

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The UK Skylanders Hunters Thread :) [CLOSED]
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#1101 Posted: 22:22:57 18/04/2012
Well like I said... I understand that not everyone is as obsessed with Skylanders as we are and in shops like Argos that stocks everything you can't expect people to know about every single item but still... when even dedicated video game shops and the people in charge of the video game departments in places like TRU have absolutely no idea what they're talking about it's pretty inexcusable to jabber away like they do. Activision don't help when they keep even the retailers in the dark but some of these people are clearly just making things up.

My "favourite" mistake is when they call adventure packs triple packs. They clearly don't understand the definition of "triple" as there are 4 items in an adventure pack...
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Skaterpunkdan Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1102 Posted: 22:57:58 18/04/2012
My tesco had 2 empire of ice, 2 pirate seas, 1 cynder triple pack, 4 Zooks, 4 Lightning Rods, 3 Ignitors and quite abit of older waves seems like Tesco are getting regular restocks.
I Have: 37/37
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#1103 Posted: 06:13:54 19/04/2012
My Tesco had a LOAD of Drobot figures and a LOAD of Bash figures and this lone Zook figure.

I've still all but given up looking in shops. Shame because I enjoyed it before but now it's just frustrating because everywhere else seems to get figures in.
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
zetazebrapies Gold Sparx Gems: 2310
#1104 Posted: 06:54:06 19/04/2012
Thank you for the welcomes!!

I didn't know that Argos also have different adventure packs as well! I thought they just had pirate at seas smilie Do they also sell different triple packs as well?

I still haven't had an employee mistake yet, but I think I might when Giants could be out, then they have to remember more names of skylanders. D:
Iskierka Green Sparx Gems: 231
#1105 Posted: 11:32:47 19/04/2012
Welcome, zetazebrapies!

At the store where I work, as a customer it'll be about a 50/50 chance whether you get someone who knows Skylanders, or someone who doesn't care (and is fed up of being asked whether we have them in). If we're out of stock, I'll generally point the customers in the direction of TRU or the internet - even though they're competing companies, if we don't have them we weren't going to get the sale anyway - and if it helps the customers, they're more likely to come back for more information.

It's been working for me, anyway.
Got: smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie
Buzzthebatgirl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1526
#1106 Posted: 12:24:57 19/04/2012
Thought this was worth sharing today.

I rang Collier's Wood TRU today, primarily to get some information on Dragon's Peak from Wonderful Craig, but also to see if they had anything worth making the hour's trip out for.

My call got picked up by some female member of staff, I asked her about Dragon's Peak and she put me on hold while she checked. Obviously she didn't have in stock, so I asked when it would be in. Her reply was "difficult to say", she did offer to take my number and promise to call me if it comes in, but I declined (because knowing my luck I'd be out or otherwise miss the call or they would loose my number).

So there we go people, Dragon's Peak availability at Toys R Us is "difficult to say".

I am well aware that not all staff in all stores know/care about Skylanders, but at least list off the characters the store has and give what ever release time they have for the missing ones. It's a lot more customer friendly than just grunting "we don't have it" and rant at the customer (I've had this happen to me in a Game that is now shut).
GITD smilie won on
Too many Skylanders in collection
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#1107 Posted: 13:32:57 19/04/2012
Yeah, I can understand employee frustration at people phoning in for these things. Any normal person would get annoyed at having to repeat the same information to numerous people! But theres still kinda no excuse to rant at people, or just generally act annoyed. At least try and be helpful. If someone has some idea when something is coming out, then they aren't as likely to phone you again (Although in the case of "sorry, don't know when its coming out" then thats a little unavoidable)

It would be rather nice for Activision to actually give better information. This is all going down to them. They aren't telling anyone when stuff is expected to be in stores, and if they do its nicely vague (Like... "spring"). Even "Beginning of April" is better than nothing. It would be kinda cool for them to have a direct store! Especially if it were one of each figure per unique address. Or at least some form of emailing system where they tell people when to expect x wave to hit the stores, or in our case.... when one figure makes its way to stores. So we don't have to fumble around blindly phoning everyone for just a vague release date.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Buzzthebatgirl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1526
#1108 Posted: 17:24:25 19/04/2012
I'm always polite the the staff I ask about Skylanders, there's no need to be rude to any of them, they might not sell you what they have anyway smilie. Anothe reason I rang today was when they got in Zoom and L-Rod, I was informed they were due in on Monday yet they arrived on the Friday. A little phone call to check doesn't hurt.

I got a text alert from Smyths (Ireland) stating that the Dark Spyro single will be in from tomorrow. Almost two weeks before the time I was given. Alas I wouldn't be in Ireland for another two weeks, so no pick ups from me for now smilie
GITD smilie won on
Too many Skylanders in collection
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#1109 Posted: 18:30:06 19/04/2012
At the end of the day, shop employees are being employed to sell things. Unless a person has been rude to them, they have no right to be unhelpful, and it takes nothing to say "I'm sorry, I'm not sure when that will be out - did you want me to tell you what we do have in stock?" or something like that.
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#1110 Posted: 20:46:35 19/04/2012
My neighbour's kid let me try out Dragon's Peak and Sunburn... The level is good and Sunburn is really cool! The winged boots are crazy! The first time I used them my Skylander was so fast I couldn't control him... I really underestimated the speed bonus. I didn't get around to using Sparx though.

I now have all hats and scrolls smilie Woo!

But it has just made me want it more >.<
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#1111 Posted: 11:18:10 20/04/2012
Went to HMV again today...

Had multiple starter packs, singles of ChopChop, Hex, Drill Sergeant and... I forget... Bash, I think... And multiples of the Dino-rang, Boomer and Cynder triples(can't remember who else was in each one... Prism Break, LRod, Zook and a couple of others... Zap I think?)

Nothing "new" though
outerdragon Green Sparx Gems: 273
#1112 Posted: 11:26:23 20/04/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: bisylizzie
Went to HMV again today...

Had multiple starter packs, singles of ChopChop, Hex, Drill Sergeant and... I forget... Bash, I think... And multiples of the Dino-rang, Boomer and Cynder triples(can't remember who else was in each one... Prism Break, LRod, Zook and a couple of others... Zap I think?)

Nothing "new" though

My Hmv had nearly the same things in stock as your store, which is strange as they havent had Skylanders in for a while.
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#1113 Posted: 11:27:13 20/04/2012
Quote: outerdragon
Quote: bisylizzie
Went to HMV again today...

Had multiple starter packs, singles of ChopChop, Hex, Drill Sergeant and... I forget... Bash, I think... And multiples of the Dino-rang, Boomer and Cynder triples(can't remember who else was in each one... Prism Break, LRod, Zook and a couple of others... Zap I think?)

Nothing "new" though

My Hmv had nearly the same things in stock as your store, which is strange as they havent had Skylanders in for a while.

That's why I thought it was worth mentioning, mine hasn't had them in for a while either, nor even the LRod, Zook pack
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#1114 Posted: 12:34:10 20/04/2012
A small independant toy shop next-door to my work in Horncastle has just got bunch of singles in. Just Chop Chop, Bash, Drill Sergeant and Hex... I picked up a Bash. The lady there told me her distributer limits purchases though. This probably won't help anyone but thought I'd put it out there.

The more interesting news is that while my husband was travelling around for work he popped into TRU was told Lincoln were expecting Wham-Shell today! Probably rubbish but he's going to try and check later for me.

Knowing TRU they probably got mixed up though smilie
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#1115 Posted: 14:42:29 20/04/2012
Wham-Shell? smilie

I... really doubt we're going to get Wham-shell when wave 4 isn't even all out here.
Interesting to see what they HAVE got though
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#1116 Posted: 16:02:36 20/04/2012
Some of wave 4 has been seen in the UK... But I do think the guy in the shop got it wrong... He told my husband there was going to be "new Skylanders" and was very definite about the name I asked if perhaps he'd meant Slam Bam but my husband checked and he said he was sure... Maybe he's been misinformed or maybe he's just lying to be annoying but that's what he said.

Edit: As expected the guy at TRU got it wrong... they got a massive delivery of over 200 Skylanders but they were wave 4... Got my husband to pick up a Zook but passed up on Lightning Rod because I don't much like him. It's nice to see wave 4 properly around... they didn't have the wave 4 triple though... not that I mind much as I have Cynder and don't want Lignthing Rod. There was aparently an abundance of the Voodood triple though so I got him to pick one up for my neighbour's son.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:01:16 20/04/2012 by Deandria
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1117 Posted: 05:22:58 21/04/2012
If anybody's noticed on smyths toy stores warnado, camo and wham shell are on their website and if you check dark spyro is still in some stores.
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#1118 Posted: 12:11:01 21/04/2012
They also HAVE a little section for an expected release date, unlike anything they've put up since I've been checking (DP and Dark Spyro never had them. That much I know for certain)

Its TBC at the moment, but it might be worth keeping an eye out on those pages to see if it changes.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1119 Posted: 14:30:23 21/04/2012
Quote: Buzzthebatgirl
I'm always polite the the staff I ask about Skylanders, there's no need to be rude to any of them, they might not sell you what they have anyway smilie. Anothe reason I rang today was when they got in Zoom and L-Rod, I was informed they were due in on Monday yet they arrived on the Friday. A little phone call to check doesn't hurt.

I got a text alert from Smyths (Ireland) stating that the Dark Spyro single will be in from tomorrow. Almost two weeks before the time I was given. Alas I wouldn't be in Ireland for another two weeks, so no pick ups from me for now smilie

Buzzthebatgirl plz, plz can you pick me up a dark spyro cuz its my b-day
Edit: When your in Ireland of course
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:57:19 21/04/2012 by shinybenny7
Pointless12 Red Sparx Gems: 58
#1120 Posted: 14:44:09 21/04/2012
Hi I live in the UK and I've seen a bunch of waves 1-3 in TRU recently. If anybody needs any older ones I suggest TRU.
I have: [smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmilie] [smiliesmilie] [smiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmilie]
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#1121 Posted: 17:59:08 21/04/2012
Quote: shinybenny7
Quote: Buzzthebatgirl
I'm always polite the the staff I ask about Skylanders, there's no need to be rude to any of them, they might not sell you what they have anyway smilie. Anothe reason I rang today was when they got in Zoom and L-Rod, I was informed they were due in on Monday yet they arrived on the Friday. A little phone call to check doesn't hurt.

I got a text alert from Smyths (Ireland) stating that the Dark Spyro single will be in from tomorrow. Almost two weeks before the time I was given. Alas I wouldn't be in Ireland for another two weeks, so no pick ups from me for now smilie

Buzzthebatgirl plz, plz can you pick me up a dark spyro cuz its my b-day
Edit: When your in Ireland of course

Hey it's my birthday too!

Do I get one as well then, by your reasoning?
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1122 Posted: 18:46:05 21/04/2012
Maybe but you already have one by the looks of things
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:00:27 22/04/2012 by shinybenny7
Buzzthebatgirl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1526
#1123 Posted: 14:31:29 22/04/2012
I'm not promising any pick ups as my time in Ireland will be extremely tight. I don't even know if I'll get the time to go to Smyths. I fly over on the Saturday morning, go to a family do in the evening and fly back to London on the Sunday afternoon. Not fun smilie
GITD smilie won on
Too many Skylanders in collection
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1124 Posted: 15:37:12 22/04/2012
Sorry buzzthebatgirl it just realised its not my b-day, I was thinking about my mums b-day smilie but can you still try pick me up a dark spyro cuz I only have the money for wham-shell, camo,warnado,dragons peak and dark spyro so I can pay you the money for dark spyro.thanks for trying
Skaterpunkdan Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1125 Posted: 16:41:32 22/04/2012
Quote: shinybenny7
Sorry buzzthebatgirl it just realised its not my b-day, I was thinking about my mums b-day smilie but can you still try pick me up a dark spyro cuz I only have the money for wham-shell, camo,warnado,dragons peak and dark spyro so I can pay you the money for dark spyro.thanks for trying

or just get it yourself from eBay. how rude are some people on this forum to just downright ask someone to get them a figure fair enough if that person said something along the lines of "hey guys I'm going to Place A would anyone like me to pick them up a specific figure"
I Have: 37/37
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5410
#1126 Posted: 16:47:39 22/04/2012
Quote: Skaterpunkdan
Quote: shinybenny7
Sorry buzzthebatgirl it just realised its not my b-day, I was thinking about my mums b-day smilie but can you still try pick me up a dark spyro cuz I only have the money for wham-shell, camo,warnado,dragons peak and dark spyro so I can pay you the money for dark spyro.thanks for trying

or just get it yourself from eBay. how rude are some people on this forum to just downright ask someone to get them a figure fair enough if that person said something along the lines of "hey guys I'm going to Place A would anyone like me to pick them up a specific figure"

And how does someone mix up their own birthday with their mother's?
I always forget to check my guestbook
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#1127 Posted: 16:49:54 22/04/2012
Quote: shinybenny7
... just realised its not my b-day, I was thinking about my mums b-day ...

you're joking right ?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:50:34 22/04/2012 by t7gga
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1128 Posted: 16:56:34 22/04/2012
Please just leave me alone I'm 10 years old and I get confused easily and I don't have the money to buy it off eBay
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#1129 Posted: 17:18:23 22/04/2012
Quote: shinybenny7
Please just leave me alone I'm 10 years old and I get confused easily and I don't have the money to buy it off eBay

You should know better at 10 years old then to ask strangers to buy things for you smilie it's pretty rude.
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#1130 Posted: 17:35:54 22/04/2012
Quote: shinybenny7
Please just leave me alone I'm 10 years old and I get confused easily and I don't have the money to buy it off eBay

you could get your mum to pick one up for you off ebay for almost the same price as getting someone to buy it and then ship it to you
faitaru Green Sparx Gems: 137
#1131 Posted: 17:37:23 22/04/2012
So I got a few emails this week from amazon about my *pre-ordered* stuff. Looks like they're finally getting round to those of us who ordered in March \o/

First one was on the 19th:
Please be advised that we have a revised delivery date for the items you ordered on March 07 2012 (Order #xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx).

"Skylanders Spyro's Adventure: Triple Character Pack - Lightning Rod, Zook and Cynder (Wii/PS3/Xbox 360/PC)"
Estimated arrival date: April 20 2012 - April 21 2012
"Skylanders Spyro's Adventure: Triple Character Pack - Double Trouble, Whirlwind and Drill Sergeant (Wii/PS3/Xbox 360/PC)"
Estimated arrival date: June 30 2012 - July 04 2012

"LR/Zook/Cynder arriving tomorrow?!?!" I thought, how exciting!!!!

Then the next on the 21st:
We regret to inform you that your order will take longer to fulfill than originally estimated. Our supplier has notified us that there is a delay obtaining stock for the following items you ordered on March 07 2012.

"Skylanders Spyro's Adventure: Triple Character Pack - Lightning Rod, Zook and Cynder (Wii/PS3/Xbox 360/PC)"


But wait:
Please be advised that we have a revised delivery date for the items you ordered on March 07 2012 (Order #xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx).

"Skylanders Spyro's Adventure: Triple Character Pack - Lightning Rod, Zook and Cynder (Wii/PS3/Xbox 360/PC)"
Estimated arrival date: April 23 2012 - April 25 2012

Obviously I am still excited but starting to panic due to it being put back a few days. Is this going to be an email every few days forever and me never seeing the figures?!

Then today, the 22nd:
Your order has dispatched (#xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx)

Yay. Woo. Hurray. Huzzah. smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie

Slightly disappointed that I will be waiting until late June/early July to get DT/WW/DS, and no word at all on Dragon's Peak.

The hunt continues!
Current Skylander count: 31/37

Still need: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1132 Posted: 17:45:33 22/04/2012
Please just leave me alone I'm 10 years old and I get confused easily and I don't have the money to buy it off eBay
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1133 Posted: 17:50:52 22/04/2012
Sorry about double post I am using an iPad so it asked me to submit the form again and I accidentally said yeah so there is a double post. Oh iammarti I suppose I should of known better so sorry. Also t7gga I should look on eBay for dark spyro I will go and have a look and post if successful.
Skaterpunkdan Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1134 Posted: 18:40:24 22/04/2012
Quote: shinybenny7
Sorry about double post I am using an iPad so it asked me to submit the form again and I accidentally said yeah so there is a double post. Oh iammarti I suppose I should of known better so sorry. Also t7gga I should look on eBay for dark spyro I will go and have a look and post if successful.

lol such a funny couple of posts "i don't have enough money to buy it off eBay" then "I'm using an iPad to post on here"

wow some 10 year old's are spoiled these days
I Have: 37/37
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1135 Posted: 18:49:21 22/04/2012
Quote: Pointless12
Hi I live in the UK and I've seen a bunch of waves 1-3 in TRU recently. If anybody needs any older ones I suggest TRU.

i work at tru in the uk and weve got plenty of wave 123 and 4 and weve all got deliveries this week too which according to some people in head office contain, and i quote, new characters! but theyve been saying that to me a lot recently so i wouldnt believe it till i see it, its my day off tomorrow but weve got our delivery tomorrow so im going in anyway just in case, ps i bought an ignitor today from work with no sword in the packaging whatsoever, has anyone else come across this at all?
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1136 Posted: 05:12:13 23/04/2012
fateorfear my ignitor has a sword but does fall of and skaterpunkdan the iPad was a joint Christmas present and the cheapest version you can get
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#1137 Posted: 18:09:47 23/04/2012
Quote: fateorfear
Quote: Pointless12
Hi I live in the UK and I've seen a bunch of waves 1-3 in TRU recently. If anybody needs any older ones I suggest TRU.

i work at tru in the uk and weve got plenty of wave 123 and 4 and weve all got deliveries this week too which according to some people in head office contain, and i quote, new characters! but theyve been saying that to me a lot recently so i wouldnt believe it till i see it, its my day off tomorrow but weve got our delivery tomorrow so im going in anyway just in case, ps i bought an ignitor today from work with no sword in the packaging whatsoever, has anyone else come across this at all?

Erm...I'm pretty sure there's no Wave 123!

(Yes, i know it's a typo)
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
PortalMasterEon Gold Sparx Gems: 2514
#1138 Posted: 18:32:12 23/04/2012
Hey Guys,

My nan went 2 TRU Brislington and saw a WARNADO!! The only thing was that it could not be sold because it was for their display and was not in a box smilie smilie They r getting a delivery on Thusday so I will ring and see what they have.

Although my Nan did say she did not see a name but I showed her a pic of all skylanders and she pointed to Warnado strait away!
Greetings Portal Masters!
I'm looking for a Royal Double Trouble + Platinum Chest
fanjo Gold Sparx Gems: 2382
#1139 Posted: 00:05:45 24/04/2012
Quote: shinybenny7
If anybody's noticed on smyths toy stores warnado, camo and wham shell are on their website and if you check dark spyro is still in some stores.

Dark Syro in plenty supply, but don't know for how long. Most stores got in about 20 cases.

I was also told by a Smyths employee that they will be getting new figures in this week. I think it may be DP as they had it on their website for ages.

Camo etc. will follow in next few weeks.

As with other companies, they're not told much.

TRU website in UK is useless. Never any stock. After Legendarys for my son and Zippo!

Multiplayer in Italy are useless, cancelled my order for legendarys.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:16:53 24/04/2012 by fanjo
shinybenny7 Green Sparx Gems: 200
#1140 Posted: 05:59:55 24/04/2012
Quote: PortalMasterEon
Hey Guys,

My nan went 2 TRU Brislington and saw a WARNADO!! The only thing was that it could not be sold because it was for their display and was not in a box smilie smilie They r getting a delivery on Thusday so I will ring and see what they have.

Although my Nan did say she did not see a name but I showed her a pic of all skylanders and she pointed to Warnado strait away!

Seriously a WARNADO! You said he was not in the box so where was he in the store. Oh and what day should I go and check to see wether warnado is in Carlisle TRU
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:21:21 24/04/2012 by shinybenny7
PortalMasterEon Gold Sparx Gems: 2514
#1141 Posted: 06:26:53 24/04/2012
Seroiosly! it was on the display but nan saw it on the shelf
Greetings Portal Masters!
I'm looking for a Royal Double Trouble + Platinum Chest
Buzzthebatgirl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1526
#1142 Posted: 11:00:08 24/04/2012
Today once I felt somewhat awake (I've been staffing a Magic the Gathering Event in Manchester all weekend and then had a long day yesterday) I decided to make a few phone calls to TRU Collier's Wood, TRU Old Kent Road and Smyths Charlton. Here are my results from today.

TRU Collier's Wood:

  • No Dragon's Peak today, date given by staff member Jake to be is stock is the 7th May
  • Date given for Blue Bash to be in stock is 3rd May

TRU Old Kent Road:

  • Only Security Staff in today so the phone lines are not answered

Smyths Charlton:

  • They currenlty have in the following Skylanders should anyone need them: Bash, Zap, Chop-Chop, Drill Sargent, Wrecking Ball, Hex and Dino-Rang
  • They did not have Dragon's Peak in stock but gave the rough date of "the first week of May" to be in stock
  • The first week of May was also given to have Camo and Warnado in stock
  • No known date was available for Wham-Shell other than "the end"

These wildly varying dates is why I keep plugging away calling stores, two weeks ago we were to have Dragon's Peak, last week it was due in June and now it is due next week. I do understand the whole Activision is not giving solid dates issue, but there is no need for these dates pulled out of the sky!
GITD smilie won on
Too many Skylanders in collection
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#1143 Posted: 13:27:06 24/04/2012
Oh so we might get Blue Bash? 3rd may is so annoying =/ I cant get to TRU then. Or 7th May for that matter. Bah!
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#1144 Posted: 13:27:58 24/04/2012
HMV had lots of Bash, ChopChop, Drill Sarge, Zook, Ignitor, Stealth Elf and LRod today...

All still 9.99 though D:
PortalMasterEon Gold Sparx Gems: 2514
#1145 Posted: 16:32:34 25/04/2012
Hi guys

my TRU (Brislington) seems to think they r getting:

Blue Bash
Dragons Peak

Seems a bit unrealistic but still
Greetings Portal Masters!
I'm looking for a Royal Double Trouble + Platinum Chest
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#1146 Posted: 16:45:58 25/04/2012
Quote: bisylizzie
HMV had lots of Bash, ChopChop, Drill Sarge, Zook, Ignitor, Stealth Elf and LRod today...

All still 9.99 though D:

^ was just popping on to say the same about my HMV. They also had one lonely bash, chop, eruptor triple. VERY close to buying it but i didnt....still want that ipad lol
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#1147 Posted: 18:06:19 25/04/2012
And again today, still LOADS.

Is demand drying up, or is no one thinking of checking HMV any more?
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#1148 Posted: 18:57:07 25/04/2012
It might be because HMV upped their prices to 9.99. While they may be the most common high street store to stock them, you can get them cheaper online. They aren't priced competitively at all.

And they did also not have any stock for months on end, so maybe people stopped checking HMV? I know since wave 3 they've been getting quite a bit, generally having two sections for them (normally near the front of the store, then in the actual games section. Though my local ones game section is near the front of the store, so they also have a stand near the tills)

Not to mention, HMV mostly have the same old ones? I think theres more demand for someone other than the chop chop, hex, drill sarge and double trouble I see them have most of the time.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Buzzthebatgirl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1526
#1149 Posted: 19:00:00 25/04/2012
Quote: bisylizzie
And again today, still LOADS.

Is demand drying up, or is no one thinking of checking HMV any more?

My guess is that people don't want to pay £10 a figure when they can be bought for £8 elsewhere. Also I think it's a little bit of too much older figures too late in stock. I think it is safe to assume that anyone that has X figure, isn't going to want to buy that figure a second time.
GITD smilie won on
Too many Skylanders in collection
fanjo Gold Sparx Gems: 2382
#1150 Posted: 23:17:59 25/04/2012
I was told at Smyths, DP should be available from the 1st week of May. Camo, Warnado and Wham Shell a couple of weeks after.

Wait and see.
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