

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Æther, City in the Sky
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#1 Posted: 02:22:03 02/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Just as a pretense, please keep in your mind that this is based off of a novel I am writing.
It is not a place for comic relief characters. This is not a place for god-modding.
If you are prone to being a spoilsport, cheater, complainer, or anything in between, this is not the RP for you. I am trying to get over a massive writer’s block, and I am only opening up my world like this for the sake of its continuation. Please respect that, respect me, and respect your fellow travellers.


If I say something, you can argue your point ONCE, in DMs, if you have a reason that isn’t stupid.
Otherwise, what I say goes.

You cannot control other characters. You cannot assume your attack has succeeded.
I will personally roll for each attack-type action you make, and compare it against the counter-reaction. I will post something along the lines of (Character A’s strike succeeds). I take combat very seriously, don’t jump into another scene until the fight is resolved.

No one-liners. (Ironic, huh?)

Examples for rules 2 and 3:

“I run to the other side of the room, sneering and spouting off more nonsense about how ‘Capacital Magycka isn’t worth the time of a rat, not even one as disgusting and atrocious as you!’ before turning to face my opponent, abruptly loosing a flame bolt at him, eyes wild and fierce.”

_ Counter-Response _
“I listen to his stupid rant and return the fire at him.”

Character Creation:

You must be a human, unless you can give me a compelling case otherwise. Most common fantasy races exist in this world, I’m not accepting OC races. If you’re not sure, or have another race in mind, ASK.

You cannot be evil unless you can give me a compelling case otherwise, and can roleplay with a group of predominately good characters (So Lawful/Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil would be impossible). I would like to have 1 evil character, but if chosen you must NEVER post that it’s you. Not even in OoC. There are reasons. Don’t be that person.

The only magical powers you have access to will be defined; not every character will have them, not every power is granted.

We need to talk in PMs/DMs before I kick off the campaign.

As for the systems of magic, I will only post what is common knowledge. If you are using this type of magic you might be told more in PMs. Don’t share any info I PM you with.


Æther, city in the sky, is split up into 7 districts, each built around a fantastic Wonder. Each of these districts are broken up into one or more cities -- Æther is, in fact, much more than just a city. It it an entire other celestial body.

Here are the 7 districts;

Titanus, the only district which is undivided, is the largest city ever built. It houses creatures from men to giants and everything in between. Titanus is what connects Æther to this world, with the first wonder of the world known as the Horizon Bridge. It is a seemingly perfect hexagonal quartz crystal that extends from Æther (the center of Titanus, to be exact) to the world, and serves as a means of instant (though not to the passenger) transportation to and from.
If you are granted passage into Æther, that is.

The next, Pyroclast, is known as the Great Forge of Æther, and is the home of the dwarves. There are three cities it is broken up into, but they all converge into the point that Pyroclast is given it’s name for; the next wonder of the world, the largest volcano to have ever formed, and the most potent forge imaginable. The heat produced by the volcano allows the dwarves to work with any material in a molten form - some say they are able to forge items from the air itself while working the Great Forge.
(The cities are Ahnvil, Hammerfall, and Barterbeard, named after the crafty dwarf whose sales tactics saw the dwarven district rise to power in the Fourth Era.)

The next is the smallest, yet they would argue the most important. It’s name is Aquifer. There are a seemingly infinite number of divisions -- it almost seems like villages rather than cities, and too numerous to count. They provide all of the water for Æther, and the wonder they hold is a stream of the purest water that seemingly flows without end.

The next is known as Stratos, and they are neither together, nor divided. They are all nomadic, because of their wonder, which randomly shapes the clouds into buildings, machines, and all other manner of things, which dissipate.

The other 3 districts are more mysterious and secretive. There are rumors, of course. What’s true and what’s not is well beyond my knowledge, or I wouldn’t be asking for your help.

Oh, and about that - as far as getting into the city...

I only have a total of six tickets. Unfortunately, I need 7 participants… As for the tickets, I will only be handing them out to those I think can accomplish the tasks I will set forth. There will be great rewards, of course, but a trip to Æther is a reward, and adventure, in it’s own right.

First off is Essential Magycka.

(As a note, this is NOT “bending” like in Avatar. You shoot a spout of water, or a wave, or whatever other form is natural to that element. If you are familiar with spellcasting in D&D, these all require SOMATIC components, or specific hand movements.)

Base Essences - most basic forms of Essential Magycka. Manifests as the literal incarnation of the word. Opposite cannot mix. (Water-Fire, Earth-Air)


The second is known as Capacital Magycka.

The simplest way in which it can be described is as the force of will.
It is all about manipulation, redirection, and determination.
You cannot call upon fire like an Essentialist, but should they sling fire towards you, you could redirect it at them, perhaps even enhance its power. Telekinesis or simply moving things with your mind, is possible, but it’s power is not limitless. You can achieve things greater than your own strength, but never more than your own endurance. It takes it’s toll on the user, and is dangerous when one decides to test their own limits. It’s practitioners do not hide it’s use, and as such it is widely known and regarded as the “common man’s magycka”, as anyone technically has the potential to wield it.

The third is Dark Magycka.

Not a whole lot is known about Dark Magycka except by the orders who practice it. Churches, and other religious institutions, along with cults, are the main group who use this system. Most people know, however, that is has a lot to do with the three R’s; Rituals, Runes, and Rites. Gemstones are also often seen where Dark Magycka has been performed, but for what purpose isn’t clear. It is rumored that those who wear artifacts of Dark origins are prone to madness -- as are those around the artifacts, and most definitely those who created them.

Character Sheet:
Preferred Race:(if non-human)
Preferred School of Magic:(if any)
Equipment: (Mostly clothing, the rest will be provided)
Appearance: (Very Important)
Personality: (EXTREMELY Important)
Backstory/Bio: (We will work on this together, but feel free to write as much as you want, it will help)
Other:(anything else you deem important)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:56:18 02/08/2016 by LegendOfZelda
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#2 Posted: 10:49:04 02/08/2016
Name: Aokem D Frost
Preferred Race: Human
Preferred School of Magic: Essential path of water
Equipment: A blue robe, with a metal staff that is topped with a blue sapphire, a 'spell book' with a copper cover and gold flacked pages. Along with various empty bottles for specimins and research.
Appearance: tall with long black hair, his facial scruff makes him look unkept at times. He is thinly built with some muscel. Deep saphire blue eyes pale skin, although his skin is warn from the cold climate of his native place.
Personality: Cold but silently compassionate. Would tell you to stop crying just as quickly as he would comfort you, "crying is a waste of emotional energy, direct it instead."
Backstory/Bio: Motivated has he always been, to understand the world, to understand magic. He came from the north, where ice and snow cover the baren ground. There he lived with his master, a cold and sometimes brutal task master. Rewards however were always plentiful. He had choosen his seclusion this master of water essentia. To study abd write, apon the graduation of his pupal Aokem, he gave unto him his traveling journal and a seccond blank one, telling him "Now you must explore the world, make sense of it as i have. Share the knowledge i have given you, help all who need it, but be not an enabler. Help those who can help themselves, it is the greatest gift." and so he went into the world, abd he did as his master commanded. It has been nine years since then. He still keeps those books strapped to his belt.
Other:As well as a scholar of magic, he has also been taught alchemy to his masters extent of knowledge, any chance he gets any spare root, leaf or bark. May find a new home in his bag. A good source of knowledge of the lower world, plants animals and the study of Magic. With more depth in the essential field than the others, He does not use other magic types so the most he could provide is magic theory on the subject.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 10:22:27 06/08/2016 by jokerstix66
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#3 Posted: 05:32:21 05/08/2016
Name: Robin Thicke
Gender: Female
Age: Appears 24(keeps true age to herself)
Prefered Race: Angelic Humanoid
Prefered school of magic Capatical Magykca
Equipment: A two hand long sword that has gold wing patterns flourishing along the blade. Her clothing consist of multiple parts. Her top is usually loose tops, with thin strands that hold it up, and shows just a little of her stomach. There is an undershirt that is slightly shorter that extends out over her shoulders and tends to be an alternate color to the top over it(as in: If the top is blue, the under is yellow or red, if the top is green then the under is purple). She has a knee low skirt that fans out with a few other layers, usually bright colors/shades, and leggings that tend to be just black, or various dark colors. Her shoes are usually taller in the back, but never high heels.
Appearance: Flush clean skin, long blond hair with red streaks in her bangs. Her bangs curve off to the right side to join the rest of her hair. She has tattoos that weave across each arm, the streams stop and band like tats, all of which are a bright blue. Her wings brilliant white feathers, but the end feathers are a deep red.
Personality: Kind of distant, doesn't approach people often, and can be viewed as almost lifeless at times. She is very kind, none the less, and really enjoys other's company.
Back-story: She has traveled for as long as she can remember, mostly site seeing and exploration. She never knew much about her parents, they had always been secretive. She had picked up being distant for said reason. One day, when she had broken her wing in flight through trees, she was found unconscious. The person was a blacksmith, he had been out picking up materials from the forestry, wood mostly, and some rock that could be used for smoldering or fire control. While in his care, she provided much needed assistance for a while until her wing could heal. As a parting gift for her extraordinary help, he crafted her sword to resemble his thankfulness for all she had done. After parting ways, she traveled in random patters, this time in search of something, but she would not tell what when asked.
Other: A great source of world knowledge and a reliable second opinion.
Well that just happened...
Zartose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1233
#4 Posted: 11:30:37 06/08/2016
Name: Abraham Archer
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Preferred Race: Human
Preferred School of Magic: N/A
Equipment: White robe with red rope belt
Appearance: Abraham is a tall man with blue eyes and white hair. He looks respectable and his clothing are always quite clean. He wears a white robe with a red rope belt. (Might be more descriptive)
Personality: Abraham has a calm demeanor about him that people find enticing. He always seems busy and looks ready to do something. He wears a very warm and friendly smile that he is more than happy to share with. He is a great listener and communicator never failing at expressing himself.
Backstory/Bio: Abraham came from a large bustling city, for which he worked deeply within his community. He was always willing to lend an ear or a helping hand to the common man. He was this way until his best friend sadly passed away. It has been a few years and Abraham still thinks of his friend and hopes to someday see him again. Since then he has grown to be even more of a help within his community and has learned the basics for many a trade.
Other: He seeks passage into Æther so he can broaden his knowledge and continue his work.
Check out my RP The Cosmic Heart // behold the power of the gods *hiss hiss*
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#5 Posted: 12:43:36 06/08/2016
Name: Hastin Da'Kall
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Preferred Race: Human
Preferred School of Magic: None
Equipment: Deep blue silk hooded robe with ornate gold scribings, a fine leather tunic underneath. A glint of metal shows underneath his robing, although he never fully shows what it is.
Appearance: Hastin is a tall, slender man, although not many of his features are shown often. He has no hair, instead having green and red tattoos across his scalp of unknown origin. His eyes are a piercing emerald, pupils sharp and narrow.
Personality: A man of secrecy, Hastin refrains from divulging in mundane activities like "getting to know others". He is a very studious being and loves to read both books and humans. He is one to stand back and watch a fight, only attacking once he has obtained enough information.
Backstory/Bio: All his life, he has been haunted by the deaths of his brethren, an injustice going unnoticed by the common human population. He often wished to reunite those lost to the past, and striven to make the world a truly better place. Traveling soon showed much promise, and he has been afoot for years trying to find the answers he seeks.
Other: He is largely uncomfortable with being touched, often reeling back from being grasped even by friendly folk.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
redpillremix Green Sparx Gems: 309
#6 Posted: 05:02:58 07/08/2016
Name: Argus
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Preferred Race: Human
Preferred School of Magic: Dark Magycka (OoC Knowledge) "Interest Only"
Equipment: A staff, his cloak, his journals in his satchel, and a strange amulet on his person
Appearance: Dark Skinned, tall but scrawny, white spiked hair, aged facial features, Scars all over his body, eyes are multicolored - hazel, Emerald, and black. Wears gold glasses, wears his cloak almost always.
Personality: Smart, Very Mysterious, Obsessed with science and knowledge, cold and calculating, Tends to keep distance out of fear, survivalist like, stealthy.
Backstory/Bio: Argus was abandoned in the slum streets as a young child and left to fend for himself most of his youth and early teenage years, leaving him harsh and bitter to the world. Survival of the fittest was what life taught him until he tried stealing from an old scientist's lab on a dare. The scientist caught him and had him repay him by being his lab assistant. The world brighten up and became brand new. The scientist kept him as his assistant long after the due was paid. A few years past and the lab became Argus' own after man past on. Science became his love, knowledge was his best friend, but life's mysteries tugged at him, there had to be more. He became an adventurer fueled by his thirst. His eyes fall on Aether, that was the next mystery he intended to solve.
Other: Obsessed with the unknown, argues with himself alot, Believes Magic is just undiscovered science waiting to be found.
The path of a hero is in power of one's own choices.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:56:34 09/08/2016 by redpillremix
Somnium Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#7 Posted: 05:39:31 07/08/2016
Reserving a spot
Dreamy days are gone~
I do the art for cheap <3
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#8 Posted: 02:04:18 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
There is only one slot left!
If you were interested in playing, please speak up now!
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#9 Posted: 04:29:18 08/08/2016
I have to point I out!!! smilie

Everyone else has a robe/cloak and dead people in their storiessmilie

I get the death of someone who was close can "Shape a person," or "Effect how they act," but seriously, everyone besides me smilie Oh-oh my gosh

I'm sorry if that cracks me up a little :'D
Well that just happened...
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#10 Posted: 05:15:16 08/08/2016
Le me just say


And that's a point that shouldn't be taken narrowly
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#11 Posted: 05:49:05 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
You'll find out for yourself soon enough that this world is not a kind one.
People die.
Death hurts.
And since it hasn't been said before, if you go off and get yourself killed, you will actually die.
I'm not protecting you unnecessarily. Maybe it'd be a good idea to wear a hood. . .
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#12 Posted: 11:43:18 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
There is still an open slot! PM me!
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#13 Posted: 16:42:15 08/08/2016
Quote: Wyvern_Archmage
You'll find out for yourself soon enough that this world is not a kind one.
People die.
Death hurts.
And since it hasn't been said before, if you go off and get yourself killed, you will actually die.
I'm not protecting you unnecessarily. Maybe it'd be a good idea to wear a hood. . .

Aye aye, I don't think anyone should ever protect players characters just cause they're a player. Makes it more real, makes one really have to think... No one has put that their characters cary supplies 0-0
Well that just happened...
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#14 Posted: 00:42:24 09/08/2016
How would you know if someone were to? The public character sheet is to inform what the character may divulge or what may be seen on his/her person. As long as no-one pulls out a wand of perfect wish, I do believe some improv item generation may be acceptable.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#15 Posted: 01:50:54 09/08/2016
^true^ but I was kidding. Don't take me seriously, like ever! Lol
Well that just happened...
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#16 Posted: 03:13:44 10/08/2016
Quote: BallisticBeats
^true^ but I was kidding. Don't take me seriously, like ever! Lol

smiliesmilie^I Like this guy already, I think we are going to get along very well. smiliesmilie^
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Somnium Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#17 Posted: 20:59:31 10/08/2016
Still trying to figure out my character feel free to start without me
Dreamy days are gone~
I do the art for cheap <3
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#18 Posted: 22:52:23 10/08/2016 | Topic Creator
There is still another slot open and I can't really start 2 people short.
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#19 Posted: 04:00:51 14/08/2016
Me so ready, ready to play!
Well that just happened...
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#20 Posted: 20:09:12 18/08/2016 | Topic Creator
There is still a spot open! Please, if you've eyed this and were contemplating joining, PM me! We'd love to start playing!
Bumping this as it's been a few days.
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#21 Posted: 08:29:50 22/08/2016
Name: Fredric Dalistar
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Preferred Race: Human
Preferred School of Magic: Specialized Earth Essential, Capacital Magycka
Equipment: Fredric wears somewhat formal but comfortable attire; a leather vest with many pockets, airy light grey long sleeve shirt, and smooth thin cotton breeches. His black leather boots have lost their polish through travel, but they still hold many more months worth of walking. He also wears a new-looking wide brimmed hat with a folded cone, something he seems very fond of. A large satchel is slung around his shoulder, heavy with books, stones, spell components and the like.
Appearance: Fredric is a man of moderate size, weathered by the outdoors. He has some wrinkles, most showing up as he smiles. His hair is long and a sandy blonde, only starting to grey, and a scruff beard that tangles fingers. His eyes are a clear blue and gentle, and his skin is a smooth and light tan shade. His hands are worked and calloused, but still very dexterous.
Personality: Even though he cannot speak, Fredric is still a very warm and light-hearted man. He cares about others and loves the sharing of knowledge and experiences. He helps whenever he is able, and takes a hardset passion in his work.
Backstory/Bio: Fredric was born and raised in a small village of the north, surrounded by the mountains, called Drognarth. Quaint, homely, and tight knit, Drognarth's main trade is actually Goloms. By passed down essential tecniques, the craftsmen of the village would create many constructs of stone and metal to sell to nobles to do as they wish with. Fredric was also given the passed down knolwladge, joining the crafting business with his father at the young age of 14. However, to his fathers dissapointment, Fredric didn't quite take to the commonplace of his fellow craftsmen, and strayed from their tecniques to study his own. Instead of large constructs that were normal to make, he would spend days on small intricacies and delicate mechanisms. Nobles only bought his constructs as art rather than utility. He soon became extremely interested in crystals and gemworks, further evolving his constructs, as well as strengthen his fathers dissapointment towards him. Around the age of 24, he felt as though he could learn nothing more from his home and set out to travel in no particular direction. His travels brought him to many natural formations of crystal(which he holds keepsakes of) but he longs to witness the Horison Bridge.
Other: Fredric is completely mute
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#22 Posted: 21:51:45 22/08/2016 | Topic Creator
As the first vestiges of the grey moon's light shine down upon the land, you have all been drawn towards the Horizon Bridge, somehow intrinsically knowing this is indeed the place you have been tasked to go. The path before you has been lit like a walk of torches, and you follow it as if entranced and unable to ignore the allure of it's call.

As you approach the bridge, the enormity of it finally dawns on you. This is not some natural crystal formation, nor is this some minor work of an earth specialist; this looks like the earth itself has forced itself upwards in perfect form to grab the planetoid above and hold it close. This near-mile-wide formation is absolutely perfect in every way, as if it were maintained constantly by the entire population; there are no smudges, cuts, scrapes, messes, chips, or any other imperfections. As you gaze into the crystal, you realize that it bends the light in such a way that it vertically represents the horizontal horizon; if the sunset were purples and oranges, you realize, so too would the bridge be. You're aware now why it is called "The Horizon Bridge".

As you approach, there are signs to confirm your unexplained belief that this is your destination; a slogan marks it as "The Horizon of your Life".

There are booths were people seem to constantly influx, but you notice very few people seem to make it past; indeed, most of them seem to be of noble stature and attire.
Looking down at the chip of crystal in your hand, you notice it glows the same grey as the bridge itself; in fact, you cover it from the light and it -still- seems to faintly glow, as if it were already a part of the great structure. You glance around, almost nervously, as you realize the absolute and devastating poverty the people around you are in. The ones who are not repeatedly charging the booths are fighting each other for scraps of food. You hold on to your ticket a bit tighter, make sure your hood is up (for those applicable), and continue forward.

As you continue on towards the booths, you notice people, though from a distance, are intently staring at the sapphire on your staff. As you progress, the people seem to come closer and closer. One boldly step in front of you, others not far behind, and points to your staff.
"I'll be taking tha, lad. Don` be makin` a fuss r` nothin` either." The man is barely dressed in what you'd consider rags. He continues towards you, but too late you realize there's a ruffling at your side. You see the glint of your spellbook as it exits your bag. (Roll was 5, with a -5 modifier because of your equipment.)

As you approach the booth, you notice you are given a wide berth. You gently grasp the hilt of your sword, just in case. You make it to the booth, and the man eyes you in an uninterested manner. "A ticket will cost..." He takes another looks at you, nods, and the wall in front of you shifts open. The moment you step through, it closes again. You hear the thud of people slamming themselves against the wall. (Roll was 18, with a +3 because of your equipment.)

As you approach the booth, a small crowd seems to amass around you. You hold up your hands, with a gentle smile, and ask that they leave you be.
Almost as if you were a good friend, they look at one another and shoo each other off. You make it to the booth with ease, flash your ticket, and continue on through the wall.
(Roll was 15, with a +5 because of your equipment.)

As you approach the booth, people immediately are interested in you. A veritable wall of people blocks your path, silent and unwavering. Without as much as a glance, you strike one in the face as he attempts to grab your robe from behind. The crowd, unfazed, begins to push forward as a whole.
(Roll was 1, with a -5 modifier because of your equipment.)

As you head towards the booth, you seem to almost blend in with the crowd. A plain robe, your hood pulled up, and nothing of value showing, you easily make your way to the booth. "A ticket will cost you one Cherosium." The man states.
(Roll was a 15, with a +3 because of your equipment.)

As you make your way to the booth, a man approaches you. "Please, you are obviously well off compared to the rest of us... can't you spare some coin?" He approaches you slowly, with what appears to be an honest smile, but the obvious glint of a knife under his robe tells you he's not intent on taking no for an answer.
(Roll was 14, with a -2 because of your equipment.)

(Don't worry guys, once you are a "party" it's easier to write more things happening at once. Bear with me for a couple of posts!)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#23 Posted: 22:16:49 22/08/2016
Hastin sneers at the boor that rush him, a shiver shocking his spine in disgust. "Come closer, and I will end your pathetic lives." He hissed, reaching into his robe and pulling out the very end of an ornate silver hilt. Of course, he refrained from killing them on the spot, he didn't wand their filth soiling his robes, and there were too many around to really assert his dominance. "Step back at once." He gave a piercing glare at the closing wave and willed them back.

Fredric smiled gently and reached into his bag, a small cluster of smokey quartz seemingly meeting his hand. He pulled it in front of the man, cupping it with both hands, and unfolded the small shards. In moments the crystal took shape similar to one of a spider, fat in the center with ling spindly legs that caught the light of their surroundings. He nodded and handed it to the man, tapping his shoulder kindly before continuing to move forward.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#24 Posted: 00:51:46 23/08/2016
Aokem, spun around staff firmly in hand. One hand at waist level as it raised to head level a wall of ice grows from the ground to block and encompasses one side of the thief. "Please return my book or you will have to face the consequnce." he repeated the movement behind him to put a barrier between himself the bold theif who had approached him warry of his interference. Aokem had no violent intent so long as his book wqs returned. Nine years, nine whole years he had travled from the northern most lands to the horizon bridge and he would not let this book go. It was more than just his spell book. It was the entirety of his understanding of essential magic that he followed. It was his way of sharing his knowledge. It was his way of growing his knowledge.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:56:42 23/08/2016 by jokerstix66
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#25 Posted: 01:14:51 23/08/2016 | Topic Creator
The crowd, which a moment ago had been almost a cohesive unit, now looked among themselves in doubt. Part of the line wavered, and most of the rest followed. A few of the more ragged had stayed behind; they obviously had less to lose, in their minds. Advancing, one brandished a crude, wicked dagger. The others came with nothing but their hands.
(Roll was 12, +4)

The man looked down at the small crystalline form, almost as in disbelief, and by the time he looked back up Fredric had already made it to the booth.
The man at the booth looked down at him almost loathingly. "A ticket will cost you one Cherosium."
(Roll was 14, +3)

The man, looking like a cornered animal, dropped the book; scrabbling for something, anything, to use to defend himself, he reached for a spike of ice, broke it off, and lunged towards you, a wild look in his eye.
(Roll was 3, +3)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#26 Posted: 01:21:39 23/08/2016
Aokem kept his cool as he brought his staff down to try and nail the man on his head. He did not wish for violence but now it seemed that it was unavoidable. Unwilling to kill him he simply needed him to go unconcious. Aokem hoped he would not do much damage but the same cold expression never left his face as the moment of impact drew closer.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#27 Posted: 01:40:17 23/08/2016
"You were warned," Hastin growled, lifting his hand toward the man with the dagger. He imagined it tightly in his grasp and plunged his hand forward at the peasant. The mans wrist twisted and contorted obscenely, turning the dagger around and plunging into his own chest. He staggered and let go of the handle, showing the dagger still vibrating. It jarred back more, ripping through his chest and tearing out his back, sticking itself at the feet of the others without weapons.

Fredric gave a worried and confused expression, hesitantly patting his pockets to try to find payment. He shrugged and drooped his shoulders, placing his hands softly on the counter of the booth. A sudden change of mood took him over and he rummaged through his back, pulling out a handfull of raw gemstones of different size and coloration. He nodded hopefully as he pushed them forward.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
redpillremix Green Sparx Gems: 309
#28 Posted: 06:24:23 23/08/2016
Argus pats down his person. "They never said there was a fee..." He mumbles to himself. "One moment", he states. "May I see what these tickets look like?" He asks the vendor. Argus had to be sure that he indeed had the right ticket. His features remain hidden behind his cloak. He had to be careful yet thorough. This was his life, his future.
The path of a hero is in power of one's own choices.
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#29 Posted: 04:31:03 24/08/2016 | Topic Creator
As the man comes nearer, you ready your staff. You strike for his forehead, and before the deadly-sharp ice dagger can reach you, a solid connection renders the man prone.
(Roll was 14, +1)

The others stop as the dagger makes a sickening plunge into their "friend's" chest. As it follows through and hits the ground in front of them, they recoil in fear, realizing that you are, much like the other nobles, not to be trifled with. You are given a huge clearing around the booth, the man's body silently pooling blood.

The man seems completely indifferent until you pull out the handful of gems. Picking up each one and eyeing them thoroughly, he nods, murmurs, and finally hands you a thin sheet of some crystalline material that looks exactly like the bridge. "Thanks for the tip, kid." The wall opens before you.

The man raises his eyebrow at you, and unmovingly repeats his line. "A ticket will cost on Cherosium."
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:30:36 25/08/2016 by Wyvern_Archmage
Zartose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1233
#30 Posted: 20:25:38 25/08/2016
OOC: sorry about the late post.

Abraham walks on through. Once he actually reaches the Horizon bridge he admires the architecture but keeps moving forward. "No point in stopping now." Abraham says to himself, loud enough for only he to hear.
Check out my RP The Cosmic Heart // behold the power of the gods *hiss hiss*
redpillremix Green Sparx Gems: 309
#31 Posted: 20:39:38 25/08/2016
Argus rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath, "Wow, try smiling for once...geez." He reaches down into his pocket and says, "Well, what if I already have one?" He pulls the ticket out and gives the bored man his ticket. "Does that suffice?"
The path of a hero is in power of one's own choices.
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#32 Posted: 21:52:02 25/08/2016 | Topic Creator
(OOC: You're fine, just everyone realize that I need to get everyone through the wall/to the bridge)

As you step through the rocky portal, you take only a moment to gaze at it's beauty. You continue forward, but for some reason you are compelled to stop and look up once again; as the night progresses, the crystal takes on different shades of blue and grey, and you are transfixed for a moment by it's sheer beauty. It's no wonder to you why people would be willing to die to gain access, it looks like the beginning of the best part of your life.

The man takes the ticket, examining it carefully, and hands it back. "You'll be needing that, sir." The wall in front of you opens, allowing you through.
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
redpillremix Green Sparx Gems: 309
#33 Posted: 02:49:45 26/08/2016
Argus receive the ticket back and hides it inside the recesses of his cloak. He nods to the man and makes his way through the mysterious "gates". He eyes them curiously. "So many mysteries yet to be discovered". He points at the "gate", and says "I will figure you out, I will unveil the mysteries." He makes his way through, eyes forward, a quickening of movements, and excitement in his being.
The path of a hero is in power of one's own choices.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:53:48 26/08/2016 by redpillremix
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#34 Posted: 08:43:12 28/08/2016
Aokem takes his book back and looks to the ice wall behind him and forces it to break down with a wave of his hand, prepared to face the brute that had walked up to him He would give him a chance to yield. "I Shall give you one chance to yield." he was going to get to the bridge even if he had to go through a bunch of thugs and wastrels. Hell itself would have to rise up to make him even contemplate stopping. His goal was clear, and it would not be easily taken away from him.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#35 Posted: 20:35:58 29/08/2016 | Topic Creator
As you step forward, you are taken aback by the beauty of the bridge; something about how the last relic of light from the fading dusk hits it entrances you, beckons to you, compels you forward. You're already halfway to it before you realize your feet are moving.

After seeing what had become of their friend, your threat, and the look in your eyes, the crowd practically stampeded itself running away.
(Roll was 20)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#36 Posted: 05:41:18 31/08/2016
Robin looks back for a moment at the doorway closes behind her. With an unchanged expression upon her face, she tilts her head slightly to the side in wonder. This wondering did not last, however, she turned about and followed the path provided on the other side. Taking in the scenery while she could, practically analyzing it. If anyone could see her at this moment, she would look like a lost child in the market who had only just noticed she got mixed up in the crowd. She would move very smoothly as she progressed onward.
Well that just happened...
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#37 Posted: 05:57:29 31/08/2016
Aokem nods in acceptance of the situation and proceeds forward toward the bridge, his 'ticket' in hand. a wave of excitement blew over him as he looked towards the horizon bridge. it was so beautiful, unlike anything he had ever seen, all his travels lead up to this one moment. it was perfect, everything he had dreamed of, and more. watch out Aeither, Aokem is coming.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#38 Posted: 16:53:27 31/08/2016 | Topic Creator
You feel something strange in your chest as you move towards the bridge; almost like a heartbeat, but much, much more powerful. Your eyes reverberate as you gaze at and approach the bridge, as if some unknown sound was buzzing them around inside your skull. You feel an odd sensation of weakness as you approach, yet you still feel the same compulsion to do so.

Openly and visibly clutching your ticket, the boothmaster opens the wall for you.

(Hastin is now the only character outside of the walls.)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#39 Posted: 03:05:21 01/09/2016
Robin continually stares ahead, barely blinking as she moved. Waves of her skirt are not moved by any wind, only her body movement. The low volume level of a metallic click is heard as her sword sways on the links that hold it to the belt that is sashed up over her shoulder, leading down to the belt of her skirt. She pauses for a moment, placing a hand upon her chest for a moment. Her eyes close for only a few seconds. Taking a slow steady breath, she resumes her forward motion, onward toward the new world above her own.
Well that just happened...
redpillremix Green Sparx Gems: 309
#40 Posted: 22:21:05 02/09/2016
Argus tries to stop himself from breaking into a sprint, the excitement couldn't seem to be contained. He remained steadfast as he pressed onward, taking mental notes with each step to the glorious bridge. A voice whispered in the back of his head, that is was not going to be that simple, one does not simply just walk across the bridge. He still pressed on, but slower, as if filled with doubt.
The path of a hero is in power of one's own choices.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#41 Posted: 16:52:30 04/09/2016
OOC: Yo, GM, where you at!? smilie
Well that just happened...
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#42 Posted: 06:43:13 06/09/2016 | Topic Creator
(I am waiting for the last character to be made, and another one to make it to/through the gate.)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#43 Posted: 20:28:02 26/09/2016
Hastin sneered in contempt and pressed onward, making sure not to touch the peasants blood that trickled along the texture of the ground. "Serves you right, not knowing your place," He grumbled as he passed. It appalled him that such filth was allowed to roam near such a marvelous monument. Another place to mark for cleanup.
He stepped up to the booth, slowing his pace before the ticket master and taking his right of passage from his robes. He held it out in front of the man. "I believe this should do." He spoke in distasteful monotone, not even making eye contact.

Fredric tipped his hat with a smile, readjusting his bag onto his shoulder and stepping through the gates, eager to inspect the grand spire that awaited him.
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#44 Posted: 04:57:27 30/09/2016
OOC: AWWWWWLRIGHT! Can we move up in this world? To on yonder high clouds. Above the birds themselves.
Well that just happened...
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#45 Posted: 11:42:31 02/10/2016
(ill be talking to our GMhere soon.)
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#46 Posted: 06:23:11 04/10/2016 | Topic Creator
The man nods, noting "Someone will have to clean that up, you know." Nevertheless, he open the wall and allows you to pass.

(alright, next post will be mine as everyone approaches the bridge. give me a couple hours to prepare)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:52:11 04/10/2016 by Wyvern_Archmage
Wyvern_Archmage Green Sparx Gems: 294
#47 Posted: 05:30:08 05/10/2016 | Topic Creator
As you approach the bridge, once again the immensity of it seeks to steal away your breath; small flickers of light run up the bridge very so often, and after observing for a moment or two, you realize these flashes coincide with when the other people, mostly nobles, touch their ticket to the bridge; the ticket slides in, and the person disappears.

Tentatively, you continue walking forward until you are right in front of the giant crystal; looking around, you see a few sights that seem out of place with the noble, some that seem to perfectly fit in. A man in ice-blue robes wielding a sapphire-tipped staff, a girl with wild tattoos and a massive sword on her back, a priest with traditionally white robe, yet oddly wearing a red belt, one in a blue cloak lined with gold that you assume is a noble, a man in a plain black robe, and the most peculiar and out of place, a man wearing a leather vest lined with pockets and a grey shirt underneath. As you each step up to the bridge, you look at one another again, waiting to see if the glimpse you saw of the other nobles fits what you should do. The one who is most obviously a noble straightens himself a bit, holds out the ticket to the bridge, and in a short moment vanishes. A streak of grey light travels up the rocky column. Everyone seems to follow suite; the girl confusedly look in her pockets for a few moments, shrugs, and touches the pillar, where she too is apparently sucked into the earthen portal.

After what seems like a solid minute of darkness and suffocation, you realize you are sitting down, with the people you observed also seated near you. (Sorry for stock image and the like. It looks like the inside of a tram, though the seats are polished stone, as are the lights, which glow a faint grey.)
[User Posted Image]

(Alright, feel free to have some character interaction! After a few posts between people, I'll move forward. Let's see the party realize it's a party! Remember not to metagame!)
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care; I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#48 Posted: 05:58:07 05/10/2016
Aokem freezes and starts to laugh lightly, "oh my, oh my, this is amazing, not what I expected but amazing HAHAHA" he was so excited, this is truly everything he could have dreamed for. he HE was going to AETHER?! A place where only the lucky and the brave can go, where any knowledge is not out of reach, and every magic has its place. this was amazing. looking to the others. "if I may, why are all of you going to Aether?"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#49 Posted: 18:12:48 06/10/2016
Robin steps into the car. She looks around at the design of the odd room. This was not a familiar set up at all, but it didn't keep her from walking over to one of the seats to sit down. Robin appeared to ignore the others to an extent. It was rather interesting to see others here, she hadn't expected to see anyone else here. She quickly took a mental note of who was there, taking in their key features for future recognition.
Well that just happened...
Zartose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1233
#50 Posted: 13:53:42 15/10/2016
Abraham looked about and studied the interior of the small space. After a few moments he found a seat and sat, waiting for the arrival into Æther. Abraham took his seat next to a man wearing ice blue robes and a staff with a sapphire head. Just as he sat down the man spoke.
"Why my dear fellow, I am here to learn. This is a new experience that I hope will be found helpful. May I ask, what brings you here?" Abraham spoke with assurance.
Check out my RP The Cosmic Heart // behold the power of the gods *hiss hiss*
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