Quote: TheWereCatThey ARE little kids.
Not really. A lot of people that are complaining about Skylanders are Classic Loyalists, meaning that they were old enough to play and remember Classic Spyro. Therefore, most people complaining are between the ages of 16-23. Sad isn't it?
i think the fact of the matter is this, if a game is good or not is completely subjective, some fans think it will be good, others don't,
everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, however some people take things to far yes, but they can just be ignored,
here is my point, it doesn't matter who is *complaining*, the fact is, this subject is a matter of opinion, meaning what they think matters just as much as what you think, all opinions are equal, in the end no one will really ever know how good it is until it comes out.
and for the record, im 16. ive played every spyro game from First to last, *Except the ones on handheld* and ive enjoyed them all.