Quote: spyrocynderfan7So what you are implying is that there is no such thing as a diehatd Spyro fan? Who loves Spyro for being spyro?
By diehard anything I meant speaking in general terms.
I do not appreciate being taken out of context in an attempt to make me look like the enemy. I love Spyro for being Spyro. I play his games just because I think that he is the coolest dragon in the world.
Now tell me, where do you stand?
Diehard Spyro fan who loves Spyro for what he is
Spyro fan who only likes the games for content
Or someone looking to start a fight/ruin others for liking something passionately?
Die-hard: strongly or fanatically determined or devoted <die–hard fans>; especially : strongly resisting change <a die–hard conservative>
General (noun):
1 : something (as a concept, principle, or statement) that involves or is applicable to the whole
2 : superior general
3 archaic : the general public : people
4 a : general officer
b : a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who ranks above a lieutenant general and whose insignia is four stars — compare admiral
So with these definitions and going by what you said, and want I previously said. . . let me ask you this: Where do you get the
authority the very thought, to say what a True Spyro Fan is and what isn't ?
No one is the same, no one will agree with what you, what I, what anyone else says on this board 100% of the time. Because of that, there is no such thing as a True Spyro fan because a Spyro fan takes up that slot already. Saying "That's what a TRUE Spyro fan would do" is quite frankly an elitist stand point.
I did not say what I said, to cause an argument as it seems you are willing to judge me for
, and or label me off the bat just because I'm saying what I feel under the given circumstances? If that's how you truly feel, be that way, I can care less what accusations you can come up for me.
If you want the truth fine, out of your list, I'm neither of them. Why? Because you cannot label me, I'm not part of some social order, I'm not part of your or anyone's superficial mundane political correct crap that comes across my way. I joined this forum because of the different opinions from other Spyro fans. If this was all just one big bubble of the same mind set with everyone agreeing with each and rainbows and butterflies I wouldn't be here. Let alone be on this board.
If you want to label me as a troll, be my guest.