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Do you think the movie is unnecessary? [CLOSED]
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#1 Posted: 15:19:48 29/06/2008 | Topic Creator
I think that.The Spyro franchise is fine the way it is,we don't need a movie to ruin it.Yes,I am going to see it,but I'm not saying I'm going to like it.

If there was a movie in the days of Insomniac,I'd be more excited about it.It would probably be more successful since there were more fans back then.But now they must release a movie when there are more Spyro haters than lovers.

(Yes,I know it's too early to start assuming that the movie will ruin the franchise.But if you look at some of the people developing the movie,there are high chances that the movie won't be good.)
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#2 Posted: 16:42:14 29/06/2008
Well, as a long-time Spyro fan, I'm very excited that they are making a film about my favorite purple dragon. I couldn't care less if it's going to be good or bad, I've waited forever to see Spyro come to the big screen. In fact, I've only dreamt of something like this ever since Spyro the Dragon.
I can see why you would be more excited if a movie was being made based on the ideas of Insomaniac since those were considered "The Golden Games", but think about can they make a successful movie about the original series? The original series is only good for playing as a game, not watching as a movie.
The plot for The Legend of Spyro series may not seem like a good game (though I love the series), it'll have a much better chance as a film.
But that's just what I think.

And as for the people making the film, maybe they were not very good in their previous titles, but hey, how hard is it to make a movie about a purple dragon fighting evil? I hardly any way that they can ruin it.

Overall, I think the Spyro film is a great idea. smilie
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#3 Posted: 18:08:52 30/06/2008 | Topic Creator
Yes,I agree about the TLoS series being a better choice for a movie.But if you read people's comments on the movie pages,you see that they just don't care if it's more suited to a movie than the originals.They say that TLoS is not good and that the Insomniac games should be made into a movie.They just don't realize that TLoS will make a better movie.Unless if DotD brings the popularity back up,the movie may not be very popular.This is what kills my excitement for a TLoS movie.If it was about the original games,people may actually like it because it's original Spyro.

As for me thinking the movie won't be good:I've noticed that movies based off of video games don't do too well.Of course,the TLoS games could end up making a good movie.I'm probably worrying too much,lol.smilie

Off Topic:Love your videos,AntauriWolf.smilie
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Last edited at 18:16:54 30/06/2008 by Mewnaphy
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#4 Posted: 19:31:31 30/06/2008
Quote: Mewnaphy
I think that.The Spyro franchise is fine the way it is,we don't need a movie to ruin it.Yes,I am going to see it,but I'm not saying I'm going to like it.

If there was a movie in the days of Insomniac,I'd be more excited about it.It would probably be more successful since there were more fans back then.But now they must release a movie when there are more Spyro haters than lovers.

(Yes,I know it's too early to start assuming that the movie will ruin the franchise.But if you look at some of the people developing the movie,there are high chances that the movie won't be good.)

Totally agree, I really can't see why it needs a movie :/
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#5 Posted: 02:28:18 02/07/2008
Me either, Krome is turning Spyro into a sellout!
jamieque Blue Sparx Gems: 766
#6 Posted: 13:15:20 02/07/2008
Well... look at it this way... the original Spyro is getting his chance to be a movie star even if the 3 movies I working are just fan films. The fact that they are being made is major achievement and it is my way of telling Sierra and the suits at Universal that they have screwed up the franchise I love and I am made as hell and I am not going to take it anymore....

Heh... I just had to do that because it just sounds right for this particular situation. The fact that they had to kill the original franchise aka series and do what they call a 'reboot' is just being lazy. In my opinion using the Legend of Spyro storyline as a continuation of the original series after A Hero's Tail would have been a wonderful idea. No one here or anywhere online can tell me it couldn't have been done....

Wait... it would have required some creative thinking to make both the Legend storyline and the original stoyrline work together in believable seamless way. And considering the screw up track record of Universal and their friends I think Spyro would have been better off throwing himself off a cliff into a bottomless pit of doom. Yes, you can tell I don't like Universal and despise Sierra and that will never change as long as they continue finding new ways to screw up things they shouldn't screw up on.

So as you can see my answer to the quiestion of this topic is: Hell no and my reasons are outline above. Do yourselves a favor and save your money. Don't go see the film. Heck, why bother spending money to see the theatrical Spyro film when you'll have an online film based on the original series Spyro that you can see for free.

Think about it... the whole film is just a marketing ploy by Sierra and Univesal to get your money. They don't have to make a quality film. Hell, they don't have to even respect the fanbase because all they care about is making money off Spyro. And the second they can't milk anymore money out of the little purple dragon they will slay him. Sad but true but that is how they operate. I, on the other hand, am making the Legacy of Ages films because I respect the character and the other loyal fans who have suffered thru the years of crappy sequels.

I am not making money off these films so you guys can tell that I am serious about making quality films.
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#7 Posted: 14:40:13 02/07/2008 | Topic Creator
OMG,it's jamieque!smilie I haven't seen you for a while.smilie

I am going to see the film because it is an official Spyro movie,but that all depends on DotD.DotD is the only thing keeping me hooked to the Spyro series,and if it's a disappointment,I may be done with the little guy.But then,I have your films to look forward to(I'm actually excited about these),so maybe I'm not done with Spyro if I'm not satisfied with DotD.smilie

Also,I wouldn't blame Krome for this,BlinktheCookie.They don't own Spyro anymore,that french company does.(can't spell the name)
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
jamieque Blue Sparx Gems: 766
#8 Posted: 15:59:14 02/07/2008
Yep, Mewnaphy, I am back! I have been very busy getting my company resources together as we here at AMS Studios continue to gear up for all the films. We are in production and working on getting our digital motion capture software system up and running. The new system, if we can get it up and running quickly, will revolutionize 3d animated films by greatly speeding up production time of all 3 films. Imagine getting professional 3d animation at way less cost. My company is trying to streamline animation with our new system.

We'll be able to fully render all the characters for all 3 films and animated them thru motion capture digital acting. Also, with the software we'll be able to get perfect mouth movement when it comes to the 3d characters talking. Can you image the look on the faces of the Universal and Sierra owners of Spyro if the Legacy of Ages films being made with less money looks more detailed and beautiful then the theatrical Spyro film which cost much more to make. Now that would be funny.
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#9 Posted: 16:19:09 02/07/2008
Fan film? Well, I've never really been interested in fan films. No matter how good they were. And as I said before, I couldn't care less if the official movie was based on the original series or not. I'm always going to be there for my favorite purple dragon, no matter what everyone else says. In my point of view, Spyro is still Spyro no matter how different he looks or acts.
SequoiaDragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3930
#10 Posted: 18:40:56 02/07/2008
Quote: Mewnaphy
Yes,I agree about the TLoS series being a better choice for a movie.But if you read people's comments on the movie pages,you see that they just don't care if it's more suited to a movie than the originals.They say that TLoS is not good and that the Insomniac games should be made into a movie.They just don't realize that TLoS will make a better movie.Unless if DotD brings the popularity back up,the movie may not be very popular.This is what kills my excitement for a TLoS movie.If it was about the original games,people may actually like it because it's original Spyro.

As for me thinking the movie won't be good:I've noticed that movies based off of video games don't do too well.Of course,the TLoS games could end up making a good movie.I'm probably worrying too much,lol.smilie

Off Topic:Love your videos,AntauriWolf.smilie

YES, someone agrees with me. An Insomniac movie would make me way more eager to see it. (And also, it's not just movies made from video games- video games made from movies are even worse. smilie)
My book Harahpin is now on sale! smilie
BJ Fodder
#11 Posted: 20:23:45 02/07/2008
Honestly, I don't get why you guys are worrying so much over the idea of a big-screen movie based on Spyro. It's going to be based on the Legend of Spyro, due to the popularity of the plot. This movie may actually turn out to be pretty good. It may be like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies. Me and my family enjoy watching those movie and they make a lot of money. I think the Spyro movie will not only make a lot of money, but depending on how many fans who've played the Legend of Spyro games or are at least into it, will want to see it.

I really have doubts that anyone would want to make a big-screen movie based on the old Spyro series when they weren't really THAT popular to begin with. If they were to do a movie off the series, it may wind up being like movies such as Madagascar which would turn off fans of the series. I could imagine it being a comedy with action, which just won't fly with the critics. So no offense to anyone who likes the old series better, but I can't possibly imagine a movie based on the original games.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#12 Posted: 00:09:59 03/07/2008
Quote: jamieque
Well... look at it this way... the original Spyro is getting his chance to be a movie star even if the 3 movies I working are just fan films. The fact that they are being made is major achievement and it is my way of telling Sierra and the suits at Universal that they have screwed up the franchise I love and I am made as hell and I am not going to take it anymore....

Heh... I just had to do that because it just sounds right for this particular situation. The fact that they had to kill the original franchise aka series and do what they call a 'reboot' is just being lazy. In my opinion using the Legend of Spyro storyline as a continuation of the original series after A Hero's Tail would have been a wonderful idea. No one here or anywhere online can tell me it couldn't have been done....

Wait... it would have required some creative thinking to make both the Legend storyline and the original stoyrline work together in believable seamless way. And considering the screw up track record of Universal and their friends I think Spyro would have been better off throwing himself off a cliff into a bottomless pit of doom. Yes, you can tell I don't like Universal and despise Sierra and that will never change as long as they continue finding new ways to screw up things they shouldn't screw up on.

So as you can see my answer to the quiestion of this topic is: Hell no and my reasons are outline above. Do yourselves a favor and save your money. Don't go see the film. Heck, why bother spending money to see the theatrical Spyro film when you'll have an online film based on the original series Spyro that you can see for free.

Think about it... the whole film is just a marketing ploy by Sierra and Univesal to get your money. They don't have to make a quality film. Hell, they don't have to even respect the fanbase because all they care about is making money off Spyro. And the second they can't milk anymore money out of the little purple dragon they will slay him. Sad but true but that is how they operate. I, on the other hand, am making the Legacy of Ages films because I respect the character and the other loyal fans who have suffered thru the years of crappy sequels.

I am not making money off these films so you guys can tell that I am serious about making quality films.

They will have to make a quality film to sell more than one which seems to be the plan.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#13 Posted: 00:14:10 03/07/2008
Quote: jamieque
Yep, Mewnaphy, I am back! I have been very busy getting my company resources together as we here at AMS Studios continue to gear up for all the films. We are in production and working on getting our digital motion capture software system up and running. The new system, if we can get it up and running quickly, will revolutionize 3d animated films by greatly speeding up production time of all 3 films. Imagine getting professional 3d animation at way less cost. My company is trying to streamline animation with our new system.

We'll be able to fully render all the characters for all 3 films and animated them thru motion capture digital acting. Also, with the software we'll be able to get perfect mouth movement when it comes to the 3d characters talking. Can you image the look on the faces of the Universal and Sierra owners of Spyro if the Legacy of Ages films being made with less money looks more detailed and beautiful then the theatrical Spyro film which cost much more to make. Now that would be funny.

Not possible for you to make if for less than Sierra does. Some paid them for the right to make the movie.
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#14 Posted: 17:22:04 03/07/2008
Quote: BJ
Honestly, I don't get why you guys are worrying so much over the idea of a big-screen movie based on Spyro. It's going to be based on the Legend of Spyro, due to the popularity of the plot. This movie may actually turn out to be pretty good. It may be like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies. Me and my family enjoy watching those movie and they make a lot of money. I think the Spyro movie will not only make a lot of money, but depending on how many fans who've played the Legend of Spyro games or are at least into it, will want to see it.

I really have doubts that anyone would want to make a big-screen movie based on the old Spyro series when they weren't really THAT popular to begin with. If they were to do a movie off the series, it may wind up being like movies such as Madagascar which would turn off fans of the series. I could imagine it being a comedy with action, which just won't fly with the critics. So no offense to anyone who likes the old series better, but I can't possibly imagine a movie based on the original games.

I couldn't agree with you more BJ smilie
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#15 Posted: 16:30:49 04/07/2008
Quote: AntauriWolf
Quote: BJ
Honestly, I don't get why you guys are worrying so much over the idea of a big-screen movie based on Spyro. It's going to be based on the Legend of Spyro, due to the popularity of the plot. This movie may actually turn out to be pretty good. It may be like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies. Me and my family enjoy watching those movie and they make a lot of money. I think the Spyro movie will not only make a lot of money, but depending on how many fans who've played the Legend of Spyro games or are at least into it, will want to see it.

I really have doubts that anyone would want to make a big-screen movie based on the old Spyro series when they weren't really THAT popular to begin with. If they were to do a movie off the series, it may wind up being like movies such as Madagascar which would turn off fans of the series. I could imagine it being a comedy with action, which just won't fly with the critics. So no offense to anyone who likes the old series better, but I can't possibly imagine a movie based on the original games.

I couldn't agree with you more BJ smilie

me to.
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#16 Posted: 13:01:51 07/07/2008
They were populer when Isomactic made the Spyro games. That would of been a good time to make the movie to make the rate even hier. But since they hand it over to the other comperny the rate whent down because there games whent that good (Like ETD). I think the legend of Spyro might of bring the poperlaraty back up a bit (Because TEN and ANB is out all the time in the video shops I go to) but not inove to make it populer again. Making a movie isn't going to make any difrents to the rate but it proberly well if DOTD is a good game and brings back the Spyro fans. So basacly it depends if DOTD well be good or not. If so then it was good of them to make the movie to keep the Spyro fans a Spyro fan but if not then making a movie well not make a difrents. It is a bit to late to make a movie really, there not that populer anymore. It would be hard for them to bring back the Spyro fans. Making the movie would propberly bring back some Spyro fans if they havn't played TLOS and the movie is good, they might think the game well be good to so they well play them and bring the rate up a bit. But yeh, it depends on DOTD and how well the movie is.

Sorry about my spelling peoples! I am baaaaaaaad when it comes to Spelling. smilie
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
Dragon8r10 Green Sparx Gems: 371
#17 Posted: 14:48:30 21/08/2008
Actually, I think it's a great idea that Spyro get's his own movie. After all, Sonic get's his own TV show. :-/
I'm changing accounts! SEE MY GUESTBOOK FOR DETAILS!
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#18 Posted: 01:48:35 26/08/2008
yea i agree ^ OMG SONIC where?
not yr babe
Spyrosflame Green Sparx Gems: 277
#19 Posted: 05:01:07 26/08/2008
i do to, and i dunno were sonic iz
You can try to tear me down,
Pull me to the ground,
I will see you screaming.
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#20 Posted: 19:51:14 27/08/2008
NOOOOO! where sonic!?
not yr babe
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#21 Posted: 14:04:23 30/08/2008
Mewnaphny, this movie will rock!
Just cause it isnt made by insomniac, who are in fact buzy with Ratchet and Clank at the moment.
You cant always stick to the past, youve got to look to the future!
And how can you hate our purple buddy if only one movie isnt good enoigh for u???????
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#22 Posted: 01:52:42 31/08/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Malefor0001
Mewnaphny, this movie will rock!
Just cause it isnt made by insomniac, who are in fact buzy with Ratchet and Clank at the moment.
You cant always stick to the past, youve got to look to the future!
And how can you hate our purple buddy if only one movie isnt good enoigh for u???????

I'm not saying I'm gonna hate it!xD I'd prefer for it to be TLoS,but it worries me because not many people like TLoS as much as the originals.I'm trying to say that it'd be better to be based off of the original series so people won't comlain about how they should of used old Spyro instead.

Let me tell you,I don't like it when people start bashing old or new Spyro.><;
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#23 Posted: 18:26:27 01/09/2008
sorry for over reacting.
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#24 Posted: 23:15:43 01/09/2008 | Topic Creator
It's ok.My posts were a bit confusing,anyway.:3
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#25 Posted: 04:31:51 27/09/2008
I think that a movie isn't really needed, and I've only known 1 movie that's good compared to the games, but that movie was a sequal to the game, so it's a bit different....that, and the fact that Cloud is awesome, so how could a FF movie about him be bad?
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#26 Posted: 08:04:47 27/09/2008
I think it will rok, but i also think Insomniac and Sierra should work together at the movie!
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Crashdude55 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1090
#27 Posted: 08:26:04 27/09/2008
good idea! smilie
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#28 Posted: 08:44:41 27/09/2008
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Crashdude55 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1090
#29 Posted: 08:49:31 27/09/2008
INSOMNIAC Games rulesz!!!
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#30 Posted: 08:55:33 27/09/2008

#Imagine Seirra and insomniac working together! smilie
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Crashdude55 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1090
#31 Posted: 09:20:33 27/09/2008
yush that would be cool!
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#32 Posted: 18:08:33 27/09/2008
I'm still going to see the movie, but I can tell it'll be sucky.
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#33 Posted: 18:41:21 27/09/2008
I'd be better if it wasn't going to be in 3D XP
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#34 Posted: 08:50:56 28/09/2008
Im not sure it is 3D, cause remeber Spy Kids 3d? u get one normal disc, and one 3D disc
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
ThatsSoRaven Yellow Sparx Gems: 1166
#35 Posted: 20:47:14 28/09/2008
I agree with Mewnaphy that it'd be better if they did a Spyro movie from the Insomniac games, but I'm sure this one will be okay.
"We'll be right back after these messages from Binford Tools." Tim "the Toolman Taylor" or Al "Insert insulting middle name here" Borland
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#36 Posted: 03:53:11 29/09/2008
Yeah, but the original games don't have an exciting and strong enough plot for a movie, nothing to keep it going
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
sillyworld Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#37 Posted: 04:11:09 29/09/2008
absolutely. but i'm giving it a chance.
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#38 Posted: 14:07:14 29/09/2008
Part yes, part no.

Since there's *counts* I dunno 16? Haters that hate it, Spyro's popularity might fall apart. Sure, it's a remake of ANB, but you should just give it a chance like sillyworld did then give your opinions.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
pikachu Green Sparx Gems: 348
#39 Posted: 21:16:53 16/03/2009
do U think,the movie will actually comeout in cinemas and on dvd
a young dragon should never give up

BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#40 Posted: 05:10:30 17/03/2009
Boy, some people just don't get it.

The only reason why I really think a movie is unneeded is because of how game movies usually are: They suck no matter what. Mario Bros., Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, and even the Pokemon movies just fail completely, mainly because writers want to add their own twists and ideas to make it different, and unfortunately, the Hollywood glitter gets all over the place.

As for Spyro and the whole movie ordeal, I'm only saying it will fail because of how Hollywood is, not how the Sierra trilogy is.

And speaking of "sticking to classics" and "cliches", if they did base the movie on the first Spyro games, they would be no better than a Dreamworks CGI flick. Yeah, it would be funny and stuff the first time, but being that Spyro was designed to be a marketing scheme back in the 90s, right down to his name and design (SONIC the HEDGEHOG can't beat SPYRO the DRAGON!!!!), and that would only be an even bigger cliche than anything Sierra's gonna do for this, let alone, the movie would just wear out and send Spyro to an even deeper grave. Just be thankful that they have a half-way decent plot and character development that would do for a decent movie and game ordeal.

As for it being a marketing scheme today, well kids, it's just a fact of life. Everybody who lives in America or other free enterprise countries are all a****** who just want to make money, get over it. It doesn't matter what it is, if you can make a fast buck off of it, then people will try to make money off of it.

And as I keep wearing myself out saying: The 90s WAS NOTHING BUT A MARKETING SCHEME when it came to making games.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
Visit my DA pagesmilie
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#41 Posted: 17:01:59 17/03/2009
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
Boy, some people just don't get it.

The only reason why I really think a movie is unneeded is because of how game movies usually are: They suck no matter what. Mario Bros., Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, and even the Pokemon movies just fail completely, mainly because writers want to add their own twists and ideas to make it different, and unfortunately, the Hollywood glitter gets all over the place.

As for Spyro and the whole movie ordeal, I'm only saying it will fail because of how Hollywood is, not how the Sierra trilogy is.

And speaking of "sticking to classics" and "cliches", if they did base the movie on the first Spyro games, they would be no better than a Dreamworks CGI flick. Yeah, it would be funny and stuff the first time, but being that Spyro was designed to be a marketing scheme back in the 90s, right down to his name and design (SONIC the HEDGEHOG can't beat SPYRO the DRAGON!!!!), and that would only be an even bigger cliche than anything Sierra's gonna do for this, let alone, the movie would just wear out and send Spyro to an even deeper grave. Just be thankful that they have a half-way decent plot and character development that would do for a decent movie and game ordeal.

As for it being a marketing scheme today, well kids, it's just a fact of life. Everybody who lives in America or other free enterprise countries are all a****** who just want to make money, get over it. It doesn't matter what it is, if you can make a fast buck off of it, then people will try to make money off of it.

And as I keep wearing myself out saying: The 90s WAS NOTHING BUT A MARKETING SCHEME when it came to making games.

So you have a God complex and know FOR A FACT that everyone in America just wants to make money? You are so wrong. If you think that's right, and it is, I'll get myself banned.
jamieque Blue Sparx Gems: 766
#42 Posted: 02:52:36 18/03/2009
Personally, I am more concerned with completing Legacy of Ages films then what they do with Legend of Spyro movie/s. The reason I say this is because I like the storyline of Legacy of Ages more due to the fact it has much deeper original storyline then the Legend of Spyro film does.

Legacy of Ages isn't going to be a rehash of already used storyline for a game trilogy. The story will be totally new with new characters making debut and a totally new looking Spyro the Dragon Universe. Also, the fact that LoA will deal with Spyro's origins and tie it into his future destiny will make for a very interesting story as no one has ever attempted to do a proper origin story for Spyro. Only the fanfic writers have tried to do it.

By the way, for all of you who are curious how old Spyro, Ember and Flame will be in the film then here are their ages: Spyro is 17, Flame and Ember are both 16. So as you can see we are dealing with a much older mature Spyro, Ember and Flame in this new storyline.
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#43 Posted: 03:36:44 18/03/2009
As soon as you mentioned Ember, I see the LoA movies are screwed from measure one... well good luck with those, I got my own Smash game to make...

But I am being honest about the American Entertainment industry; it's all about the money.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
Visit my DA pagesmilie
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#44 Posted: 01:48:26 21/03/2009
I see no bad things about the Legend Of Spyro movie. (Even though it hasn't come out yet)! I love the TLOS. And I'm glad that their making a film about our favourite purple dragon. And maybe it might attracte more fans who may not know about Spyro, then seeing the movie might suddenly like Spyro.
sparkz Green Sparx Gems: 342
#45 Posted: 14:20:18 21/03/2009
According to my research half of the people playing around in the spyro movie are from the "Eragon" Movie i can understand why.. but tbh peoples comments all over the web say that sucked so it is 85% chance it will be an epic failture. Also according to the web the eragon crew are trying to take over the movie. hehe. just some usfull information from my months of research.

I also agree with "above" the people will enjoy the love of the movie and will start to become "one of us" so the noobs say. hehe.

oh and you wont like this within this forum
they are plotting they will ruin the movie.
i dont know how and why but they are pretty stupid
cant we just work together with the following below lol
next ur gunna tell me there is a crash bandicoot forum (defenitly join it) lol.
Hunter, Sparx And Spyro Adventures Will End Soon
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:30:26 21/03/2009 by sparkz
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#46 Posted: 16:54:17 21/03/2009
i agree im not evan going to see it smilie
sparkz Green Sparx Gems: 342
#47 Posted: 18:32:28 21/03/2009
Also according to The Team they chose eragon staff by accident so you will never know what is going around the other side of the corner in movie buisness they might wreck it all up.

but im still going to get it on DVD once released. im an indoor kind of person.
hehehehe the film will suck according to USA presedent Obhama (whatever his name is)
Hunter, Sparx And Spyro Adventures Will End Soon
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#48 Posted: 03:19:47 22/03/2009
I just say it will be almost as bad as a Dreamworks flick... it will only be good because it's got dragons...


In Hollywood, all dragons are good for are for killing...

which means...

"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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sparkz Green Sparx Gems: 342
#49 Posted: 08:50:43 22/03/2009
Not exactly. As long as the crew stay together and dont let eragon staff ruin the movie ti will be safe. nobody wants to watch a movie with spyro just killing people..
(i wounder if ripto will be agenst spyro in it)
Hunter, Sparx And Spyro Adventures Will End Soon
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#50 Posted: 20:16:49 22/03/2009
From what I heard, it's only based on A New Beginning... others will probably follow the Sierra trilogy.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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