

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The UK Skylanders Hunters Thread :) [CLOSED]
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#651 Posted: 15:49:42 27/03/2012
^Yeah, that's what I'm planning on smilie Will need to find myself a couple of hours to just play with her and get her levelled up and cashed up
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#652 Posted: 15:55:16 27/03/2012
I think if I get the Lightning Rod/Cynder/Zook triple I may start a new game and just use them (well I might use my others to unlock gates but nothing else) it will be interesting how the game would play with different "starters".
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
dragonjackd Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#653 Posted: 21:42:44 27/03/2012
Legendry Trigger Happy on sale tomorrow at Cov TRU, check yours, they had them tonight, got to touch one but not allowed to buy it until tomorrow
Parabuds Green Sparx Gems: 106
#654 Posted: 06:26:41 28/03/2012
I know it's a more costly way but I'm not buying triples and waiting to buy the level packs when there more widely available. I'm doing a bit of team work with a friend and getting ones he doesn't and vice versa so I've got my collection to 17 just doing that. That way I don't need to own crappy characters like Wrecking Ball and Hex to complete my collection smilie
If your not living on the edge, your taking up too much space!
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#655 Posted: 11:15:20 28/03/2012
^I kinda do that with my neighbour, we have changed ownership on a few characters to unlock all the heroics available between us... unfortunately we intend to get mostly the same ones... but it has meant I won't ever have to buy Chop Chop, Stump Smash or Wrecking Ball smilie

Though I don't agree with you that Hex is crappy... if you use her orb attack (in story mode) she's actually pretty good imo... the skull rain can be annoying to set up though so if it's that your opinion is based off then I kinda understand your point (though I've heard good things about it when used in pvp). Also I know her design isn't for everyone and while some people will disagree with me that is a valid reason to dislike a Skylander, although you may miss out on some fun if you never try one you think looks lame. But at the end of the day they are also figurines so if you really don't like the look then why would you want to spend money buying something you will need to give house-room to?

Anyway that's not the reason I popped into this thread today: My EoI from is listed as "Processing in warehouse" so hopefully it will be dispatched today smilie

Wave 4 is still showing as "Usually dispatched within 10 days." though.

I'm really struggling to resist ordering the LR/C/Z triple though... I want it but I'm trying to resist spending money right now... and especially now I've heard this:

Quote: Skylanders Giant Full Details Uncovered
The figures from Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures can also be used in the new game, and will bring with them all their upgrades, levelling up and hats. It currently seems that they will not be able to be levelled up higher in the new game.

It makes buying anything other than adventure packs kinda pointless for me now smilie
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:17:14 28/03/2012 by Deandria
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#656 Posted: 12:06:26 28/03/2012

Empire of Ice in stock for those of you who are looking - get to it quick!
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
chrisrobbo21982 Blue Sparx Gems: 707
#657 Posted: 14:20:36 28/03/2012
Went to TrU in Manchester today looking for Legendary Trigger Happy. As well as picking one up for me and a friend, I got VERY lucky and found a gold drill sergeant in amongst the single packs! RESULT!
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#658 Posted: 14:26:30 28/03/2012
Wow nice! I wish I was so lucky... but then I don't really deserve a gold Skylander because I think they're terrible (seriously... very lazy paint job) so if I had one I would sell it... but good for you, I hope you enjoy it smilie
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
chrisrobbo21982 Blue Sparx Gems: 707
#659 Posted: 14:39:39 28/03/2012
Quote: Deandria
Wow nice! I wish I was so lucky... but then I don't really deserve a gold Skylander because I think they're terrible (seriously... very lazy paint job) so if I had one I would sell it... but good for you, I hope you enjoy it smilie

I'm giving it to my little boy for his 4th birthday next month. Can't wait to see his face as he loves skylanders!
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#660 Posted: 14:40:51 28/03/2012
Wow, those prices are terrible! I saw a video where figures were £7.49 each. That's almost $12 CAD! And I thought the stores selling for $9.99 were a rip off.
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#661 Posted: 15:15:48 28/03/2012
Quote: chrisrobbo21982
Quote: Deandria
Wow nice! I wish I was so lucky... but then I don't really deserve a gold Skylander because I think they're terrible (seriously... very lazy paint job) so if I had one I would sell it... but good for you, I hope you enjoy it smilie

I'm giving it to my little boy for his 4th birthday next month. Can't wait to see his face as he loves skylanders!

Lucky kid smilie I'm sure he'll think it's the best thing ever smilie

Quote: Zing
Wow, those prices are terrible! I saw a video where figures were £7.49 each. That's almost $12 CAD! And I thought the stores selling for $9.99 were a rip off.

Everything in the UK is more expensive than in the US especially electronics. Often if it's $100 it will be £100 ($160 near as makes no difference) and it was even worse when £1 was nearly $2... because everything was nearly twice the price as the US then.

And actually some places sell Skylanders for £9.99 ($15.85) for singles ( being one place... but there are others). £7.49 is the cheapest you can get Skylander singles these days... (nearly everywhere has gone up to £7.99 or higher).

Edit: Oh I just realised, you're Canadian, I apologise profusely for the insult smilie I was using US prices there... but it's still almost the same.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 15:21:38 28/03/2012 by Deandria
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#662 Posted: 15:47:06 28/03/2012
The EOI from arrived today. Can't have it until Easter, but very speedy delivery. ShopTo have been quite good for me. I am very pleased-I've been looking for about a month now for that EOI. Slam Bam looks awesome too.
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#663 Posted: 16:29:41 28/03/2012
Quote: Cheeseman
The EOI from arrived today. Can't have it until Easter, but very speedy delivery. ShopTo have been quite good for me. I am very pleased-I've been looking for about a month now for that EOI. Slam Bam looks awesome too.


Wish I'd not cancelled mine now... they said 13th of April so I was sure's would come sooner...

Oh well my order is "Processing in warehouse" so it really should only be 2 or 3 days now... And it's cheaper from anyway.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:30:32 28/03/2012 by Deandria
PortalMasterEon Gold Sparx Gems: 2507
#664 Posted: 16:44:13 28/03/2012
Greetings Portal Masters!
I'm looking for a Royal Double Trouble + Platinum Chest
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:55:35 28/03/2012 by PortalMasterEon
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#665 Posted: 16:47:37 28/03/2012
Wow what a day! So I misread Argos website the other day, they didnt have any I was looking at 'yes for home delivery'. So anyway I went to Argos just to have a browse and decided to check anyway and they did indeed have single figures and adventure pack (only pirate was in the catalogue) so I thought I would treat myself to the Pirate Seas pack. When I got to the counter they offered me a choice of Pirate Seas, Darklight Crypt, and Empire of Ice! But I stuck to the Pirate one. The guy at the counter asked if I had all of them and I said nah only 16, and that I wasnt interested in getting all 37. He didnt believe me lol.

So then I went to HMV...(sorry for blurry quality)

[User Posted Image]

OMG NO WAY!!!!!!!!!! I was approached asking if I needed help to which I replied 'I'm just admiring your Skylanders display' to which he replied 'yeah that we actually have them right?' then I was asked to move out the way so they could take a picture to send their regional manager lol. Not to my suprise they had singles for £ much as I love Cynder and it pains me to wait for the triple pack I ordered. Nah thanks.
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#666 Posted: 16:52:00 28/03/2012
^Nice to see some shops still have proper displays. My HMV is a sad affair. Three starter packs stacked on top of each other, and occasionally two of those hangers with one or two figures on
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#667 Posted: 16:54:14 28/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
Wow what a day! So I misread Argos website the other day, they didnt have any I was looking at 'yes for home delivery'. So anyway I went to Argos just to have a browse and decided to check anyway and they did indeed have single figures and adventure pack (only pirate was in the catalogue) so I thought I would treat myself to the Pirate Seas pack. When I got to the counter they offered me a choice of Pirate Seas, Darklight Crypt, and Empire of Ice! But I stuck to the Pirate one. The guy at the counter asked if I had all of them and I said nah only 16, and that I wasnt interested in getting all 37. He didnt believe me lol.


The amount of times I could have checked Argos for adventure packs but didn't because I already had Pirate Seas...

I suppose I should have known... Pirate Seas doesn't actually come in a box of just Pirate Seas anymore... Why I didn't think to check I don't know...
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#668 Posted: 16:58:19 28/03/2012
My nearest HMV has no figures on display, then we asked, still none. I only got lucky once when a staff member from a HMV in Brighton (not my local one) was walking through after taking some from a scalper, 2 Eruptors and 2 Boomers, and i bought Eruptor.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:58:55 28/03/2012 by reventon777
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#669 Posted: 16:59:24 28/03/2012
Honestly I thought HMV and Argos would have nothing, always pays to check!
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#670 Posted: 17:00:59 28/03/2012
Did your Argos have Skylanders on display, or did you buy based on luck on what Skylander Pack you got?
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#671 Posted: 17:01:29 28/03/2012
Quote: reventon777
Did your Argos have Skylanders on display, or did you buy based on luck on what Skylander Pack you got?

Based on luck smilie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#672 Posted: 17:03:10 28/03/2012
OK, that's why I don't usually get Skylanders from Argos. I either order Skylanders from their own page online, or check Broadwater, my local shopping centre.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#673 Posted: 17:07:04 28/03/2012
^You can ask for a customer viewing at Argos, and they will get down all the different ones they have, so you can pick and choose if you want any
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#674 Posted: 17:08:44 28/03/2012
Quote: bisylizzie
^You can ask for a customer viewing at Argos, and they will get down all the different ones they have, so you can pick and choose if you want any

I noticed you said "if", so does that mean once you view you don't have to buy?
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#675 Posted: 17:10:01 28/03/2012
You can always ask Argos to check what's in stock before you buy them, that's what I do...

Last time I went in checking for singles and they had 2 Eruptors... I didn't want him so I didn't buy one.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#676 Posted: 17:11:22 28/03/2012
Quote: reventon777
Quote: bisylizzie
^You can ask for a customer viewing at Argos, and they will get down all the different ones they have, so you can pick and choose if you want any

I noticed you said "if", so does that mean once you view you don't have to buy?

Yeah, of course! That's what it means, that's the whole point of it. You see what they have, decide if you want it or not. Asking for a customer viewing doesn't tie you down into anything

Deandria - That's known as a customer viewing - where you ask to see what they have. Which is why it's a good idea to reserve the stock beforehand, as you're not tied into buying it(unless you pay beforehand), and they keep everything until you go in and decide "Yeah I want it" or "Nah, I'll leave it"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:13:19 28/03/2012 by bisylizzie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#677 Posted: 17:12:58 28/03/2012
Quote: bisylizzie
Quote: reventon777
Quote: bisylizzie
^You can ask for a customer viewing at Argos, and they will get down all the different ones they have, so you can pick and choose if you want any

I noticed you said "if", so does that mean once you view you don't have to buy?

Yeah, of course! That's what it means, that's the whole point of it. You see what they have, decide if you want it or not.

You have just made my life much easier good citizen, i thank you...with smilies smilie smilie smilie
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#678 Posted: 17:13:11 28/03/2012
Looks like I got beaten to saying L-TH was on TRU XD.

I find it kinda funny how we have L-TH before the triple pack which is /finally/ being released tomorrow.

DP also has an image on Amazon, last of wave 4 to get one @_@. Also their single pack prize went down! ..... £9.55 instead of £9.99.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#679 Posted: 17:15:22 28/03/2012
Even better, the Argos Extra is right up my road!
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#680 Posted: 17:17:29 28/03/2012
Oh damn
Just seen the price of the Cynder/Lighting Rod/Zook Triple Pack on amazon.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:26:29 28/03/2012 by reventon777
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#681 Posted: 17:20:19 28/03/2012
Quote: reventon777
You have just made my life much easier good citizen, i thank you...with smilies smilie smilie smilie

No problem... Many people don't realise they can take advantage of the system like that smilie

And it helps you guys get Skylanders, so it's all for a good cause
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#682 Posted: 17:21:24 28/03/2012
Quote: reventon777
Oh ****
Just seen the price of the Cynder/Lighting Rod/Zook Triple Pack on amazon.

Thats because its being sold by a scalper.
If its more expensive than £19.99, its a scalper and not coming from Amazon themselves.
If singles are more expensive than £9.99- scalper. If they are CHEAPER than £9.99.... also a scalper. The cheaper ones tack on at least £4 shipping @_@
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#683 Posted: 17:22:50 28/03/2012
Quote: bisylizzie
Deandria - That's known as a customer viewing - where you ask to see what they have. Which is why it's a good idea to reserve the stock beforehand, as you're not tied into buying it(unless you pay beforehand), and they keep everything until you go in and decide "Yeah I want it" or "Nah, I'll leave it"

Yeah I know, when I started typing that post you hadn't posted yet (I got distracted half way through by my baby... this often happens).
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#684 Posted: 17:24:41 28/03/2012
Quote: Astrail
Looks like I got beaten to saying L-TH was on TRU smilie.

I find it kinda funny how we have L-TH before the triple pack which is /finally/ being released tomorrow.

DP also has an image on Amazon, last of wave 4 to get one @_@. Also their single pack prize went down! ..... £9.55 instead of £9.99.

What triple pack? The wave 4 triple pack?
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#685 Posted: 17:25:59 28/03/2012
Phew...just realised that Amazon IS selling it for £19.99 and Free Shipping to UK, but someone called davdgamingDIRECT is selling it for £34.99, phew...still possible to get my present, yay!
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#686 Posted: 17:26:06 28/03/2012
Quote: Cheeseman
Quote: Astrail
Looks like I got beaten to saying L-TH was on TRU smilie.

I find it kinda funny how we have L-TH before the triple pack which is /finally/ being released tomorrow.

DP also has an image on Amazon, last of wave 4 to get one @_@. Also their single pack prize went down! ..... £9.55 instead of £9.99.

What triple pack? The wave 4 triple pack?

The legendary triple pack, lol. Its supposed to be released tomorrow, and suddenly L-TH makes its way onto TRU as a non-preorder the day beforehand.
I found it quite funny.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#687 Posted: 17:26:56 28/03/2012
Quote: reventon777
Oh ****
Just seen the price of the Cynder/Lighting Rod/Zook Triple Pack on amazon.

Be wary looking at Amazon prices. That price is from a shop that has obviously imported. You can still preorder from amazon for £19.99.

Oooooh Legendary TH.....want
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#688 Posted: 17:28:26 28/03/2012
The legendary triple has already come out? I bought it when the game was released.....
Astrail Green Sparx Gems: 194
#689 Posted: 17:32:46 28/03/2012
Didn't know that smilie, didn't have the game upon its release. All I know was TRU had preorders for it with it being released tomorrow.
Missing: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Deviantart: gikairan
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#690 Posted: 17:33:32 28/03/2012
I'm still wondering...why Dark52 hasn't made this forum sticky!
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#691 Posted: 17:35:49 28/03/2012
Quote: Astrail
Didn't know that smilie, didn't have the game upon its release. All I know was TRU had preorders for it with it being released tomorrow.

Maybe it was preorder for when more stock came in. I got it the Monday after it came out in a TRU in Bristol.
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#692 Posted: 17:44:37 28/03/2012
I still don't have the legendary pack D: i thought I was going to get it, but it's looking unlikely
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#693 Posted: 17:58:03 28/03/2012
I don't have it either
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#694 Posted: 18:02:14 28/03/2012
I don't really want it tbh. I don't think they look that great and by all accounts the stat increase is so slight that it makes very little difference... also for some reason they're £22.99 on TRUs website now... why is that? None of their other triples have increased in price...
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#695 Posted: 18:16:09 28/03/2012
Weird, i mean, i know they're limited stock, but i don't really care if they come pre-loaded with cash and levels.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#696 Posted: 18:47:29 28/03/2012
Quote: IAmMarti
The legendary triple has already come out? I bought it when the game was released.....

It was, but they took it off the market for a couple of months and re-released it with the demand.

I got my Legendary Trigger Happy today! I'm happy to see it on the TRU site, but I got it for the same price importing it from the US, so not a problem to me!

Also, it looks like Eruptor is the new Boomer. Since I posted about the Skylanders at my local Tesco, I went back there today. Discounting the triple packs, there were two Bash figures left, one Sonic Boom, and about 15 or more Eruptors!
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:50:07 28/03/2012 by Sunny Castanets
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#697 Posted: 19:11:52 28/03/2012
I have never seen a single pack Boomer (not that I'd want one). I think it's because I only came to the game in January when I got it for my birthday from my brother...
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
dragonjackd Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#698 Posted: 19:17:09 28/03/2012
Just went to Tru in Cov to get leg th, & got zook, ignitor, lightning rod. Also had leg triple pack in
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#699 Posted: 19:23:05 28/03/2012
Quote: dragonjackd
Just went to Tru in Cov to get leg th, & got zook, ignitor, lightning rod. Also had leg triple pack in

Are you serious? That is awesome! Well done. That means my order should be on the way...
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
PortalMasterEon Gold Sparx Gems: 2507
#700 Posted: 19:28:20 28/03/2012
Quote: Cheeseman
Quote: dragonjackd
Just went to Tru in Cov to get leg th, & got zook, ignitor, lightning rod. Also had leg triple pack in

Are you serious? That is awesome! Well done. That means my order should be on the way...

Greetings Portal Masters!
I'm looking for a Royal Double Trouble + Platinum Chest
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