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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Mobile > Collection Vault -> Toy Not Supported?
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Collection Vault -> Toy Not Supported? [CLOSED]
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#1 Posted: 17:07:11 14/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Does anyone else have issues with "toy not supported" when you put in codes for certain figures? I am unable to add the following...

Thorn Horn Camo
Turbo Jet-Vac
S2 Sprocket
Legendary Grim Creeper
S3 Stealth Elf
S2 Chill
Favorites: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5366
#2 Posted: 17:24:20 14/03/2014
It's super glitchy. Most if not all series 2 and 3 Skylanders from Swap Force aren't recognised. You'll have to add them without the code.
I always forget to check my guestbook
jbkaok Blue Sparx Gems: 635
#3 Posted: 18:45:24 14/03/2014
I don't put in the codes anyway - much faster to just say that you can't find it.
A sword of storms! smilie smilie
Jedi_Kunle Yellow Sparx Gems: 1711
#4 Posted: 18:21:04 29/03/2014
Has anyone been able to get the new update?
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#5 Posted: 04:49:40 30/03/2014
Theres a new update?
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
Jedi_Kunle Yellow Sparx Gems: 1711
#6 Posted: 06:04:10 30/03/2014
It to add the accessories
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#7 Posted: 15:57:55 17/04/2014
I can't seem to get Ninja Stealth Elf in, and there isn't an option to insert NITRO Freeze Blade over the normal one
Milla4Prez66 Green Sparx Gems: 101
#8 Posted: 02:11:08 15/12/2014
I just started using this app tonight and entering codes, I am not surprised that some variants like Nitro Krypt King and Winterfest Lob-Star are not available but I'm disappointed they don't have Kickoff Countdown either.
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