Quote: HeyitsHotDogQuote: TakeYourLemons
At some point, after the franchise calls it quits, I'd love a HD parity version of the first two and updates to allow all skylanders to play in all entries. So no, you aren't alone.
Add in jumping, with the SF/SSC graphics and all Skylanders playable and I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
I've already said it a few times throughout this board but just putting the first 2 out in HD and allowing all skylanders to be used in these games feels like the perfect skylander game at the moment.. As well as add in the jumping.
Make it even better by adding in new levels. I'd take this over Skylanders 6 honestly.
I totally forgot jumping, but yes, add jumping lol.
Another interesting side affect of an H.D. remake would be that they would have more time to blow us away with a new title. Granted an H.D. remake would require a ton of new art assets but story, sound and game design are already done. They really need to focus on longer titles and go to a two year release cycle. One studio could focus on the remake and the other a large and robust title and then get in a two year cycle. Plus there needs to be content tied to the Skylanders if they want us to buy them all. Remember in SSA when a Skylander would come with a Heroic Challenge? That was something and it got my to pick up a Skylander for the content that I might not have been into based on the design...See it benefits them too lol. We also need to get back to the game itself being the draw and not the gimmick. I'm sure others have said this (been away for a while) so I'm not being original here just overstating.