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Wave 4 finally hits the US: Scratch, Fryno, Hot Dog, and Jet Vac [CLOSED]
Kesrael Gold Sparx Gems: 2507
#201 Posted: 12:28:21 12/03/2014
Got them in State College, PA yesterday. 2 HD, 2 JV and 4 of each of the other 2 were hanging on the pegs, big as you please, when I walked up to the display.
I'm Kesrael_V on Lost Islands! Add me!!
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#202 Posted: 12:28:34 12/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Woo hoo! Got all 4! smilie
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
crocko33 Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#203 Posted: 12:36:18 12/03/2014
Quote: PlayableMoogle
Scratch is the best Skylander ever. Better than Camp, better than Pop Fizz. It does NOT hurt that I really enjoy cats.

I'm confused at how Camo and Pop Fizz are in the same sentence....for me, Pop Fizz is not bad, but just mediocre.
55 out of 80 Skylanders -- Activate account = crocko33
dbaez2 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1242
#204 Posted: 12:44:12 12/03/2014
San Antonio, TX: Found 2 sets at the Walmart on my way to work this morning. Hopefully everyone will have them soon.
DarkRaptor Green Sparx Gems: 225
#205 Posted: 13:13:37 12/03/2014
Found them in Columbus Ohio. My Wal-Mart got 2 of each, and all they had left was 2 Jet Vac and 1 Scratch left though.
Tumblr Blog about the Skylanders TCG I am creating:
2/24 is Stealth Elf week!
star kitty Blue Sparx Gems: 917
#206 Posted: 13:53:24 12/03/2014
Found Scratch & Fryno at the Massapequa NY Walmart. They only had one Fryno left and no other new figures. I asked an associate if they had more and was told only what was on display....I think he just didn't want to check.
star kitty Blue Sparx Gems: 917
#207 Posted: 13:59:34 12/03/2014
Oh, before I went to Massapequa I stopped in at the Valley Stream Walmart and found nothing. The associates there were also not much help.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#208 Posted: 14:13:46 12/03/2014
I went by my regular Walmart last night and nothing, of course. "Everything we have is out". Sigh. Typical for that Walmart. They have a pathetic display that is intermingled with Infinity and all the figures (swappers, Giants, singles, etc.) are put up haphazardly.

However, I went by a much better one after dropping my son off at preschool and found them on the pegs. So they are in NC now, too.
SkylndrDudesDad Red Sparx Gems: 58
#209 Posted: 16:07:48 12/03/2014
Found all 4 at The Walmart in Arundel Mills, MD. Checked Walmart in Arbutus, MD they had tons of Enchanted HootLoop, but none of Wave 4.
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#210 Posted: 16:36:57 12/03/2014
Quote: star kitty
Found Scratch & Fryno at the Massapequa NY Walmart. They only had one Fryno left and no other new figures. I asked an associate if they had more and was told only what was on display....I think he just didn't want to check.

Mass aint so great a store. Idk if its cause it's part of sunrise mall or what not.

Quote: star kitty
Oh, before I went to Massapequa I stopped in at the Valley Stream Walmart and found nothing. The associates there were also not much help.

Idk why but this walmart and toysrus there arent very helpful abt anything.

Congrats on your finds! Im going out to look in a few with the wife.
TheLurk Blue Sparx Gems: 533
#211 Posted: 17:30:09 12/03/2014
Quote: Matteomax
@nocturnalnathan: Only Walmart for now.

Which explains how come I haven't seen them. I'll never step into a Walmart.....

Now I wonder how Walmart managed to finagle an exclusive on a wave, since TRU's usually the oe to do so. Do you think TRU might be splitting their revenue for Infinity and Skylanders exclusives, and so can't do as much for it? And just when will these figures hit other stores?
SF 13 SF, 19 reg, 5 LC, TT, FF, JBB
Got: extra Cynders, 1 Lgd Trigger Happy.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#212 Posted: 17:39:05 12/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Aside from Trap Shadow and Freeze Blade being due for release tomorrow, it looks like LC Bumble Blast is coming soon:

[User Posted Image]

At least he's in production.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:39:42 12/03/2014 by Matteomax
Corn_Hornet Yellow Sparx Gems: 1982
#213 Posted: 17:39:24 12/03/2014
Quote: ToxicFate
I just found them in Groton, CT so they have now hit the Northeast.

I just checked 3 stores in southwestern CT this morning: Derby, Milford, and West Haven. Still nothing.
TheLurk Blue Sparx Gems: 533
#214 Posted: 17:42:51 12/03/2014
Quote: Matteomax
Aside from Trap Shadow and Freeze Blade being due for release tomorrow, it looks like LC Bumble Blast is coming soon:

[User Posted Image]

At least he's in production.

They didn't make him less creepy-looking....>.> But hey, at least we know now he's coming soon!
SF 13 SF, 19 reg, 5 LC, TT, FF, JBB
Got: extra Cynders, 1 Lgd Trigger Happy.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:44:09 12/03/2014 by TheLurk
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#215 Posted: 17:59:33 12/03/2014
so much for staggering figures throughout the year, eh?
Favorites: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#216 Posted: 18:00:04 12/03/2014
Hot Dog/Jet-Vac/Fryno/Scratch found locally at Wal-Mart in Charlotte, NC, today. Not exactly breaking news at this point, but figured I'd let anyone reading that's local know they are on the shelves, in small quantities.
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
TheLurk Blue Sparx Gems: 533
#217 Posted: 18:21:33 12/03/2014
Quote: AzureStarline
so much for staggering figures throughout the year, eh?

I'd imagine that was mostly hype. They might've been hoping people would go crazy waiting for them, and then buy them all up once they come out.
SF 13 SF, 19 reg, 5 LC, TT, FF, JBB
Got: extra Cynders, 1 Lgd Trigger Happy.
KrazyBoomer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1025
#218 Posted: 19:26:12 12/03/2014
Ebay listings show them in my area
All walmarts claim "No Nuffin cames in" or don't pick up
I hate walmart with a passion.
All Wound Up!
Top 15
nocturnalnathan Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#219 Posted: 20:05:21 12/03/2014
After checking 4 different Walmarts every day for the past four days, I finally found them! They hadn't been shelved, but luckily I saw the box labelled W4 sitting next to the register, hidden under a W3 box. I grabbed one of each and left the box open, so at least anyone else walking by can get one.
If anyone's curious, I'm in the Boynton Beach area, so they should be available to everyone in the South Florida area! If you're as far south as Miami though, you might have to wait another day or two.
"Chicks dig giant robots"
star kitty Blue Sparx Gems: 917
#220 Posted: 20:32:45 12/03/2014
Mass aint so great a store. Idk if its cause it's part of sunrise mall

Idk why but this walmart and toysrus there arent very helpful abt anything.

Congrats on your finds! Im going out to look in a few with the wife.

Thank you and good luck with your search. I've noticed that the associates at both locations are pretty useless. If you don't see what your looking for then your just s.o.l because no one's gonna help you. I'm just happy I found 2. Would have loved Hot Dog too since we don't have him at all but I'm sure he will turn up eventually.
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#221 Posted: 20:42:55 12/03/2014
Found everyone but Hot Dog in San Antonio TX.
KrazyBoomer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1025
#222 Posted: 21:12:03 12/03/2014
After going to a walmart I called I found they DID have them all except Scratch
They also had a S1 Camo Single, S1 Lighting Rod Single and a S1 Warnado(all S1 were $7.96) which I got along with Fryno
All Wound Up!
Top 15
SkylndrDudesDad Red Sparx Gems: 58
#223 Posted: 21:43:00 12/03/2014
Scored them all for my son! He is as Jolly as BumbleBlast!! Thanks for the heads up everyone.

Walmart in Arundel Mills, MD for core characters and TRU in Columbia, MD for Swappers. Hopefully our friends that waited outside in the rain for a few hours on the release day of SwapForce with us will find them soon. You know who you are. Happy Hunting!!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:58:43 12/03/2014 by SkylndrDudesDad
Dictum Blue Sparx Gems: 753
#224 Posted: 21:43:18 12/03/2014
I found Jet Vac, Scratch and Fryno at the Walmart in Mechanicsburg PA. I still have not found Hot Dog.
gta1134 Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#225 Posted: 22:35:04 12/03/2014
Was able to get my son his Hot Dog, they had all 4 there at the time but I told him that he has to earn the rest of them. (going back later tonight to grab the other 3 and hide them till his birthday)
Oh in Midwestern Indiana
Have an extra boomer and punch pop fizz that are opened and a darklight crypt that is still sealed for trade.
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#226 Posted: 23:44:29 12/03/2014
Quote: star kitty
Mass aint so great a store. Idk if its cause it's part of sunrise mall

Idk why but this walmart and toysrus there arent very helpful abt anything.

Congrats on your finds! Im going out to look in a few with the wife.

Thank you and good luck with your search. I've noticed that the associates at both locations are pretty useless. If you don't see what your looking for then your just s.o.l because no one's gonna help you. I'm just happy I found 2. Would have loved Hot Dog too since we don't have him at all but I'm sure he will turn up eventually.

[User Posted Image]

Went to 3 walmarts and found the above, still lack one hot dog. My son opened his already, wifey, brother and I take the rest. If i see another hot dog i'll let you know.

ps ya i know my table is a mess, maybe tommrow night i'll have time to clean smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:56:54 12/03/2014 by SlayerX11
tigerdr Yellow Sparx Gems: 1976
#227 Posted: 23:46:10 12/03/2014
found nothing here so i'm guessing tomorrow sometime or friday latest. the walmart i have tends to not have the stock, though with every store not exclusive to get these i'm not going to go too nuts on buying them now. since there'll be sales still once they hit websites, etc
Taking that last ride through the sunset on skylanders. Hopefully a return of more classic spyro gameplay in the horizon.
Corn_Hornet Yellow Sparx Gems: 1982
#228 Posted: 23:55:20 12/03/2014
I just went out and made the rounds again. Found Scratch in Shelton, CT and nothing else.
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#229 Posted: 00:51:04 13/03/2014
Just picked up scratch and Fryno at a Walmart near Tulsa, OK. They must be everywhere if they made it here...[User Posted Image]
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#230 Posted: 00:58:47 13/03/2014
None in the twin ports yet. (Duluth, MN and Superior, WI if you didn't know). But PM me if it is in the area, farest south we can go is Cloquet. Oh, and we got a Fryno through E-Bay.
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:59:26 13/03/2014 by mrdarkspyro
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#231 Posted: 01:45:31 13/03/2014
I decided to give it another shot after work today and I went to one of the Wal Marts again. Yesterday they had nothing that showed they even got anything from Wave 4. Today I found a lot of Fryno, about 3 of Scratch and one Jet Vac. Only one I'm missing now is Hot Dog.
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#232 Posted: 12:58:15 13/03/2014
has anyone in New England found these 4 yet?
Favorites: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Thunder_Cracker Blue Sparx Gems: 811
#233 Posted: 13:56:04 13/03/2014
Picked up all 4 last night in Madison, AL. Had to ask an associate because they were still in boxes behind the counter.
thunder1648 Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#234 Posted: 14:25:10 13/03/2014
I understand everyone hates walmart for looking for these, but you gotta ask the clerks. I have seen numerous posts on here that stated the same thing that happened to me. They had none on the shelves but had boxes either in the back or by the counter in electronics. I know in my store the pegs where all full which is why they didn't put any out. Of course when the clerks have no clue of who is who in skylanders then they aren't gonna know they are any different then what is already out on the shelves or pegs. So for those that still haven't found any then either they have them in the back or by the counter or they have put them out already. I'm pretty sure all the stores have received them by now if they were going to. Could be that whichever store your going to has someone that knows who they are and is buying them up for ebay. You honestly never know. With the way they have be slow to come out in other store or the fact that they have been exclusives at only one store it makes them targets for scalpers and employees that understand the value of some rare ones. I'm aware these don't seem to be rare this case but you never know till you see how the rest of the stores do.
melvimbe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#235 Posted: 14:26:25 13/03/2014
Found all but jet vac. Don't mind waiting for him though.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#236 Posted: 14:47:59 13/03/2014
They are being Released at TRU this Sunday 3-16-14 is what a little birdie told me.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#237 Posted: 15:33:26 13/03/2014
Quote: thunder1648
I understand everyone hates walmart for looking for these, but you gotta ask the clerks. I have seen numerous posts on here that stated the same thing that happened to me. They had none on the shelves but had boxes either in the back or by the counter in electronics. I know in my store the pegs where all full which is why they didn't put any out. Of course when the clerks have no clue of who is who in skylanders then they aren't gonna know they are any different then what is already out on the shelves or pegs. So for those that still haven't found any then either they have them in the back or by the counter or they have put them out already. I'm pretty sure all the stores have received them by now if they were going to. Could be that whichever store your going to has someone that knows who they are and is buying them up for ebay. You honestly never know. With the way they have be slow to come out in other store or the fact that they have been exclusives at only one store it makes them targets for scalpers and employees that understand the value of some rare ones. I'm aware these don't seem to be rare this case but you never know till you see how the rest of the stores do.

Asking is pointless at some stores. Sometimes you get the standard "all we got is out". Sometimes they will go "check" which translates to "go take a short break in the back while you wait". Other times they dumped them in overstock because the shelves were full(ish) and can't get to them. Other times they do actually check and they cannot be found. And still other times, stores got short changed or didn't get them in yet.

I've found the best plan if you have a "bad" Walmart is to simply go to another one rather than to hound the employees. Some stores have more room or department managers that keep stock up to date. Others just try to limit bumps and are more interested in moving TVs than figures and video games. The closest Walmart to me is terrible, but one near my son's pre-school is pretty decent - so I just swing by there after dropping my son off rather than work against the grain at the one near work.
fuelbizkit Blue Sparx Gems: 890
#238 Posted: 15:47:37 13/03/2014
I found one Scratch randomly at a Walmart in Princeton, NJ. I was looking for Enchanted Star Strike, but scored a Scratch instead. I'm still happy, lol.
DarkBigDog Blue Sparx Gems: 785
#239 Posted: 16:47:01 13/03/2014
Found Fryno @ Walmart in HarbourView VA.

Also TRU @ Chesapeake Square Mall has about a dozen of Freeze Blade and Trap Shadow a while ago.
Only getting new characters this time. No more reposes!
GamerDrone Emerald Sparx Gems: 3287
#240 Posted: 16:48:36 13/03/2014
Found all four at Wal-Mart in Fayetteville, GA. I got the last Turbo Jet-Vac and Fire Bone Hot Dog, but there were multiples of Scratch and Fryno.
thunder1648 Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#241 Posted: 16:53:40 13/03/2014
Quote: defpally
Quote: thunder1648
I understand everyone hates walmart for looking for these, but you gotta ask the clerks. I have seen numerous posts on here that stated the same thing that happened to me. They had none on the shelves but had boxes either in the back or by the counter in electronics. I know in my store the pegs where all full which is why they didn't put any out. Of course when the clerks have no clue of who is who in skylanders then they aren't gonna know they are any different then what is already out on the shelves or pegs. So for those that still haven't found any then either they have them in the back or by the counter or they have put them out already. I'm pretty sure all the stores have received them by now if they were going to. Could be that whichever store your going to has someone that knows who they are and is buying them up for ebay. You honestly never know. With the way they have be slow to come out in other store or the fact that they have been exclusives at only one store it makes them targets for scalpers and employees that understand the value of some rare ones. I'm aware these don't seem to be rare this case but you never know till you see how the rest of the stores do.

Asking is pointless at some stores. Sometimes you get the standard "all we got is out". Sometimes they will go "check" which translates to "go take a short break in the back while you wait". Other times they dumped them in overstock because the shelves were full(ish) and can't get to them. Other times they do actually check and they cannot be found. And still other times, stores got short changed or didn't get them in yet.

I've found the best plan if you have a "bad" Walmart is to simply go to another one rather than to hound the employees. Some stores have more room or department managers that keep stock up to date. Others just try to limit bumps and are more interested in moving TVs than figures and video games. The closest Walmart to me is terrible, but one near my son's pre-school is pretty decent - so I just swing by there after dropping my son off rather than work against the grain at the one near work.

No, I agree with you it. Was mean more for the ones that don't ask or just check the shelves and pegs for them. Its also good to try different clerks when your there. You might find one that has a clue and is willing to help. I have a few that I know not to ask and a few that actually seem to care and go the extra mile to help. But like you said each store is different.
GamerDrone Emerald Sparx Gems: 3287
#242 Posted: 17:02:03 13/03/2014
My experience when asking Wal-Mart staff about Skylanders has never been positive. The usual response is "Did you look in the Skylander section?" and then the person will walk over there to look. I look in the electronics and toy sections, since I've noticed them in that section in both Wal-Marts and Targets. I'll just go to another Wal-Mart vs asking the staff.
DarkBigDog Blue Sparx Gems: 785
#243 Posted: 18:08:37 13/03/2014
Quote: GamerDrone
My experience when asking Wal-Mart staff about Skylanders has never been positive. The usual response is "Did you look in the Skylander section?" and then the person will walk over there to look. I look in the electronics and toy sections, since I've noticed them in that section in both Wal-Marts and Targets. I'll just go to another Wal-Mart vs asking the staff.

Today a lady in the Games section actually went into the back to look. Did she really look or went to get coffee, I'll never know but she said nothing was there. Most time they say whatever is there, is what they got. It all depends. I, for example, have no compaints with Gamestop yet most people here despises them. It all depends on the person you happen to talk with that day.
Only getting new characters this time. No more reposes!
thunder1648 Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#244 Posted: 18:27:07 13/03/2014
it really does depend on who you get. I asked one lady at the walmart I don't normally go to and she said she wasn't sure. I showed her a picture of what she looked like and she said she would go check. She came back out and said she was really sorry but they didn't have any. she seemed like she was about ready to cry since she didn't have any. So either she was really playing me or she actually was trying to help. Not sure but at least she checked. Seeing as the only confirms are more up north I don't think they have made there way down here yet, but it was worth a try to ask.
RtooDetoo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1219
#245 Posted: 19:27:45 13/03/2014
picked up Scratch and Fryno at Walmart in Wichita, KS...had Hot Dog and Jet Vac also but I passed on those...I asked the electronics dept. mgr. and he went and brought out 2 boxes...picked out the best paint jobs
"Beep bop boop beep beep beep"
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#246 Posted: 19:37:52 13/03/2014
No luck at the Walmart in Parma, OH. However, they did happen to have about 8 Enchanted Star Strikes.....and I spotted this standalone display with the Easter guys on it.

[User Posted Image]
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
shelly9871 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1246
#247 Posted: 21:40:56 13/03/2014
Darn.....we still haven't seen an enchanted star strike. (Florida)
Any other Florida people had luck finding this one?
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. smilie
RevQuixo Blue Sparx Gems: 937
#248 Posted: 22:21:23 13/03/2014
Wal-mart in Willow Grove, PA had nothing new...but they did have 2 Series 1 Zooks. The TRU a block away had both Freeze Blade and Trap Shadow.

Anyone else notice how hard it is to find Series 3 characters? Trying to find a Dune Bug, Hyper Beam Prizm Break, or Horned Whirlwind is tough...I see Cynder and Smolderdash every now and then though.
nocturnalnathan Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#249 Posted: 22:28:05 13/03/2014
Quote: shelly9871
Darn.....we still haven't seen an enchanted star strike. (Florida)
Any other Florida people had luck finding this one?

I'm in Boynton Beach, Florida. I haven't had any sightings yet either. So far most of the sightings have been in the North East part of the country. I'd give it another day or two before she makes it down here.
"Chicks dig giant robots"
PurpleSnurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1264
#250 Posted: 02:08:04 14/03/2014
I've seen posts of sightings in Virginia. I live in the middle of 5 Walmarts, 3 of which are supercenters, but I still can't find fire bone hot dog. Only 1 of the 5 Walmarts got ONE box of Wave 4 a few day ago and it was a smaller store. I've been checking daily. It seems odd. Do you think TRU will really have these on Sunday? The store manager mentioned that he had a memo about new figures on Sunday, but he had no idea which ones, or if they were actually the new swappers instead.
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