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Pokemon - Returning To The Basics [CLOSED]
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#1 Posted: 00:53:57 04/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Congratulations, today is the big day, you are invited to the grand opening of the new Pokemon lab in the region of Valia. Located in the town of Luxemborg, a small town nestled in the woods, the lab is opening its doors to you, a new aspiring trainer, inside, you can obtain your Pokedex and everything else you need, but of course, you don't have to pick a pokemon available at the lab, you can always go out and capture the one you want, but now its time for you to begin your journey and pick your path of being a Gym Leader, Top Coordinator, Breeder or League Champion, the destiny is yours, but YOU have to make it a reality, but beware as many obstacles will block your path: trainers, leaders, and possibly evil organizations, who knows what will happen.

Town Locations
~NOTE - These do not include names of forests and other landmarks
Luxemborg - A small town surrounded by forests
Antinea - A moderate sized town that is north of Luxemborg, on the outskirts of the forests (Houses Gym 1)
Petalville - A small town near a lake to the east of Antinea (Gym 2, Pokemon Contest)
Lantano - A large city north of Antinea, holds many sights to see (Gym 3, Pokemon Contest)
Starville - A moderate town west of Lantano, encased in small valleys (Gym 4)
Talehorn - A moderate sized village south of Starville, around the mountain areas (Gym 5)
REST NEEDS EDITED - Town names and areas are needed

I am the GM
No Godmodding
5 Lines of post or more!
Pokemon can only 4 moves that they can normally learn in games
You can only start with 2 moves to help balance things
You must establish a rivalry with someone
You can only have 6 pokemon with you at all times, the rest can be stored
You can have control of as many characters as you want.
PM me if you want to be a Gym Leader, Elite Four etc....

Character Sheet
Hometown: (Can be a from a different region if you wish, PM if it is a town not listed)
First Pokemon:

Characters from GM
Name: Edea
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hometown: Luxemborg
History: A girl who was born and raised in Luxemborg, her mother a top coordinator and her father a former gym leader of Petalville. After spending her years with her family and their pokemon, she soon wanted to follow in her parents footsteps and be the best she could be at anything, she chose to be a coordinator, but this didn't disappoint her father, on her 10 birthday, she was giving a pokemon from her father, a Horsea, which she always tended to and loved very much quickly becoming one of her best pokemon pals. She now is leaving to embark on her journey to be a coordinator.
Appearance: (Credit)
Pokemon: Horsea
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:36:02 04/03/2014 by Crescent Wing
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#2 Posted: 01:23:04 04/03/2014
ooc: can we use fakemon? It's a new region...
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#3 Posted: 01:25:52 04/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: I'd rather you not, it might create some confusion, but if you send me a description and picture via PM I may consider it.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#4 Posted: 01:50:33 04/03/2014
ooc: I'll just use a regular one.

Name: Regina
Age: 16
Hometown: Luxemborg
History: She has lived in Luxemborg her whole life, and often found it boring. One day a new girl came to town, and spiced the town up. She tried to find out stuff about her, because she's snoopy, but she only found out her dad gave her a Horsea. One day, while she was snooping, she was attacked by a Voltorb. She caught it, and befriended it.
Appearance: Just imagine a female Silver. Red hair, pale skin.
Pokemon: Voltorb
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#5 Posted: 01:52:35 04/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: That works, accepted, we shall start tomorrow then if it is okay? I got some stuff I need to finish also, if you can come up with some town names, that would be great, just PM them to me.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#6 Posted: 01:58:07 04/03/2014
ooc: give me a description of the town, and I'll give ya something in a combination of swahili and chinese.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#7 Posted: 02:07:37 04/03/2014
Name: Megan
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hometown: Starville (but in Luxemborg)
History: She lived in the Kanto region, but soon moved to Starville with her family and pokemon, and is currently in Luxemborg. She has competed in many pokemon contests, as well as gym battles, but she enjoys pokemon contests more.
Appearance: Long blonde hair, pale skin, green eyes, black top with white spots, blue denim shorts, black shoes.
First Pokemon: Pikachu (Star)
- Thundershock
- Iron Tail
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 04:38:54 04/03/2014 by Spyro-Gamer
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#8 Posted: 02:09:24 04/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Good, but please read the rule, pokemon should have 2 starting moves to balance, and those moves are all very powerful do you mind starting with something a low level Pikachu would know? Like Thundershock and Quick Attack and stuf like that? Otherwise, it's all good.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#9 Posted: 02:11:53 04/03/2014
ooc: so will you give me some info?
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#10 Posted: 02:14:33 04/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Yeah I will later on, don't worry.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#11 Posted: 02:16:11 04/03/2014
ooc: thanks
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#12 Posted: 02:36:13 04/03/2014
Name: X
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Hometown: Atinea
History: Woke up one day with no memory of his life at all. The only trace was a Pokeball, which contained a Magnemite.
Appearance: Looks like Gold. Everything is basically the same.
First Pokemon: Magnemite (Blackout)
Magnet Bomb
Sonic Boom

I did that right, right?
you never saw me
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:24:17 04/03/2014 by I-Brawler
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#13 Posted: 02:37:49 04/03/2014
Name: Ace
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Hometown: Lumoise City
History: He grew up in Lumoise city always playing with his Mawile as they knew each other ever since they where born as he is very competitive in battling and wants to become a champion he is currently on an airplane to Luxeumtown
Appearance: He has a darkish brown skin he wears a black knit cap as he wears a red stripped shirt that is un buttoned and wears a black shirt underneath the red stripped shirt he wears light gray jeens and black gym shoes and has a black and dark green backpack
First Pokemon: Mawile
- Bite
- Brick Brake
What do I even write here? Lmao
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:12:44 05/03/2014 by chained skull
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#14 Posted: 02:57:57 04/03/2014
Name: Seiki Tanaka
Age: 17
Gender: M
Hometown: Ecruteak, Johto
History: Seiki lived in the Johto region most of his life. He grew to love ghost-types and befriended the ones near the town. For several years, Seiki trained under Morty, borrowing Pokemon from the gym and getting to know ghost-types better, though never going out on his own journey. During his time under Morty, Morty gave Seiki an egg which hatched into a Litwick. When his family took vacation to the Valia region, Seiki was excited by the many sites and his mom allowed him to start a journey here.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
First Pokemon: Litwick
-Night Shade
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:00:06 05/03/2014 by Seiki
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#15 Posted: 03:09:20 04/03/2014
I think Crescent Wing wants the moves more balanced to start off, guys. XP

Name: Shadmé
Age: 14
Gender: female
Hometown: Littleroot Town, Hoenn reigon
History: Only raised by her mother as a young child. Other than that, she didn't know her true origins. When she turned 10, she wanted to sneak off to explore Hoenn, but was caught by her mom. However, her mom acknowledged her independence and adventurous spirit, so she gave her a phoenix pendant and a black cape as lucky charms and a goodbye gift. Shadmé's explored many regions and gained friends and skills over the years. She also met a Poochyena she named "Scruffy" because his fur is fluffed on the top of his head, like hers.
Appearance: Red shirt, black pants. Her hair is black with red streaks, long and curved at the tip (sort of like Shadow the Hedgehog). There is always a piece in front of her right eye. She wears the phoenix pendant that clips her cape to her.
First Pokemon: Poochyena (Scruffy)
Sand Attack
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#16 Posted: 03:19:05 04/03/2014
Name: Terra
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hometown: Virbank City
History: In Virbank City, Terra grew up great friends with Roxie. They spent days together, and she would often go to watch matches between Roxie and challengers. Terra was never old enough to get a Pokémon, and when she was, she was too "immature" and "reckless." One day, when the news about the Valia region spread, her family decided to move there. Right before they left, Roxie visited them and gave Terra a Pokémon egg, inside was a Nidoran. She decided to become the trainer she wanted to be, and one day battle Roxie.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
First Pokémon: Nidoran (Female)
- Scratch
- Growl
Gay 4 GARcher
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#17 Posted: 23:35:08 04/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yes thank you ShadowMew for that, I want moves to be balanced, so can we please try to balance like, No Iron Tail, maybe Quick Attack or Thunder Wave for Star and for Litwick, can we have Lick and Ember? And Mawile maybe have Bite and Fake Tears and Magnemite have Thundershock and Screech or something? Anyway, I think this is good enough to start on, so let's begin! PLEASE READ THE RULES ON POSTING

Edea stood at the doors of the lab, waiting to see the grand opening, oh how excited she had been. She held her Horsea in her arms, and smiled and noticed the abundance of other trainers. "Gee, sure is a lot of people here, I never realised how many people here were trainers. I could be wrong though, perhaps not all of them are trainers, maybe leaders or coordinators." She smiled as she saw someone walking down to the gates that surrounded the lab. A woman in a lab coat was there and she unlocked the doors.

"Welcome one and all to my new lab!" She shouted in joy, "I am Professor Edwina. Pleasure to see you all here. Now how many of you are excited to begin your journey!?" She asked. An uproar of cheering had arose. Edea's Horsea had began to cheer as well. Edea smiled as the professor spoke.

"Alright, let's head inside!" Edwina yelled and ran back to the lab, an avalanche of children followed and Edea joined the crowd.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#18 Posted: 23:59:14 04/03/2014
Regina looked around the lab. She had been waiting, waiting for quite a long time. Her Voltorb was in her arms, and she walked forwards. She spottes Eadea, "Hello Edea! How is your Horsea doing?" She asked, before she lifted up her Voltorb. "My Voltorb and I am."
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#19 Posted: 00:07:29 05/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Edea looked at Regina. "Oh hi Regina. I am doing great. Good to see you and Voltorb. I am so psyched about this, I want to get a Pokedex, but I want to be a top coordinator too. One day me and my Horsea, who will most likely be a Kingdra by then, be reigning champs... or so I want it to be that way hehe." She said, scratching her head. Horsea made a little giggling noise and looked at Voltorb.

"Horsea Horsea!" He called out. Horsea then blew some bubbles into the sky from all the joy which it then tried to pop with its snout. Edea just laughed and poked at the bubbles.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#20 Posted: 00:09:21 05/03/2014
OOC: Litwick can't learn Lick. I can swap out Shadow Ball for Night Shade though.

Seiki looked at the Moon Ball in his hand holding his partner, Litwick and smiled. He was pumped to start his journey. Though he decided to let the crowd pass by first and follow alogn to avoid getting trampled. Once the main part of the mob had charged for the lab, Seiki clamly walked in. He never really was one for rushing into things.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#21 Posted: 00:13:50 05/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: I wasn't sure and I was just saying something among those lines of something that isn't overly strong, thanks.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#22 Posted: 00:33:03 05/03/2014
After the mob of people passed, Xavier took out a pokeball as he looked at it and held it tightly as he threw it. His partner them busted out with a white flash as the pokeball returned to Xavier's hand. "Mawile! Awile!" The pokemon shouted. "Alright Mawile let's head in and get our journey started!" Xavier shouted as he took a big leap forward and ran towards the lab as Mawile hurried after his trainer.
What do I even write here? Lmao
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#23 Posted: 00:36:54 05/03/2014
Name: Phoenix
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Badge: Charcoal Badge
Hometown: Lantano City
History: Phoenix was born in Lantano City with his twin sister. Growing up, they used to run around the city everyday after school, sometimes causing mischief and getting in trouble. They had found a group of fire type Pokémon that hide in an ally way and became friends with them. They had always wanted to be trainers, so one day, Phoenix took a Fletchling from group, and his sister a Vulpix and battled some trainers, losing in the end though. Both grew and became better, and eventually became string enough to be a gym leader. They became the 6th gym leaders in a different town because Lantano already had one, and the town needed one. His sister stayed behind at the gym when he went to see all the incoming trainers.
Pokémon (Gym):
- Sunny Day
- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Steel Wing

- Lava Pump
- Earth power
- Rock Slide
- Solar Beam

Traveling Partner:
Eevee (Flare)
- Tackle
- Growl

ooc: Oh, he carries Eevee with him, and keeps Talonflame in it's pokeball and only sends it out when it's necessary.

Terra rolled her eyes at all the trainers running into the lab like it was the last place on Earth with food. Letting the crowd become thinner and thinner, she eventually went to walk in. She noticed a shaking bush next to the lab, having looked away. She suddenly collided with another body, making her fall to the floor. Imminently jumping up, she began to scream profanities at the unknown trainer.
Gay 4 GARcher
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#24 Posted: 00:44:41 05/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Edwina looked at the mighty crowd. "Well then, let's start handing out Pokedexes, shall we?" She asked loudly and began to hand the device out to trainers, one by one, each person in line wondering if there would be enough left when they reached her. Edea was about the twelfth person in line and each person received five complementary Poke Balls. Edea finally walked up and saw Edwina. "Hello dear, here you are, your Pokedex and your Poke Balls."

"Thank you very much." Edea smiled and Horsea thanked her too by blowing bubbles into the air to which Edwina smiled and laughed and petted Horsea's head which he loved. Edea then walked over to wait for Regina and the others. "Well Horsea, it is finally here, our day to begin the quest for the Valia region's best coordinator!"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#25 Posted: 00:44:52 05/03/2014
Voltorb looked at Horsea. "Vol-oltorb!" He exclaimed before playfully nudging the water type.

Regina looked at Edea "I would also like to be tge champion. Or part of the Elite four. I'm hoping you wnd up a coordinator honestly. Sorry."
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#26 Posted: 00:47:59 05/03/2014
Seiki was sprawled out on the ground, confused as to what just happened. He sat up and rubbed his head. It was then he noticed someone shouting rather unkind words.... He looked behind him to see a very angry female shouting at him, to which he pieced together she'd walked into him and knocked the two over.
"Uhh, sorry 'bout that." He tried to be polite, even thoguh he knew it was her fault. Choosing to not listen to her anymore, he turned and walked into the lab to see the professor and get a PokeDex.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#27 Posted: 00:52:39 05/03/2014
Terra was shocked when he began to walk away, making her shout even more words at him. Grumbling, she brushed her self off and picked up her hat which had fallen to the ground. Dusting it off, she placed it on her head and positioned it as she walked into the building to get her pokedex.
Gay 4 GARcher
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#28 Posted: 00:59:57 05/03/2014
Seiki slowly made his way through the long line, and eventually got up to Edwina. When she handed him a PokeDex, he thanked her. Though he refused the Pokeballs.
"No thanks, I have some." He smiled and took out a Moon Ball from his bag. "I just prefer these kind. They remind me of home as you can only get them in the Johto region."
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#29 Posted: 01:11:49 05/03/2014
Regina came after Seiki, "Thank you ma'am" she stated as she took it from the proffessor.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#30 Posted: 01:33:46 05/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Please try to follow the guidelines, one liners will not be tolerated. To make longer posts, describe it in detail.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#31 Posted: 01:35:39 05/03/2014
Ooc: my phone sucks. It's screen Is so small, and I see a 4-liner while everyone else sees a one-liner.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Underian Emerald Sparx Gems: 3095
#32 Posted: 04:47:51 06/03/2014
OOC: Could I still join in?
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#33 Posted: 20:05:00 06/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: It's never to late to join in. Post your sheet, and post then I will post.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#34 Posted: 03:46:12 07/03/2014
Shadmé held her Pokedex proudly, Scruffy yipping happily by her feet. "Every day's a new adventure, eh Scruffy?" she asked cheerfully, the Poochyena barking in reply. Shadmé gazed out at all the trainers, wondering if she should talk to someone. She didn't know anyone, and she normally wasn't one to start conversation. She decided to watch and learn as much about the others as she could. Okay, so Edea's the coordinatior with the Horsea...seems friendly enough. Regina's her friend or something, a Voltorb by her side. Then there's Seiki and Litwick, Xavier and Mawile, and Terra and Nidoran. That's a lot!
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#35 Posted: 04:59:55 07/03/2014
After collecting the PokeDex, Seiki walked away from the group, msotly avoid trampling from the rest of the mass still yet to obtain a Dex or pokeballs. Unsure just where to go now, he took a seat on one of the benches that sat outside the lab. He pulled out the ball from his bag and tossed it up, sending out his Litwick. The small candle Pokemon landed before him and smiled brightly.
"It's finally time. We're about to start a journey. Then maybe, just maybe, I can become a Gym leader." Seiki said to the ghost-type before him.
"Wick!" Litwick cheerfully replied.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Underian Emerald Sparx Gems: 3095
#36 Posted: 05:40:07 07/03/2014
OOC : Do we tell you who we'd like for them to catch or does that just happen as the role-play goes on?
Name: Fiona Burgh
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Hometown: Cyllage City, Kalos (Moved to Luxemborg)
History: Her Mother worked as a Trainee Scientist in Cyllage City and revived a Amaura fossil. She then gave he Amuara to Fiona since the Research Lab had no more use for it sinc ethey already had a Amuara and Amourus. She hasn't done any competerive battling with Amaura but plans to when she feels like she is ready to go on a journey which is where we are in the role-play. Her Father was a stay-at-home dad and often supported her, being his only child. Amaura also prefers to be outside her Pokèball and Fiona respects that and usually keeps Amaura by her side. Her dream is to catch, and most importantly befriend, as many Pokèmon as possible. She told her Mother that she'd send all the Pokèmon she caught to her since her Mother wants to be a Pokemon Researcher/Professor.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
First Pokemon: Amaura ♀
-Rock Throw
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:21:33 08/03/2014 by Underian
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#37 Posted: 15:52:29 08/03/2014
Terra got her pokedex and walked out, already heading for the nearest route. Looking around her, she noticed many trainers with their Pokémon out and looking at their pokedex in awe. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Like they have never seen one before. Granted, they might have never held one, but still. Nidoran was still in her Pokeball on Terra's belt. Inside her bag that hung limply from her shoulder, she put the pokeballs and pokedex inside it. In it, she also had a few potions, a letter from Roxie, and an extra pair of clothes. Her bag was like Santa's sack, there seemed to be no bottom and basically could fit an elephant.
Gay 4 GARcher
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#38 Posted: 19:14:15 08/03/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: I am sorry everyone but I don't have enough time to run this RP and my other one, I am very sorry, but things have been busy and so I am temporarily closing this until my schedule smoothes out, but here is a link to other RP site I am on if anyone is interested in it, I run under the name Guardian Wing there.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
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