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Cynder's game! [CLOSED]
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#1 Posted: 17:07:17 21/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Hey guys! I'm the founder of a team who is making a videogame based on Cynder's life before AND during the A New Beginning chapter of TLOS. We're making it with the game-engine Unity 3D and actually we're working on a demo version of the game...more infos: we're making a demo because the game uses characters covered by Sierra copyright so we must send a demo before working or publishing the complete game! Actually we are only 4 D: but i'm waiting a lot of confirms from other people to help the team and the game growing! But why i'm writing this here? We need help, and for help i think of people who can help us programming, modelling or doing artworks and conceps, music and a lot, lot more! So, if you can (and want to, obviously) help us, please do it! Send me a PM on this forum, or contact me on Skype (my id is CynderProject), or send me a mail at or just reply to this post in the comments! Oh, yes: the game will be split in two in-game parts: the first in which you'll play as teenager Cynder, and the second in which you'll be the adult Cynder and...of course, you will be able to become DarkCynder for a short time when a special Crystal bar will be full! Thank you guys, i'll let you informed on the game developing!

PS: Of course, also ideas are thankfully accepted and...sorry for my english, i'm italian smilie

Project Site!

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 20:53:59 21/04/2014 by Evilness
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#2 Posted: 17:29:01 21/02/2014
While I would not be able to commit to the actual project I could give storytelling ideas.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#3 Posted: 17:52:27 21/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Ok azz01! If you add me on Skype (CynderProject) we'd talk together! If someone else wants to help us deciding the story can add me on skype!
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#4 Posted: 18:56:17 21/02/2014
I don't have the requirements to use skype so maybe we could chat over PM here?
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#5 Posted: 20:01:32 21/02/2014
this might become quite a lovely game, I can only help you here though.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#6 Posted: 21:00:03 21/02/2014
While it's not my cup of tea,a fangame is a fangame,good luck finding people that are willing to help you.
I'd try to ask for help in forums focused on games in general(Extra Credits has a section for that,for example,but I'm not sure if there's a difference between asking for help in a original game or a fangame),though,most people in here are still studying or can't spare any time to work for free.
(What I need is never what I want)
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#7 Posted: 21:12:23 21/02/2014 | Topic Creator
@Bifrost: Thank you for your support! Yes, the game is a fangame but i don't really know how to face this...i think that for the finished version i need the permission from Activision, right? And if so, will it still be a fan game? We'll see. Of course, the work is free, at least until we got the copyright permission, after realeasing the demo. Again, thank for your support, i'll try in other forums smilie
@theuone: It isn't necessary to help us at any cost (is the traduction right? xD)...just an idea, a suggestion, a little drawing...if you want, tell me what's in your mind or what you'd like to see, i'll do the rest smilie
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:18:48 21/02/2014 by Evilness
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833
#8 Posted: 02:56:24 22/02/2014
Well, this does sound cool...
But, no offense, I personally can't see this project going anywhere... :/
I am a Cow.

Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#9 Posted: 10:26:35 23/02/2014 | Topic Creator
I know that this project might seem crazy or too big but, right now, the team is composed by 7 people and i'm waiting 4 confirms so it isn't SO crazy now...we're setting up some movements scripts and some in-game structures. Cynder will have different elements in her arsenal, all with a breath attack and a secondary attack, different each other, plus a DarkCynder Fury breath and secondary attack...just try to believe in this project, we're working hard for it! smilie
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
Darchangel Blue Sparx Gems: 627
#10 Posted: 15:48:37 24/02/2014
This is interesting. I must admit, I've seen a lot of projects like this one fail, but I'm hopeful.
Good luck!
>N< "Everyone knows I'm in over my head."
I'll Start Trying In September
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#11 Posted: 21:03:22 24/02/2014
yeah, I hope this works out, we fans need less of the skylanders and to get back to our favorite dragons.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#12 Posted: 21:45:20 24/02/2014
Quote: theuone
yeah, I hope this works out, we fans need less of the skylanders and to get back to our favorite dragons.

Don't use we,I want my 'landers just as much as I want dragons.
But if the coding is starting to be done,then it has a chance. I'd help with doodles of a Cynder with better proportions than the one in DOTD to be later used in 3D models(if it's a 3D game),but I don't have the time to do anything for free :I
(What I need is never what I want)
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#13 Posted: 22:50:43 24/02/2014
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: theuone
yeah, I hope this works out, we fans need less of the skylanders and to get back to our favorite dragons.

Don't use we,I want my 'landers just as much as I want dragons.
But if the coding is starting to be done,then it has a chance. I'd help with doodles of a Cynder with better proportions than the one in DOTD to be later used in 3D models(if it's a 3D game),but I don't have the time to do anything for free :I

yeah, you're right. im just tired of all of how the skylanders are progressing, and with that, Spyro and Cynder are slowing becoming a mere memory in this generation. and that's something I don't want to become of the two.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#14 Posted: 23:08:36 24/02/2014
Quote: theuone

yeah, you're right. im just tired of all of how the skylanders are progressing, and with that, Spyro and Cynder are slowing becoming a mere memory in this generation. and that's something I don't want to become of the two.

Things change...? Spyro and Cynder got Series 3 toys and the devs know people won't be leaving prisioners if they don't make it to the fourth game or at least don't get the tweaks they so much deserve(I want to burn people to a crisp with Daybringer's Flame,not do a measly 30 damage for a decently fast move :I ),but you can't really blame the people working on Skylanders so well for making Spyro's series dwindle. Acti wouldn't let them work on a solo game for Spyro if there was the slighest hint it wouldn't make money,even if the franchise started as a darker Spyro series. The problem is that no chances are being given to the first of the IPs,not that one is overshadowing the other - or at least Acti should know better than that,though they're no Nintendo to keep their old series strong even at the cost of some sales.

I won't go offtopic more than that.Fangame is fangame,main series is main series. Let's leave the fandom fights...Nowhere,everyone like the parts of the franchise(s) they want as long as someone doesn't get in their high horse and demand that X can't like what they don't or that the devs owe them the perfect game. Evilness,maybe you have some proof of concept to show even if just a few screenshots? A big tip I hear from people that work in games that you always want to get a prototype as soon as you can to work on the issues even faster.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:08:55 24/02/2014 by Bifrost
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#15 Posted: 23:31:30 24/02/2014
Be careful of copyright though.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#16 Posted: 12:54:28 25/02/2014 | Topic Creator
@Aura24: I know that the copyright is a problem...for this we're working on a demo and not on the final game. Once the demo is done and presented we'll have the possibility of owning copyright permission

@Bifrost: we're working on the scripts right know, and on the animations. Once some of this and that is done, you'll have your prepre demo smilie
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:57:37 25/02/2014 by Evilness
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#17 Posted: 02:13:31 03/03/2014
what systems will it be for? i can only get it if it is for Wii U or 3DS.
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#18 Posted: 02:31:14 03/03/2014
I'd help with this on the art side, but I don't work for free. You'll find that is often the case and that, if you do get someone to work for free, you'll get what you paid for (an unfinished and/or terrible end product). Still, good luck. :)
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#19 Posted: 21:37:53 03/03/2014
Quote: Razz
I'd help with this on the art side, but I don't work for free. You'll find that is often the case and that, if you do get someone to work for free, you'll get what you paid for (an unfinished and/or terrible end product). Still, good luck. smilie

Some people actually will work for free just because they are passionate about what they do, and they can be really talented. When it comes to fan made material that pays tribute to something, paying for people doesn't mean much in the end, it's all about how well the team works and how much they understand what they are doing.


I'd consider helping out with this project in the summer myself, but I haven't used Unity yet, I use UDK. And I have my own plans for my own projects in the summer.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#20 Posted: 21:54:29 03/03/2014
But there's the drawback of a professional artist not actually having time to devote themselves to the free thing,sonicbrawler. Some probably can only work in it during weekends or very few hours of the week,and those 5-10 hours you couldn't focus on the work completely on it do show.
(What I need is never what I want)
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#21 Posted: 21:55:52 03/03/2014
You'll have to provide a finished example of that for me, SB, because I've never seen it. I'm not saying that to be snarky or anything, I have just literally never seen a fan project like this ever go anywhere no matter how passionate the team behind it is.

As for artists who are passionate and work for free... Almost all of those are new to doing work in anything semi-professional and either burn out, don't have the skills/stamina to last through the project, or realize their skills are worth paying for and leave those projects once paid work comes their way. I'm not just a pro artist, I know dozens of them, so these are things I've experienced personally and seen happen almost continuously within the creative fields.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#22 Posted: 23:57:49 03/03/2014
Quote: Razz
You'll have to provide a finished example of that for me, SB, because I've never seen it. I'm not saying that to be snarky or anything, I have just literally never seen a fan project like this ever go anywhere no matter how passionate the team behind it is.

As for artists who are passionate and work for free... Almost all of those are new to doing work in anything semi-professional and either burn out, don't have the skills/stamina to last through the project, or realize their skills are worth paying for and leave those projects once paid work comes their way. I'm not just a pro artist, I know dozens of them, so these are things I've experienced personally and seen happen almost continuously within the creative fields.

I could provide tons of examples within the Sonic Community alone. :V

For example, LakeFeperd of Sonic Retro, has released 4 Sonic fan games that have been completely finished using mostly original sprites and, later on, he added original soundtracks with the help of Falk, a well known music composer in the Sonic Community (I'm not sure if the fourth game had Falk compose for it yet, though, as it just came out). These games even have animated flash cutscenes. All four games are considered finished, and are full length Sonic games (and the latest one, Sonic Chrono Adventure, is not even a traditional Sonic game, but rather, a Sonic game in a "Metroidvania" style). LakeFeperd didn't pay any of the people who helped them, they are all volunteers. The games are of excellent quality, and I believe they deserve to be on Steam or something (obviously won't happen due to using a licensed character, but I would definitely be willing to pay money for these games if they were officially sold on Steam). The guy is actually moving on to create an original game now with his own characters.

Again, within the Sonic community alone, I could list many similar situations. Though I could think of more even outside of it.

And I do understand where you are coming from, but saying that "money guarantees quality" is not a universal fact at all. There are many wonderful things that are made as labours of love and nothing else, and turn out excellent. And while there are a lot of fan projects out there that fail or never get finished, there are tons that are finished and of excellent quality. Many successful fan games don't have any payment involved, it's just passionate people working together as part of a community. In fact, having payments involved can lead to bad things happening, which I have also witnessed.

This is not to say you're wrong in only working for money in this scenario, I totally get why you do and I have no issue there (and frankly, it's none of my business). I'm just saying it's incorrect to write off freely made projects in general, as automatically bad. It's not the case at all. And I know this from being part of just ONE community, but I could list other examples elsewhere.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#23 Posted: 00:36:37 04/03/2014
I'm only here to say this: if your team is lucky enough to get this game developed as a commercially done spinoff, then many people may consider it.

If can be a DLC for something.....just not in a TLoS sequel.
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#24 Posted: 01:07:57 04/03/2014
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: Razz
You'll have to provide a finished example of that for me, SB, because I've never seen it. I'm not saying that to be snarky or anything, I have just literally never seen a fan project like this ever go anywhere no matter how passionate the team behind it is.

As for artists who are passionate and work for free... Almost all of those are new to doing work in anything semi-professional and either burn out, don't have the skills/stamina to last through the project, or realize their skills are worth paying for and leave those projects once paid work comes their way. I'm not just a pro artist, I know dozens of them, so these are things I've experienced personally and seen happen almost continuously within the creative fields.

I could provide tons of examples within the Sonic Community alone. :V

For example, LakeFeperd of Sonic Retro, has released 4 Sonic fan games that have been completely finished using mostly original sprites and, later on, he added original soundtracks with the help of Falk, a well known music composer in the Sonic Community (I'm not sure if the fourth game had Falk compose for it yet, though, as it just came out). These games even have animated flash cutscenes. All four games are considered finished, and are full length Sonic games (and the latest one, Sonic Chrono Adventure, is not even a traditional Sonic game, but rather, a Sonic game in a "Metroidvania" style). LakeFeperd didn't pay any of the people who helped them, they are all volunteers. The games are of excellent quality, and I believe they deserve to be on Steam or something (obviously won't happen due to using a licensed character, but I would definitely be willing to pay money for these games if they were officially sold on Steam). The guy is actually moving on to create an original game now with his own characters.

Again, within the Sonic community alone, I could list many similar situations. Though I could think of more even outside of it.

And I do understand where you are coming from, but saying that "money guarantees quality" is not a universal fact at all. There are many wonderful things that are made as labours of love and nothing else, and turn out excellent. And while there are a lot of fan projects out there that fail or never get finished, there are tons that are finished and of excellent quality. Many successful fan games don't have any payment involved, it's just passionate people working together as part of a community. In fact, having payments involved can lead to bad things happening, which I have also witnessed.

This is not to say you're wrong in only working for money in this scenario, I totally get why you do and I have no issue there (and frankly, it's none of my business). I'm just saying it's incorrect to write off freely made projects in general, as automatically bad. It's not the case at all. And I know this from being part of just ONE community, but I could list other examples elsewhere.

Gotta agree with ya on this. There's so much talent around these days, and there's a good amount of people with that talent that don't mind working for free - It's just a fun little past time to them. Heck, even Lauren Faust took the time to donate concept artwork to a fangame.

But yeah, nothing wrong with asking for money, but at the same time, it's entirely possible for a game to be just as fantastic without needing to pay - You just have to find the right guys/gals.

On the subject of this game though, I'd only be able to help if you were looking for some Cynder sprites while the game is loading. Best of luck!
Visit me and stuff.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#25 Posted: 01:10:35 04/03/2014
Glad to hear that such great work is coming out of the Sonic community, although I can't help but feel that that is a much older community that contains considerably more devoted fans than may exist in Spyro fandom (alas).

Whoa, hold up. I never said money guarantees quality. There are movies and games without count that prove that's not the case.

I'm also not saying that freely made projects are bad. I can remember maybe two fandoms that have tried to create something like this (there was the fan made Portal game that was...not good...and all I've seen in Spyro fandom is a dozen failed projects of this nature with none of them ever finishing, from fan comics to movies to games). If anyone can change that in this community, more power to them. :) I'm just the sort who's not going to believe a thing like this can happen in this fandom without seeing it.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#26 Posted: 04:59:18 04/03/2014
Quote: mrdarkspyro
what systems will it be for? i can only get it if it is for Wii U or 3DS.

I'd like to know the system too please.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#27 Posted: 17:49:05 04/03/2014
Guys,fangames are freeware and maybe make it to emulators of some sort. They're copyright infringement if done without permission,and even if the company is friendly to fangames,they can't allow them to make profit in consoles or Steam(pretty sure that counts even if the game is given away for free).
(What I need is never what I want)
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#28 Posted: 20:28:28 04/03/2014
Quote: LocoGuy107
I'm only here to say this: if your team is lucky enough to get this game developed as a commercially done spinoff, then many people may consider it.

If can be a DLC for something.....just not in a TLoS sequel.

Okay, scratch that comment, but it's DEFINITELY just going to be a DLC or an Indie. But, however, I have an idea for how this thing should work.

[if it ends up being a DLC, it will be for Spyro: Enchanted Starfall, in which she and her Spyro are resurrected in artificial bodies and are living in the original Spyro's time (I'll explain more in a Fandom post). Spyro and Spyro will be going off to play a sport that's just for dragons, and Cynder says she'll stay behind to have time to herself. When she walks around, she'll find some kind of memory scanner that uses a helmet to read someone's mind (it also uses voice recognition). She'll put it on, and tell the machine to show her the time before she was turned into a full-sized evil dragon. If this ends up being an indie game, though, this scene won't exist.]

Cynder will wake up as her younger self, inside some kind of dorm made inside a tree trunk. A sort of female rat is there, too, named Sandra. That's her long lost friend. What do they like to do? They like to sneak around their ape-filled base, just to get a look around, and, on some cases, get specific things that the apes took away from Sandra. You play can play as either one of them and switch at any time, or you can even get a second player.

The object: get a special charm from the apes, the same charm that's used to make Cynder evil. Cynder doesn't even know that they're going to use it to make her evil (and she doesn't even know what evil is, since the apes usually give her comfort and the food she needs), Sandra just wants it because she says it's somehow very powerful. The charm is in a special unguarded room, however, so you don't fight apes in this game or DLC, you fight other creatures.

Cynder's moves will be the same as they were in DotD, but since Sandra can't use magic, her moves are melee and medieval-hand-weapon focused.

The relationship they have won't be so obvious at first, but the ending of it will shock you, like a Last Of Us's Sarah death shock you, but 10 times more emotional: as soon as you defeat the boss of this indie or DLC, the ape king (forgot his name) and many other apes will come in, tormenting them both for being disobedient and for killing many of his minions. Because of this, Sandra and Cynder never get the charm, and the ape king then kills Sandra, which makes Cynder cry. The ape king then demands his minions to power their dark transfiguration contraption, which uses the charm. Cynder, now realizing what the charm's for, tries to resist the constant pushing of the apes, and just when she's about to turn into her evil form, the indie game stops, or if it's the DLC...

[her Spyro will come back, curious to see what is showing on the scanner's huge display. He then says they're going to have dinner, and Spyro asks Cynder if she wants to join. She says, "Okay," and the two walk out of the room, and the camera focuses on the helmet, then cuts]
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#29 Posted: 21:46:29 04/03/2014
*sigh*Fangames can't be DLC,it's not even from the same dev team making the game.

But if you guys really want to use this to tell your ideas,let me show you how do you Cynder without making it sound like...I'll just summon a flame war if I finish this phrase.

Not many months after DOTD. With the biggest thread to all of Dragon World gone forever and its forces running amok without a commander,there isn't much to do other than beating up aggresive Orcs and bringing artifact-wielding Shadow Apes to justice. Spyro,being the most powerful dragon near the floating city of Warfang,took the job and,since even Hero Orcs don't take much effort without Malefor's power giving them strength,no one else was needed. But Cynder,due to boredom and the feeling a bit empty without the end of the world to fight against,decides that she needs to put her powers to use for something - anything.
You'd start with the usual beginning hub exploration,but at the time,no one needs Cynder's help(or with her rather destructive powers for that matter),except for a self-declared "reformed" pirate dog. Accepting his request to use her Fear magic to bring a "thief" Shadow Ape to him so it'd return his stolen Skervywing,however,reveals that the Shadow Ape was actually one of the few that gave up on avenging his master,and that the Skervywing had eaten many of the remaining Dark Crystals by order of its master. Sooner enough,the pirate dog reveals his plan to use the dark power within its pet to revive the Fellmuth fleet and much more - and,of course,someone with that much power might as well go and try to bring Malefor of all people back. Cynder,noticing she got more action she than what asked for and could bring everything back to the state that the world was not long ago,decides to go on a journey to find a source of light magic to stop the incoming undead army,with the help of the nice-but-not-less-strange Shadow Ape to make up for her mistake.

Hopefully that wasn't a wall of text,but it's far from being complicated(because a convoluted plot kills any small project),and you can put a lot of stuff in between the start and the objective,allowing for many kinds of levels,mechanics,and maybe time travel if changing from Young/Teenager/Adult Cynder is still a thing.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:47:19 04/03/2014 by Bifrost
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#30 Posted: 22:18:04 04/03/2014
Haha, whoa there. When did this topic for someone to look for help on their game become about everyone else's ideas for fangames they will never create? (Just write them as fanfics and call it good, y'all. More people will look at your ideas that way.) I think I'm seeing why nothing has ever come of groups trying to make stuff in this fandom. XD
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:33:14 04/03/2014 by Razz
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#31 Posted: 23:40:04 04/03/2014
Well,not uncommom for fangames be made for someone's fanfic to be 'canon'. But yeah,this is getting offtopic.

...Uh...Let's discuss previous fangame projects from the Spyro fandom while there aren't any news on this one?
(What I need is never what I want)
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#32 Posted: 23:55:40 04/03/2014
Or start a new topic for that and wait for the original poster to come back about this one? :D
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#33 Posted: 02:20:36 05/03/2014
Well, [bleep]. Dang thing's on me, now...

BTW, I'm learning how to use Unity. Does anyone already know how to use it?
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#34 Posted: 19:22:31 05/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Ook, i was without internet for some days, and i'm here reading all your comments.
For the systems it'll originaly be for PC and the demo will probably be available only for it, sorry guys. If the project is succesfull (i hope so) probably it'll be for PC, Mac, Linux, Wii, PS3 and XBox 360, probably not for new generations consoles.

We're working on the attacks scripts and some structures, and i think we're very fast for an indie team! I know that most of you think that this project won't do/be/become enything, but we're trying. And if we don't have the copyright permission, we'll go on anyway, creating a fangame. It's the same, we just care that the game go out. The only problem if the rights aren't owned are the funds for the console version, but we'll think on it later.

I'll keep you informed on the rest! Meanwhile, let me read your comments smilie

PS: i've seen now some comments, yes, the moves of the teenage cynder will be plus or mine the same of DoTD, with some movements of spyro in the first 2 chapters (i dont really know why, but i like them more that most of the DoTD movements)
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:28:05 05/03/2014 by Evilness
dragonsoul13 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1047
#35 Posted: 02:04:14 06/03/2014
Not a big Cynder fan but I'd play it. Though I'd like a game that bridges the gap between the Legend's series and the Classic series. This could do it if you even plan to do stuff passed the Legend's series.
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#36 Posted: 13:47:38 06/03/2014
I think I'm with Razz on this one. Realistically, I just don't see this going anywhere because of the history of this fandom.

Me, I watched the Spyro Frixion movie project since the beginning, and it's been through a lot of Development Hell, handed to multiple project leaders with the concept of the film being changed over and over and over. I've never worked on a game, but I imagine you need a lot of planning to make anything like this kind of thing. And you're asking people to spend their spare time on this project, unpaid, just... If people are really that dedicated, it'd be beautiful. But I wouldn't get hopes for that too high, if you get artists who would work on this for free they'll probably eventually simply get tired of spending their free time on it and not getting paid.

And I seriously doubt it'll ever be published on a home console. The Legend trilogy is over and pretty much forgotten outside of the withering Spyro fandom and even this fandom isn't that dedicated(no offense to those Spyro fans who are dedicated, I just mean I don't see many people who really stick around and're actually active for long)- getting it published on a home console would probably cost a lot. And without a decent fanbase I don't see it getting published if it wouldn't make that much money.

I also don't think you should set your bar too high unless you're prepared for disappointment or you will inevitably be disappointed- if you did something really great I think this game could get a really niche fandom within the Spyro community but I don't see anything which could make it a smash hit, and besides, if you do end up getting disappointed and frustrated and quit because it doesn't end up being a smash hit- it's probably gonna be because you expected it to be popular or lead somewhere, when it far more likely than not wouldn't. Get rid of your expectations for this project and you can avoid disappointment. And if you do succeed in what you were hoping for? Then you'll be even more ecstatic than if you were expecting anything, because you weren't expecting anything from it!

I'd LIKE to see this project finished, and I really hate to act kinda cynical about it, but I'm not getting any hopes up at all.
I don't know how many people are in your team and maybe I'm totally underestimating the dedication you have for this, but good luck, though. But remember: you should work on this project purely because you want a game where you can play as Cynder- more than anything else, over the 0.00000001% chance of actually getting it published on home consoles, having it approved by the Activision or any other company themselves, etc. because that's probably not happening.
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#37 Posted: 14:03:39 06/03/2014 | Topic Creator
You know guys, i'm tired of this thread. We're working on it. Stop. As i've already said, we don't care if the game'll be approved or not. We're making it because we're hopefull in this project and because a lot of spyro fans will probably be happy with this. I don't care of your words, maybe i'm not realistic? Bit we'll still work on this and if we won't be able to public it in commercial version we'll put it on for free. And if we wont be able to do so? I dont know, but i'll think we'll do something else with it. I dont want this project to die and, until i'll work on it, this project wont be dead.

Ok, now that i wrote this, i just want to tell you that, once the predemo is out (i dont know when, but in a few weeks i THINK) we'll do some YouTube videos, i'll write the link in this thread and i hope that, seeing those, the people who dont "agree" with this project change his mind.
Again, if you have ideas, suggestions etc, just contact me. And sorry if i've done some syntax error in my posts, i'm italian.
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:25:23 06/03/2014 by Evilness
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#38 Posted: 14:25:29 06/03/2014
We're not posting criticisms to "stop" you. I said I want to see this project done. I like the Legend games- they were my childhood. I'm one of those fans you're talking about.

Just saying, I've seen a lot of fan projects that got work done that never finished. And I bet it's because a lot of them weren't prepared for how they had to work for so long, months, possibly years on end. Just be prepared to go through a looooootta work. It's just that a lot of fan projects have been the same, I'm only trying to give you advice. Also, you will face a lot of criticism, and asking people to stop won't change that. People will criticise so you might notice concerns and improve on it. Honestly, if you're really tired of this thread then I suggest you lock it and start a new one when you have footage to show off. That would stop the posts from flowing in and you could start the new thread when you actually have something to show. That would probably be more convincing plus give people something to actually discuss. And I'm not trying to say it was wrong to start this thread now but it sounds like you weren't prepared for this criticism, when you really should have been if you were gonna start it.

Like I said I have no idea if your team is like that, I don't know how skilled you might be, please don't take it as a personal insult. Embrace criticism, try to learn from it. I've just seen a lot of fan projects that just ended the same and died because they went through Development Hell and your words honestly aren't changing my mind at all and make me even more worried.

I forgot to add, your English is good, so don't worry about that.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:26:52 06/03/2014 by Arc of Archives
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#39 Posted: 14:29:40 06/03/2014 | Topic Creator
I'm sorry for that, i was a bit angry. I edited the post, i know i've to accept criticism, but you weren't the first who wrote "against" this project, we all know that this will take a lot of time and, i dont really know the others, but i'm prepared. I know how to have the sony permission for PS3 publication, and the main cost is the unity version for it. I don't want to share footages before the predemo is done, but i dont think this'll took long...Sorry for my previous reaction.
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#40 Posted: 14:39:41 06/03/2014
That's alright, I get it! Don't blame yourself too much, just... Well, I've covered most of the stuff I had to say in the last posts. I can't really offer anything besides feedback, but I'll keep an eye out to see your next update.
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#41 Posted: 18:47:16 06/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Anyway, in the team now we're 10, and not 4 like i previously wrote smilie
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#42 Posted: 01:34:49 07/03/2014
Quote: Evilness
Ook, i was without internet for some days, and i'm here reading all your comments.
For the systems it'll originaly be for PC and the demo will probably be available only for it, sorry guys. If the project is succesfull (i hope so) probably it'll be for PC, Mac, Linux, Wii, PS3 and XBox 360, probably not for new generations consoles.

We're working on the attacks scripts and some structures, and i think we're very fast for an indie team! I know that most of you think that this project won't do/be/become enything, but we're trying. And if we don't have the copyright permission, we'll go on anyway, creating a fangame. It's the same, we just care that the game go out. The only problem if the rights aren't owned are the funds for the console version, but we'll think on it later.

I'll keep you informed on the rest! Meanwhile, let me read your comments smilie

PS: i've seen now some comments, yes, the moves of the teenage cynder will be plus or mine the same of DoTD, with some movements of spyro in the first 2 chapters (i dont really know why, but i like them more that most of the DoTD movements)

Not the wii! it is just outdated man, just go with the wii u instead, you'll sell more that way.

Quote: Bifrost
Guys,fangames are freeware and maybe make it to emulators of some sort. They're copyright infringement if done without permission,and even if the company is friendly to fangames,they can't allow them to make profit in consoles or Steam(pretty sure that counts even if the game is given away for free).

Well to be off-topic, Hasbro has put out a desist and cease at a company for a fan game call My little Pony: Fighting is Magic. It's on the Game Informer website.
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:06:07 07/03/2014 by HIR
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#43 Posted: 12:26:08 07/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Ahah, i know wii is outdated (the console editions are to be reseen once the project is done) but, for now, we can't develop games for PS4, XBoxOne and WiiU throught Unity smilie
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
pokemonka Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#44 Posted: 16:10:05 07/03/2014
I can be an voice actress (Cuz I actually am... )
smilie ,,I would die for you, cross the sky for you...'' smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#45 Posted: 18:47:14 07/03/2014
Quote: mrdarkspyro

Well to be off-topic, Hasbro has put out a desist and cease at a company for a fan game call My little Pony: Fighting is Magic. It's on the Game Informer website.

I know about Fighting is Magic enough(they have the Skullgirls engine for the revival of the game with new characters,and I do play that game),but it was more that Hasbro didn't think they'd make it and become so popular so close to the mobile game being released. I recall that there are laws that,if you don't fight against a copyright infringement that's too popular,no one is obliged to actually ask permission or something(You're better off asking a 'murican about this,Brazilian laws have none of that so I don't understand it that much),and with FiM going to EVO and other events,it could as well make a profit as much as Mane6 - the developers - refused to obtain even via donations.It's a really complicated thing,but aside from that,there's been plenty of MLP fangames that have been completed or are well into beta but take care not to use copyrighted names or locations.
(What I need is never what I want)
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#46 Posted: 16:21:43 08/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Change-element script and all the Breath and secondary attack scripts are done! But i need a suggestion for the elements...
In the various games, cynder had different elements! Fire in ANB, Darkness, Poison, Fear and Wind in DotD and that sort of dark electricity in i thought to give her a "mix": fire, poison, dark electro and a mix of Darkness and the Convexity Breath (the fury DotD attack) but it's an idea...what do you think? (or what you'd like to use?)
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#47 Posted: 19:29:16 08/03/2014
^ "Shadow fire" would be good like from DOTD, Poison is cool and the electricity should be the dark convexity thing. Like Convexity but with lighting going throughout it (its hard to explain!) As for the 4th element, maybe wind?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#48 Posted: 20:06:46 08/03/2014
Fire would be good if it had a similar range and movement to Spyro's,poison is good if there are some changes to it(not gonna lie,it looked really weird in DOTD,something that required more strategy and less spamming could work,say Flameslinger's moveset where you can either zone or make a path that causes damage where you want the enemies to go),Spectral eletricity(that's the term used for her shadow lightning in Skylanders) would be awesome for a quick mid-range move,and Darkness could be a combination of Skynder's Shadow Dash and the Convexity breath,being a melee move which also attacks foes nearby with a powerful beam after she strikes one of them directly - risky,but rewarding for those that want close range.

( For reference on Skylanders Cynder's abilities,if anyone wants to think of other types of moves)

It's always good to think of balancing when using moves so the game doesn't have spammy abilities like LoS - For a tl;dr on the first part,Fire for long range,Poison for zoning/progressive damage,Spectral Lightning for very quick mid-range,Darkness for close range with a long range finisher. One flavour for every kind of player strategy,though it probably could use some changes there and there too.
(What I need is never what I want)
Evilness Green Sparx Gems: 312
#49 Posted: 15:15:07 09/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Thank you for the link! For the spectral electricity i thought to make it a more short-range element: my idea was to make an attack that cynder creates a sort of electric shield around her, damaging the enemies that touches her (but she'll be without defence against a ranged attack) and for the secondary attack maybe a sort of energetic wave (cannot explain it right now, too difficult smilie). For the fire element: yes, she'll have the same movements of spyro but i thought to replace the fire charge with a fireball. For the poison, i thought to make a sort of poison breath and, for the secondary attack, a poison projectile (like the secondary ice attack in ANsmilie and the mix of darkness and the convexity breath would be the fury element. Don't if add or what to add as the 4th element. Wind would be a good idea, but i'm not convinced...
Andrea Signorelli, founder of the Cynder's Project developing team!
S P Y R O Blue Sparx Gems: 953
#50 Posted: 17:12:27 09/03/2014
If you got the copyright, could you make it on wii? As in, the normal wii?
Spyro is cool, Spyro is cool. Anyone doesn't think Spyro's cool, must be a banana. smilie smilie
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