

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The UK Skylanders Hunters Thread :) [CLOSED]
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#701 Posted: 20:10:08 28/03/2012
:'( I want my zook l-rod and cynder pack from amazon
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#702 Posted: 20:13:29 28/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
:'( I want my zook l-rod and cynder pack from amazon

*pats head* There there...

Don't worry, just put it this way, by waiting, you have not only saved yourself money, but also stopped it fuelling those who buy purely to resell.

I have to say, the wait between ordering my Cyndy's and receiving them felt like the longest couple of months EVER.

And now it's waiting for DP's release DX
Parabuds Green Sparx Gems: 106
#703 Posted: 20:27:29 28/03/2012
I have my Ignitor still on order from Amazon from the 5th but I'm contemplating canceling it and waiting for wave 4 as I hear there's a single pack of him with it
If your not living on the edge, your taking up too much space!
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#704 Posted: 20:31:14 28/03/2012
I'm really starting to think I don't want to buy anymore... once my EoI arrives in a few days and my pre-ordered DP gets here (though if I find it in TRU you bet I'm cancelling that one) I might be done until Giants if the thing about the originals not being able to do everything the reposes can do turns out to be true.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
sigurduk Blue Sparx Gems: 927
#705 Posted: 20:41:23 28/03/2012
I just came from SmythsToys in Salisbury. And the have everything from wave 3 now.
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#706 Posted: 20:47:53 28/03/2012
Quote: Deandria
I'm really starting to think I don't want to buy anymore... once my EoI arrives in a few days and my pre-ordered DP gets here (though if I find it in TRU you bet I'm cancelling that one) I might be done until Giants if the thing about the originals not being able to do everything the reposes can do turns out to be true.

Yeah I was never planning to get all of them........ =/ my rule was only ones that I wanted. TBH I'm not even that fussed about Zook and L-Rod but I thought it was cheaper in the long run just to get the triple so I can get Cynder <3. But yeah think I'll go with adventure packs because the extra level content is always good. But I'm not going out my way to get ones I dont like.
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#707 Posted: 21:00:05 28/03/2012
I never planned to get them all but I ended up getting more and more... I think part of the reason the stock has been low is to prompt the sort of impulse buying where you think, "I'd better buy it now incase I never see it again." In that situation you often ignore the fact you didn't really want it that much to begin with.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#708 Posted: 21:10:29 28/03/2012
Oh god.... yeah impulse buying is a real problem because of how hard they are to find @_@.
When I see ones I don't have, I'm so tempted to get them because I don't know if I'll ever see them again.

Like how I brought myself Dino-rang last Friday. I think he could be cool, I just don't like how hes designed. But I felt like I had gone such a long way and I had to get SOMETHING. And no way was that something going to be Boomer.

I think DP, Camo and MAYBE Warnado are the last ones I'm going to actively try to get. Finish off my dragon collection and then Warnado looks kinda cool. I should probably give my parents a quick birthday list of the 3 adventure packs, aaand one shirt I want from Ta'varen Tees so they can try and get those ASAP. Extra levels are always good, but I don't want to fork over the money for them (And I have no idea how long TTs international shipping times are. If its like Sharkrobot, its 5 weeks. Which is getting close to too late now).
But gah, I might find it hard to not pick up an adventure pack if I saw one in shops
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
outerdragon Green Sparx Gems: 273
#709 Posted: 21:11:12 28/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Deandria
I never planned to get them all but I ended up getting more and more... I think part of the reason the stock has been low is to prompt the sort of impulse buying where you think, "I'd better buy it now incase I never see it again." In that situation you often ignore the fact you didn't really want it that much to begin with.

Lol i was the same as u guys. I was only planing to get one of each element, however after i did that i just starting buying more of them intil eventually i ended up with around 29 of the buggers lol although in fairness some of them r pretty well made double trouble am looking at u lol
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#710 Posted: 21:13:43 28/03/2012
*only sane one here*

Even though I've had the option to get others that I wouldn't normally, the only one really has been Ignitor because he was part of the starter pack smilie
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#711 Posted: 21:16:32 28/03/2012
I think you probably are u_u

I intended to go for one of each element.
Then I wanted to get the dragon for each element on top of that.
Then the ones I liked in each element
.... Then it just sort of went downhill from there.

Edit- I mean... I have two Cynders now. TWO ;A;.
(Its not my fault, they made her an awesome figure. Which looks amazing black in my half finished custom paint, aaahh)
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:17:36 28/03/2012 by Astrail
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#712 Posted: 21:20:38 28/03/2012
smilie I went "Skylanders looks pretty cool, I want to have a look at that" originally... Then it was "Oh, these are the characters? Ehh, I just really want the dragons... And Sonic Boom..."

I think the closest I've got is being undecided on Flameslinger and Hex smilie Those two have pretty cool designs, but nothing has made me shout "Must buy!" Unless somewhere happened to have Buy One Get One Free and those two in stock smilie
outerdragon Green Sparx Gems: 273
#713 Posted: 21:22:04 28/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Astrail
I think you probably are u_u

I intended to go for one of each element.
Then I wanted to get the dragon for each element on top of that.
Then the ones I liked in each element
.... Then it just sort of went downhill from there.

Edit- I mean... I have two Cynders now. TWO ;A;.
(Its not my fault, they made her an awesome figure. Which looks amazing black in my half finished custom paint, aaahh)

lol yah the cynda figure is pretty cool as well. This is what i mean if the figures where just well.....crap then i wouldnt buy them, but because Activision has made most of them look (not really a fan of prisim brakes figure) sooooo cool thats making me want to buy even more of them lol
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#714 Posted: 22:05:04 28/03/2012
Like I said in my post earlier today. I would have got the Cynder figure from HMV if it wasnt £ figure I actually wouldnt mind to have two of.....but I'll have to be patient and wait smilie
Sequoia Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#715 Posted: 23:14:37 28/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
Like I said in my post earlier today. I would have got the Cynder figure from HMV if it wasnt £ figure I actually wouldnt mind to have two of.....but I'll have to be patient and wait smilie

I gots my Cynder for £7.99 in HMV xP
outerdragon Green Sparx Gems: 273
#716 Posted: 23:27:02 28/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: IAmMarti
Like I said in my post earlier today. I would have got the Cynder figure from HMV if it wasnt £ figure I actually wouldnt mind to have two of.....but I'll have to be patient and wait smilie

Huh £9.99 what the hel there taking the mick. I manage 2 pick the last one up from my local Tesco for £7.99
dragonjackd Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#717 Posted: 06:01:35 29/03/2012
Just went to Tru in Cov to get leg th, & got zook, ignitor, lightning rod. Also had leg triple pack in
Parabuds Green Sparx Gems: 106
#718 Posted: 06:14:23 29/03/2012
I'm the same as you guys too. The intention was just to play the game and get just one of each element. Massive fail with the want for Sunburn, Camo, Warnado, Ignitor and Sonic Boom in my collection although I don't own many. I have a swapping system with my friend and we just get the ones the other doesn't. Works well since he likes his power house kinda characters where I prefer the quicker ones.
Alas he did persuade me to get Drobot and I'm now on the dragon hunt.
Wonder what I'll do with them all once I complete the game...
If your not living on the edge, your taking up too much space!
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#719 Posted: 08:34:16 29/03/2012
Quote: Parabuds
I'm the same as you guys too. The intention was just to play the game and get just one of each element. Massive fail with the want for Sunburn, Camo, Warnado, Ignitor and Sonic Boom in my collection although I don't own many. I have a swapping system with my friend and we just get the ones the other doesn't. Works well since he likes his power house kinda characters where I prefer the quicker ones.
Alas he did persuade me to get Drobot and I'm now on the dragon hunt.
Wonder what I'll do with them all once I complete the game...

smilie Skylanders Giants of course!
Sequoia Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#720 Posted: 08:35:34 29/03/2012
Just called TRU Exeter and they have "hundreds" of Legendary Trigger Happy so I'll be getting Marti one tomorrow P: anyone else?
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#721 Posted: 08:38:04 29/03/2012
Quote: Sequoia Spyro
Just called TRU Exeter and they have "hundreds" of Legendary Trigger Happy so I'll be getting Marti one tomorrow P: anyone else?

<3 Dan.... this will bring my collection to 18 :3

Oh what have you guys done to me!
Sequoia Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#722 Posted: 08:39:29 29/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
Quote: Sequoia Spyro
Just called TRU Exeter and they have "hundreds" of Legendary Trigger Happy so I'll be getting Marti one tomorrow P: anyone else?

<3 Dan.... this will bring my collection to 18 :3

Oh what have you guys done to me!

:3 I also asked about Lightning Rod and Zook and he said he's not sure when they're coming in. But, if that guy up there ^ is telling the truth then maybe we'll see them sooner than we thought.
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#723 Posted: 08:39:59 29/03/2012
If I hadn't gotten mine through import yesterday, I would have totally taken you up on your offer.

Oh well, easy come, easy go. At least we seem to be catching up with the figures!
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#724 Posted: 08:41:48 29/03/2012
Quote: Sequoia Spyro
Quote: IAmMarti
Quote: Sequoia Spyro
Just called TRU Exeter and they have "hundreds" of Legendary Trigger Happy so I'll be getting Marti one tomorrow P: anyone else?

<3 Dan.... this will bring my collection to 18 :3

Oh what have you guys done to me!

:3 I also asked about Lightning Rod and Zook and he said he's not sure when they're coming in. But, if that guy up there ^ is telling the truth then maybe we'll see them sooner than we thought.

Hope so smilie wants my triple pack!
scottehx Platinum Sparx Gems: 5874
#725 Posted: 08:46:23 29/03/2012

Why the double post.

Can you show us pix of Zook and Lightning Rod.

Also your sig still shows you need Ignitor!!!
chrisrobbo21982 Blue Sparx Gems: 707
#726 Posted: 12:08:18 29/03/2012
My zook/lightning rod/cynder order from amazon is now 'preparing for dispatch'. Should see them soon hopefully!
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Wynne1975 Blue Sparx Gems: 854
#727 Posted: 12:41:02 29/03/2012
My Lightening Rod triple pack has despatched from Amazon.
chrisrobbo21982 Blue Sparx Gems: 707
#728 Posted: 13:00:20 29/03/2012
Quote: Wynne1975
My Lightening Rod triple pack has despatched from Amazon.

Out of interest what date did you order?
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
dragonjackd Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#729 Posted: 13:00:26 29/03/2012
Quote: scottehx

Why the double post.

Can you show us pix of Zook and Lightning Rod.

Also your sig still shows you need Ignitor!!!

No idea about the double post, I only sent it once, I'll try & get pics up later, been really busy as we had a baby girl on Sunday, Skylanders were her 1st present to her Big Brother, Sig should be put upto date later (fingers crossed)
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#730 Posted: 14:01:44 29/03/2012
So, I went to HMV today...

I was so surprised at the number of figures they had!

2 of each Adventure pack(excluding DP) and 6 of each Flameslinger, Cynder, Drill Sarge, Whirlwind, ChopChop and Double Trouble. As well as a pile of at least 8 various starter packs

Didn't buy anything though, apart from some cheap Pokemon tins
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#731 Posted: 14:47:46 29/03/2012
Quote: bisylizzie
So, I went to HMV today...

I was so surprised at the number of figures they had!

2 of each Adventure pack(excluding DP) and 6 of each Flameslinger, Cynder, Drill Sarge, Whirlwind, ChopChop and Double Trouble. As well as a pile of at least 8 various starter packs

Didn't buy anything though, apart from some cheap Pokemon tins

Yeah same stock as my local HMV then sounds like.
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#732 Posted: 14:49:34 29/03/2012
Quote: chrisrobbo21982
Quote: Wynne1975
My Lightening Rod triple pack has despatched from Amazon.

Out of interest what date did you order?

I preordered on Feb 6th and mine is not yet dispatched!? smilie
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#733 Posted: 15:17:46 29/03/2012
Cynder, Doublt Trouble, Whirlwind a few others and Pirate Seas and Darklight Crypt available on Toys R Us
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
Geekycat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1184
#734 Posted: 15:40:24 29/03/2012
Wave 4 is coming soon! Smyths has the picks for zook and lightning rod, and says DP is expected to be back in stock in my local store in march. Even Asda has the pics for the LR triple.
If you can't think of something clever to say, ask someone like me.
Buzzthebatgirl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1526
#735 Posted: 15:52:25 29/03/2012
Sorry for my absence, if anyone missed me that is smilie. My husband is going to run a workshop in our house on Saturday, the thing is husband is at work during the day and away most evenings with work or tag rugby. So guess who has to make the house respectable? It's not the cat smilie

Anywhooo, if anyone is interested Legendary Trigger Happy is available right now on TRU's site.

He (LTH) is on his way to stores though. A chat with Wonderful Craig today reveals there is 280 of the gremlin in transit to Collier's Wood.

A funny thing arose with the Legendary Triple Pack though, yes it is now in stock online, but stores have been told to discontinue it. Craig said he was going to follow this up with Head Office and I'll report back when I call him next week when he gets in a new delivery.

Still no word on Dragon's Peak in UK yet, Craig was able to check the code number (I didn't manage to get it) and nothing showed up on his system. We'll have t wait a little longer!

[Off Topic] There was a chatter about how people store their Skylanders going on a few pages back, so not to clog up the thread with my image here is the link, I hope the picture rotates itself for everyone. It is rotated correctly on my Photobucket account, but refuses to when I view the link :/

My 'landers live on a DVD shelf we bought in Ikea almost 2 years ago, that is no longer used for DVDs in this house. Skylanders are organised by type and tiered when space is needed. The tiers are simply cardboard packing from a flat-pack bed. Skylanders with rubbed bands have completed all the current 21 available Heroic Challenges.

Items live on the top, that is until I buy another self and fit it in. Some backing cards, Spanish Booklet and Portal all live on the bottom. My niece and nephew are going to love playing with this when they come over to visit! [/off topic]

Edit: Just noticed this over on the Smyths site. It states they will have Dragon's Peak next available in March 2012. I was under the assumption that TRU had an exclusive for DP??!
GITD smilie won on
Too many Skylanders in collection
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:12:10 29/03/2012 by Buzzthebatgirl
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#736 Posted: 16:21:46 29/03/2012
I've not heard about anything for TRU UK having DP exclusive. Not to mention, Zavvi was the first site to get a DP release date of April 6th (Its way more expensive on Zavvi though- don't order it). If thats true, its a bit late for TRU to get an exclusive of it, IMO.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#737 Posted: 16:41:58 29/03/2012
It's all getting very confusing. Wish someone would give us a straight up answer to when certain figures will come out =/
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#738 Posted: 17:11:38 29/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
It's all getting very confusing. Wish someone would give us a straight up answer to when certain figures will come out =/

So do I, just a simple answer would do
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#739 Posted: 17:13:42 29/03/2012
Yeah :/.
I understand lack of supply pushing back release dates, but it would have been nice for Activision to say "Right, wave 1 is when the game is released, wave 2 is *date*, 3 *date*, 4 *date* and 5 *date*" from the start. Instead of us having to grasp at straws and pick up small bits of information for numerous websites in order to have some idea of when they're supposed to come out. Or for them to give actual release dates to online stores, so people aren't preordering and waiting months without even getting a date.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#740 Posted: 17:26:31 29/03/2012
Amazon have artwork for Dragons Peak.....
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#741 Posted: 17:33:02 29/03/2012
^Finally! Now I have to decide whether I want to preorder it or not
RD74 Red Sparx Gems: 40
#742 Posted: 17:40:35 29/03/2012
Quote: chrisrobbo21982
Quote: Wynne1975
My Lightening Rod triple pack has despatched from Amazon.

Out of interest what date did you order?

Mine are on the way too.
I ordered mine on March 5th
Just need the two adventure packs now.
RD74 Red Sparx Gems: 40
#743 Posted: 17:48:34 29/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
Amazon have artwork for Dragons Peak.....

I have Empire of Ice & Dragons Peak on pre-order from Amazon! I noticed it about a month ago, so put a pre-order in for DP. Not noticed it on there for a while (not that I have been looking hard).
chrisrobbo21982 Blue Sparx Gems: 707
#744 Posted: 17:51:19 29/03/2012
Quote: RD74
Quote: chrisrobbo21982
Quote: Wynne1975
My Lightening Rod triple pack has despatched from Amazon.

Out of interest what date did you order?

Mine are on the way too.
I ordered mine on March 5th
Just need the two adventure packs now.

I ordered 1st Feb and mine still not been dispatched! Weird.

They're going straight back anyway as I picked up Zook and Lightning Rod from TrU this afternoon. They weren't on the shelf but I asked a completely clueless employee about Dragon's Peak and he came back with a box with them both in plus Stealth Elf and some others I've already got.

Good couple of days hunting for me.
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#745 Posted: 17:52:10 29/03/2012
Quote: RD74
Quote: chrisrobbo21982
Quote: Wynne1975
My Lightening Rod triple pack has despatched from Amazon.

Out of interest what date did you order?

Mine are on the way too.
I ordered mine on March 5th
Just need the two adventure packs now.

Wait wait wait.....March 5th!!!!!!!!! I ordered mine on Feb 6th! Why the hell hasn't mine been dispatched! >=(
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#746 Posted: 17:53:32 29/03/2012
Half makes me wish I kept my order on for the triple pack and just sucked up the fact that I'd have an extra Cynder.

On that note, I did check my Amazon order and it says despatching soon!
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:57:33 29/03/2012 by Sunny Castanets
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#747 Posted: 17:57:16 29/03/2012
I dont know if I want to preorder Dragons Peak....I want it yeah but very confused if it is exclusive to TRU for a month...because I'd rather go TRU
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#748 Posted: 17:58:42 29/03/2012
*closest TRU is about an hour away*

Yeah, i think everyone would LOVE that idea
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#749 Posted: 18:02:31 29/03/2012
Surely Amazon wouldn't be letting people pre-order if that's the case?
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
PortalMasterEon Gold Sparx Gems: 2507
#750 Posted: 18:05:09 29/03/2012
Just been to toysrus and got Zook and (another) L-ROD!! Will post pic when i can be bothered
Greetings Portal Masters!
I'm looking for a Royal Double Trouble + Platinum Chest
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