

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The UK Skylanders Hunters Thread :) [CLOSED]
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#751 Posted: 18:18:54 29/03/2012
I pre-ordered DP Feb 19th... It still says not yet dispatched but no dates smilie I didn't expect to see it soon but with wave 4 stuff spotted around who knows... I can hope...

On the plus side my EoI from was dispatched today so I'll be seeing that soon.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#752 Posted: 19:51:18 29/03/2012
I've had my DP pre-order since Feb 14th, soooo.... seems to be the earliest here? smilie
If I can't find one in stores before Amazon dispatches, I'll be sure to let you guys know.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Wynne1975 Blue Sparx Gems: 854
#753 Posted: 20:23:24 29/03/2012
Quote: chrisrobbo21982
Quote: Wynne1975
My Lightening Rod triple pack has despatched from Amazon.

Out of interest what date did you order?

Can't remember but the email says I ordered on February 1st so must have been then.
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#754 Posted: 21:19:34 29/03/2012
I got home to get emails to say my Lightning Rod and Zook have been despatched... Given the amount of time between Wave 3 and Wave 4, that's awesome!

I ordered my Dragon's Peak on February 3rd.
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
chrisrobbo21982 Blue Sparx Gems: 707
#755 Posted: 21:37:34 29/03/2012
Quote: Astrail
I've had my DP pre-order since Feb 14th, soooo.... seems to be the earliest here? smilie
If I can't find one in stores before Amazon dispatches, I'll be sure to let you guys know.

I ordered Feb 12th but I'll be looking around too so I'll also let you peeps know if I find them anywhere.
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
chrisrobbo21982 Blue Sparx Gems: 707
#756 Posted: 21:42:21 29/03/2012
Quote: chrisrobbo21982
Quote: RD74
Quote: chrisrobbo21982

Out of interest what date did you order?

Mine are on the way too.
I ordered mine on March 5th
Just need the two adventure packs now.

I ordered 1st Feb and mine still not been dispatched! Weird.

They're going straight back anyway as I picked up Zook and Lightning Rod from TrU this afternoon. They weren't on the shelf but I asked a completely clueless employee about Dragon's Peak and he came back with a box with them both in plus Stealth Elf and some others I've already got.

Good couple of days hunting for me.

Just had my dispatch emails from Amazon so I'm now going to have 2x LR, 2x Zook plus the LR/Zook/Cynder triple pack. They'll be going back as soon as they arrive although I really like Zook so might keep him
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#757 Posted: 21:56:51 29/03/2012
I've had tweets from people saying their Zook triple has been dispatched from amazon =/

I come here to people saying they ordered after me and there's have been dispatched

I have no email

:'( what the hell!
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#758 Posted: 22:02:03 29/03/2012
^Maybe they're just doing it in some weird order?

Have the order details updated?
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#759 Posted: 22:25:16 29/03/2012
'not yet dispatched' smilie
dragonjackd Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#760 Posted: 01:39:16 30/03/2012
As promised, a pic of the new arrivals, just got in from hospital with my new baby girl.
[User Posted Image]
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#761 Posted: 02:17:12 30/03/2012
Congratulations on all counts, dragonjackd!

I look forward to my Lightning Rod and Zook arriving.
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5366
#762 Posted: 09:21:17 30/03/2012
My EoI arrived the other day from Amazon... I ordered that back on January 30th... Can't play it just yet, so let's see how worth the wait was. And now just waiting on my L-Trigger Happy from TRU. After that, hopefully, Zook, Cynder and Lightning Rod will be in my grasp!
I always forget to check my guestbook
Sequoia Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#763 Posted: 09:42:42 30/03/2012
My L-Rod, Zook and Cynder triple pack was dispatched from Amazon yesterday P: will see that soon.

Off to get L-Triggs for Marti in a minute. Delayed by my girlfriend who paid me a surprise visit :3
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#764 Posted: 11:56:53 30/03/2012
Quote: Sequoia Spyro
My L-Rod, Zook and Cynder triple pack was dispatched from Amazon yesterday P: will see that soon.

Off to get L-Triggs for Marti in a minute. Delayed by my girlfriend who paid me a surprise visit :3

smilie grr and smilie yay
faitaru Green Sparx Gems: 137
#765 Posted: 12:32:05 30/03/2012
My Legendary Triple just arrived from TRU smilie
Current Skylander count: 31/37

Still need: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Sequoia Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#766 Posted: 13:00:17 30/03/2012
Went to TRU today and got Marti's Legendary Triggs', BUT also got Zook and Lightning Rod :3 though my girlfriend had to get one of them because it was 2 Skylanders per person.

Also my three pack arrived from Amazon. Any takers? I'ma eBay it as I got Zook and L-Rod for £7.99 each and I already have Cynder.

[User Posted Image]


Edit: Also, thought I'd update on some news from Roland at TRU Exeter.

"Blue Bash is physically blue in the game. All of the ones currently on sale are fake, as the packaging actually shows a picture of a blue-coloured Bash. Blue, green and red Bash are all already programmed into the game."

He also hinted at another two special editions coming soon.

"You see at the end of the promo video? An orange Spyro flies into the camera. He will be the third of three special editions. We have not been made aware of the second yet."

True? Awesome, none-the-less smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 13:11:22 30/03/2012 by Sequoia Spyro
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#767 Posted: 13:17:40 30/03/2012
Quote: Sequoia Spyro
Went to TRU today and got Marti's Legendary Triggs', BUT also got Zook and Lightning Rod :3 though my girlfriend had to get one of them because it was 2 Skylanders per person.

Also my three pack arrived from Amazon. Any takers? I'ma eBay it as I got Zook and L-Rod for £7.99 each and I already have Cynder.

[User Posted Image]


Edit: Also, thought I'd update on some news from Roland at TRU Exeter.

"Blue Bash is physically blue in the game. All of the ones currently on sale are fake, as the packaging actually shows a picture of a blue-coloured Bash. Blue, green and red Bash are all already programmed into the game."

He also hinted at another two special editions coming soon.

"You see at the end of the promo video? An orange Spyro flies into the camera. He will be the third of three special editions. We have not been made aware of the second yet."

True? Awesome, none-the-less smilie

smilie yay my LTR <3 Still cant believe your triple arrived and here I am still waiting smilie I had no idea the Bash different colours were actually programmed into the game? That's awesome and I want one smilie
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#768 Posted: 13:19:34 30/03/2012

Sorry for not physically linking. Bbcode is a challenge on an itouch

wave 4 at colliers wood tru though!
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#769 Posted: 15:35:36 30/03/2012
Zook and Lightening Rod on it now people!

My Zook and Lightening Rod and Ignitor should have been sent, and lots of people seem to have gotten them from TRU(mine had them in yesterday)-and a helpful TRU worker told me that Dragon's Peak should be in stock next week. Well done Activision-the UK are now getting many more skylanders than before, and Wave 4 a week after the USA. Hopefully, Wave 5 will be just as quick.

Good luck everyone on finding Wave 4!
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
faitaru Green Sparx Gems: 137
#770 Posted: 15:58:24 30/03/2012
Still waiting on a few amazon orders here. EOI ordered on the 4th March and LR/CY/ZK Triple ordered on the 6th.

Might pop to Bedford TRU this weekend to see if they have any LT in.

Birthday this coming Wednesday and had a few of the triples I'm missing on my birthday list; here's hoping I get them!
Current Skylander count: 31/37

Still need: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#771 Posted: 17:00:17 30/03/2012
Gonna order smilie/smilie/smilie triple pack (well, my parents will) off Amazon soon hopefully.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#772 Posted: 17:02:45 30/03/2012
@Sequoria Spyro what's your Ebay name?
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#773 Posted: 17:19:59 30/03/2012
Very nice to not only see wave 4 a couple of weeks after the states.... but a couple of weeks after wave 3! Heres to hoping for as little a delay for wave 5

Now I just got to add my.... 9 web card codes to my Universe account smilie. Ignitor, Pirate Seas and Darklight Crypt were what I took home today
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
faitaru Green Sparx Gems: 137
#774 Posted: 17:46:44 30/03/2012
Quote: Astrail
Now I just got to add my.... 9 web card codes to my Universe account smilie. Ignitor, Pirate Seas and Darklight Crypt were what I took home today

Must remember to add my new lot to Universe with the cards. I keep using the portal without thinking so I'm still missing the achievement for a card-add!
Current Skylander count: 31/37

Still need: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#775 Posted: 17:49:14 30/03/2012
Any one seeing any Wave 4's?
If so, where?
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:49:32 30/03/2012 by reventon777
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#776 Posted: 17:58:28 30/03/2012
I have not seen Wave 4 yet, at all. Wave 3 has only just appeared in stores over here
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#777 Posted: 18:06:05 30/03/2012 it is then
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
PortalMasterEon Gold Sparx Gems: 2507
#778 Posted: 18:12:04 30/03/2012
Wave 4 is out. I got zook and lightning rod from TRU Brislington
Greetings Portal Masters!
I'm looking for a Royal Double Trouble + Platinum Chest
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#779 Posted: 18:14:31 30/03/2012
Where is Brislington?
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#780 Posted: 18:17:56 30/03/2012
^Near Bristol
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#781 Posted: 18:19:05 30/03/2012
Oh ok...
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#782 Posted: 18:55:40 30/03/2012
I posted a (link to a) photo earlier today of wave 4 in TRU Collier's Wood PX.
They had the triple pack, and singles of Zook, Lightning Rod and Ignitor (Who you can't see very well on the end of the photo. Probably would have if I didn't have the one that WAS frontmost in my hands as of taking the photo). There was also 2 rows of L-TH.

There wasn't any wave 4s in TRU Brent Cross though, so I assume only a few stores have shipments of them in so far. Brent Cross DID have wave 3 though

Edit- Adventure/ triple packs are £17.95 on Amazon?? Actually coming from Amazon as well, not a scalper with insane postage
Or only a few, seems DP and DC are still 19.99

Zap & Wrecking Ball, maybe others, coming in stock on April 6th on Amazon

For those who want to shop with shopto.... they've got wave 4. Zook, Lightning Rod, Ignitor and the triple pack in stock. As well as EOI, Zap/ Hex/ Dinorang triple, Darklight Crypt, Chop Chop, Stealth Elf, Eruptor, Drobot, Bash, Sonic Boom, Pirate Seas, Prism Break/ Boomer/ Voodude triple and Eruptor/ Chop Chop/ Bash triple
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 19:04:28 30/03/2012 by Astrail
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#783 Posted: 19:42:11 30/03/2012
Yeah, I said over here, but I kinda meant up here in Lincolnshire smilie

But if I see anything, I'll let you guys know, of course smilie
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#784 Posted: 19:47:02 30/03/2012
My TRU had Wave 4 in yesterday, but I couldn't go-I was in school and I didn't even know they had them. are packaging Zook, L.Rod and my Ignitor though, so I'm pretty pleased. I asked about Sunburn too-they said try again next week. I'm hoping to get it for Easter along with the EOI I ordered from On Smyths website, it said they have Wave four at my local Smyths but not Sunburn as in stock too-so not just limited to TRU.
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#785 Posted: 21:12:26 30/03/2012
smilie still no email here. They must hate me or something.
Buzzthebatgirl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1526
#786 Posted: 21:18:16 30/03/2012
I can also confirm there is Wave 4 in Collier's Wood. I raced there after reading the post from Astrail and ringing the store. I got there at around 5pm and found singles of Ignitor, Zook and LTH, the triples on the shelf were the Zap pack, Legendary Pack and Boomer pack.

With Lightening Rod missing from the shelf, I asked a member of floor staff, who initially said he was out of stock. I was informed on my phone call that there was L-Rod in the back, the assistant wen to the back as I expected. The staff member was quite surprised that I came all the way out for Skylanders!

So today thanks to everyone's reports, I got a haul of Boomer, Prism Break and Voodood pack, Ignitor, Zook and Lightening Rod for my collection and a set of Legendaries for my friend. My wallet was crying, but I did use a "spend £30, get £5 off" coupon and got a £5 and £10 coupons for future Skylander purchases.

Oh and the store does have a "one character [style] per person" rule in place.
GITD smilie won on
Too many Skylanders in collection
faitaru Green Sparx Gems: 137
#787 Posted: 21:19:19 30/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
smilie still no email here. They must hate me or something.

Same here smilie What date did you order yours?
Current Skylander count: 31/37

Still need: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#788 Posted: 21:33:41 30/03/2012
Quote: faitaru
Quote: IAmMarti
smilie still no email here. They must hate me or something.

Same here smilie What date did you order yours?

Feb 6th smilie

*edit* TRU website out of stock on all legendary packs
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:37:26 30/03/2012 by IAmMarti
PortalMastery Red Sparx Gems: 45
#789 Posted: 21:41:05 30/03/2012
Got Darklight Crypt (DC?) via Amazon on Wednesday. Just got change to play it with my young 'un this afternoon and it'd pretty interesting - good use made of the undead/real world switches to disorientate you!

We've not got any Air Skylanders yet... Two triple packs on order (with Lightning Rod and with Sonic Boom) but no dispatch date on those yet.
Creator of Portal Mastery app for iPhone/iPad - tracker and stats guide
We've got smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
faitaru Green Sparx Gems: 137
#790 Posted: 21:50:02 30/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
Feb 6th smilie

*edit* TRU website out of stock on all legendary packs

Whole month before I did then!

Guess I have quite a wait.

Quote: PortalMastery
Got Darklight Crypt (DC?) via Amazon on Wednesday. Just got change to play it with my young 'un this afternoon and it'd pretty interesting - good use made of the undead/real world switches to disorientate you!

I love DLC. The plot is really amusing and having to switch between undead/real world adds a little bit more to the level. It's great!
Current Skylander count: 31/37

Still need: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:51:50 30/03/2012 by faitaru
Iskierka Green Sparx Gems: 231
#791 Posted: 21:54:14 30/03/2012
Hi guys!

Just wanted to say thanks - I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks now, but I finally decided to join to show my appreciation for the news that has been here.

My aunt asked me back in January to look out for certain Skylanders for my cousins, who got the game for Christmas. And thanks to this thread, I managed to get all four legendaries for them in time for one of their birthdays in the next week (As well as getting them for my collection!).

Now, if I could just find one Stump Smash anywhere that's not going at scalper prices... I preordered him on Amazon at £9.99, but I'm not living in hope of him coming from there any time soon.
Got: smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#792 Posted: 22:00:38 30/03/2012
Welcome Iskierka smilie

With Stump Smash your best bet is in the triple... I see you have Drobot but I'm sure your cousins can find a home for a spare smilie Flameslinger is pretty good and at £16.99 from Currys/PC World it's well worth it if you have any interest in Flameslinger at all, especially if you're planning on paying £9.99 just for Stump Smash.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Iskierka Green Sparx Gems: 231
#793 Posted: 22:07:36 30/03/2012
Thanks Deandria smilie

It's actually my cousins who are wanting Stump Smash - and I asked my aunt if she knew which other ones they already had, otherwise I would get him in the triple pack. Hopefully after the birthday, I'll be able to get a full list of the ones that they have - and then I can decide which route to go for.
Got: smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#794 Posted: 22:13:18 30/03/2012
Ah I see (I actually think Stump Smash isn't so great myself... hence having smilie and smilie but not him...)

Because of the way they send out the single packs some of them can be pretty tough to get (I've been looking for a Voodood for my neighbour's boy for a while now) BUT it seems that Activision/Toys for Bob have got their act together and Skylanders in general seem to be getting more abundant so hopefully over then next few weeks you'll stumble on one in a shop.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Iskierka Green Sparx Gems: 231
#795 Posted: 22:18:39 30/03/2012
He's one of the ones I'm not too bothered about at all - since I went for the 3DS game, I've had Stealth Elf from the start, and she's been the only Life element one who I've really cared for so far. I'm interested in Camo more from the viewpoint of collecting the dragons.

I've noticed some online places getting some of the early Skylanders back in, so I tend to check them a few times a day to see what's in stock just in case. I kinda wish that I'd had the foresight to pick one up when the stores were full of the figures in November - oh well. I'll know for next time.
Got: smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie | smilie smilie smilie | smilie smilie
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#796 Posted: 22:45:18 30/03/2012
Ah, Collier's Wood got some legendary triples in? Didn't see one when I was there (I'd guestimate 11:45am/ 12pm). So they must have put them out after I left.
Which... I guess was a good thing. I don't think my bag could have fit another triple pack sized box in it! It was already quite difficult with DC/ PS.

And Stump Smash seems to be one of the harder ones to find, somehow smilie. I haven't seen him appear in stock anywhere. And yet when I searched eBay months back... he was all over it @_@. Him and Eruptor (And split 3DS starter packs at insane prices). I would expect them to get some kind of stock for him (and Voodood), considering a lot of the old harder to find ones are getting much easier to find now.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#797 Posted: 07:44:08 31/03/2012
Quote: Deandria
Ah I see (I actually think Stump Smash isn't so great myself... hence having smilie and smilie but not him...)

Same here...had a smilie/smilie/smilie Triple Pack in GAME once, but they also had a smilie Single, and figured, i'll get the Single, don't really find him strong, even my friend agreed, even had his fully upgraded! Now searching for smilie
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Geekycat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1184
#798 Posted: 08:05:22 31/03/2012
Wish me luck. Going to Bolton Smyths to see if they have wave 4. I came up on their website that they had all of wave 4, so I hope I get lucky. Do you think I should get the triple, or just singles, as I'm not too bothered with cynder.
If you can't think of something clever to say, ask someone like me.
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#799 Posted: 08:23:24 31/03/2012
Get the triple-Cynder is really good down either path. The triple packs are good value too. Good luck!
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#800 Posted: 08:36:43 31/03/2012
My Lightning Rod and Zook came in the mail today. So surprised we got them so soon!
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
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