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What would the dictionary say about the above user? [CLOSED]
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#1 Posted: 21:45:49 09/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Well, what would it say about them?


Prextail (Pr-EX-tai-l)
A user of darkspyro who fangirls over Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#2 Posted: 21:47:16 09/02/2014
Someone who overdoses the SSB drug

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#3 Posted: 21:54:38 09/02/2014
Hardcorignitor (adjective)
Awesome, yet can be a bit annoying.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4149
#4 Posted: 03:27:08 10/02/2014
Two butts and a midget
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#5 Posted: 04:35:39 10/02/2014
Secretly Dr Phil.
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#6 Posted: 16:30:57 10/02/2014
A Hot Cat that ways ways 542 tons.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#7 Posted: 20:17:46 10/02/2014
A small flightless bird who plays Survivor
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#8 Posted: 01:53:02 11/02/2014
A guy who apparently hates MLP, not that I blame him.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#9 Posted: 01:56:13 11/02/2014
Kardonid (verb)
Cuddling a turtle
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9117
#10 Posted: 03:25:10 11/02/2014
Butts and a midget
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#11 Posted: 13:42:20 12/02/2014
somePerson (SUM-per-son)
(Noun) Some guy I don't even know. smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#12 Posted: 14:32:34 12/02/2014
A user who's known for thier avatar and Username. Fan of Kid Icarus and Pokemon.
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12555
#13 Posted: 15:44:30 12/02/2014
NINJAsk11 (NIN-JA-sk-eleven): (Noun) Synonym for "dark", "evil" or "cruel."
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#14 Posted: 15:46:03 12/02/2014
A spyro fanatic and a lover of cars.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15 Posted: 16:23:29 12/02/2014
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
NINJAsk11 (NIN-JA-sk-eleven): (Noun) Synonym for "dark", "evil" or "cruel."


azz01(Azz-Zero-One) Word used often instead of Piplup or Pinguïn.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#16 Posted: 20:18:24 12/02/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11
A user who's known for thier avatar and Username. Fan of Kid Icarus and Pokemon.

I like that! smilie

NINJAsk11 (NIN-jask-el-ev-en)
(Verb) To be in a close relationship online *coughDarkLord*.

I'm not good at this. X3
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#17 Posted: 20:55:46 12/02/2014
Quote: ShadowMewX
Quote: NINJAsk11
A user who's known for thier avatar and Username. Fan of Kid Icarus and Pokemon.

I like that! smilie

NINJAsk11 (NIN-jask-el-ev-en)
(Verb) To be in a close relationship online *coughDarkLord*.

I'm not good at this. X3

It's good enough!

(Verb) To see or to be seen as Shadow, Mew or an X
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#18 Posted: 21:17:54 12/02/2014
(Blahblahblah) Known for dark and evil actions. Stay 10 yards away to prevent being eaten, stabbed, or *brick'd* by the NINJAsk. Be wary of wild NINJAsks in the Forum Game hills and S&N plateau. Also known for dating DL and broke world record of "Number of stabs in 60 seconds"...a surprising 132!
My life is complete.
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#19 Posted: 21:31:30 12/02/2014
MagicFizz: someone who likes to take every joke just a little too far.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#20 Posted: 07:47:48 13/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
(Blahblahblah) Known for dark and evil actions. Stay 10 yards away to prevent being eaten, stabbed, or *brick'd* by the NINJAsk. Be wary of wild NINJAsks in the Forum Game hills and S&N plateau. Also known for dating DL and broke world record of "Number of stabs in 60 seconds"...a surprising 132!


Kardonis (kar-do-nis)
Synonim for "Bowser"
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12555
#21 Posted: 09:05:11 13/02/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
NINJAsk11 (NIN-JA-sk-eleven): (Noun) Synonym for "dark", "evil" or "cruel."


Glad you liked it.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#22 Posted: 22:23:45 12/08/2014
Spyro Fanatic (SPY-roe-fan-ah-tik)

(Noun) A person who obsesses over Knight Rider.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#23 Posted: 22:31:27 12/08/2014

See Kid Icarus Uprising.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#24 Posted: 22:32:23 12/08/2014
ShadowMewX (SHA-doe MEW eks)

(Noun) A user on DarkSpyro who likes the game Kid Icarus Uprising
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#25 Posted: 17:31:24 19/08/2014
Wolf-Gang (Noun)

See Wolfgang- Skylanders
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#26 Posted: 18:13:18 19/08/2014
Hehe, my entry's so easy now. :3

NINJAsk11 (NIN-jask-ee-lev-un)
(Noun) A person who enjoys dark or creepy things, such as Creepypasta, and/or obsesses over them.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#27 Posted: 21:30:08 19/08/2014

Lyveriana (Lyv-air-ee-ahn-a)
[noun] The full version of a word that traditionally comes after "Mama" in Bohemian Rhapsody.
ex. Mama, Lyv
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#28 Posted: 21:41:27 19/08/2014
Oh, you. smilie

Lyveriana (Lyv-air-ee-ahn-a)
[Noun] A person who talks to donuts.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#29 Posted: 21:46:34 19/08/2014
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3498
#30 Posted: 21:47:31 19/08/2014
Lyveriana (Lyv-air-ee-ahn-a)
[Noun] Someone who plays league of legends and accidentally goes to beginner's bots
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#31 Posted: 21:50:34 19/08/2014
Ahem. Oops, accidentally ninja'd you. smilie

Lunarz (LOON-arz)
[Noun] Leader of the Ripto Army.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#32 Posted: 22:19:44 19/08/2014
I got nothing.

ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#33 Posted: 22:33:30 19/08/2014
N'aww, Lyv... X3

LocoGuy107 (Lo-ko-gye-won-oh-sev-un)
[Noun] Synonym for Spyro.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#34 Posted: 22:38:39 19/08/2014

ShadowMewX: Dark Pit who likes Mew
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#35 Posted: 23:04:24 19/08/2014
LocoGuy107 (LOW-co-gu-ai-one-zero-seven)

A user who likes the original Spyro much better than Skylanders.

That's all I know about you I'm sorry.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#36 Posted: 23:30:22 19/08/2014
@LocoGuy Pretty much! smilie

dinorang67 (DY-NO-rang-sicks-stee-sev-uhn)
[Verb] To be mistaken as a boy.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#37 Posted: 06:38:29 20/08/2014
(Noun)To be Dark Pit.

See: Dark Pit, Kid Icarus.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#38 Posted: 07:17:02 20/08/2014
NINJASK11 (Nin-j-ask-uh-lev-en)
See: Awesome
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:17:20 20/08/2014 by Wolfgang
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#39 Posted: 08:49:02 20/08/2014
Wolfgang (Woah-ULF-gah-ang)

A user who created an entire account for the sake of an OC.
Also see:Wolfgang (OC) or Foxy the Pirate (Five Nights at Freddy's)
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#40 Posted: 08:56:01 20/08/2014
dinorang67: a cool Dino who's very experienced on the forums.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#41 Posted: 11:48:50 20/08/2014
Locoguy107(loko Guy one zero seven)
A special animal with a dragon like posture, yellow horns and wings.

Also see: Spyro.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#42 Posted: 13:17:09 20/08/2014
An awesome person who is just awesome.
Why am I a loser
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#43 Posted: 13:38:26 20/08/2014
I should put some of these in my guestbook. X3

FuryBeam136 (Fyur-ee-beem-won-three-sicks)
[Noun] A dragon fan.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#44 Posted: 13:42:45 20/08/2014



Someone who is awesome
Also see: pure awesomeness

Why am I a loser
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#45 Posted: 13:45:09 20/08/2014
ShadowMewX (Shad-oh-Mew-ex) (Noun)

1. A fan of KiU
2. The 7th dS Survivor Winner
3. A user on darkSpyro

See also: Lyveriana, NINJAsk11, Sky Airglow, prextail202
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#46 Posted: 13:53:21 20/08/2014
Nice! X3

Troll Slug (Troll-Slug)
[Verb] To near-worship another person
Ex. slambam104
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
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