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The Skylanders Fan Topic [CLOSED]
InsaneAlphaBeta Green Sparx Gems: 194
#451 Posted: 23:47:06 01/08/2011
Quote: CAV
Quote: TheWereCat
They ARE little kids. smilie

Not really. A lot of people that are complaining about Skylanders are Classic Loyalists, meaning that they were old enough to play and remember Classic Spyro. Therefore, most people complaining are between the ages of 16-23. Sad isn't it?

i think the fact of the matter is this, if a game is good or not is completely subjective, some fans think it will be good, others don't,
everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, however some people take things to far yes, but they can just be ignored,

here is my point, it doesn't matter who is *complaining*, the fact is, this subject is a matter of opinion, meaning what they think matters just as much as what you think, all opinions are equal, in the end no one will really ever know how good it is until it comes out.

and for the record, im 16. ive played every spyro game from First to last, *Except the ones on handheld* and ive enjoyed them all.
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#452 Posted: 04:33:50 03/08/2011
^I completely agree. By the way I'm 17 and I have played every spyro game out including moble and handheled and I have also enjoyed them. I f you ask me I believe that the game coming out is going to be pretty good from what I have seen so far so my opinion is that the game will be just as good as any other spyro game out.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#453 Posted: 04:39:31 03/08/2011
What no one has taken note of here is that it's not the opinions that bother people. It's being beaten over the head with someone's opinion (frequently negative) that is the problem. There's a similar problem with Cynder: some people like her so much that they will steamroll the feelings and wishes of everyone around them and demand that everyone like her the way they do. Same problem with the Skylanders haters here: early on, be they LoS or Classic fans, they were attacking the few people who did like the game at the time. Things have evened out some since then, but as a result, most Skylanders fans are now automatically on the defensive because they've been treated so poorly from the start by people who felt their opinions about a few screenshots were more important than the feelings of real people..
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#454 Posted: 05:30:13 03/08/2011
Boy I know how that feels. There were a few times when I was beat up and seen other people geting beat up w/ opinions from classic fans just because they are LoS fans. My point is that every one can have their own opinion but they should respect others opinions too. Anyway, I'm actually a classic and LoS fan and now I'm starting to become a Skylanders fan. I'm pretty eager to see what the game is going to be like for the wii system.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
InsaneAlphaBeta Green Sparx Gems: 194
#455 Posted: 05:32:26 03/08/2011
Quote: spyro16
every one can have their own opinion but they should respect others opinions too.
Completely agreed, if only people where like that, some are, some aren't.

however, thankfully, most people on this site are like that. =)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:33:13 03/08/2011 by InsaneAlphaBeta
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#456 Posted: 05:54:31 03/08/2011
I know I'm thankful for that as well. If wishes could come true I would wish that every one would be respectful and not argue at all. But I don't see that ever happening but thats ok. Every one has agreements and disagreements. Nothing can change that.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#457 Posted: 07:25:24 03/08/2011 | Topic Creator
Yup, and I'm like you, spyro16, a fan of all three series. But really, if there were no arguments at all, I think that it'd be boring. But the arguments that go on aren't right, fans of one series bashing up another just because they aren't happy with it. It isn't right...

But this game is looking good so far, can't wait for it to come out. ^_^
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#458 Posted: 12:02:51 03/08/2011
Lol I think that arguing is wrong to but You're right about it being boring w/out the arguing but thebn again it would also be nice for people not to fight anymore.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#459 Posted: 15:25:22 03/08/2011
Awww... As a big classic fan, I really hate that the more obnoxious classic fans have made us all look bad. :/ In all fairness, the biggest problems I had with Skylanders haters came from LoS fans, but I did abandon all of the classic Spyro groups on dA I was a member of when they started posting hate art (against their own policies and rules, even) and nasty rants at LoS fans. I hate LoS, I really do, but I'm not going to go after anyone for liking what they like (unless they start it first, in which case the gloves come off smilie). I'm that apparently rare thing: a classic fan who really likes Skylanders.
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#460 Posted: 21:06:23 03/08/2011
I have noticed that on DA lately......It's not right at all especialy when they go against their own rules.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
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