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Pokemon: A World Without Legends [Always Open!!] [CLOSED]
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#1 Posted: 05:39:09 20/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Plot: In a world where humans don't exist, the legendary Pokémon lived in peace in the world of Foran. All Pokémon lived together without a conflict, until the legendries suddenly left. Many Pokémon were great friends with the deities. They felt heartbroken, as they thought the legendries left because the "regular"' Pokémon weren't good enough anymore. There was turmoil, with many Pokemon turning sides, blaming others for the Legendries disappearing. Many wanted to rediscover the legendries, to find out why they left, and, instead of being friends with them, they wanted to punish them, thinking that they left because the "regular" Pokémon weren't good enough, with their reason going down the drain for the legendries. They felt that once they punished the legendries, their leaving will be forgotten, and the regulars will be at peace again. They were called the Legendary Capture Force, the LCF. They ransacked homes, burned down villages, in hopes of finding a clue to finding out where the legendries gone. Many Pokémon now live in fear of one another, thinking that one of their family members was an LCF spy. The few Pokémon who haven't resorted to violence now hide in homes they only know of. The Home Guard was assembled, the best fighting force in the Foran region, to protect the "Safety Zones" in which the helpless Pokémon lived in. They protected well enough, but they couldn't leave the safety zones they were protecting, in fear of a LCF attack. The few Pokémon left in the world not apart of the LCF or the Home Guard needed a new group. They needed who wanted to rediscover the legendries, bring them back to the world and really discover why they left. They needed a group who helped the helpless Pokémon be protected from the LCF. They needed the Legendary Search Squad, or the LSS. They are the sworn enemies of the Legendary Capture Force, the LCF. Whatever faction you are, you are determined to see the legendries again. For different reasons as well. To punish, to rediscover and protect, or simply discover why they left.

Your characters can be of these factions:

LSS member: A member carefully selected from the homes of the Pokémon who hide, they are determined to rediscover the legendries, such as Dialga and Moltres. As the world is unsafe, the Pokémon must search for food that will help stock their bases. But most of all, they must find the legendries that are hidden around the region of Foran. They must wander around the world, and sleeping when necessary.

LCF member: A member of the evil Legendary Capture Force. They act and organize as the LSS do, except they are evil, and they will not hesitate to attack members of the LSS if they see them. They will search until they rediscover the legendries, and exact their vengeance against them for leaving the world.

The Home Guard: A guard to protect the helpless Pokémon of Foran, who can't protect themselves from the LCF. You must protect and search for food when necessary.


Scientist: Someone who analyzes data in trying to discover the location of the Legendries, but are not very good at defending themselves.

Warrior: A very strong attacker who razes through the other side, but is not altogether smart.

Spy: An infiltrator to the other side, must not be discovered at any cost, but must get information.(If you choose to, you may only have ONE spy.)

Leader: A mixture of the Scientist and Warrior, they take orders from the Commanders of each squad.

Warrior/Scientist: A Pokémon who would prefer not to lead, but is a warrior with a scientists passion.


- No godmodding.
- No coarse language.
- Please use acceptable grammar.
- I am the GM.
- You must join with a minimum of two Pokémon, and a maximum of 4.
- Your Pokémon may not be apart of different factions.
- When you are playing as any of the factions, you must sometimes find rations or supplies. It doesn't matter if you stay in one spot.
- No deaths right now. There may be eventually, but we shall see.
- No legendries(Obvious right smilie)
- Pokémon can be between levels 1-30. It will make things more balanced.
- Pokémon may learn any move from their allowed moves, even if it is learned at later levels.
- You are allowed to have team ups in the story, as long as LCF and LSS members don't team up, unless they are spies.
- Home Guards must stay within the areas where they are guarding.
- There will be a day system involved. I will change the day every few days or so, unless action is going on.
- LSS members may stay in Safety Zones temporarily. LCF members must stay out, unless they are attacking the zone.
- LCF members MUST start in one of the forts. Home Guards MUST start and stay around the zone they start in. LSS members can move freely through Safety Zones and Camps.
- Temporary Characters may join the RP, and they may not exceed the limit, and they do not need a character sheet.
- There can be LCF attacks every so often in Safety Zones or LSS camps, but let the person BEING ATTACKED KNOW THROUGH OOC! It will not be fair the person being attacked if you don't.
- When creating a character, you MAY have a Spy OR a split between Warrior and Scientist. You cannot have both.
- You may create characters from multiple factions, with a limit of two from each. You can only choose 2 factions this way.


Safety Zones:
Forage: A zone where the main diets of the Pokémon living here are mushrooms and nuts.
Sand Hole: This zone is literally a hole in the sand, supported by the large pieces of timber.
Ash: The zone closest to the volcano, they are lucky enough not to be seen by the members of Fort Inferno.
Hydration: The zone in the middle of a desert, yet has found a well to keep water for years to come.
Pillage: The zone which is in the remains of a great city, whose name has been forgotten.
Damager: Has the best defensive Home Guard past the Home Guard HQ, they are most often attacked.
Home Guard HQ: The only zone to hold the most Guards, this is where the Home Guard receive their rations for the Safety Zones they protect.

LSS Camps:
Camp Elrond: A camp in the middle of a forest, protected from the LCF.
Camp Faction: A camp where a war has taken place, making it a desolate area.
Camp Discovery: The camp with the most luck in their research to find the Legendries.
Camp Cacti: A camp in the middle of a desert, with the inhabitants lucky enough to find water.
Camp Oceanic: A camp on a beach, so far closest to the ocean.
Camp Alpha: The base camp for all LSS members, they receive their orders from here.

LCF Forts:
Fort Lupine: A fort in the middle of a swamp, which they were lucky enough to find safe ground to build upon.
Fort Inferno: The only fort challenging enough to be built on a side of a volcano.
Fort Hurricane: A fort on the beach where constant hurricanes form.
Fort Vulture: A desert fort, with dry cracked walls and barely enough to drink.
Fort Armada: By far the best training camp the LCF has got for their warriors.
Fort Secrecy: Every LCF knows that the leader of their force is in that fort. They never know where. His servant always tells the force their orders.

Link to map. Some other details I haven't mentioned. I haven't shown the other Forts, Safety Zones, and Camps that are minor. Tell me if you need any help deciphering. I am a bit of a messy writer.

There are some other smaller Safety Zones, Forts, and Camps which I have not named. Remember to avoid the LCF Forts if you are LSS.

Move Set:
Location Start:


Credit to pankakesparx456 for giving me an idea of this Role Play and how it should be set up.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 03:08:08 01/02/2014 by zookinator
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#2 Posted: 13:28:27 20/01/2014
i can definitely see the influence from my Pokemon RP in this one. smilie

but I still think this idea is awesome. I'll join as soon as a sheet comes out. smilie
Cool cool.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#3 Posted: 13:55:29 20/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Thanks pankakesparx, I'll add you to the roster as soon as you create your character. Right now, I'll create mine.

Name: Conner
Gender: Male
Species: Lucario
Move Set: Aura Sphere, Counter, Heal Pulse, Dragon Pulse
Level: 25
History: Conner was at peace before the legendaries left. In fact, he was friends with Mew. But after they did leave, he had no clue why. The LCF chased him down, until he came to Camp Discovery. Now he defends the area, and is a Warrior Scientist for Discovery.
Personality: A strong Serious type, sometimes being funny. Prefers to work alone, wit his friend, Historius.
Appearance(Optional): A black tip on the tail. Also has a red scarf around neck.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Warrior/Scientist
Location Start: Camp Discovery

Name: Historius
Gender: Male
Species: Chatot
Move Set: Hyper Voice, Uproar, Echoed Voice, Mimic
Level: 28
History: Historius was always the studying type. He watched the patterns of the Legendries comings and goings from the region. But he never thought they would just leave for good. The LCF heard of him. and his famous research. Before they could hunt him down, he found refuge in Camp Discovery, and made good friends with Conner.
Personality: A quiet bird, that loves talking when others are around.
Appearance: Imagine an old, ruffled Chatot. You get the picture.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Scientist
Location Start: Camp Discovery

Name: Gardner
Gender: Male
Species: Dusknoir
Move Set: Pursuit, Confuse Ray, Thunder Punch. Night Shade
Level: 23
History: Gardner was great friends with the legendary Giratina, but when he left, Gardner felt an anger. An anger that felt that the legendries abandoned the world, and he wants to make them pay with his leadership.
Personality: A strong willing ghost, with a tendency to yell at his lower ranks.
Appearance(Optional): Swirls of black where his grey areas would be.
Faction: LCF
Rank: Leader
Location Start: Fort Armada

Name: Martre
Gender: ?
Species: Metagross
Move Set: Hyper Beam, Psychic, Bullet Punch, Metal Claw
Level: 27
History: Martre wasn't always a scientist. He played with the legendary Deoxys as much as he could. When he left, he suddenly felt tht he should rediscover him, but hurt it as much as it hurt him. Now with his intelligence, and leadership of Gardner, he is determined to capture Deoxys.
Personality: Cold, calculating, and most of all, vengeful.
Appearance(Optional): Instead of being blue, he is green.
Faction: LCF
Rank: Scientist
Location Start: Fort Armada

I will be the only one with characters from different factions, to keep the story running smoothly. Also, when we get 4 Rpers, counting myself, we shall start.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:21:55 21/01/2014 by zookinator
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#4 Posted: 14:31:30 21/01/2014
OOC: This reminds me so much of an RP I had with someone once. Time to bring in the big Double-R dude. ...Is it alright if I make sort of a tie-in? ...However, I should mention that this character is a Rhyperior, so he's gonna be over Lv30. Is it still alright? I also plan on having other characters.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:32:02 21/01/2014 by MugoUrth
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#5 Posted: 22:54:49 21/01/2014 | Topic Creator
MugoUrth, we don't have to do the 'OoC' yet, as we haven't started the Role Play. And yes, I will allow it. But you will have to scale it down to the maximum of 30. You may keep the evolution. I would just like you to join smilie.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#6 Posted: 23:18:54 21/01/2014
I may join, too lazy to make a character now.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#7 Posted: 23:39:44 21/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Great! We have 4 players. I'll just wait for everyone to make their sheets, then we'll start.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#8 Posted: 23:49:19 21/01/2014
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#9 Posted: 00:24:35 22/01/2014
Move Set:Muddy Water, Mud Bomb, Take Down, Protect
History: Sean was a Pokemon who grew up with his family, as well as Dizzy, in Foran. When the legendaries dissapeared, so did his family. While he works for the LSS, he still tries hard to figure out where his parents ran off too.
Personality: Sean is a bit of a jokester, and always seems to be upbeat, but knows how to handle dire situations.
Location Start:Camp Elrond

Name: Dizzy
Move Set: Bug Buzz, Night Slash, Screech, Bide
History: Dizzy grew up with a large group of other bug Pokemon, and Sean's family. Once the legendaries dissapeared, he didn't care much until he learned their dissapearance not only involved Sean's parents dissapearing, but it was causing his Bug family to go nuts because of their abscense.
Personality: he is much like Sean, and while he is smarter when it comes to plans, he can also can panic in a situation.
Location Start:Camp Elrond
Cool cool.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#10 Posted: 00:45:45 22/01/2014
Name: Francis
Gender: Male
Species: Mr. Mime
Move Set: Trick Room, Psywave, Reflect, Light Screen
Level: 24
History: To Be Rped
Personality: What's there to say about his personality? There's nothing really wrong with it, but there's nothing special either. He's nice when he wants to be, and protective as well. He gets scared at times, and isn't the best fighter either. He mostly just lets Reginald do most of the fighting.
Appearance(Optional): A Mr. Mime with a crooked tuft of hair on one side of his head, a bandage on his right shoulder, some black smudge below his right eye, and a black glove on his hand. Yeah, I copy/pastaed from the Virus RP.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Scientist
Location Start: Camp Faction

Name: Reginald
Gender: Male
Species: Magmortar
Move Set: Fire Blast, Clear Smog, Smoke Screen, Psychic(Yes, they can learn Psychic through TM)
Level: 30
History: To be RPed
Personality: He's usually second-guessing others. As a long time friend of Francis (Well before Francis met Vern) he made it sort of a job to protect Francis, but is always contradicting his judgement. Reginald is kind of a know-it-all.
Appearance(Optional): Reginald is quite stout for a Magmortar. Nothing else about his appearance otherwise.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Warrior
Location Start: Camp Faction

Name: Mai ad Bo
Gender: Female
Species: Kangaskhan
Move Set: Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Earthquake, Confide
Level: 28
History: To be Rped
Personality: Mai herself is a highly sneaky little witch, always trying to exploit a weakness through words, and strike without expectancy. Not exactly good buddy material, but she's smart as a whip. She does not trust her daughter, Bo, however. Mai carries with her a Mega stone, and has stashed a "Mega Helmet" somewhere. She keeps this way out of Bo's reach, hoping she can never use them against her.
Appearance(Optional): Both Mai and Bo are particularly fat and bulky for their species. ...What do you expect from me?
Faction: LCF
Rank: Warrior
Location Start: Fort Inferno

Name: Rhombus
Gender: Male
Species: Rhyperior
Move Set: Earthquake, Protect, MegaHorn Rock Wrecker
Level: 30
History: Rhombus is a bit of a power freak. He wants unlimited power only the legendaries can grant him. And to make matters worse, word is there's a little purple ball that can imprison anything for life, even the mighty legendaries. Needless to say, Rhombus wants these balls. But rumor has it he already has them, and is waiting for the right time to strike. No one knows much of Rhombus' past, however there are rumors going around that he shares a resemblance to a Pokemon far back.
Personality: A confident little *****, this guy always acts big and tough around people as if he has no fear. Not exactly someone you want to come across. Also, he seems to think he's immortal.
Appearance(Optional): He's bluish in color, his lower jaw comes out a bit, and he's got strange horns coming from his eyes. He was kind of designed to resemble a minor villain from a lesser known game called Scaler, except Rhombus the Rhyperior is a much more dangerous character than Rhombus the Lizard.
Faction: LCF
Rank: Leader
Location Start: Fort Inferno

IMO, I like my villains powerful. I like to see the good guys work for that win. So I tend to make villains accordingly. Still, the main reason I'm using Rhombus the Rhyperior is because he's the main villain of the RP I mentioned. Here: Rhombus ends the RP as an immortal, but for the sake of balance I'll write that off and just say "Without the Legendary's control over him, Rhombus lost his immortality." After all, he was only immortal so he could suffer.

Also, the idea behind Mai and Bo's Mega Stone is that Mai cannot use it, but Bo can, this is because Mega Kangaskhan only changes the appearance of her child while Kangaskhan herself stays exactly the same. With this in mind, it can be assumed that the kid is the one who goes Mega, and not Kangaskhan herself. ...Also, I kind of want to have Bo cloned later in the RP, but I'm not sure if allowed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:48:02 22/01/2014 by MugoUrth
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#11 Posted: 02:29:39 22/01/2014
Name: Oshawit
Gender: Male
Species: Oshawott
Move Set: Water Gun, Tackle, Protect, Water Pulse
Level: 16
History: Oshawit was a part of 15 family members. At Level 3, some Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar raided his house. Only he had the courage to knock them out to stop them. He is the star of the family now.
Personality: Oshawit is very brave, and very smart, too.
Appearance(Optional): A regular Oshawott.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Scientist/Warrior
Location Start: Camp Elrond

Name: Nutter
Gender: Male
Species: Chespin
Move Set: Rollout, Protect, Tackle, Attract
Level: 24
History: Nutter was the class clown in his school. He was very popular with everyone, until he broke his leg from falling off a chair. He stopped goofin off and looked for something else to do. When he heard of the LSS, he joined immediately.
Personality: Nutter is very sensitive, very serious, but is loving and has a sense of humor.
Appearance(Optional): His horns are painted in a rainbow color.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Scientist
Location: Camp Elrond

Name: Orite
Gender: Female
Species: Chikorita
Move Set: Tackle, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Protect
Level: 5
History: Not much. She was released by her trainer at Level 1, being very babyish. She decided to prove she was brave and not a baby. She trained, until she met the LSS, which she decided to join.
Personality: Babyish, but tries to act brave.
Appearance(Optional): Regular Chikorita.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Warrior
Location Start: Camp Elrond
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#12 Posted: 02:45:33 22/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Now we start with the 'OoC's and the Role Play!

Conner was keeping watch on the borders of Camp Discovery. He was not wanting an LCF attack this moment. The LSS members were busy getting ready for another expedition into the mountains, where it is believed that the legendary Pokémon Terrakion is located. He adjusted his scarf, picked up his walkie talkie, and said into it, "Historius, are you getting a signal?". Historius was in the lab of Discovery. It was full of inventions to help discover each of the legendaries locations. Historius picked it up, then replied, "It is going good. I just need two more days at most. Keep getting ready for the expedition!". Conner then said, "Roger that.". He then put it back down to the ground. *I hope this works*, Conner thought.

Meanwhile, back at Fort Armada, Gardner was issuing orders. "Get those supplies in that wagon! Everyone keep the fires burning! Sharpen your blades! We are going on a raid tonight!!", Gardner yelled with a ferocious audacity only Gardner could pull off. The warriors yelled a battle cry. They were ready for a hunt. Martre was still in the lab of Armada. It was quite as high Tech as at Discovery, but he knew that was they had. He was studying his notes carefully. Where could that cursed Deoxys be! He might've returned to space, for all he knew. He was pondering about that, when Gardner came barging in. "Are you sure you know the location of Camp Elrond?", Gardner questioned the Metal Type. Martre done as best as he could to sigh, then said, "These coordinates are as best as I can give you until the new instruments arrive from Fort Secrecy. Until then, you will have to stick with these.". Martre handed Gardner the notes. Gardner took the notes, then left in a huff. *That Gardner will be in pain... soon.*, Martre thought, as he knew that Camp Elrond wasn't going to be easy to take.

OoC: I am rather excited to see how my first RP turns out. Happy Role Playing! smilie
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#13 Posted: 03:57:23 22/01/2014
One of the worst locations to be in this ordeal was at Camp Faction. A desolate wasteland. Not even suitable communication between other camps. There had to be a change soon. One of its members, Francis, was starting to think about his role. "It's so boring here. I wish I could, just... Maybe I should... Reginald? Is there any paper?" Francis was in a ruined building with a few faulty equipment. There weren't much shelter in the area except for a deep bunker where almost everyone stayed. Francis went outside the ruins, where outside stood a Magmortar with a dwarven stature. "Reginald, you got any paper? I was hoping to contact another camp with it." Reginald, the Magmortar, looked at Francis with a saddened look. "Only Vern's leter," he said. Francis pulled out a piece of paper and smiled. "Ah... dearest Vern. ...But I cannot use this. If only I could send messages telepathically." Reginald spun his head around. "You're a psychic type, and you don't know psychic. Amazing." Francis waved his hands around. "Give me a break, I didn't plan for a situation where it'd actually be useful." Reginald shook his head and walked slowly into the ruins. "Whatever." Reginald found a place in the ruins where he could stand in a nice high place. "Camp Elrond should be one of the closer camps. Maybe I can use Psychic telepathy to talk to them. Although I don't know if this is the good idea." There was just one problem. "What kind of message am I sending?" Francis scratched his head. "Tell them it's lonely here. Just ask them the current status on the camp."

And that's what Reginald did. He put his cannons to his head and started to think. If he did it right, the image of his head and shoulders would appear in the mind of someone with him saying "Greetings from Camp Faction. I am Reginald, and am speaking to you with telepathy. ...Because apparently my Psychic-Type friend here is a weaker psychic user than a pure fire type user. Anyway, if you can contact us any way you can, we wish to obtain report on the status of Elrond. If you may, fulfill this request and get back to us. Thank you."
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#14 Posted: 15:27:18 22/01/2014
Orite woke up in a camp. "Where am I?" She wondered.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#15 Posted: 21:53:12 22/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Could you be more detailed with your posts please? It would be more contributing to the story and RP.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#16 Posted: 23:47:53 22/01/2014
OOC: Ok.
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#17 Posted: 02:12:13 23/01/2014
OOC: I'll join this soon. It looks really interesting.
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#18 Posted: 13:04:30 23/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: I'll add you to the roster once you make your sheet. Hopefully pankakesparx posts soon. He could really contribute to the story.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#19 Posted: 18:33:59 23/01/2014
OOC: Is it okay if I have my characters in different factions to start off with? They're going to end up meeting each other, but I don't want them to yet.
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#20 Posted: 18:51:02 23/01/2014
OOC: I'm not sure if Psychic can work this way, but Reginald is trying to contact Troll Slug's charters. Though for the sake of the RP, I'd like them to send Telepathy or a letter or such during the attack on their camp.
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#21 Posted: 21:35:11 23/01/2014
Sean went to Dizzy's lab in Camp Elrond for new information. "Dizzy, any new info on the legendaries?"

Dizzy shook his head. "Not yet. though i feel like i'm starting to get somewhere."

"Whelp, you gotta stop for now. we got new orders from the boss. We have to move out to Camp Discovery." Sean sighed. "I love this place, but it's not in our power."

"I guess we just have to make some new discoveries, eh?" Dizzy chuckled.

Sean laughed. "Dude, you tell the corniest jokes."
Cool cool.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#22 Posted: 23:11:39 23/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: @amazingSpyro: If you intend them to be Spies, remember the rules, you can only have one spy. But yes, I will let you have them be a part for that reason. I should probably change the rules that everyone has a limit of two per faction.

@MugoUrth: I'll let it slide, but remember, Psychic is an attack, not a support move. Still, I'll allow it.

After several hours, the expedition was ready to move out. They just needed to get the signal good. Conner looked at the sky. *Only about 4 more hours of daylight. Soon it should be time to sleep.*, Conner thought. Instead of calling Historius through his communicator, he went to the bird himself. Historius was in a tangle of wires, with a light beeping on top of his head. Conner laughed, then said, "You look like a light post that was built with too many lights!", Conner chuckled. "Well, if you were working on getting the signal right you would be in this mess too! Could you help?", asked Historius. "I'll help." Conner said. He then untangled the bird, then set him back on his perch. Historius then sighed, and said to Conner, "I sincerely hope this works. I don't want to know what would happen to the legendries if the Legendary Capture Force gets to them first.". Conner looked down on the bird. Conner then told Historius, "I hope so too.". He then immediately thought of Mew. *Where could you be, Mew?*, Conner thought.

Back at Fort Armada, preparations were set to be finished around dusk, Gardner's favorite time of day. "The Legendary Search Squad," Gardner cringed at the name, "will suffer a major loss at Camp Elrond. They will rue the day they decided to against our wishes!", Gardner yelled to the hoard. The many Pokémon yelled with more ferocity, ecstatic at the prospect of looting supplies. Martre, however, wasn't. He was more interested in knowing when his supplies would get here. A Pokémon knocked on his door. "The door is open.", Martre yelled at the Pokémon. *How I curse this robotic voice!*, Martre thought as the Spearow came in. "Message from Fort Secrecy, sir!", the Spearow exclaimed. He then handed Martre a slip of paper. "You have done well. Here is your tip.", Martre told the Spearow. He gave it two Oran berries. The Spearow ate greedily, then flew out the door, without bothering to close it. Martre closed it, tired of the ruckus outside. He walked back to his desk, then undid the tie holding the paper together. He took a peek, then exclaimed, "It's from the commander!". Gardner heard that, despite the yelling outside. He went into the Martre's study, the yelled, "A message from the commander?! Read it out loud!". "It says that the supplies are under way, scheduled to come around two days from now.", Martre announced. "That is good! Is that it?", Gardner questioned. "No. It also says to be prepared to ambush an expedition from Camp Discovery. His spies tell him they might be discovering the legendary Terrakion. That is all.", Martre announced *Why couldn't they have found Deoxys first!!",Martre thought. Gardner thought about the situation. He couldn't send two hoards to handle Cmap Faction and Discovery. The Pokémon in the hoard are as mindless as a Snorlax with a mountain of food behind it. Which way to go?
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:47:45 26/01/2014 by zookinator
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#23 Posted: 19:58:04 25/01/2014
OOC: Okay, thanks!

Name: Allison
Gender: Female
Species: Snivy
Move set: Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Leaf Tornado, Vine Whip
Level: 25
History: Allison spent most of her early life learning to hone her abilities. After that, she made her own little store after hearing about the legendaries disappearing. She then began selling to The Home Guard, who offered her a job protecting the safety zones. Allison accepted, and now she mainly lives at the home guard HQ, defending the Pokemon who live there and helping to gather the food rations.
Appearance: Just a normal Snivy.
Personality: Allison always puts others before herself and is very protective of those she cares about. She always sticks by her friends, but is wary of others before she gets to know them. She is very patient with others and believes everyone deserves a second chance.
Faction: The Home Guard
Rank: Leader
Location start: Home Guard HQ

Name: Isaac
Gender: Male
Species: Mightyena
Move set: Crunch, Bite, Sucker Punch, Take Down
Level: 25
History: Isaac never quite fit in with everyone else as a poochyena. He wasn't picked on, but he wasn't noticed by anyone either. At least not until the LSS found him and asked for his help as a spy to help watch over the main Home Guard camp in case of trouble. Isaac accepted, and he now spies on the forts in range of the Home Guard HQ.
Appearance: Just a regular Mightyena.
Personality: Isaac is usually not very outspoken. He does what he's told and is very committed to his job and his friends. He is always the first to volunteer for missions if it means keeping others safe, but says little about his work otherwise.
Faction: LSS
Rank: Spy
Location start: Camp Alpha
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#24 Posted: 21:26:43 25/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Accepted. smilie
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#25 Posted: 21:34:57 25/01/2014
OOC: Sorry, I don't really want to RP, I'll resign for now.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#26 Posted: 21:51:55 25/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Alright, I'll remove you from the list.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#27 Posted: 21:56:46 25/01/2014
OOC: I may come back though
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#28 Posted: 22:00:05 25/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Alright. When you do come back, come up with a good story in relation to the events, and I'll re add you to the list.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#29 Posted: 22:26:17 25/01/2014
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#30 Posted: 22:34:39 25/01/2014
OOC: I'll start RPing tomorrow so I have time to come up with a good beginning. smilie
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#31 Posted: 23:01:17 25/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Alright. Time to make another post with no one else to interact with. Also, I made a mistake in my second story post, so I'll edit that. Just so you know, I said Camp Faction instead of Camp Elrond.

Several more hours later, it was dusk, and Camp Discovery calmed down for the expedition tomorrow, as Historius made a working signal to Terrakion. The bell in the middle of camp was tolled, letting everyone know that it was time to head back into the cabins for sleep. Conner, however, gone back inside the lab, to meet with his friend Historius. Historius lived in the lab, in fact, as he found he was too old to be flying back and forth from the cabins. He slept I his cage, which had a lock on the inside to protect him. Conner sat next to him, yawned, then spoke, "What a day! It was hard getting the wagons ready! But you are the one who put this plan in motion, with your idea of the beacon and signal.". Historius was half asleep, but he did hear what Conner said. "Hmm...? Oh, oh! Yes, it was hard today. I had to work overtime on that cursed signal. Do you know how many times I got electrocuted?! I was a feathery puffball for 10 minutes!", Historius exclaimed. Conner stifled a laugh. *What a funny, yet smart, Chatot.", Conner thought. "Anyway, I should be getting my sleep. It is like I say, 'All great minds at work, need rest at night when all is still'.", Historius said drowsily. Conner thought about it, then said, "You have never said that before.". But he said that too late, for Historius was already fast asleep under his quilt on his perch. Conner smiled, turned off the lights in the lab, and walked back to his personal cabin. He looked at a picture of himself and his friend Mew. "Mew. Where could you be?", Conner whispered. He then crawled into his bed, and fell sound asleep, ready for tomorrow.

Camp Discovery may have settled down, but Fort Armada was on the verge of leaving the area. Gardner was still thinking inside his room. Where should the hoard go? He thought about it, and then another Spearow flew through his open window. "Message from Fort Lupine!", the Spearow announced. Fort Lupine? That was a new one. No one hardly bothers entering OR exiting from there, let alone flying types. Gardner gave the Spearow a Hondew berry, then shoved it out the window, and shut it. *Good riddance. Now what does this say?*, Gardner thought. He undid the string, and looked inside. It said.

To Fort Armada,

We are aware that you were preparing for an invasion of Camp Elrond. Members of Fort Secrecy tend to let all of the different Forts nowadays. Anyway, the Pokémon of Fort Lupine can handle the expedition of Camp Discovery. You, Gardner, can go ahead and pillage Camp Elrond.


Darius Slowking
Fort Lupine

Darius. Why must Darius be getting all the fame! Gardner ripped the paper to shreds, and looked at his map of the world. *Camp Elrond, according to our knowledge, is right in the middle of the Berry Forest. Camp Discovery, as we know, is in the foothills of the Foran Mountains. We should head to Camp Elrond. Without the LSS's supply of berries, they would start dwindling*, Gardner thought. Yes, that was a most excellent plan.

OoC: I will be creating a map of the Foran region, that way people can get an idea of how I believe it should look. Happy roleplaying!
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#32 Posted: 00:46:30 26/01/2014
Francis and Reginald waited for a response, but so far none came. "So? Do you think you did it right?" Francis asked. Reginald climbed down the ruins after using his limited psychic powers to send a message to Camp Elrond. "I don't know," Reginald responded. "Maybe they don't have another psychic user over there. So maybe they will send us a letter. ...Or maybe my powers aren't strong enough to use telepathy. After all, I'm not a psychic type like you're supposed to be." Francis shook his head. "I... I can't wait. Maybe we should visit them ourselves." Reginald faltered backward. "No, Francis. We're not supposed to leave the post. And we have no reason to." Reginald stomped his food down afterward. "We're staying here for now to wait for a message."
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#33 Posted: 00:49:52 26/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Updated with map of Foran. Let me know if it conflicts with your ideas. Also, be prepared to make you characters sleep. It is dusk now, and the next day will be approaching.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#34 Posted: 00:59:58 26/01/2014
OOC: Wow, Elrond's quite a bit farther away than I would have hoped.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#35 Posted: 03:26:20 26/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Oops, sorry. I had to improvise. Elrond is in a middle of the forest, and Faction is in the wreckage of a city, and there so many other places as well. I had to make it work out. And when I was designing the map, I forgot about the fact you were in Faction, not somewhere else. At least if your Psychic ability worked, it would've gone far smilie.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#36 Posted: 00:13:22 28/01/2014
Once Dizzy and Sean packed up, they noticed it was getting dark.

"We might as well get some rest," Sean said, "Big day coming tomorrow with us leaving."

"Yeah, good idea." Dizzy went straight to his bedroom, as did Sean.
- - -
OOC: sorry, with all my other RPs i forgot about posting here.
Cool cool.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#37 Posted: 02:15:53 28/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: I understand pankakesparx. I've seen how many RPs you have right now. It certainly can be confusing. In fact, I might just make this RP a fanfic on a Pokémon fansite. But we'll see.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#38 Posted: 03:45:00 28/01/2014
OOC: Don't forget pankake, you can receive the telepathic message if you want.
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#39 Posted: 01:14:02 31/01/2014
Isaac was lurking in the bushes near the Home Guard HQ, keeping an eye on the perimeter. He hadn't seen any LCF agents nearby, so he wasn't too worried, but he stayed on alert anyway. One of his fellow spies, Jeremy, came up to him and whispered, "The Home Guard are coming out to forage. Don't let them see you." Isaac nodded and retreated deeper into the bush. When he turned back around, Jeremy was gone. He looked toward the HQ gates, where he saw a Snivy leading some Home Guard members out of the safety of the walls. Isaac had always admired the Guard, because of their determination and readiness to protect those who could not protect themselves.

Allison led her troops out into the woods. She reminded them, "Anything you can find within a half hour, you bring back here, understood?" They nodded and headed off, some on their own, some in pairs. Allison went on her own, foraging in the bushes for berries and maybe some hidden roots. She passed by the bush Isaac was hiding in, and knew there was someone nearby. "Hello," she called, looking for any sign of trouble. "Is someone there?" She looked in the bush, attacks at the ready, but no one was there. "I'm just jumpy, I guess." She said, shaking her head and going back to search for food.

Isaac had quietly made his way out of the bush as Allison came along, and then had sprinted in the opposite direction. "That was close." He said to himself. He then went to check on the other spies to see if they had found any trace of LCF agents.
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#40 Posted: 15:04:27 01/02/2014 | Topic Creator
The area was dark. All was still. Camp Discovery was sleeping soundly, in preparation for the Expedition through the mountains tomorrow. Pokémon went through the darkness of the night. The members of Fort Lupine did do as they had said. They would handle the LSS of Camp Discovery themselves.

Conner suddenly awoke. *Something is wrong*, he thought. He grabbed his scarf and raced out the door, being as silent as he can. He saw Pokémon approaching the cabins of Camp Discovery. *An LCF attack!*, Conner thought, alarmed. He couldn't ring the bell in the center of camp, for fear of the main attack coming right away. So, he would handle it himself.

Preparations for the LCF attack of Camp Elrond were complete. The Pokémon of Fort Armada were ready for war. They were restless, and didn't care how long the march would take. Gardner yelled, "We are ready for war! March on to Camp Elrond!". The LCF did as they were asked. They were a fighting force that would not stop until there is a burning Camp behind them.

Martre wasn't one for invasions. He didn't care for the actual attacking, he does like the planning however. Suddenly, a Spearow tapped on the glass of his window. He opened the window, thinking, *The second one tonight. Any more, and I will start to have to give money to these fellows...". The Spearow announced, "Message from Fort Secrecy!". Martre responded, "Another one from the same ender. Here is your tip.". He gave the Spearow a Cheri Berry. The Spearow greedily ate it, then flew out the window. Martre closed the window, and looked at the little piece of paper. He undid the string, and looked at it. Then his eye shot up with shock. "The attack on Elrond is going to fail, but how?!.", Martre said, the best he could to yell. Lucky for him, Gardner went with the hoard. Bad thing was, the hoard was going to get decimated.

OoC: Alright, I have an announcement. A user from another forum gave me a question of whether or not carnivorous Pokémon can eat other Pokémon. You can, as long as it is not a Pokémon from the LSS, LCF, or Home Guar. It does tend to be the LCF with the least restraint to eat meat, so make them want it every so often, if they are carnivorous. For Poison, same rules apply, except they can infect members of any group with Poison. It does tend to be the LCF who does this, as they are more violent. Bu Pokémon cant die from this. Got it? Good.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#41 Posted: 15:33:10 01/02/2014
Dizzy woke up in the middle of the night, hearing marching with his sensitive ears. "Sean, wake up!" he said.

Sean, still drowzy, awoke. "What is it Dizzy?"

"Do you hear that? it sounds like marching."

Sean listened. his less sensitive eats could not hear anything. "Nope, don't hear anything."

"Let's go outside and figure out what it is, just in case." Dizzy got out of bed.

Sean got up and stretched. "Alright, let's go."
Cool cool.
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#42 Posted: 18:07:52 01/02/2014
Isaac had heard nothing about LCF attacks on the Home Guard stations nearby, so he went back to the HQ and watched as the Guards came back from foraging. The Snivy from earlier was directing her troops back inside the walls when Jeremy tapped on Isaac's shoulder. "Keep an eye out for troops tonight." He said. "I talked to the others, and they said they heard reports about the LCF going after our camps." Isaac nodded and asked, "Do they need us back at base?" Jeremy shook his head. "No, but they'll let us know if they do." Jeremy then turned around and vanished into the night. Isaac turned back around and realized everyone except the Snivy had gone back inside. "That's strange." He thought.

Allison knew that whatever she'd heard earlier was probably still nearby. She decided to take a look around before going inside. As she checked the perimeter, an LCF agent who had been waiting high in the trees, not moving, finally decided to strike. His movement caught the attention of Isaac, who had been hoping to not be seen. As the agent readied his attack on Allison, Isaac jumped in front of her just as the agent let out a blast of poison. As Isaac stood firmly rooted in place, Allison jumped out from behind him and used vine whip to drag the agent out of the tree. As he landed on the ground, she then proceeded to knock him out with leaf blade. She called some of the other guards to bring the agent in for questioning, then ran over to Isaac. Poison dripped from his fur, and he struggled to stay on his feet. "Are you okay?!" She asked. Isaac turned to her and whispered, "I'm fine." Then he blacked out.
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#43 Posted: 22:38:38 01/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Conner was busy stealthily handling the LCF Forces with Aura Spheres. There were about 20 more of the LCF attackers when he was done with his current group. Pokémon from Fort Lupine tend to like forces in numbers. When they realized they only had a fifth of what they had to start with, they were frightened. What was this Lucario? What does he think he is, a legendary? Then, their primitive thinking towards the legendries kicked in. If he was a legendary, they must punish him. They all pounced on him. Conner was caught by surprise. Why would they all attack at once? Suddenly, a loud noise filled the air, stunning the enemies and making them quick targets. Conner quickly dealt with them using Counter. When he looked at the source of the noise, it was Historius. "I may be old, but my lungs are still strong!", Historius yelled.

The legion made it to the outskirts of Camp Elrond several hours later. They were still as restless as they were earlier. Gardner was still as well. *We have made it this far. And our predictions were right. We have found the "hidden" Camp Elrond.*, Gardner thought. As they approached the walls, he detected the use of the move Odor Sleuth in the air. "They couldn't possibly know we are here. We have been as quiet as we could be once we gotten to the Outskirts.", Gardner whispered anxiously. Suddenly, an army of Machokes, Maschamps, Hitmonlees, Hitmontops, Hitmonchans, and other fighting types came out of the camp gates. They did find out about the attack. And the LSS were not happy. Gardner cringed at the prospect, of retreating. Then, he was knocked out, before he could do anything. "How... did... they know...", Gardner whispered hoarsely. He then passed out.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#44 Posted: 00:56:16 02/02/2014
Isaac woke up a few hours later, lying on a cot that he presumed to be in the Home Guard HQ. He saw at least 5 empty antidote bottles laying on the table beside him. He felt bad that the medics had needed to use so many supplies just to make him better. Not two minutes later, a nurse led the Snivy he had shielded earlier into the room. He smiled about the fact that he had saved her, at least.

Allison went over to the hospital bed where the Mightena lay. "You look better." She said, sitting on a chair next to him. He nodded, but said nothing. "I'm Allison." She said. "What's your name?" Isaac stayed silent. "You come out of nowhere and save my life when you don't even know me." Allison whispered in his ear. "I think I deserve to know who you are." She watched as he slowly sat up and said, "My name's Isaac."
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#45 Posted: 03:09:05 02/02/2014
Francis waited for hours, but nothing happened. No letter or telepathic message. "I cannot wait much longer! They haven't responded yet!" Reginald shrugged. "Maybe my powers aren't strong enough." But Francis was worried. "Or maybe they're in trouble. We have to go there!" Francis started to run off faster than Reginald could counter. "Francis, stop! We have to stay at the post!"
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#46 Posted: 18:55:53 02/02/2014
Isaac got up from his cot and started towards the door. "Wait!" Allison called, running to catch up. "Where are you going? You just got here." Isaac pushed past her and said, "I have to get back to my post." Allison frowned and asked, "Who are you really?" Isaac turned around and replied, "My name really is Isaac, and believe me, that's all you need to know." Allison watched as he turned around again and inquired, "Will I see you again?" Isaac didn't face her this time. "Undoubtedly." He said.
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#47 Posted: 20:04:42 09/02/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Sorry that I didn't post much. I've been busy getting the Role Plays on and Bulbagarden running. Time to make another contribution!

Conner was quite surprised at how loud Historius was. He finished dealing with unconscious bodies of the LCF attackers, and then asked Historius, "What did you just do?". Historius chuckled, and replied, "I used my Echoed Voice, Conner! And I am usually very tired this time of night. The only reason I cam up right away was when I heard the cries of falling Pokémon.". Conner looked at the pile of Pokémon outside the gate. Why did they attack? They don't make attacks on large scale camps unless there is a reason for it. Then it clicked. The expedition for Terrakion.

Gardner woke up, finding himself strapped to a chair. *Ah great. Why did I have to attack Elrond!*, Gardner thought. A bright light suddenly filled the room, and an Alakazam walked towards him. "Had a nice rest, Gardner, General of LCF Forces? You had better, or you might get a rather horrid headache when we are done.", he calmly stated. The Dusknoir smiled slightly with his jaws on his stomach. "What are we going to be doing, Simeon, head scientist of Elrond?", Gardner asked. "Ah, so we both know of our reputations. Well no matter. We are just going to be asking you questions of you and your friend Giratina.", Simeon stated. Gardner winced at the name Giratina. How did know of his friendship of Giratina. He the had an idea. He smiled again, but then he opened his jaws wide, and chomped the ropes surrounding hm. Simeon, still acting calm, looked up at the floating Gardner. Gardner came close, and said, "Objection your honor: I don't help LSS Scientists.". He then disappeared, and floated out of the Camp of Elrond, back to Fort Armada.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#48 Posted: 20:07:50 09/02/2014
I'll join,I will make a sheet soon.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#49 Posted: 20:10:57 09/02/2014 | Topic Creator
OoC: Remember to use the 'OoC' symbols to show you are speaking out of character.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#50 Posted: 20:58:11 09/02/2014
OOC: I forget that it started
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