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Outcast Camp [CLOSED]
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#1 Posted: 02:20:16 14/03/2014 | Topic Creator
//My first Rp in quite a while, So I'm a little rusty, I also apologize for being so unorganized.//

Storyline: For centuries the world has been inhabited by 'Outcasts', people who were born with awesome powers, however they are dubbed as 'freaks' by everyone who disapproves of there abilities. These Outcasts have been ridiculed and made fun of for centuries, they were tortured and made fun of and exiled from their homes due to their differences from the majority of the world.
But in the early 16th century a camp was built, a monstrous camp that could fit thousands of Outcasts. It was built by a man known as Deidicus Blair, he created the camp as a safe harbor for all Outcasts to live in peace and happiness, Somewhere the Outcasts could go and get an education and a normal life.
It is now the modern day and the camp still stands strong, people have forgotten about the Outcasts as time went by, and the camp is home to thousands of people. However the camp is run by a dark and mysterious man who does odd and suspicious things, and some of the Outcasts believe he is hiding something.

Rules: No Godmodding
Keep it PG-13
Be descriptive
That's pretty much it!

Character Sheet:

History: (Not mandatory)

My Character sheet:
Name: Shane Blair
Age: 18
Personality: Shane is an outgoing and carefree guy, he cares deeply for all the Outcasts, even the ones who treat him horribly. Shane is a natural born leader and has a vast knowledge of the history of the camp. He is a feisty Shapeshifter who hates not getting his way. He'll do anything to cheer a person up and get a laugh. When annoyed he can get quite confrontational.
Appearance: Tall and slim, but quite strong, He has a rust colored leather jacket that he wears over a plain white muscle shirt, he has blonde spiky hair and blue eyes, He wears jeans and black leather shoes, with white bottoms.
History: Shane's parents died shortly after he was born so he never knew his parents. He grew up in the camp as he is the great great great great great great great great great grandson of Deidicus Blair
Powers: Shane is a Shapeshifter, he can shift into any animal form he wants.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:43:22 14/03/2014 by Lunarz
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#2 Posted: 02:38:50 14/03/2014
Ooc: I am joining!

Name: Kirra Yarishika
Age: 18
Personality: Cold hearted and mean, but if you get to know him, he has a soft spot.
Appearance: He is a pale skinned boy with silver hair and one blood red eye, the other covered by an eyepiece. He is tall and usually wears stonewashed jeans with a t shirt and some nikes or converse shoes, along with his leather jacket and chimera with studs on them.
History: His parents died at a young age in a massacre in his town. Since then, he lived life roaming around, no friends to follow. Well, until he found the camp.
Powers: He can manipulate darkness and shadows. Also, he can talk to certain types of spirits.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#3 Posted: 02:44:07 14/03/2014 | Topic Creator
//Awesome! Welcome to the Rp! Hopefully we'll have recruited some more people by morning so we can start...//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#4 Posted: 02:47:31 14/03/2014
((Hopefully! I found this really interesting.))
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#5 Posted: 03:53:38 14/03/2014
((Another interesting RP? Awesome!

I'm also gonna assume that the standard history involves being shunned or the sort?))

Name: Nathaniel "Nathan" Evans
Age: 16
Personality: Nathan is a pretty shy guy, only really talking to his friends, and people he feels he can trust. When you get to know him, he's a fun out-going guy, pretty funny, and just likes to hang out with his friends.
Appearance: He's a little above 6 feet, and he always wears blue jeans. As for shirt, he mainly wears a black tee, with a nice black lightning bolt down the middle, with a black leather jacket over it. He has brown eyes, and brown, shaggy hair.
History: Nathan was always shunned by his family because of his freaky ability to know what they were thinking, and every know and then having objects floating in the air. He left one day after his father yelled at him for half an hour, and called him a worthless, cursed, piece of trash. He later stumbled upon the camp and had been there since.
Powers: Telekinesis. Pretty much mind reading, mind control, is like a psychic, and can levitate things with his mind. He can also create balls of energy and fire them.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#6 Posted: 04:06:56 14/03/2014 | Topic Creator
//Welcome aboard, friend! I'll start and then people can join in still later if they want.//

The sun shone in the bright blue sky, there was not a cloud to be seen on that fine summer day, the sounds of birds chirped in the background, cicada's were crying and laughter could be heard all around. All of the Outcasts were out of class and were relaxing. Shane, however was wandering the grounds, he had no real friends at the camp since he never really talked to anyone, he was mainly focused on his studies of Shapeshifting and learning how to better his powers. A cool breeze whipped through his short, blonde hair and he closed his eyes to take it all in. "What a day..." He spoke calmly.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#7 Posted: 04:12:18 14/03/2014
Nathan too, was just enjoying the rest of the day. "Man," he said breathing deeply "at his has to be the perfect day if the year, well, for the temperature, that is." He laughed to himself. He sat down on one of the hills, just looking up into the sky, and looking at a tree stump nearby, focusing on trying to make it levitate. C'mon.... he thought to himself, concentrating really hard. Finally, the tree stump flew pit of the ground and was floating. Nathan relaxed, letting the stump fall. He heard a twig snap nearby. "Hello?" He asked getting up.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#8 Posted: 04:17:58 14/03/2014 | Topic Creator
While Nathan was concentrating on the stump, Shane had been continuing on his walk, many thoughts were running through his head. That Board of Outcasts has been acting odd as of late, especially ever since they elected that new guy to the master chair...So many unnecessary changes to the camp...I mean, why do we need expansion? We have more than enough room... He thought as he walked through the large, green, grassy landscape. As he was walking he stepped on a twig, snapping it in half, after which he heard someone's voice, saying 'hello'.
"Hmm?" He looked around and then spotted Nathan. "I'm sorry, were you talking to me, dude?" He asked.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#9 Posted: 04:24:06 14/03/2014
Nathan sighed when he saw it was just another Outcast. "Sorry, I thought an intruder was trying to sneak up on me or something." He said smiling. "What're you doing?" He asked.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#10 Posted: 04:31:18 14/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Shane looked to the ground and gave a chuckle before looking back at the boy. "Intruder? We haven't had an intruder in this place since....Well never." He moved closer to Nathan and then sat down next to him. "As for what I'm doing...I'm just...Thinking, is all. I haven;t seen you around before, I'm Shane, Shapeshifter."
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#11 Posted: 04:42:14 14/03/2014
Nathan chuckled. "You never know!" He said laughing. "Nathan, pyschic." He said holding his hand out for a shake. "I'm just trying to enhance my powers." He said, levitating a rock and throwing it a long distance.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#12 Posted: 04:51:52 14/03/2014 | Topic Creator
"A Psychic, eh? So, like, you can do card tricks and stuff?" He said jokingly. He then gave a grin and shifted into a gorilla, lazing back on the grass. "Ahhh, Such a peaceful day....." He closed his eyes and began to lull off into his sleep

/gotta go, I'll be back tomorrow, I'm tired and my posts are getting lazy smilie//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#13 Posted: 04:58:42 14/03/2014
Nathan laughed "Yeah, not really. I'm sure there's a way I could do it though.." He said trailing off as she saw Shane falling asleep. He smirked. Nice. and with that, he laid back too.

((Okay, see ya tomorrow.))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#14 Posted: 19:41:26 14/03/2014
Kirra walked around, hearing the laughing and chirping as he grumbled under his breath, feeling nothing but depression. His crimson eyes flashed to each site, hen stayed on Shane. He decided to walk over to him as he smirked slightly. He reached Shane and stood infront of him, crossing his arms.

"Hello," he said with the tiniest hint of friendliness in his voice.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#15 Posted: 21:23:10 14/03/2014
ooc: I REALLY hope this doesn't die...I'm having rp withdrawals DX
Also, how many characters may I have?

Name: Mikey
Age: 18
Personality: Mikey is rather outgoing, liking to be the center of attention. He will do anything to get people to smile or crack up, even if that means humiliation for him. He is rather flirty, not caring if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend. He does get annoyed when Phoenix stands up for him or gets prissy about his attitude, but he still loves the lug. Though, this is actually just one of him. He has three other personalities. There is Darius, a major jerk who hates everyone and everything. He is especially hateful against Mikey and Phoenix. He likes to pick on weaker people, though he is also known to challenge people bigger than him. Then there is Ace, a calm and level headed genius. He is rather smart in the education part of school, though lacks in the physical part. He is usually the peace bringer, not liking fights. Dusty, who is a small depressed child. He usually doesn't get much accomplished, sticking to wallowing in his sorrow. Dusty is very sensitive, and will break out crying at the dullest of words or physical violence. Finally, Elena, who is joyful and carefree. She is the youngest of them all, and usually shines a positive light on everyone, even Darius. She doesn't like all the big bad adult stuff, so she usually sticks to running around or coloring pretty pictures. She is the number one fan of the Mikey x Phoenix shipping, thinking it's cute.
Appearance: (Actually, I'm not sure what to do here, as each personality has a different hair style, and their eye color changes) [User Posted Image] Mikey
History: Mikey grew up in a tough household. His father wasn't all too kind about him being special. He was beaten often. During all this, he knew his mother loved him, but she was powerless to do anything, as his father also would hit her, to which he would run to take the punches to save his mother. During this, he began to hear voices in his head, but they didn't become worse until his mother took a gun, and shot his father. She then turned to him, tears in her eyes, and shot herself with her last words being "I'm sorry and I love you." After that is when the personalities began to take control, Darius who hides the pain but can take it, Ace who tries to reason of why she did it, Dusty who blames it all on himself, and Elena who basically pretends it never happened. Mikey himself doesn't remember a lot about the beatings and his mother's death. He one day woke up in the camp, not knowing how he got here.
Powers: He has psychic abilities, but each personality has a different form of it. Mikey has telekinesis, Ace can create barriers that block most attacks and bounce people away, Dusty has uncontrollable blasts of psychic energy that erupts around him, and Darius can look into the future to an extent, only far enough to see for instance, which arm someone will try to punch him to avoid it or to counterattack.
Gay 4 GARcher
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:26:32 14/03/2014 by DragonCamo
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#16 Posted: 00:00:42 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
/One or two characters for each person, I don't want it getting too confusing. Welcome to the camp!//

Shane heard Kirra's greeting and quickly shifted back to his human form, his teachers had always to told him not to use his powers just for fun, only when he needed to so he didn't want to get in trouble. He then saw it was only another kid like them.
"Hmm? I don't believe I know you. We don't have any classes together do we?" He asked.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#17 Posted: 00:03:13 15/03/2014
Nathan oped end his eyes as he heard Kirra. "Hey!" He said. "What's up?" He asked, trying to be friendly.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#18 Posted: 00:38:06 15/03/2014
Kirra looked at Shane and nodded
"We do, but I never come to class....I am always in some problem " he said as he rolled his eyes when he heard Nathan

"What?" He asks Nathan a bit coldly as his eyes turn a slightly darker color.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#19 Posted: 00:44:42 15/03/2014
Nathan raised one if his eyebrows "What?" He asked, wondering why his eye color turned darker. "Are you okay?" He asked.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#20 Posted: 00:58:33 15/03/2014
Kirra turns and stares at Nathan

"Is it my eye? It changes color when a spirit is near, but I can tell what type they are from the color . I sense a demon, but a harmless one, so my eye should be darker." He said as he blinked and fixed his jacket.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#21 Posted: 01:05:22 15/03/2014
Nathan nods. "Ah, well, that explains that." He said, making a little rock float be tween his hands, and it swirling around in all different directions.

((Slow down a little.))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#22 Posted: 01:54:55 15/03/2014
Kirra looked at the rock then smirked.

"You think that is an accomplishment? " he asks with a scoff as he puts out his hands and makes a symbol with them as dark energy surrounds him.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#23 Posted: 01:57:55 15/03/2014
I look at Kirra. "I can do better." He said "I'm just messing around right now." He said, his eyes lowered to the ground.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#24 Posted: 02:06:27 15/03/2014
He laughed

"Well, I was too " he said mockingly as he snickered and his eyes returned to the normal crimson red that they originally were.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#25 Posted: 02:09:25 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
A thought then came to Shane, he could see the metaphorical light bulb appear above his head. He quickly jumped up and look at the two of them. `Why don't we test how strong our powers can be, a little contest maybe. I know we aren't allowed to do that, but why not?"
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#26 Posted: 02:15:10 15/03/2014
Nathan jumped at the idea too. "Yeah!" He said. "It'll be fun!" He yelled out.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#27 Posted: 02:28:10 15/03/2014
Kirra nods in agreement.

"Alright," he said as he uncrossed his arms and a dark aura surrounded him.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#28 Posted: 02:29:47 15/03/2014
Nathan smirked, using his telekinesis to float himself above the air a little, and giving the other two headaches. "Yeah....I need to unlock the rest of my powers." He said, floating back to the ground.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#29 Posted: 02:38:56 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Shane smirked, knowing that he could win this contest if he pulled out the big guns, but he never attempted it before. "That's nothing, you guys." Shane winked at the two of them and then began to shake with great might, he began to scream, curling his body up as he did so. Then there was a large burst of blackness and Shane no longer in his human form, he was a large black dragon with red underwings and spike going down his spine, he had a white underbelly and a long blue tongue, large claws and a tail with a spade at the end of it. He cried out loudly, shaking the ground as he roared.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#30 Posted: 02:44:01 15/03/2014
Nathan looked at Shane. "Wow..." He said "Amazing. How'd you?" He trailed off, in awe of how big Shane was.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#31 Posted: 02:46:31 15/03/2014
Kirra's eyed widened as he was engulfed in a violet flame and he summoned his wings, which were demon wings that were the color of his aura. He smirked as he levitated a couple feet up and he started to charge an attack.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#32 Posted: 02:47:45 15/03/2014
Nathan just looked between the two. "Well, I feel useless." He said, disappointed at how weak his powers were compared to theirs.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#33 Posted: 02:52:44 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Shane felt his energy draining, his wings grew heavy and his bod grew tired, he shifted back to his human form. He was breathing fast. "Don't worry about it, you'll reach your power peak soon."
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#34 Posted: 02:55:54 15/03/2014
Nathan shrugged. "Eh, I'm sure I'll find a use for my powers eventually." He said smiling.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#35 Posted: 03:32:15 15/03/2014
Kirra looked at the two and smirked as he landed gracefully and called off the spell that made his wings appear. His aura faded away until it wasn't visible and he starred to breathe a bit heavier than usual also.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#36 Posted: 04:16:31 15/03/2014
Mikey sat in the shadow of a lonesome tree. He bit his finger nails on his left as his right hand typed violently on his red and black flip phone. He sighed, shutting his phone and stuffing it in his pocket and laying back against the bark of the tree. A gental breeze blew across, sending his hair in the direction the wind was blowing. A single leaf began its desent to the ground. Mikey studied it carefully. Suddenly, his eyes became a light pinkish color, the same as the very thin layer that now blanketed over the leaf. He began to make it go in a figure eight pattern.
Gay 4 GARcher
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#37 Posted: 04:21:44 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Shane let out a yawn as he stretched out his arms. He felt the cool breeze blow across his face. Slowly he began to walk away from the two. "Well, this was fun, but I've got things to do, and by 'things to do' I mean I have nothing to do, and I'm going to spend that time sleeping in." He said with a grin, folding his arms behind his head as he walked away from the two.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#38 Posted: 14:16:09 15/03/2014
Nightmare waved as he also walked away, leaving everyone.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#39 Posted: 14:21:42 15/03/2014
Nathan just stood there. "Well," he said levitating a huge stone in the sky. "time for some practice." He said lobbing the stone far away. He slumped his shoulders. "Useless." He said walking back towards the camp.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#40 Posted: 14:30:11 15/03/2014
Kirra sits in a secluded field as his eyes turn pure black. He starts mumbling some foreign words as he then looks up.

"Why are you here, Yoru? " he asked as he got a chuckle back for an answer.

"For that Nathan kid. And if I don't get him, you will be mine instead!" A voice responds after the chuckle. This voice was very rough and dark, and it had a slight Russian accent.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#41 Posted: 15:04:19 15/03/2014
Nathan looked around him. "Useless. Worthless. You don't deserve to be here! Go home!" He kept on hearing from all around him. "Stop! Please stop!" He yelled covering his ears, but still hearing the voices even louder than before. "Please make it stop!" He was practically screaming now.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#42 Posted: 18:22:07 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Shane had been walking only a short while now, but he was growing bored. He enjoyed the little bit of time he was hanging with Nathan and Kirra. "Heh...Maybe they aren't so boring after all." As he spoke he felt an odd sensation flow through his body. He turned back and headed to where Nathan was sitting.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#43 Posted: 18:55:08 15/03/2014
Nathan was on the ground, screaming, and crying. "MAKE IT STOP!!" He yelled out, in pain. "JUST MAKE IT STOP!! Please! Make it stop!"
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#44 Posted: 19:08:44 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Shane saw the boy screaming and he quickly ran over to him, throwing his arm around him, to stop him from flailing around, when that didn't work he shifted into a snake and wrapped around him, preventing him from moving. "Calm down!" He screamed, "No ones gonna hurt ya, everything's gonna be alright, dude!" He said, trying to comfort him.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#45 Posted: 19:11:09 15/03/2014
Nathan still struggled. "MAKE THEM STOP!" He yelled, crying at the same time, "PLEASE!" He started sobbing "Make them stop. I want it to STOP!" He yelled, starting to thrash around even worse than before.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#46 Posted: 19:23:30 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Yea, this is how I wanted to spend my day... He sighed and then unwrapped Nathan, quickly he shifted into a gorilla and knocked Nathan out cold.

Time Lapse

Shane was sitting over Nathan's unconscious body, he leaned against the front of a large grey boulder, his arms crossed and his eyes fixated on the sky, watching the clouds roll by. It was then that Nathan began to awake.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#47 Posted: 19:25:33 15/03/2014
When Nathan awoke, he still heard the voices, just very softly. "What happened?" He asked, feeling a headache coming on. "My head hurts like hell." He said.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:30:38 15/03/2014 by Rickorio
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#48 Posted: 19:29:03 15/03/2014
A beeping sound came from Mikey's phone. His eyes snapped back to brown as he quickly took it out of his pocket and looked to see who it was. The leaf he had been looking at slowly floated away on the breeze. Excitedly, he read the text and smiled with glee, stuffing it in his pocket, slinging his bag over his shoulder and racing across the grassy area.
Gay 4 GARcher
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3336
#49 Posted: 19:33:43 15/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Shane looked down at Nathan, who was lying in the lush, green grass. Shane had elevated his body and lied him down against a rock covered with moss. "You were screaming your head off." He gave a winked and a thumbs up to the boy. "But I took care of that." He gave a chuckled and then looked up. He could see a boy running through the fields of green, towards them.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#50 Posted: 19:35:25 15/03/2014
Nathan smirked. "Lemme guess?" He said. "You turned into a gorilla and bonked my head?" He asked laughing. He stopped when he noticed the guy running towards them too. "Who's that?" He asked.
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