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Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone [CLOSED]
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#1 Posted: 14:21:51 25/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone



"It was only the years that would wear down upon those who had survived that one last battle with the darkness in the universe. No more would there be epic battles. No longer would there be large scale movements against or in support of a cause. No Longer did the days bear as much importance as they had once. Peace reigned over the lands for the most parts. The Generations came and went peaceably. The Hall of Love and War filled quickly with the emotions of the newest generations.

"Alnor and Jessica sailed through their lives. Time as it is it's nature weathered their bodys down to less than that of their youthful glory. All five of their birthed children lived this simple life. Their likes filling most of the most important stations. The lone excetion being that of the Earth Guardian. The purple dragon's family had nearly became a peaceful royal family."


Ignitus set down the book as he reached the end of what he had written prior. He drew a long line under neath that entry and then he looked into his visionary lamp, and suddenly he was taken away to another place.


Alnor layed weakly upon his bed. Familiar faces surrounded him on all sides. His faithful mate, Jessica, weakly resting on the bedside.

"Friends, you know that I shall not make the ending of my life last long. As life takes my powers away I now fully understand what this life is all about. To be humbled by the simple powers that we all have is a simple miracle that we all take for granted. To understand before the next life begins.

" Dalago, you know that I love you so. As the youngest I ask that you take care of all of your brothers and sisters as they begin to wither. I need you to be the strongest of the family and to keep them all in line.

"Farda, I remember telling you this so ever long ago. Now you are just getting to the same point as me and Jessica." The large declining orange dragon nodded solemnly back.

"Groness, As the middle child you never really get to be looked after or looked out for. You are more or less on your own in all of life. Of course I love you just the same honey. I have always treasured your advice in tough moments and I can't recall you ever letting me down.

"Fiona, I would always would look forward to our training sessions together. Your oddball tactics would always work and I have yet to discover why or how, but atlas I must resign my search for an answer.

" Dyfo, Dyfo, Dyfo. I can recall always going out into the wilderness and searching for remnants from ages past when you were little. I'll never forget the look on your face when we found that huge Dark Dragon Skull." Dyfo sent a weary smile back as he held back his laughter.

All of the children addressed Alnor turned towards Jessica. Her scarlet scales having faded to that of a dark pink hue. "Honey, ever since that day I met you in Warfang I knew that you were the one. The quickly closing events only added to my feelings for you. You stood by my side through out my life time and nothing could ever replace that."

"I would trade it for nothing." Jessica managed clearing tears from here eyes.

Alnor smiled "Me and you.."

"Together until the end." They then slowly pecked each other on the lips. Alnor squirmed a bit and then looked up to the ceiling in reflection. His entire life had been lived to reach this point in time. His legacy had been set in stone. Any aspirations for greater greatness had been expended slowly over his life time. How great it was to be young and have your whole life left to make something of yourself. Now he did nothing more than hold onto life.

Suddenly he felt an awkward feeling spread over him. His eyes widdened and his conciousness went away.

Something completely possessed his body. He suddenly looked more alive than he had in a long time. He sat up and began speaking in a deeper stronger voice.

" Days draw nearer. The Demons that you have thought destroyed still reside on this very planet. Their spirit draws energy and has all ready spent their energy to relinquish their powers. You peaceful days are numbered. Your ancient cities will fall and your traditions will be trampled. Your bodes will be the only things at peace. Resting in peace!"

Then Alnor returened. "Wha? What? What happened?"

Jessica's feelings of Concern and grieving melted together into a wide eyed cry. "I... I.... I.... don't... know...."

It would be the final warning that dragon kind would receive.
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 01:45:55 02/11/2009 by cornys
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#2 Posted: 16:07:55 25/08/2009
Can't wait for more.
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#3 Posted: 16:09:26 25/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 1
The Years


The Chronicler, Ignitus, looked down and pondered what he was to write. The bold white empty page set fourth before him beckoned to be written upon.

"The years need to be recorded Ignitus." chided a familiar voice.

"Yes, Spyro, I know. You don't have to remind me of that."

"Just thought that you might need some help."

Ignitus smiled into the rocky ceiling "You know I guess I did. I know what to write now. It's not often that I have to write one of these you know."


Century 3 Post Dawn Era

At this night, the final night of the third post dawn century, there is little celebration. Warfang lies in enemy hands, many of our numbers forced into following one that they do not believe in. They are being forced at this very hour to work towards a goal that they do not want to achieve.

A new purple dragon born in the first generation of this century took Warfang by storm. He then proclaimed himself the " Dio" of the lands. That he was to be the supreme ruler of all.

This night there are only small pockets of resistance left. Their few numbers await the hatching. Hoping that on the night of hatching they are not attacked. That their patience have paid off and that they may finally welcome their new members.

The Dio watches and knows all. His powers unimaginable.

This night though they all wait and hope for their chance. Hoping that the next legendary purple dragon is birthed unto them rather than that of the darkness.

This century has been a dark one, but thanks to those who remain to fight for a future there remains a hope. A dim light through the ceiling. A dancing flicker of hope.


It was dark, unimaginably dark. Nothing could be seen through the thick curtain of darkness. What had happened to the light?

Something in her mind told her that it was time to break the walls. That she should not be contained by them any longer. She shoved up against the walls with her legs. A new sensation now moved through all of her. It frightened her. She stretched out as by instinct as to do something but she only opened up more holes. The feeling persisted.

At this point she panicked. She tore around inside of her egg and ripped it apart. Suddenly finding her self on a new unfamiliar surface she jumped onto her legs and began to run from what something. Only to feel it more. She attempted to turn to the opposite direction but soon she had fallen to the ground. The feeling was gone.

Suddenly there was an awkward sound. "Honey! she has hatched!" it said in a deep voice and then it entered the room. With him came light.

"Oh! I'm coming!" came a softer one

She ran towards the light and tried to craw up her father's orange scales.

"Hello hatching"

She felt herself being lifted into the air. She now felt safe. She squeaked her excitement.

"Yes, Jayde, Everything is all right"

There you go.... Now you have met the main character... lol... wouldn't quit writing until then... hope you have enjoyed to thins point at least....
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:06:17 08/09/2009 by cornys
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#4 Posted: 16:16:04 25/08/2009
Yey, main character. I have been liking it :3
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#5 Posted: 19:09:15 25/08/2009
Very good prologue and first chapter smilie
Keep it up smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:10:20 25/08/2009 by Solister
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#6 Posted: 15:06:36 26/08/2009 | Topic Creator
ok... I'm doing something special with this one since this is the end product of the entire Spyro's Legacy Trilogy I'm going generate a picture of each of the character's that I'm using as they appear... Here's the 2 Chapter 1 character's that we have 'seen' for say.

Here's an older Jayde:


and here's her father:


And there you go.... I might not write again for a little while..... school is starting tommorow.... High School for the first year and idk how much free time I will have.... later
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#7 Posted: 15:24:03 26/08/2009
Nice update smilie
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#8 Posted: 15:26:00 26/08/2009 | Topic Creator
yeah... lol... it took me an hour or so though (about the time it takes to write a chapter....) lol... should have just done a chapter... but oh well... lol
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#9 Posted: 19:01:09 26/08/2009
Good update smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#10 Posted: 20:00:21 29/08/2009 | Topic Creator
yeah guys... I'll try and update sometime soon here.... Might be a couple of days though.... sorry... school and everything...
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#11 Posted: 17:11:52 30/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 2
Male Intervention


Jayde packed her book into her book strap and left her third period class. She was thrown into a chaotic mess of young dragons around her age. She could feel the eyes gazing upon her from each direction. She checked to make sure that she kept her head high, that her tail was not sagging, that her strides were even.

She heard heavy footsteps race up from behind her. "Jayde?!"

Jayde turned around and hurrying through the crowd came a bright Silver Dragon with a yellow underside. Her platinum scales gracefully reflecting onto Jayde's purple ones.

"Hey Shandy." Jayde said slowing down and pulling even with her. Then she leaned over into her ear "Have you seen him?" She whispered.

"Not yet."


" Did you get that history lesson about Spyro?" Shandy said aloud.

"Not really," Jayde replied.

"What? You mean that a purple dragon doesn't understand what another purple dragon had to go through?"

Jayde turned away for a second and put her head down to her opposite shoulder. She plainly remembered those nights when she would be tormented by visions of her family being brutally tortured. Nights that she would wake-up from her shallow sleep and her mind would not be her own. Some times she would even wake-up lying outside of the city gates. Always headed towards the enemy controlled Warfang.



It was her father, that first night that she had wondered off who came looking for her. Once he had found her they had a discussion right there on the spot.


"Jayde," He had said "What are you doing out here?"

"I... I ... I don't know daddy" Jayde replied.

"What were you doing?"

"I... I don't know. I went to sleep and when I woke-up I was right here."

Her father looked around in bewilderment. The cold of night bit at Jayde's purple scales. The dew that dampened up the night began to form upon their backs, small droplets running down

Her father's orange face suddenly light-up but soon diminished.

"Jayde, you are not to tell anybody other than the elders and your trainers of this. Not anybody from your training classes, from your history classes, nobody else. You hear me?"

"Yes papa"


"Oh, There he is!" Shandy whispered excitably in her ear.

Jayde turned her head in the direction that Shandy was looking and there she saw a handsome blue dragon moving in her direction. She glanced slightly in the other direction but kept him in the corner of her eye.

She watched as they moved closer together as he glanced into her direction and stared at her. He tapped his buddy in the shoulder and mouthed something to him. Then they split the blue dragon moving slightly closer towards Jayde. He still had his eyes locked onto her.

Jayde could not stand it any longer. She looked him straight in the eyes as he crossed nearly right beside her. "Hey honey," she said to him. "You just going to stare at me or are you doing to talk to me any?"

"Oh, I.... I..."

"Oh come on, admit it. You like me."

"Well, I... I do like you." He spat out.

"Ah there we go, I'm Jayde."

"I'm Barvin"

"Cool, I love your name. This is Shandy"

"Hello" Shandy replied half blushing.


Nothing was said for a moment then Jayde spoke up "So you go to training next right?"


"Cool, I have Helgar's class this month. It's my month to take ice training."

"Oh cool, Well you know class is this direction don't you?"

"Oh yeah," Jayde chuckled.

"Well see you later" Jayde said to Shandy with a wink.

"Later, Nice to meet you Barvin."

"You too"

And with that Barvin and Jayde walked off together to their Ice Training Class.
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:03:37 08/09/2009 by cornys
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#12 Posted: 17:51:31 30/08/2009
Nice smilie
Keep it up
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
Energy dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 821
#13 Posted: 02:16:38 31/08/2009
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#14 Posted: 13:51:01 31/08/2009
I see smiles! xD

Anyway, good work!
pikachu Green Sparx Gems: 348
#15 Posted: 18:37:40 31/08/2009
cool when are you doing more smilie
a young dragon should never give up

cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#16 Posted: 15:27:38 05/09/2009 | Topic Creator
I'm going to try and put one out this weekend some times.... but with it being Labor Day Weekend I don't know for sure... But I'll definitly try smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#17 Posted: 09:27:40 06/09/2009
I can wait
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#18 Posted: 19:55:03 08/09/2009 | Topic Creator
I have it almost done.... It'll be out any time smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#19 Posted: 21:03:06 08/09/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 3
First Class


Jayde and Barvin walked through a large doorway; the air around them suddenly cooling down.

With them in this room were ten other dragons. All of them had turned around and were whispering to one another upon glimpsing Jayde. They All avoided her gaze but they kept looking back.

"Wow this feels weird" Barvin commented. "Is it like this everywhere you go?"

"Oh yeah, I love it" Jayde stretched out her wings and put her paws forward and backwards making sure that her head was still straight up to see Barvin's reaction. His eye lock faltered as he moved on back her body momentarily and then quickly back.

"Ha! You lose!" Jayde chided.


"You weren't suppose to look me over when I did that,"


She then moved in right next to him and started to fumble around with his book strap. She grabbed the binding of the book and moved it around. Jayde rolled over onto her back and got beneath Barvin and fiddled with it from beneath.

Then she decided that it was time.

She began to move away from the book and started to massage his stomach. He wriggled a little bit under her touch but then he began to accept it and decided that he might return the favor to a degree.

He moved his tail down to her stomach and did the same. They both began to chuckle a little bit.

Jayde then decided to stop. she quit and quickly returned to her feet. She promptly removed Barvin's book from it's strap and handed it to him. He did the same for her. As soon as they turned around to the class a large white dragon entered the room.

" Did you know when..."

"Yeah," Jayde cut him off "I'll explain later"

"All right"

The elder white dragon at the front of the room scilenced the rest of the class.

"All right, good, good. It's all ways good to start out the year on a positive note." He looked around the class and looked from one to the other and then moved on. "I'm sure that you all know who I am, but I'll introduce myself anyhow. I'm Helgar, Guardian of Ice. Who ever's choice that was has been excused of duty by now, I'm sure, after that decision but I still carry that title.

"Having this as your final year of training you are stuck with me as your trainer for the rest of this year. So you might as well get used to seeing me."

"Aw" said some parts of the class jokingly.

"Well, anyhow I'd like to start you guys out with one of the most important lessons of your entire training. Are you all ready?"


"Ok good. Now first you have got to let go of your physical self."

Jayde stopped her thoughts in their tracks and ignored her senses. Suddenly her vision fell away and in it's place was shear nothingness.

A few moments passed and then Helgar appeared from the black.

"Good, Good. Could have been faster but it's a good start to the year. Now, remember how all of your prior instructors have told you of the 'Dio's' powers, Correct, but never have they told you what his sources are or what they do?"

Jayde her self said "correct" but in her state she did not hear the others replies certainly they too had responded though.

"Now this power that he uses is not unavailable to us. It is very much within our reach. In fact the adults around you are very adept in this. It is an ability to see into those around us. It allows us to see into one another. Originally Savior Spyro and Convert Cynder were the only ones able to exercise this ability. However as time wore on and after the great war that had claimed their lives the abilities spread across all of us. Alnor the Young was able to spread the knowledge of this and gave us much of what is known about it now.

"After his passing it was up to the next generation to teach "The Dio" as he is known now. His abilities surpassed that of theirs. They strived to teach him more and more of this power well before he was ready for it. It made him feel powerful. Eventually this lead to a deceit of the ruling family. To him it was blatant that he was much more powerful than they.

"He used his prediction power to find those who were opposed to that of Alnor's Lineage. He gathered them together and left. No more than a year later he and those in his envoy took Warfang by force. All occupent's either surrendering or falling to the claw.

"From there I think you all ready know what has transpired based on your history lessons.

"Now understand me that this power that I am bestowing you has large collateral effects if not used properly. Like on those that you love for example. Or those who are close to you. Fore you may find things that you did not wish too see and such an act would be an invasion or privacy.

"I can trust that you would not do that.

"In any case now I will start your instruction.

"All right, Now at the moment you are simply sitting as intellectual beings. You are bodiless at the moment. Now try to branch out and envision those around you and your surroundings as they were before you closed your eyes"

Jayde did as she was told. She suddenly could see all those around her in the room. A blue imprint of them covering over the black canvas.

"Woah!" she exclaimed aloud. Of course nobody could hear her.

"Good, Jayde," Helgar voice said "Now while the others try and get adept to what they are trying to do try and see into my consciousness"

"But I thought that I was not supposed to do anything like that?"

"Yes, but this is for instructional purposes and I can block off any areas of my catalogue off at any moment. Not that there is much that everybody don't know all ready."

"All right" Jayde said wearily.

She focused her energy on the large blue field on the front of the room. The apparition grew bigger and bigger until she was inside of him. His thoughts suddenly echoed inside of hers. Soon it became to distinguish his from hers.

"Stop thinking for yourself!" She suddenly heard loud and clear in her head. Suddenly his organized thoughts were the only ones that she was able to receive.

"Why didn't I tell her about that?" he asked himself

"Why aren't the others getting it?"

he told himself

"Can you hear me?"

"Yeah" Jayde replied

"ok, now try and see what you can find out about me now. I figure that I don't have too much to hide anyhow."
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:05:39 08/09/2009 by cornys
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#20 Posted: 15:46:24 09/09/2009
Good stuff here
Keep it up smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
pikachu Green Sparx Gems: 348
#21 Posted: 20:06:33 09/09/2009
that's a good chapter can't wait til you have written more .
a young dragon should never give up

cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#22 Posted: 01:51:19 12/09/2009 | Topic Creator
Thanks smilie getting one out some time this weekend smilie (Monday night at latest)

Thanks for the support guys smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
pikachu Green Sparx Gems: 348
#23 Posted: 20:41:52 16/09/2009
how many spyros legacy are you making?? lots I hope
a young dragon should never give up

cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#24 Posted: 14:30:32 19/09/2009 | Topic Creator
um.... sorry it's been a while.... lol..... Well..... at the moment it is a planed Quadrology (4)

I don't know if I will or won't put out a 5th yet..... right now I'm in a really slow spot inmy writing time.... lol... sorry... I'll try to put one out this weekend... lol.... I just haven't had the time to write in a while....
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#25 Posted: 00:18:22 22/09/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 4
The Beginning of a Rebellion


Jayde moved her self into her trainer's cranium and ominous whispers of Helgar's thoughts went through her head. As she moved fully into his brain the voices grew louder until the point that she couldn't tell what thoughts were her's.

"What am I doing?"

"There you go Andy, good"

"Who's Andy?"

"What's Jayde doing?"

"Oh crap"

"What's going on?"

"Let go of your thoughts! You're going to drive yourself crazy!"

Jayde froze her self and stopped her thought process.

"There you go"Helgar thought to her.

Helgar switched his attention to the rest of the class and she shifted her interest into finding his memories. She moved into a different area of his brain and his thoughts all but faded away. Distinctive regions of the brain were light in a different shade of blue. She entered the brightest one that she could find and she suddenly found herself watching a moving threshold image of Helgar's past.


A gentle breeze blew on Helgar as he looked into the wind. His mind was evidently troubled but for the moment he felt safe.

The soft grassy turf fell away directly in front of him. Deep in this bastion was a small lake and the more that Jayde thought about it it looked mightily similar to that of Valley Lake. The very lake that Vallyville had been named after and surrounded. The only difference was that in this memory nothing but trees and brush surrounded the beautiful lake.

Helgar's much younger body help position and surveyed the lake. It was relatively vacant. The only exception being an eagle, a sign of the ancestors.

"What is it my ancestor?" he asked into the lake.

Suddenly an apparition appeared before him. It was a middle aged purple dragon with a yellow underbelly, much like Jayde.

"Elmorth?" Helgar spat out in shock.

The Apparition made an odd face and then suddenly brightened up and started laughing. Helgar felt embarrassed.

"No, no, no," It said laughing "I'm Spyro, a different purple dragon, and don't worry you are safe from him right here for now"

"Yo....? You are?"

"Don't know who else I would be." Spyro replied.

Helgar's eyes might have been as big as dinner plates. "Ho...w do you know I'm safe here?" he asked

"Well, to tell you quit simply this is the exact opposite side of the world from Mount Malefor."

"How?" Helgar started only to loose his voice

"Well my brother, when he was consumed by that of his powers the whole of the earth was brought the opposite direction. This lake here was it's creation." The great dragon looked down upon him approvingly. "You will do us well Helgar."


"Yes very much so, without darkness there is no need of light at all Helgar."

Wise as all before have told him up to be Helgar observed to himself though he was unable to do anymore than think.

"Start over, start over right here; right now Helgar. Location couldn't hardly be better; resources can't be beaten by anything but Warfang. Go on, tell other's; they will come. Our time will come; in time." and with those final instructions the apparition was gone.

Helgar quickly turned around and yelled "Hey guys! How about we just try and rebuild here?!"


"Woah" Jayde thought to herself.

"Wow, Jayde," Helgar thought to her "you must be a natural (maybe it's that she's a purple dragon)"

"Um,... you know that I can still hear you regardless right?"

"Oh! Forgot about that, sorry"

Jayde looked around the room in her out of body probe and observed the primary emotions of each of her class mates. Most of the which were highly frustrated. However right beside her that felling was dulled by a large seance of excitement that came from Barvin. She thought about probing into his mind a bit, but thought the better of it remembering what her instructor had told her.

"All right guys, class is out for the day, but don't forget to work on this a little bit at home. And don't try to probe your parrent's either!"

Most of the class returned their book to it's respective holder having not used it and left with a thought to actually find out how to do that and try it. However, Jayde all ready knew

"And that actually is an order for you, Jayde"

"I know"

Barvin tapped her side "Jayde?"

"Oh, sorry. I was conversing with Helgar. What happened?"

"Um,.... nothing, we can leave though"

"I know, right with you"

Bervin slid her book into it's pouch and buttoned it in. Then the two left the room side-by-side.
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Energy dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 821
#26 Posted: 05:32:06 22/09/2009
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#27 Posted: 16:15:03 22/09/2009
Nice chapter smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#28 Posted: 01:53:40 28/09/2009 | Topic Creator
You guys will be happy to hear that the next chapter has been held of until tommorrow to make sure that it is 100% correct... lol... but it will be conciderably longer than all of the other chapters so far... and will rival the longest that I have ever written lol....

I actually think that this is the best chapter that I have written in a while..... be out late tommorow night at latest... smilie

but I have got to go to bed.... other wise it would have been posted right now... lol.... sorry..... night...
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:54:21 28/09/2009 by cornys
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#29 Posted: 01:35:01 29/09/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 5
The Perfect Set-up


Jayde and Barvin entered the hallway together. This time she made less of an effort to keep her usual stature. On this trip she decided to make it evident that they were together. She leaned into Barvin's direction and cocked her head slightly towards him. She in fact gravitated her body completely towards her new found friend.

"You know," Barvin said "That was actually really interesting."

Jayde almost broke down into a fit of laughter, but she was able to restrain it to a chuckle. "Yeah, you have no idea."

Barvin looked directly into her eyes and made an odd face "What do you mean?"

"Should I tell him?" she asked herself.

"Well maybe just part of the truth. Now this could be fun."

"Nothing really it's just that Helgar was trying to get me to see into others thoughts. It was really hard. I couldn't do it though. Don't worry."

Barvin's sigh or relief was highly visible. "Really?" he asked a little nervous.

"Yeah, he told me not to try to look into anybodies thoughts, so it's not like I will be able to do anything with it."


Barvin looked back forward. Jayde followed his gaze and found Shandy.

Shandy's face was light-up. She was staring at Barvin as they walked towards her.

"Well, I know that she likes him now" she noted "Hey, Shandy."


Helgar watched as the couple left the room. "Ah" he sighed.

"They are both mine you know" came a dark voice in his mind.

"Must you insist upon doing this every-single day?" Helgar asked the voice


"I guess I'm just going to have to put up with this then" he decided.

"The board meeting is in a few hours. You aren't going to campaign any at all are you?"

"No, I ain't going to win regardless. Whatever the decide will be correct either way we all die though in the end of course."

"Well of course"

"I know so."

"Well, you don't all have to die. I own over nine hundred islands, and very few of their residents have died, how many do you own again?"


"You see, twenty-two islands could be turned over to me and no blood would be shed."

"That would be for the next city guardian to decide, Elmorth, not me"

"Why not you right now why you still have the chance?"

"Because I'd get it wrong"

"You are right, well both options would be wrong so I don't see how you couldn't"

"Yeah probably, but I'll let somebody else decide"

"No you won't, because in about ten minutes you are going to be under attack."


Jayde walked into her house and tiredly removed her book strap. She placed it on the table, and then walked into her room.

"Hey Honey" her father said walking into the doorway.


"So what did you think about the emotional trance?"

"That was amazing!" she exclaimed, "Helgar told me that he wanted me to see into his thoughts so that I could practice that. I read his thoughts!"

"Really?" her father asked suspiciously

"Yeah," Jayde replied cautiously.

"Wow, that's pretty good." he replied though she could tell that his thoughts were preoccupied. For a moment she thought to see what he was thinking about but then remembered Helgar's instructions. "Yeah, he even let me relive one of his thoughts"

Jayde's father raised an eye brow at the comment "He did? And you were able to?"


"What was it of?" he asked inquisitively.

"Well, it was of him standing on the top of a cliff. Below him was a large body of water that looked smiler to that of Valley Lake, but the only difference was that there wasn't a town around it. It was from when he was about my age though.

"Yeah, but what was it of?"

"Well a purple dragon's spirit appeared before him. He thought that it's name was Elmorth, but it claimed to be Spyro"



"What did he have to say to Helgor?"

"Well, it was something like you are safe here and that the lake was created opposite of Mount Malefor."

"Was that it?"

"Well, no, he also said that Helgar would do 'us' well, and that he should rebuild there. Then with that he was gone"

Her father seamed to be playng with what had been said "Well that was one interesting day then wasn't it?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Jayde replied thinking more of Barvin than what was being discussed when she answered. Though she may have thought that Barvin was more important at that moment, she had just unconsciously influenced something that she didn't even know of: An Election of a new military leader.


Helgar landed harshly on the top of a high rise tower. He kicked a large bronze bell that occupied the tower with him. It rang out and shook the very structure of reality with it's heavy sound.

He kicked it again with more rigor this time. The noise produced was just the same.

"Right, let them know that you have missed an entire envoy of approaching enemies. Great political move."

"I ain't the right choice anyhow, Elmorth"

"Then why not reject the invitation if you are selected again?"

"I wouldn't reject the board's decision"

"Too bad, I was hoping for a challenge."

"We couldn't be a challenge anyhow"

By now many dragons stood outside on the streets looking at Helgar. He felt that it was time to speak to the masses now.

"I have just recently noticed a possible attacking party of dragons coming towards the city. I think that the 'Dio' has somehow cloaked them to my vision as I have just sensed them. However if we surround the town now I think that we might be able to take them. To your positions"

"Hold them off?"

"Yeah, got to give them a little hope you know?"

"Yeah, you're right."


Jayde heard what Helgar had to say from inside. Her father rushed back inside. "I have got to go. I'll stop right back if I get the chance before I have got to go to my meeting tonight. All right honey?"

"All right.... I love you daddy"

"Love you baby" and with that he was gone leaving Jayde to recall her final conversation with her mother.
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#30 Posted: 15:37:37 29/09/2009
Excellent chapter smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#31 Posted: 21:57:22 04/10/2009 | Topic Creator
thanks.. lol... going to try to get a new chapter tomorrow... lol.... I might push this back to closer to the relese of the movie so that I can be writing it when more people can read it....

Don't know yet though.....
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#32 Posted: 20:03:53 14/10/2009 | Topic Creator
yeah.. sorry guys... title says it all.... New Chapter won't be out until November 1st.... sorry.... don't quite have the time I used to....

My Appologies....
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#33 Posted: 06:54:01 15/10/2009
Well, I can wait smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
pikachu Green Sparx Gems: 348
#34 Posted: 20:18:50 21/10/2009
It will be amazing this story is good you could include spyro a bit more but it was really good!!! smilie
a young dragon should never give up

cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#35 Posted: 23:51:10 26/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Yeah... Hey guys I'm back and writing full force again! smilie

In any case yeah I've been getting a lot of that on the Fan Fiction website too... smilie lol

I'll do my best.... but right now I'm still in the intro part of the story... lol.... This one is going to be extremely long btw... so be ready... lol

With out further Delay here is chapter 6 smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#36 Posted: 23:54:33 26/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 6


"Where are they? They should be here all ready. “Helgar thought to himself.

"You really think I would warn you about an attack?"

"I guess"

"You really are a failure"


Jayde's eyes were fixated out of the window and ready to jump to the slightest movement. It was a situation just like this that she had lost her mother to. The bell was rung and all were called to defend the city. She and her father left arm in arm, but only one was to ever return. That day the feelings had been the exact same as they were this day. That same gut feeling tormented her into a state of near panic.

Images of her father's impeding death flashed through her mind.

"There is nothing that she can do to stop it." she thought.

Or at least she thought she thought.

"Who is that?"


No Reply.

The Ancestors were tormenting her. Nothing else would explain this. Nothing else could. She envisioned her future; it was a future of long days and even longer days. All that she knew and all that she had ever wanted was gone. The juice that pushed her on and provided her with the power to endure the monstrosities of life was remove from her limbs.


Years of accumulated grief raced to the surface unsuppressed and the years worth of tears swelled through. She had sworn to never let this happen. Not upon her honor. For the sake of her and others she could not let this happen.

"This, is... Not... supposed to happen!" Her make-up was slowly breaking away. She decided that she would surrender herself to the moment. Not that she really had another option.


Jayde's father flew quickly back home. It had been nearly an hour since he had left Jayde at home. He could only imagine what devices might work at her.

"Hey, Blaze." somebody commented to him as he flew by, "Trying to get to that meeting that was purposely delayed are you?"

"Yeah," he answered quickly going by.

He soon was back on the ground and entering the front door.

Jayde raced up to him and clinched him tightly.

"Oh, I didn't know that I would ever see you again! What happened?"

"A false alarm." he said with suppressed anger.

"Oh, thank the ancestors"

"That's for sure, were you all right?"

"As well as I could have been under the circumstances" Jayde replied. "You still have that meeting?"

"So far as I know honey, sorry. Will you be all right?"

"I should be"

"You sure?"

"Yes, daddy" she assured him.

"All right, I'll take your word for it."

"Ok, you'd better get going I guess"

"Yeah, Love you honey"

"Love you"


Helgar entered a large room that seamed like it could have been taken from the dragon temple it's self. The walls were made of the same worn out masonry and at spermatic locations there were monuments of those past. The only thing that wasn't consistent was the elegant chairs that filled the perimeter of the room.

The room was a buzz with chatter. Most of their attention was pointing toward him however. Once he took his seat it all slowly died out.

"They are going to murder you right here" came the Dio's voice in his mind.

"They should"

An older looking member of the council rose from his chair and took the center stage.

"I'm glad that we all could make it here tonight. I understand that there were some difficulties, but in any case we much quickly get down to business. That business today is the matter of electing a new Military Tactics Commander.

"Everybody is eligible to be elected to this position so there will not be any ballots distributed. You will be asked to write it on a piece of paper.

"Now as I look around here I notice that a lot of new and younger faces so if there are any questions please just ask."

Helgar looked around and found that he did not recognize many of those who were with him.

"You know that they are going to vote for Jayde don't you?"

"Jayde!?" he exasperated through his mind.

"Yes, Jayde! She is supposed to be your only hope remaining remember?"

"But she's only thirteen"

"It will not matter. They are only a few years removed from her age remember?" Elmorth reminded him.

"To true"


Jayde's father wrote reluctantly wrote down "Helgar" and folded it over.

The dragon beside him closed up his paper too then looked over to him "So who did you vote for, Blaze?"

"Helgar, there isn't really anybody better."

"Even after that stunt that he pulled today?"

"Yeah, who'd you vote for?"

"You actually."

"What!" he exclaimed hush idly.



"The same reason. There really weren't hardly options."


The skies had since faded to grey and torches had been light before the votes were collected.

Helgar watched nervously as they were raked into the center and placed onto the table in the center of the room. The elder stood once more. "All all of the votes cast?"

When nothing was said he reached down to the table and removed one of the votes. "Helgar"

It was tallied upon a board.

He pick up one more "Blaze"

Another one was removed from the pile and unfolded it "Jayde?"

He quickly recovered from the shock however and removed another one "Jayde"

Slowly the table was emptied of votes.

"Helgar" the elder announced "Three remain"

The recorder turned to the board "Currently Helgar and Jayde are tied with six. Blaze is the only one in the race remaining with four. Three others are tied with one of course but thy are all ready out of it."

"This has to come down to the last couple of votes doesn't it?" Helgar asked the "Dio".

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

The elder grabbed a ballot "Helgar"


"Calm yourself"

Another ballot was removed from the table and read allowed "Jayde, After twenty-one votes Jayde and Helgar stand tied at seven votes a piece." The final piece of paper was taken from the table and opened.

The elder glanced around the room and took in the faces before he read the final result out loud. "Blaze"

The room collectively let out a sigh and then erupted with talk.

"Quiet!" The conversations were brought to a quick close. "Now for those of you who do not know the procedure for the event of a tie is for those who have voted for anybody other than those involved in the tie to recast their votes. May those of you please come fourth."

Eight individuals slowly stood fourth.

You all have pre-consent for your thoughts to be scanned in this hall. I will be doing this now.


lol... I hit the character limit... Chapter 6 continues in my next post smilie- lol
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#37 Posted: 23:55:48 26/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone
Chapter 6 (Part 2 of 2)


Jayde lied upon her bed in her darkened bedroom. Night had allowed he mind to be set a drift and she knew all to well what she probably would be doing in this situation should the events of that afternoon had not happened. Her normal urges had been set back deep into her mind upon the days scare.

Her body trembled in a cold sweat as she tried to push her mother's memory away from her. It was a futile effort. She tried thinking and fanaticizing about Barvin, but she would never be able to keep her mind from that day. She attempted to drift into a sleep but that was an even harder operation. Somehow she was going to have to get this from her mind.

"Why do the ancestors torment me so?"


"And the first vote goes to Jayde."

Another was picked "Jayde"

"They just don't want to pick me. That's why I lost in the first place" Helgar realized

"Especially after what you did today"

"Yeah, no kidding. I don't deserve this position anyhow I guess"

"Two Votes Jayde: One Vote Helgar"

"Three For Jayde"

Another one was unfolded and recorded "Helgar"

The next paper was whisked away and undid "Jayde"

"One more vote for Jayde and the election is final"

Helgar simply shook his head. He refused to even talk.

"Helgar. Just in case this would happen to end in a tie the tie breaker in this case would be a fight to the death"

A few chuckled but many were too amazed to speak.

"Ok, the next one is Jayde"

"Just let the next one be Jayde!" one yelled "I don't want to be here all night all ready"

The final vote was taken from it's perch and opened. The elder opened the paper and stared at it's content.

"And the final vote goes to..... Jayde"
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#38 Posted: 23:01:06 27/10/2009
Very good chapter
I hope to see more smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#39 Posted: 01:34:30 02/11/2009 | Topic Creator
yep... and here it is... lol... I guess this is the only place I'll exist anymore around here.... lol

Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 7
A Rebel Reborn

Blaze bolted into the door to his home "Jayde!" he yelled to his echo. "Jayde!?" There was no reply.

He sprinted into Jayde's bedroom and found her covers rumpled upon her bed but there was nobody there to find. "Jayde!!!?" he yelled in desperation as the reality of the situation set into him.

"What a time for one of these deals." he muttered to himself as he bounded out of the house and took to the sky.




"Jayde? Can you hear me?"

Jayde opened her eyes and found herself swallowed up in a dark obis. She looked around and saw absolutely nothing in the darkness. "Hello?"

"Can you hear me?" it asked again.

"Yes, who are you?" she asked calmly.

"I am the Chronicler" it replied.

Jayde recognised the name. One of legendary mystique, the theory of his very existence was only a legend. Or was it? "Where are you? How I supposed to even believe you if I can not even see you?"

An elderly light blue dragon materialized before her "You don't" it replied. With each word spoken the bright beacon shone with greater intensity.

"What are you?" she asked it

"The question of what I am can rest for later. Right now all that you need to know about me is that I am the Chronicler. We have much to do in such a short period of time, and should Spyro allow we might get on without any interruptions."

"I'll do my best" said another unseen ominous voice.

"Who is that?" Jessica asked.

"What did I tell you?!" the Chronicler yelled into the obis.

"Oh, yeah, sorry Ignitus. er... um... Chronicler"


"Never mind that!" the chronicler yelled at her in frustration. "Now, as I said we have much to do in a very short period of time. Lets get to this."


Blaze could smell his daughter's recently cast scent. "I hope that she just kept flying" he hoped to himself.

The damp Autumn night bit at his wings as they beat as quickly as they could. He had to get to her tonight, by the next day she would be too far gone and may even be within Warfang's gates by then.

He must keep flying. It could have happened any night, but for this to happen on the night that she had been elected to the position of military leader made it feel all the weirder. Maybe, she was the right choice after all. Especially if the enemy didn't want her to get the position.


Spyro stood by Ignitus's side as he trained Spyro in much the same manner that he had all of those many years ago.

"Are you sure that you want to show her how to do that?" he whispered as the chronicler showed her the first steps of "Dragon Time"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Well, it's just those trances. If she had dragon time they might not be able to catch up to her."

"Yeah they would. It's use would greately deminish her stamina and this will be her last one anyhow."


"Good!" Ignitus provided as Jayde successfully froze time and burnt a few stuffed dummies just before they were on her.

"You know... I think she's better than you were."


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that she is"

Cynder walked up to Spyro from behind and held onto his side playfully. "What is it honey?"

"Our new hope is better than Spyro was."

"Oh, and Spyro doesn't beleive you right?"

"Yeah" Spyro replied

Jayde unleashed a powerful ice furry sending all of the dummies flying.

Ignitus turned around and looked at the couple "Well, we will find out who's right soon enough."


Blaze slowly saw Jayde's empty body get larger and larger on the horizon. Her wings flapped and her tail guided her straight. All of her motions were mechanically smooth.

"My, how the beast has control of her." he felt belittled in this situation. Much larger powers had control of her than him. He could now make out the individual scales upon her back. He reached out and grabbed for her.


"Listen to your elders, be strong, and do not allow your emotions to catch a hold of you." Ignitus warned as he removed himself from Jayde's dreams. "So, Spyro. When will you be ready?"

"Right now I guess."

"All right, just don't mess this up. There's a lot riding on this, Spyro"

The enchanted necklace began to radiate brightly and Spyro slowly began to feel worldly feelings. Cold fall air, leaves brushing across his back, water beginning to enter his pours.

"You are well outside of the city right now" Ignitus informed him. "Just get yourself a little farther away from the city before day break. You may be discovered here. May the ancestors be with you, Spyro."

Spyro nearly laughed at the gesture. "I am an ancestor"
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#40 Posted: 08:02:21 02/11/2009
Good chapter smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#41 Posted: 21:55:19 04/11/2009 | Topic Creator
lol.. glad you like it.... seams like there are a lot less readers on here than what there is on Fanfiction now... lol... that would almost be unheard of this summer... lol... I'm still posting in both places though... lol..

oh.. can you review this on there by any chance? reviews might get a few more views....

oh... and is anybody else reading this? lol... just would like to know...
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
dragonlover Yellow Sparx Gems: 1122
#42 Posted: 12:31:10 14/11/2009
me happy today...... *insane grin*
keep going!
Supernatural is the key to the world of hot guys......
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#43 Posted: 18:00:41 15/11/2009 | Topic Creator
well... sorry I haven't updated forever... I do have a new chapter though... be up later here once I check it over once more...
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
pikachu Green Sparx Gems: 348
#44 Posted: 22:24:12 18/11/2009
great job its getting better to keep up the good work
a young dragon should never give up

cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#45 Posted: 04:09:36 26/11/2009 | Topic Creator
crap.... lol... now I'll have to find that chapter again.. I posted it else where though... sorry guys... (find all of them here updated
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#46 Posted: 02:02:42 10/12/2009 | Topic Creator
wow guys... I'm sorry... find me there... Im swamped 24/7 it seams... uh... I'll try to get this one running again around February.... sorry about that guys... forgot about this site all togerher really....
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#47 Posted: 23:57:21 01/01/2010 | Topic Creator
wow sorry guys.. updates are comming trust me.. utanks has kept me busy.. now that I'm #1 though I'll probably have alot more time.. smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
dragonlover Yellow Sparx Gems: 1122
#48 Posted: 13:57:18 02/01/2010
Supernatural is the key to the world of hot guys......
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#49 Posted: 01:21:28 18/01/2010 | Topic Creator
Well, here it is smilie sorry it took forever... New one will be folloing some time this week again smilie

Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 8
The Discovery of an Ancient Hero


Spyro allowed himself to enter a deep sleep that night as his newly recreated youth body recouped. Within Spyro's mind strange things were happening. Feelings that the after life had dissolved from Spyro's consciousness seeped their way into Spyro's dreams. Memories of night's long ago spent with Cynder returned lust. Return visits with Malefor reshaped Spyro's concept of hate and anger. The crickets around Spyro even aided in returning his annoyance.

Spyro was slowly transformed into his former self. A version of him that was not long removed from the defeat of Malefor. The very age that Jayde was then.

He awoke from his slumber late in the night in a cold sweat. The dreams that had been haunting him all night had completely erased his memory of the life after. The celestrial moons provided the night's only light as he attempted to find Warfang. Surely it had to be some where close, but it had been forever since he had left from the city.

"Hello!" minced an unfamiliar voice. Spyro looked around the wood for any sign of where it came from only to find his search in vein.

"I see that the putrid rat that allowed this world to remain has found his way back to this stupid little rock that he loves so dearly!" it continued seamingly ignoring Spyro's reaction.

"Malefor?" Spyro asked in horror as he tried to put the deep voice to a face.

"No, I am no Malefor! I am twenty times greater than what that mole was. I am the DIO!" It screamed. "You will obey each and everyone of my commands without hesitation. Else I shall send the entire residency of Warfang out for your blood. You disgrace all of what us dragons are supposed to stand for. You and that group of peaceful fun loving inbreds that you seam to have much in common with. You had halted the progress of our kind in your generation, but you have no authority over ours!"

Spyro was completely overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of words he had been confronted with "And how long has it been since 'The Dawn'?" He asked.

"You mean the day that you halted the progression of our kind exponentially? Why it has been three thousand years since that day. You are nothing more than an ancient legend to most everybody now! If you intend to be some kind of savior I have gotten news for you: The world has nearly forgotten you, and you are going to have to be something a whole lot more powerful than what you are now to even have a chance of taking me on. You and your spiritial friends both! Even the chronicler himself doesn't have a fighting chance. Soon this entire world will be rulled by me and the progression of our race complete! Until then your friends must hide in their desolate corners of the world until we come and snuff them out! Don't you even for a moment start to think you are safe! My power reaches far beyond the physical world and into the phycological world! There is not a thing you guys can do to stop this. Soon even the chronicler himself will have found his fate, and that will be a truly remarkable day!"

"You shall be proved wrong soon enough evil reincarnate." Spyro commented.

"Right I shall be proven" the Dio returned and with that the presence left his mind.


Shandy wondered down the unbeaten trail as she put more and more distance between her and Lake City. The prospect of her becoming the leader of the military had nearly made her buckle at the knees. Her father had hoped that this trip would help release some of the pressure that was strapped upon her back.

She walked down the ancient paths that the generations before Helgar had made. The substance that they had put down to kill the plant life that grew in the paths way had worn off however and in places the path was nearly impassable.

Though the trek did remove her mind from the sudden rise to power she had been given she could still feel the burden upon her.

Shandy wondered if she was going to have to decided when to turn back on her own or if the path would end for her. She would not have to wait no longer.

A purple dragon stepped out from behind a tree and spotted her. The two locked gazes and stopped. Each just as surprised as the other.

"Wh... Who are you?" Shandy asked nervously.

"I'm Spyro," he said looking her over indifferently. "And you are...?"

"Shandy," she replied.


Spyro suddenly realized what had just happened and his ancestial memories returned to him.

"All right, just don't mess this up. There's a lot riding on this, Spyro" he heard Ignitus tell him just before casting him back into the world.

"You were just elected as the tactical leader of the group opposing the 'dio'. Right?"

"Well, yes actually, what are you?" she asked cautiously

"The explanation of that would be too long. I have a limited ammount of time to be spent here and I must be shown to Lake City immedietly."

"You.. You... You are thee Spyro?"

"Indeed, now I must explain to your people something that is of dire importance. Can you fly us out to your home?"

"y..e..ah" Shandy stammered "Follow me" and with that the coupld took off through the thick envelope of leafy greenery and made haste towards the city.
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#50 Posted: 16:27:37 18/01/2010
Hmm, strange
Good chapter smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
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