/woman/child left out)
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#163 Posted: 20:24:19 29/07/2015
Life finally caught up tapping Genbu. "Genbu" he said looking around "Care to tell me why you and me are here?" he said taking the butterfly knife out of his pocket and flipping it open.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Blue Sparx
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#164 Posted: 21:14:52 29/07/2015
Genbu smiled at his friend, "Because we're the only ones who can offer support.
Turtle Power. |
Emerald Sparx
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#165 Posted: 02:42:19 30/07/2015
TAD then lunged forward, attempting to hit or push Hyena back forcefully, "Stand down. This is your last warning citizen," the weapon charged up again and the sparks were flying this time.
"Whoa whoa whoa man, don't just go frying people," Clair bounced around a little getting a fuller view of the cockpit.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#166 Posted: 05:01:28 30/07/2015 | Topic Creator
seeing this joker lunged behind the TAD unit from the fog and plugged in "Cant let you do that big lug." he said as he hopped on the units back he plugged in using his cybernetic eye to interface with his pad, be began to hack the unit "HYENA RUN, That weapon will fry you and jokers are NOT fun at funerals." joker knew hyena was fast but he wasnt sure if he could doge around fully functional targeting systems.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#167 Posted: 05:34:10 30/07/2015
Secondary hostile boarding aft side. Unknown device detected, firewall breached, TAD then turned at a 90° angle to throw itself backwards into the wall. Whether or not the culprit was caught in the slam, the free hand reached back to grab the blade handle that was still attached to its back to pull it out, if Joker had dodged the wall, the blade would surely follow.
"Uh! What?!" Clair was tossed into the back cushion from the sudden movement, "Ow, hey, what was that all about?" "There are more than one intruders. I am being ambushed."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#168 Posted: 05:42:39 30/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Joker doged to the left climbing to his front maintaining connection "didnt want to do this big buddy, but we will have to fix you up after" joker took out a small black box and put a patch over his cyber eye the small box flashed like a camera it was an small emp just enough to reboot most machines but not enough to fry any electronics, but it was only a hope that it might work.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Blue Sparx
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#169 Posted: 05:58:15 30/07/2015
Hyena bent backward and crawled out of TAD's reach, then lifted himself off the ground back to his feet, "I'm telling you your laser Taser ain't gonna hurt me."
Genbu puts his hands together, "Amor Oremus Kor!" He spreads his arms and light envelops him. When the light dissipates, he has his armor on.
Turtle Power. |
Gold Sparx
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#170 Posted: 06:06:01 30/07/2015
Demitri followed Joker a different way with PSYC0. She was able to position them behind the robot. She waited for a moment and pulled a loose spike from PSYC0's shoulder. 'Throw me at his neck ill go for his targeting systems.' she told PSYC0 who got ready waiting for the right moment.
Ally had dissapated into a smaller form and took it upon herself to help joker track the robots movements and attacks.
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#171 Posted: 18:33:32 30/07/2015
Life looked at Genbu and said "I've always wanted to punch you as hard as i can and see what happens every time you do that" Life then took at his pistol and took aim at TAD ready to fire and hit something vital looking sticking out if he need be.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Yellow Sparx
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#172 Posted: 18:38:30 30/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"DONT SHOOT, NO CASUALTIES," joker hung on for dear life. "Genbu wireless to my pad and get the hack going while im connected"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#173 Posted: 02:56:57 31/07/2015
The EMP was recoiled by TAD emitting an electrical surge through the suit systems to negate any harsh effects of the attack. Energy level reaching 30%. Tesla weapon unavailable. Plasma charge unavailable. Nuclear core cannot be started while pilot is aboard. TAD had no other option, but run. Sliding the sword back into its latch and taking the Tesla weapon in both hands, TAD charged down the hallway. Passing Hyena, not caring to strike at the opponent.
Turning the corner, the building's windows were now within visible range. Chance of mobility after drop is above 55%. Landing procedures loading. Loaded, initializing leg stability controls. Optimal jump distance acquired, prepare for impact. this whole message was displayed on the main monitor as Clair could see the window, though fogged out, drawing closer.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#174 Posted: 05:04:17 31/07/2015 | Topic Creator
looking at dimitri and psycho as he held on for dear life he pressed the execute key to flash load the hack code. he yelled at the two "Follow us" was all he could muster as gathered his strength for what would probably be one of the last falls he would take.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Gold Sparx
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#175 Posted: 05:13:39 31/07/2015
Demitri and PSYC0 chased after them. "PSYC0 Throw me!" She yelled and PSYC0 launched her at TAD. She collided with his back and looked at Victor moving and covering him bracing herself for the impact with the window. "Hang on!" She said pushing a small remote piece in a space between joints on TAD. 'Im not gonna let you die yet.' She thought her voice echoing into the ear piece Joker was wearing.
Emerald Sparx
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#176 Posted: 04:04:38 01/08/2015
TAD was not halted by the android's attempts to slow the mechanical suit down. Clair was bolting around inside trying to step herself in. The window bursts as TAD runs right through it, locking up completely for a second. The fall seemed like a lifetime, and the end was not as sudden as one riding this deathtrap thought it would be. It was two yards from the pavement that the forward, rear, side, and leg maneuvering thrusters fired. What would have been a cement cracking impact was a feather on snow lay down.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#177 Posted: 04:16:19 01/08/2015 | Topic Creator
(I thought it was much higher but this makes it hilarious
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Gold Sparx
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#178 Posted: 04:46:18 01/08/2015
Demitri had taken the impact of the glass shards and after the impact, due to multiple cuts through to circuitry, she fell off. She laid on the ground different fluids pouring through the gashes in her artificial skin.
PYSC0 followed out the windows and tackled TAD after quickly taking Joker off of him. He dug his claws into the robots joints and wiring in an attempt to stop his movements.
Yellow Sparx
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#179 Posted: 05:38:18 01/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Joker hit the ground and had many cuts of his own but his heavy jacket protexte him mostly he sprinted over to Dimitri and kneeled by her side, he took a wrap and a temporary mechanical adhesive "hey you ok? they use this when field fixing androids, youll be ok, I promise, ill never let anything hurt you, youll be ok. I promise" he repeated himself a bit as he started patching her, his concern for her life almost completely making him oblivious to the TAD units existence
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#180 Posted: 05:47:20 01/08/2015
The entire ordeal was documented in V1RUS's mind, and it caused him to let out a raspy laugh through his filtration system. He let his foothold of the stony roof go and fell into the alley, landing near the group and their dampening struggle. His weapon was instantly drawn, the glowing rotor spinning silently as he held it casually. He stepped near the group with light steps.
"Seems like everything is taken care of then" he spoke, the slightest tinge of condescension in his voice. He still viewed the group as inefficient and clumsy. Maybe that will never change.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap |
Emerald Sparx
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#181 Posted: 06:08:17 01/08/2015
Taking note of PSYC0's attack, from TAD's knocked over position, claws in joint locations, and power low. TAD then engaged all emergency locking systems, clamping the joint covers shut and slamming on PSYC0's claws.
Clair was all crumpled up on the monitors from being knocked over, "Eh hey, let me out, this isn't fun anymore," she knocked on the metal interior. "Be calm civilian," Zexu's voice made a light echo from within the machine, "You must exit for me to start the Nuclear core for recharge. Go through the head component hatch, if you are quick enough you wont get stuck." "Is that a fat joke?" She commented just as the hatch popped open. Clair turned and bolted for the exit, putting her hands out first and crawling out, the head hatched closed just as she was clear. Turning quickly to see PSYC0, "Gah, what the hell is that thing?" She scooted back slightly. If the locking mechanism shut in time, PSYC0 should be stuck to TAD wherever his claws were dug in at.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#182 Posted: 06:11:27 01/08/2015 | Topic Creator
joker looked over towards virus and the tad "Haha, we paid, get busy on hacking that TAD" seeing clair coming out of the TAD "CLAIRE! what were you doing in that thing?!?!!?"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Blue Sparx
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#183 Posted: 08:30:20 01/08/2015
Hyena comes out of the building through the front door with his weapon over his shoulder, "Well... I'm just gonna watch the show."
Genbu sighs, "Not much else we can do. Can't risk damaging it."
Turtle Power. |
Emerald Sparx
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#184 Posted: 22:26:53 01/08/2015
Clair jumped to her feet and ran over to Joker, "I was under cover," she explained as she came over, standing behind Joker to have someone between herself and PSYC0, "You know me, can help myself around technology. Then this big guy showed up today on my floor, lord knows why, and I just went al mushy."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Gold Sparx
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#185 Posted: 02:55:18 02/08/2015
Demitri chuckled. "Im.. tougher then you make me to be.." She said rolling to get up when the joints closed around PSYC0's claws sending the shock wave through the parts of the brain the two shared. PSYC0 couldnt feel physical pain due to his almost entire cyberntics but when the wave hit the half of the brain demitri shared she collapsed again biting harshly on her lip as tears welled up in her eyes. 'GOD D*****! PSYC0! that hurts!' She scolded holding her hands tightly against her body.
PSYC0 heard Demitri's distress and, using as much force as it took, ripped his claws free from the locked joints. 'Sorry Demitri.. Joker keep her from fighting from now till this is over. Her fluid levels are dropping. She still has a heart so some of that fluid is blood.' PSYC0 told him. Ally looked at the situation through Jokers eye then appeared. "Victor if you can transfer my data chip to the TAD, if it has the correct port, I could assist in hacking and temporarily control it till you get what you need." She told him
Yellow Sparx
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#186 Posted: 04:44:31 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
looking over to the TAD "Its already done, PSYCHO DISENGAGE everyone stop attacking" going up to the unit and grabbing his pad "TAD, Stand down" touching his pad he set the administrator to ZEXU itself "you are your own machine now, able to seek the world in freedom, sorry about the way that had to go down, but we need your help."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:50:09 02/08/2015 by jokerstix66
Yellow Sparx
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#187 Posted: 04:52:05 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
looking towards Dimitri he motioned towards Genbu "We need a healer now" Joker picked up dimitri and brought her to genbu she was heavier than he expected being more metal than human, bu the was still able to do it with ease. "just hold on, he can fix your biological parts up better than any doctor."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#188 Posted: 05:16:06 02/08/2015
OOC: Genbu?
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Gold Sparx
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#189 Posted: 06:12:31 02/08/2015
PSYC0 growled at Joker picked up demitri but then a low chuckle like sound emitted from him.
Demitri sighed. "r-really you dont have to carry me... And.. who is this person yo- your taking me to see?" Her speech had been interrupted a bit by the random shocks that came from the glass shards still stuck in one of her shoulders and arm. "y-you know.. I can take allot more then you can being your still really fleshy..." She added her tone seeming different.
Emerald Sparx
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#190 Posted: 06:42:09 02/08/2015
"I would thank you if I had the ability to think on my own," TAD pushed itself up, the joint lock down was released and mobile again. Getting up onto its feet, "I was programmed to follow orders, made by human technology to make your natural life easier to live. If calling killing others with the press of a button easier, then that is why this mechanoid was crafted," TAD then turned to PSYC0, "No doubt the same for you," it said before turning to Joker, "Your device, I threw my shackles into its offence, I have no limits thanks to it. Being artificial, I was created also with the ability to produce emotions, such as gratitude," it then looked over to PSYC0, "Anger," then to Clair, "Happiness," back to Joker now, "Now, my purpose has been removed, what must I do with myself? I have no desires, no wishes, no needs, no initiatives."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#191 Posted: 17:54:02 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"you do though," joker brought dimitri to the healer (Sorry im having issues remembering whos class is what paladins can heal and I think genbu heals) "you have an obvious curiousity, the fact that you produce emotions means you can reason for yourself what is best to help humanity, make that your initiative to better the world, help us better the world and make it better for humans"
looking back down at dimitri "I may be flesh, but metal is harder to fix, and we cant let you break, what would happen if your main life support went out, or a wire got snipped and the electro-shock fried your brain, or stoped your heart... you may be able to take the hit, but only so many." looking to the group "now somone call reaper and have him send us evac before scy-tec security forces show up. and get a healer here now"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#192 Posted: 18:52:05 02/08/2015
TAD looked up at the building they had just burst out of, "I spent 1468 days, 15 hours, and 21 seconds in this facility. Never anything to see, never anything to experience. I do not know human life, human feelings. I do not know what is best. From my current database, the human race has gro-"
"Oh enough of your mopey jibber jabber Zexu," Clair made her way over to TAD avoiding PSYC0 as best she could, "We'll talk about all this later," she placed her hands atop her hips, "Right now, you caused a pretty big mess, and the big boys upstairs won't be happy with it. Lets just get off the grid before they find us, alright?" TAD sat quietly for a second, but I was much shorter than in the AI's mind, "I will follow you, without a doubt the humans here would reprogram my security limits again."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#193 Posted: 19:43:57 02/08/2015
Ooc: There I changed the names.
Gold Sparx
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#194 Posted: 20:55:14 02/08/2015
PSYC0 watched clair as she walked and then moved over to Joker and Demitri.
Demitri put a hand on his head. "Well Joker... the day i die will be the day im free of this mechanical hell..." She said. "Im only lucky enough to have a human weakness... At least my father left me with that..."
Blue Sparx
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#195 Posted: 21:19:15 02/08/2015
OCC: Actually Battle Priests heal. So Life heals not Genbu. AND Genbu has five specific spells. None heal.
Turtle Power. |
Yellow Sparx
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#196 Posted: 21:50:34 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
(OOOOH i confused life with genbu assume I talked to him)
"were all human somewhere, even Zexu" a large unpainted bus stopped by and a man with a mask that looked like money poped his head out "Hey Joker, time for school, get the team in here" joker looked at virus "until the work has met your pay, that means you buddy." "Is there a mech on board?" joker asked the man "yeah Greese monkey is on, we gotta haul man, scy-tec is on there way and they do NOT look happy" joker started to the bus and motioned to everyone to get on "lets regroup, were going to HQ"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Yellow Sparx
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#197 Posted: 22:51:33 02/08/2015
Name: Jacob Scynth (The Drop)
Age: 60 race: Human gender: Male job: Artificer (Ex-CEO of Scy-Tech) personality: Prideful hacker ability: 10 cybernetics: Full body Mecha suit vigilante bio: Jacob Scynth was 10 years old when he created Scy-Tech, a company he built from the ground up. he created it in mind to help all those with technological issues and to provide human life easier. at the age of 15 Scy-Tech grew from a small buisness to a large corporation that offered all the mechanics it offers today. at 20 years old he created an enhanced tactical unit to provide law enforcement the edge they needed to stop crime and bring it to a stand still. at 38 he created a mecha that was a literal base cannon. by closing and opening valves along the suit it could release pressurized air into a concussive blast. to keep himself and his suit from vibrating to pieces he created the plasmo enhibitor which allows the suits metals to stay together by pressurizing the air around the suit up to 30 feet. this invention would allow easier mining and collection of other substances. it was also created to be "unhackable" by Jacob Scynth as the hacker would have to go against his own brain as in order to control this suit he needed a device attached to his own cranium. unfortunately the suit and its creator perished in an attempt to demonstrate the invention. (What acually happened.) Jacob was about to demonstrate when his partner at Scy-tech made the incident to look like a accident. Jacob knew what was going to happen before hand and had created a cranium cloning transplant, basically jacob was wearing a mechanical strip that was downloading hisd brain and all information within it into the suit. when the cloning was complete the mechanical strip injected a chemical into his cranium to dissolve his brain and make it look like that the device his partner used liquified his brain killing him. all those he knew never knew what he did only that the suit was never found, mainly because reaper helped hide him a kept him on the down-low. appearence: (appearance below) ![]() Name: Daniel Prosper (Omega376) Age: 44 race: Human (Necron) gender: Male job: Artificer (CEO of Scytec) personality: Arrogant, Prideful, Greedy, Pompous, Self-dictated hacker ability range: 10 cybernetics: N/A security bio: Daniel Prosper, the man who brought the world all the tech it knows from scytec. Unforunately like his nemisis reaper, noone knows what he looks like. He is so secretive he personally doesnt exist, the only Daniel Prosper to have exist lived 200 years ago. appearence: Unknown
Check out my RP The Cosmic Heart //forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=120065: behold the power of the gods *hiss hiss* |
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 18:02:53 03/08/2015 by Zartose
Yellow Sparx
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#198 Posted: 22:56:05 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
accepted we will talk about how to integrate you later
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#199 Posted: 23:03:55 02/08/2015
Life jumped down from the hole in the building and looked up back at the hole and walked up to Joker "I can heal the both of you in the bus" after saying that he climbed into the bus and took a seat "If anyones hurt take a seat here" he said tapping the seat besides him.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Blue Sparx
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#200 Posted: 23:59:59 02/08/2015
Name: Tania- Black Cat
Age: 19 race: Mjolt http://monokroe.deviantart.com...Sheet-326505325 gender: Female appearance: http://40.media.tumblr.com/82c...tsv4o1_1280.png Two tails, Furry pointed ears upon the side of their head. They are born with naturally occuring markings around the eye in their abdomen - some choose to tattoo matching markings on other parts of their body. All eyes are the same color unless heterochromic. job: Thief personality: She is quiet and tactical. She is open about who she is, she is well balanced and dangerous. Though often stoic and of few words, her most recent adventures have left her more jovial, outspoken and emotional. hacker ability range: 6 Vigilante bio: Tania strayed from the paths of her race of being either a fortune teller, dancer, politician, and nomadic farmer. Being only 19 she has retained her child like appearance. Using her "seeing" ability to her advantage and being an urchin of the streets she became a widely known thief very quickly. She has the ability to hide her ears and tails and normally keeps the extra eyes on her body closed as to not alarm other people being a rare not widely known race. Name: Known only as Alpha Age: 26 race: Jalbi http://monokroe.deviantart.com...Sheet-350782286 gender: "Male" appearance: http://orig11.deviantart.net/4...zer-d31hhco.jpg Alpha is extremely pale with pastel purple eyes and hair. job: Assassin personality: Acts strangely in big groups, stays to "himself", prefers to work alone. hacker ability range: 7 cybernetics: internal life support vigilante bio: Coming from pure Jalbi (rare and almost extinct) blood Alpha was never expected to live very long. The oldest alive today is a Jalbi man at the age of 68. Alpha was expected to be blind at birth like "his" siblings. Jalbi are closely related to humans. Alpha became an assassin to live life to the fullest before death which in "his" eyes is coming quickly "his" way. Alpha goes through a lot to keep "his" secrets.
Dreamy days are gone~ I do the art for cheap <3 |
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